agent1 // User Search
agent1 // User Search
Jan 16, 2003, 12:38pm
I hope you realize that no bot can really "verify" what someone's age is. Just because someone says they're a certain age doesn't mean they are.
[View Quote]xanthe wrote:
> Does anyone know or have an age verification script for the Xelag?
> Anything that doesnt need too much editing would be great, ty ;)
May 3, 2003, 12:19pm
[View Quote]tony m wrote:
>The ChatRelayBot is the first [publicly released] bot that utilizes the Bone network.
Not quite ;) I release a bot a looooooong time ago called BonePhone that sent messages between a Bone channel and a world in AW. Of course, I didn't use Console Messages in mine since that wasn't available ;)
Dec 22, 2003, 12:49pm
[View Quote]dreamtime wrote:
> "Kaspersky has detected binded file backdoor.optix"
> Tsk Tsk Mark
Since the email address you used is "matt31388 at hotmail.com" and you have the
same ISP as the person who impersonated KAH on Andras' news server, I doubt you
are who you claim to be.
Dec 31, 2003, 10:16pm
[View Quote]johnf wrote:
> Well considoring Community and General.Discussion have been removed, where
> are we meant to post!? Perhaps a lot of posting stuff in the wrong places
> might get AWI to give us 'em back.
The idea is that you only make on-topic posts to each newsgroup. Since community
is gone, there isn't any place to make general posts here, so don't do it. If
you don't agree with the decision, email someone at AWI. Don't flood useful
places with crap just to get your way.
Apr 1, 2000, 12:03pm
Not really... Roland isn't going to add anything else to the code he's already got unless it's a bug fix or something like that. No
more features will be added to AW3.0
> Also we are getting a new version of AW here soon and continue to push the due date back by
> wanting more stuff
Oct 6, 2001, 9:01pm
Don't respond to posts that are three years old.
[View Quote]"mad kitty" <muffin7 at home.com> wrote in message news:3BBF51BC.2020407 at home.com...
> That's teh exact same thing we use at school.
Nov 18, 1999, 8:30am
...... that caught my attention. They told me that someone had been able to
use MS Agent's to read the chat text. If this is true, please let me know if
I can try it.
-Andrew Bugera(Agent1)
Nov 19, 1999, 5:04pm
Thanks for letting me know! If you ever do release it for the public,
Telegram me.
-Andrew Bugera(Agent1)
[View Quote]faber <wak at faber.ping.de> wrote in message
news:3835d43f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well, i don't know who told you it, but i wrote a simple program capturing
> text from the aw browser and reading it out
> using Microsoft Agent..
> i use it all the time, when you are used to it, you feel deaf without
> it.... :)
> I might turn it into a download able program, if so, look for it on
> www.imabot.com, but if so a release would be weeks away.. :)
> Walter aka Faber
Dec 26, 1999, 4:47pm
You can do this through Activeworlds.com, Inc.
It costs $30 US for each name change I believe.
[View Quote]midnight thunder <klee42 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:38664bae at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it would be handy if the owner of a world could actually change
> world name on the worlds list, that would be handy if the theme changed,
> if the name wasn't atracting many users.
Mar 9, 2000, 11:06am
You mean the beta will be out this month :)
[View Quote]wizard myrlin <wizardmyrlin at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:38c6bcae at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if you go to tech talks every friday you would here.
> aw3 will most likely be out this month
> -wizard myrlin
Mar 29, 2000, 5:42pm
> [SNIP]
> And the other idea is nice, but you can give shift and fly rights by
> the person eminent domain.
> [SNIP]
Actually, you have to give them caretaker rights... and that's not possible
for all of the trial worlds :) hehe...
The change requires access to the world.ini file.
May 29, 2000, 11:36pm
Cascading Menus would be even better :D
[View Quote]myrth <myrth_109 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:393308d9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Doesn't this work?
> avatar
> name=______
> geometry=far.rwx
> endavatar
> "riven azrarn ll" <'Xtalshiar at cistron.nl> wrote in message
> news:393304b3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 1, 2000, 7:20pm
But it logs them locally and I don't think it sends them to the Uniserver.
[View Quote]riven azrarn ll <'Xtalshiar at cistron.nl> wrote in message news:3936b471 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would like to see a statistics page of wich world had the most visitors.
> How long a world has been registered, how often it has been down, amount of
> activity in building, 24 hour statistic, those kind of things.
Jun 8, 2000, 11:07am
Who said AW 4 would be released in 5 years?
[View Quote]wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:393E9E07.EE498DDC at prodigy.net...
> Alright, i'm bored, i know this is gonna fall on deaf ears, but what the
> heck
> 1) Changeable fonts (I actually talked to HamFon about it and he siad
> they'd add it evenually [in 5 years when they release aw4])
> 2) Properly scaled avatars and objects (THEYRE TOO SHORT FOR SOME
> 3)A fixed Cedric/Butch wait seq (buwait.seq) so Cedric doesnt shove his
> fist up his nose
> 4) Someone to send me a free 3d card and some IDE ribbon wire so i can
> hook up my new hard drive without having to leave my comfy chair and buy
> some.
