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Jan 12, 2003, 9:41pm
Sorry, but AW now correctly follows the HTTP protocol. If Angelfire or Geocities want to block remote access to sites they host, then it is their right to do so. If you check the service agreement, you'll find something stating that it is not allowed to do what you want.


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Script-Controlled Things

Feb 2, 2003, 1:48pm
Have you ever written a scripting language? Then don't assume you know how hard it is.


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Imbedded Robots

Feb 12, 2003, 4:37pm

[View Quote] "similar"

> to that in the way you dont have to host something for no reason.

What's wrong with using the World Welcome Message?


terrain editing rights

Feb 13, 2003, 4:38pm
In a very large world all of those terrain control objects would likely create a large load on bandwidth and disk space.


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BingoBoards Randomization

Apr 14, 2003, 8:12pm
Remember, though, that random doesn't mean uniform. With enough samples, random numbers should cover most of the possible values, but it's also possible (although unlikely) that a truely-random source could generate 5 zeros in a row.


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[wish] Add support for software lighting in D3D w/T&L

Apr 19, 2003, 10:31pm
[View Quote] I'm just guessing, but I would have to say it's because Renderware doesn't support it. If it does, then it should be fairly easy to enable (I would think), but if it doesn't then either Renderware needs to have the functionality added or AW would need a new graphics engine.


mirror command

May 21, 2003, 7:18pm
[View Quote] MD2 is a file format used by Quake2, not a 3D engine.


mirror command

May 22, 2003, 11:40am
[View Quote] So what? The file format doesn't decide how things get rendered. Using MD2 for AW won't really solve any problems.


major security problem

May 25, 2003, 12:30pm
[View Quote] The only way to do this would be to encrypt them somehow, and since they're expected to be updated in realtime, the encrypting and decrypting every time you want to read the cache would be a major slowdown. You're not going to prevent someone who really wants to copy your world from doing it and adding this to the browser will just cause problems for everyone.


fix the news groups

May 27, 2003, 9:43pm
This isn't a problem with the news server - it's with your news client.


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errors and forced reloading

Jul 9, 2003, 3:31pm
[View Quote] The problem is that some of the files AW uses aren't closed properly and so the data that they contain isn't complete. Since the files are corrupt, the only way to fix them is to download the whole thing again.


Create Sound Whatever.WMA

Jul 25, 2003, 10:04pm
[View Quote] Bowen's point was that, regardless of the efficiency of the format, AW should stick to "open" ones in order to avoid locking out certain users. Something like Ogg Vorbis would make a good addition to AW as it seems to compress my music files better than MP3 as well as being a free, open source format.


Solution-well kinda

Dec 18, 2003, 10:54pm
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Solution-well kinda

Dec 18, 2003, 11:21pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] No, it doesn't.

> Despite what you learned in your ass backwards areas, the proper way is LEGO's.

If you mean that correct English is "ass backwards", then you can go right on
thinking that.

> You are not pluralizing it simply because it ends in a vowel, no, you're adding
> an apostrophe because you remove "Brick" in the true plurarl.

I don't know what you mean about that vowel part but it doesn't matter since
that is irrelevant to this discussion. You can't just remove a whole word and
create a non-standard contraction because you think it justifies your
*incorrect* use of the apostrophe.

> My hats


Solution-well kinda

Dec 19, 2003, 7:40pm
[View Quote] I'm not doing "anything" to try to prove you wrong. I'm only making a couple of
newsgroup posts.

> Unfortunately for you, this time it IS right.


> Their is no right and wrong place you can use an apostrophe to replace a word


> as long as it seems logical.

Your use in this case doesn't seem logical.

>You're not going to go Learned'n for learned in, of course.

That is exactly the kind of thing you're doing. Saying that "LEGO's" is instead
of "LEGO Bricks" is just as silly as the example you gave.

> Whatever you say, you're obviously right because that's just you.

I never said that I was perfect; just that in this case, you are wrong.

> You'd stick a nail in your eye if you felt it would cure herpes just because an enecylopedia said it would.

