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agent1 // User Search
agent1 // User SearchWHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THISOct 4, 2001, 6:46pm
*Ahem* :)
[View Quote] _T is just a macro that is used to convert strings to their Unicode equivalents, isn't it? In any case, you don't need it. Try using strcpy() or sprintf() (as YP did below) to put the value into the string. Then again, aren't all of these uninitialized pointers? Anyway... > if (stricmp(chatmsg, temp)) { // If you have Delphi you can use equal signs, but this is C++ :) > sprintf (reply,"Hello %s", speakerSN); speakerSN is an int -- you need to use %d instead of %s. > aw_say (reply); > } > } Anyone know where I can get updated Win32 libraries/headers?Oct 14, 2001, 12:18pm
That probably depends more on the version of the rich edit control you're using. I think you just need to either send the control a message or specify something in it's window class to make it auto-detect URLs.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Movin in the SDKNov 17, 2001, 9:53pm
When your bot calls aw_state_change(), the world server tells the browser where the bot went. Once your browser gets that message, it takes the bot's avatar and moves it to the location it said it's in. If you can see (in your browser) where the bot is supposed to go, it should "warp" there (as in create bump warp +0+0+1a), but if it is out of your visible range, it should just disappear.
-Agent1 [View Quote] PHP SDKNov 20, 2001, 4:22pm
What would you like to see?Nov 23, 2001, 3:25pm
I'd be willing to write a bot in C/C++ and explain how it works. All I need is an idea or two for what it should do. Please keep them fairly simple so that I can help explain the SDK more than explain how and why my other programming logic works.
Reply with suggestions -- if I see one I like, I'll do it and post source code and an explanation after a little while :) -Agent1 What would you like to see?Nov 23, 2001, 7:27pm
Take a look in the attached Zip file :) Hope it helps.
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MF9&+Z.ZF5R_W$GX.X_Y$O)N??P%02P$"% `4``(`" "F;'<K#$1/J? *``!_ M&P``"P`````````!`" `MH$`````97AP;&%I;BYT>'102P$"% `4``(`" "9 M;'<KP&/BD2P%``"L# ``" at `````````!`" `MH$9"P``9F]L;&]W+F-P<%!+ 4!08`````` at `"`'$```!M$ `````` ` end LogBot v2.23 FINALDec 23, 2001, 12:46pm
Re: bot classesMay 20, 2002, 8:42pm
Very Puzzling FunctionMay 27, 2002, 3:06pm
I *love* picking nits, so here I go ;)
It is impossible for anything to have a "ZERO execution time". Even a simple assembly add operation takes time (however little). -Agent1 [View Quote] Very Puzzling FunctionMay 27, 2002, 7:19pm
Well, I was only joking around, however...
You were making the claim that your code can do the impossible only later to add "oh yeah... that's only because the timer I'm using isn't accurate enough". -Agent1 [View Quote] yab (yet another bot)May 25, 2002, 8:08pm
It would be better to post this in the Bots newsgroup or in
general.discussion. BTW - What is it that makes your bot so huge? 16MB is very excessive compared to other bots I've seen. -Agent1 [View Quote] My New bot place...Feb 12, 2001, 11:14pm
Nasty console message problem [attachment ~3.20 KB]Jun 1, 2002, 12:52pm
You problem is that you're calling things in the wrong order -- you send the message before setting what it is.
aw_console_message(session_id); aw_string_set(AW_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, cabl); should be aw_string_set(AW_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, cabl); aw_console_message(session_id); and the same for the other message. -Agent1 [View Quote] New BoneClient, Bone SDK, and VB Bone SDK Wrapper released :)Jun 15, 2002, 9:14pm
"The Visual Basic wrapper interface contains all of the methods and callbacks as the C SDK. See the Sample Program for details on usage." "The Visual Basic Wrapper is unsupported by ImaBot. Please post any questions or comments to the Bone Forum." -Agent1 [View Quote] New BoneClient, Bone SDK, and VB Bone SDK Wrapper released :)Jun 16, 2002, 8:44pm
Well the idea for the Bone SDK was to allow AW bots to use it for transferring data. An AW SDK bot can use the Bone SDK at the same
time. -Agent1 [View Quote] [VC++] Enum + Other thingsAug 31, 2002, 4:31pm
Is aw.h in the same directory as the source files or in one of the VC++
include directories? -Agent1 [View Quote] Visual C++Mar 10, 2001, 3:33am
Visual C++ 6.0 Standard doesn't cost $400 and works just fine for AW and most uses. You should be able to buy direct from Microsoft and some online stores carry it too.
-Agent1 [View Quote] N e w B o t s . .Mar 17, 2001, 12:00am
Build 29 QuestionDec 20, 2002, 11:00pm
In 3.4 when you're flying, there's an option to move in the direction you're looking and not just forward, back, left or right. It probably refers to the angle at which you're looking, though I don't know what the scale is or where "Look Level" starts.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Standardisation of New PitchDec 21, 2002, 9:23pm
So? If by "5 commands" you mean buttons, you can just have one that's like "Set Coordinates" or something.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Standardisation of New PitchDec 22, 2002, 1:51pm
Uhh... you can tell them to enter the same coordinates as they would in AW and just multiply them yourself.
-Agent1 [View Quote] 3.4sdk ocxJan 19, 2003, 10:19pm
HELP! I don't understand terrain and objects in the C++ SDK...Jan 25, 2003, 12:27pm
In case you couldn't tell by the function name, aw_int_set takes an int value, not a long. You didn't use all of the variables passed to the function, and you didn't include the name of the object. When you call a C function that has no parameters, you must still include the brackets (eg. return aw_object_add();)
-Agent1 [View Quote] VRTJan 29, 2003, 4:35pm
[View Quote]
Lots of people... There is a difference between your method and his in that Percipient's is more exact - he gets the VRT once from the Uniserver and then uses the difference later... Not the same as what you said.
-Agent1 3.4 vb sdkJan 31, 2003, 10:39pm
Programming LanguagesFeb 18, 2003, 4:38pm
There is no error in the behavior of the program. It is doing exactly what you tell it to: Allocate a new object forever. It only crashes because your computer doesn't have infinite memory.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Programming LanguagesFeb 19, 2003, 4:38pm
Only if your definition of being attacked means having your errors pointed out... I don't see any posts insulting you as a person, just ones saying what's wrong with the code you're basing something on.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++Jun 16, 2003, 11:38am
I believe the problem is that the function you are trying to use is a class member. That doesn't work very well with the AW SDK, so what I sometimes do is add another function that is not a class member for the actual callback and use it to call your real callback function.
-Agent1 [View Quote] |