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I'm sure that this has been asked.....

Aug 3, 2001, 4:30pm
Not really... Skeletal animation is a different way of animating models. "Vertex movement" would be a way of changing the model's vertices relative to the rest of the model.


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The bird bot

Aug 3, 2001, 10:03pm
It logs in three bots...


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Privs of expired citizen

Aug 5, 2001, 8:59pm
Copy the building with a bot that runs under a current citizen's privs. Then you can change everything.


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Privs of expired citizen

Aug 6, 2001, 1:41pm
Well, the only other way to do something is to get a person with Eminent Domain to make the changes... if the build's in AW, you can't do anything but start over.


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Sep 27, 2001, 10:50pm
Don't reply to month-old posts if you're not adding something *significant*.


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Aug 17, 2001, 11:40am
Of course he could just add a key to do it -- that's not the hard part. He'd have to rewrite everything that dealt with property updates in order to handle there being another rotation value.


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Aug 19, 2001, 2:54pm
[View Quote] No; It always depends on how the programmer uses what is given to him/her. Speed also depends on the quality of your drivers and card (some cards are optimized for OGL or D3D)

> [Snip game comments]

All of those games are programmed by different people. If they each had a D3D and OGL version, then you could compare them. Since they don't, you're comparing apples and oranges.

> D3D uses allso a lot of CPU cache, it runs better on a P3 600> rather
> than a AMD 800...

I have a hard time believing that *anything* would run better at 600MHz than 800...

> anyway, Home and End key are very easy to implent;
> something like this (delphi thought):
> [snip code
> its not hard thought, yust gota know how to program *g*

No one said it would be hard to add it to the browser. It's more difficult to change the protocol; the browser and worldserver both have to know about it.

> PS: rotate command takes up more space in the celldata file, than
> a extra "value".



Re: portal rendering (was Re: Visibility Minimum)

Aug 24, 2001, 11:21am
I would guess that lots of builds that people have are not totally enclosed, so portal rendering wouldn't work all that well in lots of places.


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Re: portal rendering (was Re: Visibility Minimum)

Aug 24, 2001, 1:32pm
It would make a good addition, but builds would have to be changed in order to take advantage of portal rendering.


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ActiveWorlds 3.2 Software Should Not Be Default: Bad Exper. for New PC Users

Aug 31, 2001, 7:22pm
You have no ability to make comments/judgements as you're not on the beta list.


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Re: ActiveWorlds IRC. Does it exist?

Oct 16, 2001, 10:40pm
Post was seven months old...


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This would help dialup users!

Oct 29, 2001, 9:41pm
This has been discussed many times before. One of the problems is what to do if the a part or all of the land has already been built on?


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That 3.2's is setting would stay the same! >n/t<

Oct 30, 2001, 7:19pm
Actually, they are. If you're talking about the visibility menu, it's meant as a temporary change. It's not stored so that if you set it to 200 and it causes your browser to crash or something it'll fall back to the setting in the Settings dialog.


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Chatlog Program

Nov 4, 2001, 4:59pm
Might I ask what the point would be?


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password protect the world server plz

Nov 13, 2001, 4:37pm
If someone has physical access to the machine, you're out of luck. They could just unplug the computer and *all* of the hosted worlds go down.


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password protect the world server plz

Nov 19, 2001, 1:18pm
Uhh... what he said it perfectly valid. Just because he doesn't agree with what you said is not a reason to ban him from the newsgroups.

If you're trying to prevent someone from shutting down the world server, I have to tell you it's impossible if they have access to your computer. You shouldn't really run a world server from a desktop computer with other people accessing it anyway.


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A Perl Interface to AW

Nov 18, 2001, 3:13pm
I know someone has ported the SDK to PHP... that would probably allow you to do exactly what you're talking about. I don't know who did it or where it is, though.


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wish list???

Nov 19, 2001, 1:24pm
Why don't you stop whining that people are telling you that you're wrong? People have disagreed with you -- so what?

Rest of my reply is inline

[View Quote] Because people might try to tell you where you can find what you're looking for. Discussing an idea can help make it better.

> Yes I do to at times but only if someone smart mouths me.

LOL :)

> This should be a list on single unreplyed to messages that someone at AW
> reads ( not sure if they do or not ) but weather they do or not is not my
> point here.

No. Because then they would be barraged with messages they don't read, and that are the same as ones sent six months ago. They don't read the newsgroups (except for Roland and Flagg), as far as I know.

> My point is stop replying to wish list topics unless your someone that works
> for AW.

No. The point of an open discussion area is to allow people to help others and, perhaps, better an idea.

> If you don't work at AW why are you replying when you can't do anything
> about it????

They don't read the wishlist, so no one should ever post here or read it, I suppose...


wish list???

Nov 19, 2001, 8:04pm
That *is* what the wishlist newsgroup is for. Just because that is so doesn't mean that others can't reply to your post. AWC doesn't read this newsgroup anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


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wish list???

Nov 19, 2001, 9:00pm
*gasp* I stand corrected :)


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Email checking feature

Dec 2, 2001, 8:32pm
AW isn't an email client... How would that even work? Have the email printed in the chat box? Yuck...


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Email checking feature

Dec 3, 2001, 11:44am
(See below for reply)

[View Quote] Those are independant bots. Sending mail is much easier than recieving it, I would assume, because you don't have to worry about keeping track of it once you're done talking to the server.

> Being able to check the email in the browser, would save some ppl from logging off aw and logging onto other programs that can or where ever they
> have to go to check their email, and get side tracked.

You don't have to log off from AW to check Email...

> Instead providing this feature would like them do it all in the browser we love and continue surfing from some advertisement they might have receive through the > built in web window. Aw would like to keep as many users online as any other chat client, AW is striving to evolve in both areas, 3D & chat.

What's wrong with your current email client? AW wasn't meant to be an email client. If it was to be implemented in the browser, it would be awkward at best.


fix world surver bug

Dec 13, 2001, 4:44pm
Actually, it's "dial" :)


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fix world surver bug

Dec 17, 2001, 8:10pm
[View Quote] Then there's the fact that he needs a new SarcasmDetector :)



Dec 29, 2001, 8:30pm
Could you explain how it encroaches into the privacy of anyone?


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bot range

Jan 13, 2002, 9:55pm
I remember asking if you had to pay to renew the bot limit extension, and I
think the answer was yes, you do.


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bot range

Jan 14, 2002, 12:42pm
I replied to someone who suggested a way of solving your problem. Don't
freak out.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure the only way to increase a bot's range is to run
multiple instances.


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bot range

Jan 14, 2002, 4:48pm
Since you seemed to have a problem, someone suggested a solution. But you
seem only interested if it would be done EXACTLY your way...


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Strong Encryption

Apr 3, 2002, 8:24pm
[View Quote] You can't. If you want your program to use it, it has to be decrypted into
memory sometime.

> I know I left some places in the process that need filling in. I'm not
really shure how you'd accomplish this.

Well, you'd need some sort of secure hardware that could do this sort of
thing, I think.


My wish..

May 13, 2002, 7:20pm
In 3.3 they also create a hardware-based hash to use for ejecting specific
machines regardless of the citizen number.


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