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kah // User Search
Oct 25, 2001, 5:39pm
couple of months ago = summer = vacation = lots of time for AW ;-))
[View Quote]"sw comit" <sam64 at jps.net> wrote in message
news:3bd85767 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yea still, I've seen better, and the low numbers go on all day - 400 maybe
> at most when it was hovering around a "healthy" 750 for a couple months
> in the day.
> "brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
> news:3bd7fdc0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> There's
Oct 31, 2001, 3:36pm
a good bunch of ppl work for the AWC, in my eyes the problem is a management
that doesn't let these ppl do what they should do, which should be done
something about! the AWC's value will probably fall sometime, making them
easyer to take over. one thing about the company that really surprises me is
that they bought that Vanguard company, a company that obviously did
TV-commercials for shampoo, what the heck has that got to do with AW?
[View Quote]"captain mad mike" <cmm at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3bdf1e8f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maine needs some tech companies. Maybe we can get old retired men who are
> rich (my neighbor has a 5000 square foot house for crying out loud) to
> together and raise the $1 million AW is worth so we can get some competent
> management in. But I guess we could keep Roland since he actually takes
> (plus he could at least HELP with the programming since he's been doing it
> for a while) to at least LISTEN to the community. E N Z O just listens to
> anyone who offers him a breifcase full of money. Guess us Mainers should
> snatch up AW before Micro$oft does and uses all the worlds to advertise
> Winblows XP.
> --
> -Captain MAD Mike
> Jekyl and Hyde...or Android?
> gamer x <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3bdc12a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> times,
news:3BD8B317.169C62F2 at tnlc.com...
> Right
> Not
> are
Oct 28, 2001, 8:28am
I don't think SWE actually is a "spoiled f*ck" with broadband, I think he's
on a modem at the moment...
PS. is it any of your business if it's compressed or not??? you should go
see a doctor, dude!
[View Quote]"internal affairs" <biginsey at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3bdb66e8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Stupid, you saved it as a BMP file. Ever hear of compression? JPEG offers
> much better compression algorithm than bit mapped has. Not everyone is a
> spoiled fuck like you and has broadband.
> "swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3bdae75c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 28, 2001, 6:21pm
must be one of those superkids... but as we all know, he isn't, so it's just
his imaginary life (as we see everyday now...)... wasn't there a world where
you could get free psychiatric help? he should go there...
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3bdc6013 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Er... 15 year old at Penn State? That's a new one.
> SW Chris
> "internal affairs" <biginsey at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3bdc4e06 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> warranted.
> it
> hours
> by
> a
> for
Nov 5, 2001, 3:52pm
LMAO! poor spider though...
[View Quote]"just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3be6a2c3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I prevoiusly reported that I was having constant AW crashes since 3.2 was
> released, and thought perhaps it was some incompatibility between the ATI
> Rage Fury Pro video card and the latest version.
> The bug was literally a bug... a spider decided to try out a home in my
> PC's processor fan, and both it and the fan faired very badly as a result.
> Bug removed, fan stored to working order, and no more crashes.
> Regards, Justin
> PS: Humble thanks go to Roland who tried his best to help.
Nov 8, 2001, 6:17pm
you can also use the Windows IP config, use Start > Run > type "winipcfg"
(on Win9x, different on NT/2k), and select PPP adapter from the list, it'll
show your IP :-))
[View Quote]"macb" <macb at yahoo.nospam> wrote in message
news:3BE74A26.7060606 at yahoo.nospam...
> That URL can't be right. 192.168.x.x is reserved for internal networks
> (as supported by most DSL routers these days). You need to find out
> what your EXTERNAL address is for anyone to hit your server. Also, if
> your set-up is like mine, just because you can see your server doesn't
> mean people on the outside can. These same gadgets also have basic
> firewall functionality that keeps unsolicited IP traffic from getting
> through to any of your machines. There are usually options to override
> this behavior though.
> You might want to look into something like http://dns2go.deerfield.com/
> as a way to get an external name for your server. It will even keep up
> with changing IP addresses if you don't have a fixed address.
