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brant // User SearchMore proof (follow up to last posts)Mar 21, 2002, 6:07pm
I find it very disconcerting that AW's management is contradicting itself in
these statements. Someone should write a follow-up letter to Mr. Noll (use some manners, this time), and inquire about the exact meaning of this phrase. [View Quote] More proof (follow up to last posts)Mar 21, 2002, 11:32pm
I don't care what AW's been doing - you still use manners because it's the
right thing to do. Would you reply if someone sent you an E-Mail calling you incompetent and a complete idiot? Thus, on this particular incident (I'm not saying anything about any other incidents), I'll have to side with AW. The original letter was very rude and I don't blame ENZO for not replying. Were I in his shoes, I certainly wouldn't have. Perhaps if we all worked on basic communication skills, there wouldn't be so many miscommunications around here. -Brant [View Quote] More proof (follow up to last posts)Mar 22, 2002, 11:23am
I still disagree, but I'm not going to argue anymore about this letter. The
reason that AW isn't listening to everyone is because the community is very disorganized. Just take these posts - people are spending more time throwing accusations at AW than actually figuring out what to do to get these policies changed. The entire problem started with that worldowners meeting that turned into a complete disaster because the organizers didn't let everyone share their views on both sides (as well as not ejecting troublemakers, but that's another story). Everyone emerged from the meeting with no definite course of action determined. Then there were a variety of worlds that threatened to close down, but they remained just that - a variety of worlds that threatened to close down, instead of a lot of people shutting down their worlds for a day to make a statement. There were protests in the AWDebate world, but just as things looked promising and people were discussing acceptable solutions, host J B E L L told everyone that the meeting wasn't being held right now and that he wouldn't let anyone use the world until he was ready later, at which time most people had left. In short, if someone had stepped up and started to organize everyone back in January in a logical fashion, there would be a lot more people here now, and you'd probably be paying somewhat less for citizenships as well as not arguing about this subject either. I'm not saying that AW isn't at fault for instituting these policies. A lot of the blame rests on the community as well. [View Quote] WARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 4:01pm
Quite frankly, Mod, I don't believe you. Until I personally see this list
of passwords, I'm not taking action in any of my worlds, nor would I suggest that anyone else waste their time either. Second, if you actually have, as some claim, downloaded and de-encrypted files to your hard drive that do not belong to you, then you are in violation of international copyright law. All it would take would be for one owner of any of these 53 worlds to file a lawsuit, and you (or your parents, depending on your age) could be out thousands of dollars, not to mention spending some time in jail. I seriously doubt the legitimacy of this claim. Until I see proof, I'm not going to panic. [View Quote] WARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 4:02pm
Why can't you reveal who's on the list? That, coupled with the capital
letters all over your message and subject lines, spells "HOAX" to me. [View Quote] ReportApr 7, 2002, 1:40pm
The report is listed on a certain government entity's website. Eep always
said that people who posted URL's with, or otherwise used those three initials in this newsgroup, had their accounts temporarily disabled and the posts deleted automatically by the server. Thus, while I know the address, I won't post it here. Anyone else care to take the chance and figure out whether this rumor is true? [View Quote] Brant's paintball bot is full of errorsMay 4, 2002, 6:29pm
You obviously downloaded the beta version of the bot. As you can see at and in the message that appears in the upgrade notification, the latest version 3.0 is a beta version and may contain errors - thus, in other words, download at your own risk if you like to search out bugs. If you're dissatisfied with the current version, you can retrograde to version 2.24, which is still available - just press "skip" to reject the upgrade. Next time, please read the webpages clearly or E-mail me with your question before making a hasty decision to post messages like these. -Brant [View Quote] Brant's paintball bot is full of errorsMay 4, 2002, 10:54pm
There is no code anywhere in the paintball bot that deletes score files, so
I don't know how your files would have disappeared. I also don't know how the program would have upgraded unless you specifically pressed the "upgrade" button - that same code is used in every program I've published and nobody has complained of anything of the sort in some 50,000 program runs in over two years, and I did investigate a lot of complaints about the upgrade process. But anyway, the more important question is don't you have any backups? The first rule of computers is that you make backups of EVERYTHING - I myself have three copies of my magazines, novel, and source code even though they take up five CD's. [View Quote] Brant's paintball bot is full of errorsMay 6, 2002, 11:02am
I welcome all comments and suggestions for improvement :)
