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My wish..

May 18, 2002, 12:25pm
I'm pretty sure that the SDK can't access a user's hash directly.


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Idiot Report

May 22, 2002, 3:18pm
[View Quote] That is done on purpose so that your local news reader can wrap where *it*
decides to, not where someone else's computer decides.


Re: Down with slide detection!

Jun 12, 2002, 2:43pm
Uhh... just because it ruins an effect in your world doesn't make it the devil ;)

I agree, though, that a command to disable slide detection on a single object would be useful.


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These messages are new since you scrolled back

Jun 14, 2002, 10:52am
LOL :)

Well, that does make sense... shouldn't be that hard to do, either :)


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Disable Glitter Kitty and Ambivalent for the NG

Jun 28, 2002, 12:22pm
Actually, it means that the majority of the *voters* decided he should be voted in.


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2 more cool ideas, lol

Jun 30, 2002, 11:45am
They mean exactly the same thing and there is no reason to add both.

By the way, you're not a very good troll.


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just a thought...

Jul 27, 2002, 12:05pm
I'd just like to say, I really don't like the difference between the time the original post was made, and yours. Take some usenet


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Jul 27, 2002, 12:02pm
They already have added it. If you're trying to be funny, you've failed. That message was also old...


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Woah nice new feature.

Jul 2, 2002, 7:52pm
From a post to beta by Shamus:
"So far the biggest complaint with 3.4 is the new chat bubbles. As far as I can tell, everyone wants to disable it. This feature is
probably going to be removed in the next beta."


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Sunlight Shading

Jul 6, 2002, 12:02pm
That would probably require two things:
1) The object the light is shining through is an object and not just a sprite
2) Ray Tracing

Ray tracing would probably be difficult if it is possible to move the light source because it would need to be re-calculated each
time it was changed.


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Internal Viewing

Jul 6, 2002, 12:00pm
In most cases you wouldn't have people lower than the terrain, so the bottom isn't rendered to improve performance.

If you want caves right now, just make a hole in the terrain and use objects for the under-terrain portion.


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Extended Viewing Range

Jul 15, 2002, 8:51pm
AW doesn't have their own 3D engine - they use Renderware. It takes a lot of work to write a *good* engine and would likely require
the full-time attention of the programmers.


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Extended Viewing Range

Jul 17, 2002, 12:02pm
Which won't be happening anytime soon...


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Extended Viewing Range

Jul 20, 2002, 8:12pm
If that is all you can add to the "discussion" almost a week later, don't bother posting. Don't change the subject header without
any reason.


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Extended Viewing Range

Jul 24, 2002, 12:23pm
Or you could just parse the text in an RWX file by yourself. Didn't Criterion drop support for RWX?


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Jul 18, 2002, 12:25pm


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Okay whoever it was who was talking about different VRT times...I have the solution

Jul 18, 2002, 7:42pm
Gator is evil.


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Multiple People Grams

Jul 21, 2002, 3:00pm
You can do that easily by yourself.


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Disallow certain permissions

Jul 27, 2002, 12:04pm
One: VC++ isn't a language - it's called C++.
Two: Roland programmed AW using just C. The new programmers may be changing it over to C++, but I haven't heard that from them.


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"Create KeepSolid"

Jul 25, 2002, 8:04pm
In order for that to work smoothly, the server would either have to send a very large amount of avatar teleports to the browser, or
provide the browser with a path to follow... If the server was to give the browser a path to follow, it would need to be
pre-calculated sometime before use. Tradeoff between bandwidth usage and ability to update property instantly, I suppose.


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Terrain Rights

Jul 27, 2002, 12:00pm
Well, the terrain bot they use wouldn't be very hard to duplicate. It just uses global mode and watches for a certain object...


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Jul 29, 2002, 9:22pm


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Jul 29, 2002, 10:42pm
If you're talking about object commands, use 'teleport' instead of 'warp' and you'll get what you want.

Any other use of a "teleport" works properly, so I don't know what you're talking about.


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Jul 30, 2002, 12:41pm
So *that's* what they were talking about... Well that's probably just because the browser sees it like any other avatar_change event
and moves the avatar smoothly. I don't think there's an event that says "Hey! I've been teleported!" :)


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 12, 2002, 4:28pm
You can change one assembly instruction and bypass that. Just change the "jump to X only if the following is true" instruction into
"jump to X" and your "protection" is defeated.


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 12, 2002, 7:45pm
[View Quote] What are you talking about? Just because the source is encrypted, doesn't mean they can't just hex edit the binary.

> I mean it would stop most people, obviously not the major hackers

It doesn't even take a "major hacker" to do this - just look up a couple of assembly instructions and change one for another.



Aug 23, 2002, 1:03pm
Wishlist is more for the discussion of feature requests. If you have a bug
you want fixed, either post to beta or a *relevant* newsgroup and/or email
it to support at


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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 24, 2002, 10:05pm
Can't you just change unknown.rwx?


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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 25, 2002, 11:27am
I could've sworn someone had replaced unknown.rwx and had the triangles be
something else. Guess I was wrong.


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Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 26, 2002, 9:10pm
*boggle* The corporate edition doesn't have any of that registration stuff.


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