> Good luck
> :)
> alphabit phalpha wrote:
Nov 22, 2001, 2:06pm
no problems with NS 6.1, I recommend you upgrade (has some nice fixes from
4.7, and from 6.0)
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3BFC4B9E.6C24965A at oct31.de...
> Hi :)
> Is there a web browser that gives more than a blank page
> on http://www.activeworlds.com/3dhomepage/ ?
> I tried NetScape 4.78, IE5.0 and Opera 5.0 but all show
> the same, some menus around a blank frame, independant
> if JavaScript is enabled or disabled.
> Maybe AW has a new income source, they sell special
> browsers for crap pages like these?
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Nov 25, 2001, 12:22pm
Please don't take Tommorow down! It's such a wonderfull world!
[View Quote]"henrikg" <henrikgu at online.no> wrote in message
news:3bffff6e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Today I had a "renew" notice as I logged on, so I know that not only my
> citizenship was up for renewal but my world also. So, going to the (new)
> web-pages I found "Renew your world" at
> https://www.activeworlds.com/ssl/renewworld/.
> Looked promising, and I typed in the world name as indicated.
> Ops, in return I got the same page back, but with the message "Contact AW
> Non-standard World"
> Well, this isn't my problem really, awcom changed what was "standard" last
> year, its their responability to maintain renewal of
> pre-last-change-to-world-scheme system.
> The page with "Contact AW, Non-standard World" also had a return field
> "World name", so I typed it again, making sure I typed it in right, in my
> optimism I assumed it would then handle older worlds, from before last
> change to world size/prices.
> Well well, this didn't help much, retyping the world name and pressing
> Return only gave me the same reply "Contact AW, Non-standard World".
> Wow, what great help, I'm just trying to renew a world, and also a world
> older then the last change to the world size/price sceme. Too difficult
> this web page to understand it seems. It tells me to contact aw, but by
> going through the process of processing this web page I _am_ contacting
> If this form can't handle it it can only mean they don't want older worlds
> to renew.
> Well well, its been fun folks, but it doesn't look like Tomorrow will be
> after December 24th, make your visit before then :)
> HenrikG
Dec 3, 2001, 3:10pm
uhm... you DO know that it was... uhm... 100% fair, do you?
[View Quote]"trekkerx" <zac at commatron.com> wrote in message
news:3c0aa133 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I find this funny I was ejected from awteen for saying fetish... It may be
> just me but dont you think thats a bit unfair? I think its cuz no one
> me. Heres a log....
> We where talking about things to add to the city or something....
> Dark Mod: Giant Shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Calm Spirit: *shuts up*
> Vornox: lacross field ^_^
> CbeIlo: thank you come again
> Volt: bloody giant shoe
> XelNaga: we're off the services and builds ideas
> Scruff: brb, getting CD
> XelNaga: you all on the same page as me now?
> TrekkerX: STRIP CLUB!
> Gamecube: ok
> CbeIlo: ok fine
> Gamecube: lol
> Calm Spirit: I am lol
> Nutinmuch: I wanna be City Tressurer....however u spell it
> Gamecube: hooters\
> Dark Mod: if guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns :P
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awteen
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awteen
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to Dream Land, enjoy your stay! If you just
> came in say "Hi"
> Just like the time i said "whats wrong with lesbians???" and I got
> ejected....
> Its cuz no one likes me thats why!
> --
> TrekkerX
> Commatron & Athnex
> http://www.commatron.com
> http://www.athnex.com
Dec 3, 2001, 3:11pm
still, you have quite a large value in donated prizes... the AV01 commitee
can't be blamed for AW's unstability though LMAO...
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3c0add51$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Surely its only a bit of fun ... not like anyones life depends on it. And
> not a lot to do with world building either really.