Jun 14, 2000, 1:05am
This would really only create a bunch of conflicts as the browser help files may not apply. People would not know who to ask for
help with their browsers. There is also, as you mentioned, the security issue. People could learn what the protocal was and the
security would be pointless.
Plus, the Renderware SDK costs (I think) around $1000 US per year per platform per programmer.
[View Quote]methus <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:3945D3A2.A3D79D23 at spam.com...
> This is probably my biggest wish of all...I hope that maybe one day
> AWCOM will let atleast the browser application be open source. I think
> that would relieve alot of the problems they have with slow and low
> feature software devolpment. This would take alot off the shoulders of
> HamFon and Roland. But it looks like Ill have to work on this wish
> because of some of the security protocals involved ;-\.....
Jun 14, 2000, 10:36am
Gibberish :)
[View Quote]zzed <zzed at kabsi.at> wrote in message news:39472373.94B425F2 at kabsi.at...
> agent1 critically wrote: (Peh.. :D)
for help with their browsers.
> Easily overcome.
> Open source would ensure a far more secure implementation of the aw protocolthan
> a closed one.
No. There would be no point in having a security protocal (for the browser and server[s] to encrypt communitcations) if everyone
could decode it.
> I have proposed several ways around this: see
> news://news.activeworlds.com/391954D1.DE3908DA%40kabsi.at
I doubt AWCOM would want to be bogged down compiling personal versions of AW. I don't think Criterion would go for it as anyone
programming a version of AW to be compiled by AWCOM would be considered one of "their" "programmers" and would charge for another
copy of the SDK.
Jun 14, 2000, 2:04pm
But Linux doesn't require buying an SDK from a company for EVERY programmer.
[View Quote]john viper <ticklejw at bkon.net> wrote in message
news:394793a1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Look at Linux. Look how successful IT is. Works better than ANYTHING
Microsludge has ever made
> (the only reason they cant beat Micro is cuz people are scared to go
over). It is made by anyone
> who wants to add to its source code.
Jun 15, 2000, 10:23am
[View Quote]zzed <zzed at kabsi.at> wrote in message news:3947CFB0.11EC8F3A at kabsi.at...
> Mute point Agent1 - neither will an open linux browser.
Actually, how do you think Renderware even works on Linux if it doesn't use the Renderware SDK? Also, if they're going to bother
making an open source system work, why would they only do so for the Linux OS?
Jun 15, 2000, 10:20am
Well, one reason could be that they don't want a citizen flooding the universe with bots.
[View Quote]methus <e_robertg at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:39484CDE.6F4F077C at hotmail.com...
> Well this is another wish I have...I wish that AWCOM would allow us to
> bring more bots in the Active Worlds Universe. I especially have this
> problem when I bring in Bird Bot due to the fact that it brings in 3
> seperate bots at one time. Which is the usuall citizen's limit. Why
> limit it in the first place? I see no valid reason to limit a PAYING
> citizens bots. I hope maybe they will finally allow us to have any
> number of bots we have. One reason I think AWCOM does this is to get
> some people to buy another citizenship to allow themselves to have 6
> limit instead of 3. In turn they make more of a profit. Im not sure if
> anyone else agrees with this wish but it has been on my mind for awhile
> now.
Jun 27, 2000, 2:55pm
Check the website for info. It's a scheduled downtime.
[View Quote]anpetu olowan <moonstonewolf at freewwweb.com> wrote in message
news:3958da58 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So that I could do some work in my world. Looks like I need a new
Jul 9, 2000, 1:40am
However, if AW integrated more "game-like" features, it might be easier to
market to a wider consumer base. If they have a larger (much more than now)
amount, perhaps registration fees could be dropped slightly to increase
registration. With more users, advertising would also be easier for AWCI.
> Adding features for MP3, movies, even live video from person to person,
> would be steps in opening this On-Line world.
The movies & MP3 would most likely add legal bickering over copyright
[View Quote]zero <dmonix at home.com> wrote in message news:3967A935.BCF6B8EE at home.com...
> Eeps suggestion of AW being more towards a game, is a step in a
> misleading direction.
> AW is a VRML2 program a chat program at that.
> Yes the future lies in E-commerce, which i believe AW is failing at, and
> on-line Gaming.
> It would be wiser for AWCOM to focus their attention on the On-Line
> surge that is heading our way.
> For those who do not wish to play games, but maybe like to trade, chat ,
> build etc.. in a virtual community.
> To focus on marketing AW as a "Community" is a better plan. Maybe even
> to have it as a focal point for which ppl can move from here and meet up
> in Games.
> If AW as Eep would have it, were to be marketed and turned into an
> on-line game, I am afraid 1. More ppl would leave and not come back. 2.
> AWCOM would lose all its money and go bankrupt.
> If you wish to play games, then buy UO, EQ, Or Vampire.
> If you wish to create Levels, Maps, "Worlds" then buy the above.