But isn't there already a function to do that? When you start version 2.24 now, it should display a message saying that there is an upgrade available. The bottom part of the form displays what's new in the upgrade, or in other words simply downloads and displays when an upgrade is available. As you can see in that file, it says that the upgrade is a beta version. Since the upgrade isn't mandatory, you should be able to simply press "skip" and continue using the program as normal if you so choose. Isn't the "skip" button what you were referring to, in a way? [View Quote] External browser CGI teleporting on Windows XPMay 9, 2002, 6:57pm
That doesn't work. When you try to merge the file into the registry, it
doesn't recognize it as a registry file. I believe that you have to put something in the top lines of the message that explicitly declares it as a registry file, but I don't remember exactly what. [View Quote] 3.3 Feature listMay 10, 2002, 1:22am
Back in January, when the prices were raised, I, like everyone else, took a
"wait and see" attitude. Even though Roland didn't respond to my E-Mails about the negative number of objects in a world (, I assume this was because he's busy with 3.3 debugging. If you looked, you'll notice that a new beta version was even released between 6:00 and 9:00pm, which means that at least one person is working pretty hard (and late) on this one. The feature lists in this version would even impress Eep, if he was still around (which he fortunately isn't) - perhaps the price increases changed the emphasis in AW's development to the user instead of the "corporate partners." This release even includes improved security in ejections, which I feel has been by far the most lacking aspect of the browser - this will save AW (as well as myself, the peacekeepers, and every other world caretaker) a heck of a lot of trouble in dealing with pranksters. Did anyone else notice, however, that the feature list for 3.3 has been growing longer and longer immediately before its release? It's as if ENZO or Roland or someone else decided that everything important should be put in version 3.3 before it's released. Don't look at me - I'm not complaining - but it's a lot different than things have been before. Unlike Goober King, I never had any doubt that AW would be around at least for a while - my concern was what state the universe would be in after a few months. That still remains to be seen, but the features in 3.3 are a step in the right direction. [View Quote] 3.3 Feature listMay 10, 2002, 10:43am
You're missing two extremely important facts, Goober:
First, you said that these features were decided on in November, but then again who says that the prices weren't decided on in November as well? Obviously, the price increase wasn't decided on on January 2, and the executives obviously took a long Christmas vacation, so that had to be in the wraps long before then - in the beginning of December, or even November. They announced the 3.3 feature list because it was good news, and held off the bad news until the day before it would take effect in hopes of minimizing the PR hit they would take and prevent the sort of riots that occurred from lasting for two months. Second, ENZO's statement about 3.3 being the last version was only included in the letter in an attempt to appeal to users in terms they can understand. As it is, the letter was bad enough with that justification - if they hadn't included that statement, people would have gone more nuts. There can't be a "last version" to AW unless the company folds - it's that simple. Any company in technology that ceases their R&D will soon become obsolete as technology changes. Thus, as long as the company's around and wants to support its 3D technology, Roland (or someone else) will have to be as well. If not, then ENZO knows very little about business or he plans to dump AW and move into or one of AW's other acquisitions. [View Quote] 3.3 Feature listMay 10, 2002, 10:49am
Well, I'm sure that ENZO researched the CARP issue well before acquiring and knew that the final terms would have to be decided upon by two Mondays from now. What he couldn't have known was the February decision that put the Internet rates so ridiculously high that most radio stations (including will probably be forced out of business should it pass because AW probably now inherits all of netbroadcaster's retroactive royalty fees. Thus, unless there's something I don't know about or a clause in the contract to the contrary, AW will probably lose a heck of a lot of money that could have gone to 3D development in this deal. I can't fault ENZO for this one, like everyone else most likely in their flames in reply to this post. It's just a case of poor timing and bad luck, both of which have brought down many businesses in the past :) [View Quote] 3.3 Feature listMay 10, 2002, 10:24pm
Perhaps they are going to go bankrupt, but it's not going to happen anytime
soon - it'll be at least next year before anything of consequence happens. Thus, since I'll still be here until July, I'm making the best of the present. You should too, Goober. Myself, the last month has been bliss because all the troublemakers have seemingly vanished, leaving a community of intelligent (is that going too far?) people - look at this newsgroup for example - at least in the last month, there have been very few flame wars. AW's price hike did accomplish one important goal - it got rid of all the idiots whose primary goal was to make everyone else's lives miserable - at least for now :) [View Quote] 3.3 Feature listMay 11, 2002, 12:00pm
I don't fancy myself a businessman, so I won't comment on AW's stock and
what it means, but I'd venture that since AW's stock has been in the dumps for years, daily fluctuations mean almost nothing. Myself, I have no problem with the price hike - AW obviously needs to make money. What I do have a problem with, and which is part of the reason I'm leaving permanently in July, is the lack of tourists in the worlds, as you said. The only reason that I liked the lack of tourists in the beginning was that there were less anonymous troublemakers, making my job a lot easier. Now, with AW 3.3's improved ejection mechanism, it's easy enough to get rid of tourists who break the rules. Perhaps AW is making more money out of the deal, and I don't doubt they aren't, but their extra money comes at the expense of a lively universe. [View Quote] The elimination of TechTalksMay 11, 2002, 12:22pm