> "sinew" <citizenaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c0acd73 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> no
> call
Dec 4, 2001, 4:44pm
I crashed 2 or 3 times in AV01... crashed in all the AV01* I visited
actually... I think some of it has to do with AW being rather unstable and
not supporting of a lot of activity combined with large downloads, also, I
hear an MP3 might have been causing parts of it...
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c0bd5a3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whatever crashed everyone's browser was a problem only related to the av01
> worlds. I crashed several times in av01exb and av01avvy. I never crashed
> in av01 though. So find what is common about those two worlds, and not
> common in av01, and you will have narrowed the list of possible problems
> down to an easily managable list. :) That way the planning committee will
> know what to avoid next year.
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
> http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3c0bb24c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And
> is
> be
> 00000000
> 00000000
> cannot
> properly
> unfair
Jan 2, 2002, 2:39pm
it would go OK in worlds with public registries, like AW, Mars, AWTeen, but
it's a bit worse for others... you could for example distribute your bot
with all the registries of large public building worlds you can find (have
your bot recognize the world name, and automatically use the right
registry), and for others the ppl will have to get it themselfes...
[View Quote]"marnvin" <vincent at vimaxarts.com> wrote in message
news:3c33051f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well than it won't work..
> Maybe I'm going to add some general distance than, for example 10 metres
> each object.
> "trekkerx" <zac at commatron.com> wrote in message
> news:3c2f8929 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
Dec 8, 2001, 2:08pm
please do finish it, I'm sure that there are lots of private AW users that
would host it for you if AW doesn't want it... that includes me ;-))
[View Quote]"jerme" <JerMe at nc.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3c123163$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I had been working on a new webring CGI script, to be 'donated' to AW.
> However, the project kinda fell apart after facter left. He was my AW
> contact for the whole thing. A few days after I e-mailed somone (don't
> remeber who) about the project, asking if i should contine work or thow it
> to the trash pile. I recieved a negitive reply. So, since then the
> script has been sitting arround taking up valuable bytes on my hard drive.
> In light of this recent news, I would be happy to resume work ASAP. I'd
> like a go or no go from someone with authority at AWCOM first though. I
> don't want to do the work involved and then the script not be used.
> Let me know what you think..
> -J.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker
> JTech Web Systems
> (www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "tyrell" <tyrell1 at sk.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
> news:3C104079.6691A07B at sk.sympatico.ca...
> Ha... this cracks me up... I like to think by my NOT joining I helped it
> crash and burn... :-) (I wasn't interested in joining the Yahoo Ad
> (altho' for the most part it was the ones in charge that had no idea what
> they were doing with it... Sounds like a Dilbert Moment to me... :-) )
> Salon.com Technology | The strange saga of Yahoo and WebRing
> I will however join the (returned to it's roots) Ring if someone were to
> start an AW Community...
> --
> Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
> "Eat well, stay fit, die anyway."
> http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/ty1/index.html
> ICQ UN - 272905
> All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
Dec 12, 2001, 4:07pm
god, and I that thought AWTeen wasn't just a bunch of powersick kids...
that's enough said I think
[View Quote]"xelnaga" <frizzyfreak101 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c17305c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, I havent had a chance to get to these newsgroups as soon as I'd like
> becuase my outlook express won't open, so I'm on my sister's computer.
> Anyways I want to take the opprotunity to comment on this. My way of
> about my job was to just be myself, to not be some cheery corporate
> spokesperson, to be someone the public could relate to, and work with. :)
> And I did my job, which was to represent the public of awteen, as well as
> anyone ever has, if not better. Most of you here don't know me, and dont
> know of the work I do and my contributions to awteen. And I have always
> been very strong in my personal opinions, despite my job. :P
> Brant's decision went against everything core stood for. There was no
> all of core and the public's opinions were blatantly ignored. Even the
> statement he released didnt get the approval of any core members. And in
> that statement, frankly he lied. (also let me say that although I wrote
> "modified" statement, I didnt put it up on the site) I guess its my word
> against his... but let me do a breakdown of his statement:
> <
> AWTeen Public Relations chairman XelNaga was released by AWTeen on Monday,
> December 10, 2001. While many rumors have been floating about, this
> statement is intended to clear up some of the confusion that has been
> rampant throughout Activeworlds as to the reasons for the dismissal.