Nope. That would be stupid.

> But you believe everything you read on the internet, remember?

I don't see how posting one link that clearly show's you're incorrect is the
same as believing everything I read on the Internet. Your entertaining
explanation of how it is acceptable to use "LEGO's" is one example of why you
shouldn't believe everything you read.

> "1. The apostrophe indicates that a number or a letter has been omitted:

I never claimed that it didn't. I only said that your use of it was ludicrous
and non-standard at best.

> Therefore, following this rule, LEGO's is a proper contraction, of the
> word LEGO Bricks, by use of apostrophe.

No it isn't.

> Go ahead... keep saying I'm wrong like you always do.

You're wrong like you always are.

> Both your link and my link agree with me.

Nope. You never posted anything that backs up your elimination of all traces of
an entire word. Good luck next time, though!


Solution-well kinda

Dec 20, 2003, 3:34pm
[View Quote] Since I will never be able to change your mind, this will be my last post on the

"Shan't" is a contraction of "shall not". The fact that letters are removed
from more than one word is irrelevant because it would sound stupid to say
"shalln't". However, no one ever created a contraction where and entire word was
missing. If we were to follow your logic, I could say that "United's" was a
valid contraction for "United States" which it is most certainly not. Even if it
was, it would still not be a plural form of anything.


Please support the "Accept-Language" header

Jan 1, 2004, 8:37pm
[View Quote] Web browsers seem to manage it just fine. I don't see a reason why anyone would
bother caching every language. The browser could keep one file cached that is of
the language you provide to the server. Very simple.


Rights are Like Muscles

Jan 2, 2004, 5:51pm
[View Quote] > If they aren't exercised, they wither away.
> Please bring back a community newsgroup for all of us to enjoy.

If you want to make a request like that, email someone at AWI. You don't have
any "right" to use the newsgroups, so don't pretend you do.


Rights are Like Muscles

Jan 2, 2004, 8:12pm
[View Quote] Your creative namecalling has made me cry. Please, stop!

By posting in a public forum, you invite response from everyone even if they
don't agree with you. If you expect every response to a post to be "I agree!!"
or "Me too! You go girl!" then you are mistaken about the way newsgroups work.


<no subject>

Jun 24, 2001, 8:36pm
Try turning that option off; I think it download all headers, then...


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The Newsgroups are back!

Jun 25, 2001, 10:11am
That's what their contact info says, yes.


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Jun 23, 2001, 2:28pm
I don't see why AW should have to host a newsgroup that is just full of posts like that. If it ends up being that way, I hope the messages are dumped every week or something.


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General discussion

Jun 25, 2001, 10:10am
In order to test the line length setting. At least it's not stupid like "ohoh!! that cat down the street barfed again!! :O"


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Post Number 100!!!

Jun 26, 2001, 7:15pm
I'm still waiting for an intelligent post here... ::rolleyes:: Someone phone me when it happens. I'm outta here!

I am quite sure the point of this newsgroup is to
#################!!!!!!!!!!!$D I S C U S S$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###########################
things. That would probably imply that posts should have a point.


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Re: Nav2001 AntiVirus Issue...

Jun 26, 2001, 8:29pm
I think this is what the general.discussion group is for.


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xsign.rwx gone?

Jul 6, 2001, 9:28pm
It would require a registry change... That could also mean needing to restart the world server.


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Re: Townbuilders newsgroup idea

Jul 12, 2001, 5:44pm
*ahem* There would be no difference between legions post and a text-only version except the size! He didn't use anything that enhanced his message, so why make the message bigger?

I really hate morons that think things like you are... "Well, I can do it... why should I be considerate for the others that can't?"


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Re: Townbuilders newsgroup idea

Jul 13, 2001, 11:15am


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resizing the browser

Jul 14, 2001, 1:44pm
I assume you mean via filters, etc. :)


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Complicated browser eh?

Jul 16, 2001, 7:19pm
I think the "US" was not referring to the United States, but "us".


PS - If you leave a line between your message and the reply, it makes it easier to read :)

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