Everyone below has been discussing how the release of 3.3 will affect AW's
user base, how many people will be willing to pay, and similar topics. I would like to venture the suggestion that the largest reason for the severe lack of community involvement recently hasn't been because of the price increases, the elimination of tourists, or one of AW's recent mergers. The real reason that nobody seems to care anymore is that Roland no longer holds TechTalks. When they were still being held, TechTalks provided a way for normal people who use Activeworlds to communicate with AW staff, though way of Roland. Granted, he didn't always have the best information to give everyone, but TechTalks were THE way that citizens could communicate to AW staff at least in a basic form. If you look back at posts from 2001 and 2000, you'll realize how many were prompted by TechTalk topics or by Roland's "hinting" at something or another. Now, there are zero events that allow people to discuss aspects of the AW browser and environment with a staff member. Furthermore, there are very few events held by AW staff in the first place. Sure, there's bingo, but generally the bots are just left to run and people play for prizes. Don't say that normal citizens should organize their own events, because that's not what I'm talking about. AW needs to have company representatives out in the community in a visible fashion interacting with people, finding out what's right and wrong, and creating an enjoyable environment for everyone. AW's downfall will most likely not be due to price fluctuations, technological obsolescence, or a poor investment, because it has survived these problems for the past seven years. AW will fail when its citizens don't care enough to renew their subscriptions because the sense of community that defined AW is now gone. People will pay any price, as long as there is a reason to do so, but right now, Activeworlds is doing an extremely poor job of maintaining community interest. Unless action is taken soon, there will be no reason for most citizens (myself included) to stick around. Reinstating weekly TechTalks, while not a complete solution, would be an excellent starting point in reviving community interest. The elimination of TechTalksMay 11, 2002, 7:16pm
Well, while others are saying that 999's replacing Roland is a bad thing, I
like to think of it as the start of a new era. I disagree with Goober in that while he says that Roland's leaving will kill the TechTalk idea once and for all, 999's start is the perfect time to revive the event or start something entirely new. Let's think positive, people! Maybe someone should suggest to 9 9 9 that he hold a talk like Roland did now so that he could have the idea in his mind for later? Just a suggestion.... [View Quote] Password theftMay 15, 2002, 10:38pm
Well, in 3.2 that's not possible, because Roland implemented an encryption
algorithm that's different on each computer. Thus, you couldn't just copy the aworld.ini information anymore. [View Quote] Password theftMay 15, 2002, 10:39pm
Well, the "average" computer user could also guess the password on an E-Mail
account, or even easier, guess the answer to the hint question of a Hotmail or Yahoo account, especially if it's your mother's maiden name - that sort of information is easy to locate. If someone was able to delete 200,000 objects in AWTeen this way, they could easily steal a citizenship and change its name :) [View Quote] Quick comment about 3.3May 16, 2002, 10:40pm
While I am not a beta tester for Activeworlds, nor do I have any desire to
do so after seeing some of the bugs that are uncovered (especially the one that deleted property in the world server by accident), when I have a few spare minutes, I sometimes look over the beta newsgroups and bug lists to see the torture others' systems are encountering. I did so a few minutes ago, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the documentation for the new SDK was now available. Those who know the kind of bot work I've been doing over the past few years will attest that most of my time has been spent implementing features that should have been in the SDK in the first place through long-winded and inefficient use of existing methods. The new SDK includes a "Global mode," which while making my work on the Activeworlds Utility ( obsolete, opens so many possibilities for bot development in such a simple addition that it's almost funny. These are the sort of features that should have been implemented years ago. Were tourists available throughout the universe at no extra charge, I would say that AW is finally listening to its citizens instead of "corporate partners." As of now, I'm becoming more and more convinced that perhaps the price increase (by itself) wasn't such a bad move for us "lowly citizens" as many feared. While I won't be completely satisfied until tourists return to the Universe, this SDK is yet another step in the right direction. Flames are welcome :) Quick comment about 3.3May 17, 2002, 12:50am
You're all missing the point, lol. The point that I'll have to change the
utility is insignificant. What I'm trying to say is that AW is finally implementing features that are of great use to its citizens that pay (now a high price) for its software. As I said in the message above, perhaps the price increase (if tourists were still allowed in the universe) wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world. [View Quote] Quick comment about 3.3May 17, 2002, 8:59pm