> <because most everyone wanted me to stay>
> XelNaga has been a controversial figure since he was first voted into
> the Core by a narrow margin. With his animated personality, he was
> the perfect person for the job at the time. Working with Poseidon,
> he helped to establish regular public meetings where citizens could
> voice their concerns.
> <i had already been doing this job for some time as public representative,
> and still did the job just as well now>
> Unfortunately, as of late, several controversies have clouded the
> world. XelNaga has not given AWTeen a good image to the rest of the
> community. <who cares? its our own public that matters.> His use of foul
> language and the attitude displayed toward
> certain members of the public has prompted a variety of E-Mails
> and telegrams from various concerned AW citizens and tourists
> asking about XelNaga's position <bull, there was the trekker thing, then
> maybe a few people who havent been nice to me that ive returned the
> More recently, XelNaga
> acted inappropriately by, instead of attempting to resolve the
> situation, calling TrekkerX a moron on the public newsgroups <i apologized
> to him later in private for the eject, but still thought he had acted like
> moron>. In addition, talking
> negatively about other Core members behind their backs is not a
> characteristic of a good
> leader <the hell? i didnt talk about anyone behind their backs besides
> In order to protect Xel, the
> exact nature of these incidents will not be revealed. <because they dont
> exist>
> Therefore, XelNaga was issued a warning on December 7, even though it did
> not effect
> his resignation and was met with resistance from several Core members
> they all wanted me to stay>. This warning was in
> addition to the numerous warnings that had been issued before, including
> issued
> by the now obsolete Leadership committee in June 2001 setting XelNaga on a
> "probation
> period. <slap on the wrist>" After five days of talking to community
> members <who?> and considering the firing of
> XelNaga outright <which would go against everything core stands for, not
> that you care>, he was instead given a "last chance,"
> in a newsgroup post stating that any more infractions would be reason
> for dismissal.
> A Core vote in July, 2001 instituted a three-strikes rule, which stated
> that any member of the Core caught using offensive language more than
> three times would be removed from his or her position immediately <this
> proposed by brant, but if you ask any core member from then, they will
> you the truth, that it was never voted on or passed>. This
> vote was based on the principle that such behavior casts a negative image
> Brant and other AWTeen Core members. XelNaga has used such offensive
> language many more
> times than three throughout his career as public relations representative
> <hey im me, and the public loved me for it :)>.
> Furthermore, the original Committee charter includes a line stating that
> Brant may remove any member who is not obeying guidelines as stated
> by Mountain Myst and Lucrezia Borgia <this is not true, while luc and mm
> remove whoever they wish, brant cannot without passing a vote in core>.
> While such a decision may not be popular,
> not all decisions can be considered in a clear light by visitors to the
> world <oh, and you have a clear view on everything? you are transparent as
> window>.
> As many visitors to AWTeen must consider their parents' wishes before
> logging in <people really ought to think for themselves, and i doubt
> everyones parents are as strict as yours, plus most kids go online
> unsupervised anyways>,
> it is necessary to maintain an environment suitable to parents and
> alike,
> and legal considerations must be made by AWC <legal? rofl>.
> In this case, XelNaga clearly violated
> the three strikes rule and did not follow the guidelines set forth by AWC
> <AWC set it now? heh, see above on this one>.
> Therefore, Brant was simply enforcing rules that had been set forth
> by the Core previously <bull, see above>. XelNaga's removal was
> within articles of the Committee
> system charter as set forth on June 26, 2001 and voted into effect <again
> untrue, see above>.
> XelNaga was removed after an offensive conversation (which will not be
> released by AWTeen).
> Therefore, Brant, invoking the three strikes rule and
> the original Committee charter, and considering the reluctance
> of several Core members to anger a friend as well as the many instances
> in the past where XelNaga had been warned, removed him from his post,
> effective immediately <do i need to say it again? this was never voted
> The action did not state whether or not XelNaga may remain on
> committees or help out with the capital city <duh, you dont wanna be run
> down by a mob>.