> Again, I say, as i said in the World builders NG... AW is not a game.
> It is a virtual community. VR.
> The Gang at AWCOM should be marketing towards a Virtual Reality
> Community.
> A global meeting place, for entertainment, work, and relaxing.
> Adding features for MP3, movies, even live video from person to person,
> would be steps in opening this On-Line world.
> By creating more ways of destroying present day archaic communications (
> Long Distance) we can bring the World, our friends (new and potential
> friends), Families together.
> The World is a small place and getting smaller. By developing VR, and
> giving us a format to travel, learn and communicate openly, is the step
> in the right direction.
> Eep drop the "gaming idea" no one is goin to buy it.
Jul 25, 2000, 10:53am
You could also copy contacts.txt and teleports.txt to another directory, run
setup, and copy them back. This would preserve the lists.
[View Quote]"pc" <pcat at blackrosesoftware.com> wrote in message
news:397d1d9e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> there should be an option when setting up over a previous installation of
> the client to choose not to have your contact list deleted and your
> transport list as well.
> PC
Oct 1, 2000, 9:55pm
Uh... we all knew that about five minutes after the message was posted...
[View Quote]"maka" <p_portela_11 at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:39d7c1a7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> NO ONE open the attachment on ditto's message "test" its the Happy99
Oct 13, 2000, 11:10am
Basically, the way I understand it is this: the farther the texture gets from you, the more it is blurred. Not quite sure how to
explain it other than that.
[View Quote]"ingiebee" <chuggerx at earthlink.net> wrote in message news:39E511E5.DDCC3844 at earthlink.net...
> :o( you arn't going to share with me? (sniff sniff) Sad Ingie
> eep wrote:
textures even though mipmapping may be disabled. I don't generally like mipmapping (and there's no way to change the mipmap
levels/distance in AW) but I would like mipmapping always on for certain textures that have a Moire pattern on them (like my
chainlink fences in Hole).
Oct 13, 2000, 11:09am
Yep, skyboxes are like skydomes. They're just an extra cube-ish "object" added to your ground (where you would add a dome with a
skydome). That's how some worlds are able to add animated clouds :)
[View Quote]"ingiebee" <chuggerx at earthlink.net> wrote in message news:39E51126.1B6BD545 at earthlink.net...
> Sorry cutie, but I don't get a "Twit" for that? LOL (just kidding, I don't think I'd like it if you called me a Twit)
> Wow, what do you mean "skybox"? Would that be like a sky dome? Do you know of anyone who's done that? I'd love to hear more...
please, thanks so much!! Love Ingie
> eep wrote:
light cycle to be) would get annoying. You're better off making a "skybox" ground object and having the world light source affect it
normally (since light doesn't affect the backdrop).
leave the old one in and out "<new subject> (was <old subject>)"), and leave in quoted text so tracing your message history isn't as
Oct 13, 2000, 3:15pm
Just take your regular ground object, and copy the regular ground "plane". Add a bit to the Y value and then fiddle with that new
[View Quote]"mb commander" <moonbase at uswest.net> wrote in message news:39e71907 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Next question is there an area to download a free skybox and what world size
> is it made for...
> "agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:39e70977 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> added to your ground (where you would add a dome with a
> news:39E51126.1B6BD545 at earthlink.net...
> don't think I'd like it if you called me a Twit)
> know of anyone who's done that? I'd love to hear more...
Oct 30, 2000, 12:16pm
Well, Eep, in all fairness, you probably would've said something similar had someone else posted a link to a page that doesn't
exist. I know it only took a little poking around, but still...
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:39FD29B6.84203E80 at tnlc.com...
> http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/improve.html
> Please learn how to be less inept.
> max headroom wrote:
Oct 27, 2000, 9:29pm
Check the Worldbuilders newsgroup.
[View Quote]dennis13 <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message news:39fa0252 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm not sure if all proxies work with the worldserver but the good one that
> comes with Win98SE/ME (Internet Connection Sharing, referred to as ICS) does
> not work. You should see if you can make it work so if I ever do host like I
> might want without paying for the hosting would be great. It shows the world
> correctly on the list but only allows the person with the same ip in, which
> is only the owner. But why won't it let the others in when using
> ICS/proxies?
Oct 28, 2000, 1:56am
But how exactly does it know for sure that you're not just trying to get two cards with a spare citizenship?
[View Quote]dennis13 <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message news:39fa38b4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It should do one per citizen number. That way it would allow proxy :) Doing
> it by ip isn't a great idea. Think about the people that plays in bingo in
> your home and your brother can't play because of it. Instead by ip, why not
> cit #?
> "david14" <davidtom at gnt.net> wrote in message
> news:39fa2ab7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> play
> it
Oct 28, 2000, 11:42am
And what exactly would this "proxy support" do?
[View Quote]dennis13 <denntom at gnt.net> wrote in message news:39fa4f55 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Oh yea, lol...but still...that bot needs proxy support badly. lol
> "agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:39fa4e70 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> two cards with a spare citizenship?