Wow - huge is an understatement. The Ultimate Paintball Bot, for example,
is slowed down up to 10 times in having to query property and, search the collection of objects for the object clicked on, determine the object number, and perform the appropriate action and re-order the collection with the changes to the object in question. Not only does that take an inordinate amount of processor time, it also causes lag when playing grenade-enabled games, and can consume up to 10MB or more of memory for each world survey that can have upwards of 20,000 objects in a single aw_query5x5() call. Not only that, but people complain constantly that they can't click on certain objects because they're out of the particular zone that is in liveupdate at any given time. If the object click event now returns all the attributes, this is the single biggest advance to the SDK (and perhaps AW) since its introduction. Not only will it significantly enhance the performance of existing SDK applications and make obsolete a ridiculous amount of work-around code, but it will also enable relatively new programmers to make their applications deal with objects (a significant leap), which eliminates the need for questions about querying I receive all the time. Heck, I even have trouble getting the sequence numbers to work right when I program a new application. Roland definately deserves a pat on the back for this one. Well done! [View Quote] Quick comment about 3.3May 17, 2002, 9:36pm
I completely agree with you, Goober, for once. In January, there were
things that, when satisfied, would make me continue to use Activeworlds even at the higher prices. The first was privacy enhancements in the AW browser, which are available in version 3.3. The second was an SDK that worked without a ridiculous amount of workaround code. Unfortunately, AW has yet to restore tourist access to all worlds. Until that step is taken, I am still not convinced enough to decide to continue programming bots, Caretaking AWTeen, or organizing community events past August. If I can't invite those I know into AW without them being required to use a credit card to see my buildings and other work, then I can't justify the time I'm spending at these activities right now. I sincerely hope that AW changes its stance on this issue before August. If not, then I'll have a heck of a lot of worlds, citizenships, source code, and other paraphenalia that I've acquired over the past four years to auction off or give away as prizes before I leave - who knows, you could buy some of it :) [View Quote] Quick comment about 3.3May 18, 2002, 1:01am
Looks like you learn something new every day - I hadn't noticed this one. I
wish I knew more about Windows API programming in C++ so I could write an application for Windows using the C++ SDK. As it is, I'll still experiment with some simple console applications in C++ until MrGrimm gets around to updating the VB SDK so I can add these features to other bots :) [View Quote] when do we get 3.3?May 18, 2002, 11:57pm
Everyone here claims to have obtained some "inside information" somehow.
Without TechTalks being held and Roland not even replying to E-Mails I (and others) have sent him, I find it very unlikely. If you look above, there are even people contradicting each other. It's hard to believe that this version will be released by May 31, seeing as how there's only ten weekdays left before that date. Plus, there's very few bugs found as of yet in this version, while in AW 3.1 there were upwards of 50. I've been wrong in the past, however. In short, unless someone knows something and can say positively where they found it out, maybe it's best not to post rumors here that most likely will not materialize :) [View Quote] Re: Control key has no effect on turning speedMay 19, 2002, 12:00am
Like I said above, everyone here is complaining before the browser has even
been released. When it's released, I'll make a decision, but I'm not going to waste my time posting complaints about features I've never experienced first hand. [View Quote] some cits can't even enter some Worlds that are public and aren't full.May 21, 2002, 9:29pm
Perhaps this isn't your friend's fault. Roland did make some changes to the
universe server today, after all - take a look at the bugfixes page. Maybe if more people are encountering the problem, they could send an E-Mail to support at (not to Roland - he'll just ignore it) and ask about it? [View Quote] Invitation to see creative geniusMay 22, 2002, 6:37pm
LOL - There's so many stories there that even I haven't had the chance to
read them all! But from the ones I read, they are extremely creative and well-deserved of publication - those who are interested should check them out. I'm commenting becuase unfortunately, you forgot to add the specific thread that the posts are in. As there have been ten new threads since, I thought I'd add that the stories are located in the "The AWTeen Story - Mission Impossable (sic) 1 and a Bit" thread. -Brant [View Quote] Calling all PHP'ers...May 24, 2002, 1:02pm
Hey Robbie,
Why not include a bot database as well? There could be two sections - one for finished bots such as the Magzbot or Xelagot. The other section, and by far the one that I feel is more important, would be for programmers to submit source code so that future developers can save time in rewriting code that everyone has written already. There's no real central repository of source code for AW applications, and this would really speed up bot development for both new and experienced bot creators. Just an idea, -Brant [View Quote] Calling all PHP'ers...May 24, 2002, 1:56pm
Well, of course source code would have to be checked over. If a reviewer
were to miss something, then if someone experiences a problem they can inform the site's developer(s) and let them know to remove the code in question. [View Quote] |