> Mountain Myst, Lucrezia Borgia, Flagg, and at least three Core members
> <who?> fully support the
> decision that was arrived at today. While it was a difficult decision
> to fire Xel from his position <suuuure>, and Xel has been a huge help in
> past <awteen wouldnt have made it this far without me>, the decision was
> made
> in the hopes of improving AWTeen in the future <thats all i ever did,
> improve awteen, and thats all i ever will do>.
> Well, I would state my opinions on brant's tyranny of sorts.. but I've
> included it in an article (near the end) which i think anyone intrested in
> awteen should read. It's got a true history of this year in core, plus my
> thoughts on Brant and his plans. In fact, read it, its part of this post,
> and don't respond unless you have.
> http://awteen.disaxiom.net/stateofawteen2.htm :) But to summarize, brant,
> immediately before my firing, placed into effect some previously
> and unvoted on edicts, which can be found at
> http://awcommunity.org/awteen/corevotes.htm which totally go against
> everything the current core, which he created, stands for. Pretty soon,
> brant will have the core filled with those who agree with him on
> and look pretty in front of the general aw community. Anyways, thats all
> have to say, assuming youve read that article.
> -Xel
> thetraveler <Trav at threeeyedfrog.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1566fd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> earlier
> a
> been
> a
> to
> all
> stereotyping
> and
> and
> down
> job -
> to
> just
> yesterday
> wasn't
> worry
> my
> private
> was
> mine
> calling
> bad
> too
> you
> people
> so
> make
> to
> for
> would
> people"
> and
> problem
> phrase
> a
> removed
> offensive
> out
> just
> just
> unless
> calm
> before
> on
Dec 14, 2001, 12:32pm
this group is for stuff about the greater community, not one in
particular... AWTeen has been provided with an official newsgroup,
news://andras.net/AW.AWTeen, which they can use for those extremely
AWTeen-specific debates. it's not pushing them out generally, it's asking
them nicely to please take the big row to their own group so that they don't
flood this group with stuff many don't care about... too bad you never got
to sit with the adults :-((, but this is far from the same thing... they
can discuss other stuff here, but this big XelNaga row is not of most
people's interest (I don't see what the big deal about it is, he could just
have accepted the fault he did and remember to be more carefull with such
statements in the future... but no, he had to make a fuss about it, at the
end downright asking Brant to fire him... it's XelNaga's fault, if he hadn't
been foolish he'd probably still been in AWTeen core anyway)
[View Quote]"sinew" <citizenaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c197114 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> When I was young, my sister and I had to eat our Christmas dinner at a
> out card table in the kitchen. We were told when we got older, we could
> with the adults. We felt left out and couldn't wait until the time when
> could sit with our mom, dad, grandmother, uncle and aunt-the adults. It
> would be sort of a day of acceptance and growth when that happened.
> Before I was grown, my parents divorced and my mother moved us across the
> country. Now, I eat Christmas dinner without my mother, father, sister,
> aunt and uncle and my grandmother is dead. My sister and I never saw the
> day when we were together eating with the adults.
> I will not TOLERATE children being pushed out of this community newsgroup
> for the reason that their problems are separate from here, do not matter
> belong to be aired in a different newsgroup-whatever technical label
> put on shoving them out of here or out of your hair. We accept them and
> listen to their problems-after all, we were once them. If you don't
> quite frankly, you need to re-evaluate your definition of what community
> really is.
Dec 15, 2001, 4:11pm
ever been to AWTeen? doubt it... you wouldn't like it if all sorts of
AWTeeners came in here and went about... just check out
news://andras.net/AW.AWTeen it's organized chaos... until now we've been
blessed to only have intelligent conversations about AWTeen in here, but now
it's getting stupid, who cares if XelNaga was fired because he was doing a
bad job???? we're not interested in having a small group of powersick
kiddies spamming this NG with crap! We're not rejecting them as posters,
we're rejecting an especially silly debate that just spams this NG!! What
you're saying is that we should just have let The Trio From NY Hell gone
about the Broadway/NY feuid in here, they'd still be waging their war if
there hadn't been for massive resistance from the rest of the users of the
NG, you know! gee, there's no big deal, if they wanna post anti-Brant crap,
they can do it somewhere else!
[View Quote]"sinew" <citizenaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c1a3b35 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I totally disagree with your comment about "the greater community" and I
> refer you to the community charter (which I have posted).
> kah <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1a0d96 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> don't
> just
> hadn't
> the
> the
> newsgroup
Dec 15, 2001, 4:12pm
thanx, Merry christmas and a happy new year to you too ;-))
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <Wiz at rdescape.com> wrote in message
news:3c1a57ed at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> On behalf of all the builders of AVRquest and Float worlds we wish to
> our warmest seasonal greetings to all members of the Activeworlds
> My the new year bring all your expectations and bring you good health.
> Follow your dreams in Virtual Reality Activeworlds Universe.
> Regards from us all,. Merry Xmas
Dec 17, 2001, 4:47pm
even better, write your own config file parser, OCXs tend to bloat the
app... I can provide anyone interested with code I've used
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3c1d2db7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Use the Kupex INI Tools ocx that I use in all my programs. I'll find it
> send it to you. It makes writing INI files quick and easy :)
> "gamer" <robbie at oriox.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1d2001 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> :o)
Dec 19, 2001, 2:59pm
I think he meant something by the lines of modelling in a text editor...
[View Quote]"bowen" <bowen at omegauniverse.com> wrote in message
news:3c1fe59a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> But that's not how he was explanining it.. LoL like ASCII art.. is drawn
> by all the characters.. how would that even be similar? :) Sorry it's
> to understand this.
> --Bowen--
> "moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3c1fe4c0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> would
> stupid
Dec 19, 2001, 3:00pm
then I think I'll take some lovely pictures of money lol
[View Quote]"trekkerx" <zac at commatron.com> wrote in message
news:3c203874 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hehe, then you can download objects into your 3d printer and like draw
> something 3d like a cow... that you scanned with your cam
> --
> TrekkerX
> Commatron & Athnex
> http://www.commatron.com
> http://www.athnex.com
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1fee46 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 18, 2001, 2:04pm
you've been lucky! lol, I'm affraid you meet un nice ppl all too often...
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c1ec2bb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maybe I've been living in a cave....but I can't say Iv'e ever ran into any
> "un nice" folks:)
> "bowen" <bowen at omegauniverse.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1e9ee4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> about
Dec 19, 2001, 3:00pm
*really* un-nice...
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c20a76c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok....are these un-nice people really un-nice or just don't know
> "trekkerx" <zac at commatron.com> wrote in message
> news:3c1ff344 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> often...
> rub
> do
Dec 19, 2001, 4:40pm
lol, I don't think that even you can make some of them nice lol
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c20cd05 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well....next time send them to me...I'll sprinkle some "nice" fairy dust
> them...hehehehehe
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3c20c7bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it'll
> we
Dec 24, 2001, 8:28pm
well, obviously Insanity did write this post, it's his/her style for sure...
BuilderZ, don't give him/her ideas lol
[View Quote]"anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
news:3c27926a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ehh, wrong, they are NOT the same people, if you have ever taken the time
> know InSaNiTy he is one of the nicest people around. He runs a rather nice
> business and even 'has' actual staff running it with him.
> Now if you would not bring something so ridiculous up again, maybe we can
> all enjoy Christmas?
> Even if there was trouble before, there obviously isn't right now, except
> for what you just brought up.
> --
> _________________________________________
> Anduin Lothario
> ICQ#:17962714
> SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +278314217962714
> More ways to contact me:
> http://wwp.icq.com/17962714
> http://www.anduin-lothario.com
> _________________________________________
> "builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3C275847.E6B6668 at yahoo.com...
Dec 27, 2001, 1:58pm
I agree with you, except for thanx and cuzz, they're OK I think :-))
[View Quote]"moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3c2a6f24$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It's really context context context, and a little in the setting
> department. Although I think a G rated world is fine in the setting
> department. Hardly chatting with the queen.
> Although words that tend to offend me are "thanx" "asl" "wurld" "luv" ,
> "cuz" "u r" and replacing a perfectly good "s" with a "z". Liable to get
> ejected, or atleast have my bot roll his eyes at you in disgust. I'm
> with spelling mistakes and shortening of words in chat, but misspelling
> purpose? I'd give you a punch to face but you'd be gone like the sun,
> it's not sunny.
Dec 27, 2001, 6:38pm
*backs slowly away from Moff*
[View Quote]"moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3c2b857c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Shortening is ok. Like dif in place of diffent, it's the adding of z's
> that boils my blood. Although I seriously don't hate it, it's just my
> hobby for it to boil my blood. Sometimes it's pretty silly, like thanks
> and thanx, ONE less letter. And cuz isn't so much shortening of a world,
> but slang. People IRL use cuz, and it makes me punch just as much.
> And I notice people who use "words" like ur and cuz, always give me other
> reasons to dislike them due to their personality. So they go hand in hand
> now. Or hand in face! PUNCH!
Dec 28, 2001, 3:35pm
lol, I can distinguish perfectly between school-english and moderate
shorthand-english (I hate those "u" "r" and all that crap, that's too
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3c2bd9ba$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The guy has a point. I mean, english teachers are rolling over their grave
> because kids (of course) can't distinguish what's slang and unacceptable
> good american business culture and what's "proper". Don't go rolling over
> your grave either, but for god sakes, I have to chuckle every time my
> teachers rip out hairs because a kid writes "cuz" instead of "because" or
> even use "cool" in a report!! Yeesh, there's a time for certain things,
> using cool in a report or paper is not the right time. It's not only
> disrespectful to teachers who try to teach the english language as it was
> and is, Noah Webster would die in your arms. I must admit, I'm guilty of a
> slip, you'd be surprise how many computer-addicted mistakes go into your
> paper without proper proofreading. ;) I say Moff has every right to kick
> in the brain for using cuz in a world. hehe. You are, after all, the one
> breaking the english rules for the sake of quick conversationalism.
> Nornny
> "cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
> news:3c2bb076 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 28, 2001, 3:36pm
LoL is shorthand ;-)) not even a proper english word, hehe...
[View Quote]"bowen" <bowen at omegauniverse.com> wrote in message
news:3c2c009a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well :) you're not really talking.. you're typing, so you're making major
> grammatical mistakes. Talking like that is acceptable as long as you
> say crap, shit, etc al.. it gets worse as you go on LoL. "however" :)
> I can't resist to correct errors. Don't mind my drive-by posting.
> --Bowen--
> "cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
> news:3c2bfdc8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i
> want
> grave
> over
> or
> was
> a
Dec 28, 2001, 3:41pm
true, I think that VRT passes right through the Atlantic, so only ppl on the
North and South pole and possibly on some small islands live within the VRT
timezone, CET time is VRT + 3, so here I can celebrate VRT New Years Eve 3
hours after we passed into the New Year IRL :-))
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C2B90D7.482BC949 at oct31.de...
> Look at it like this :
> Either midnight has 24 hours in VR because
> VR covers 24 time zones.
> optional :
> Midnight hour of VR is not the same as your
> midnight hour. Afaik they placed the VR
> timeline so that not many people live there.
> In both cases you might find some minutes
> outside of your RL party time to party with
> your VR friends :)
> cozmo wrote:
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Dec 30, 2001, 3:04pm
they have a EULA?
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c2e6ae7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it would be a good idea for AWC to keep a copy of their EULA on
the web (somewhere at http://activeworlds.com). That way, people could
examine it again later if they wanted.
> -Agent1