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Dec 31, 2001, 12:15pm
oh, that crap, does anyone actually read them? (I bet everyone copies them
from other setups and changes the names at the top lol)


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Frohes neues Jahr

Dec 31, 2001, 8:46pm
Hei Community :-))

Ha en flott Nyttårs-fest og ett godt og gledelig Nytt År alle sammen, og
familiene deres!


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Happy New Years from NewYork world

Dec 31, 2001, 8:46pm
god, some of you are stupid, aren't you! go die in a hole!

PS. no offence, and have a lovely New Year :-)) use the new year as an
opportunity to forget this whole thing!

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Happy New Years from NewYork world

Jan 1, 2002, 4:43pm
it was New Year's eve, so I thought I'd say it then take it back :-))


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new citizenship

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
I think it's outrageous, I don't even think a citizenship is worth $20,
brand new MMORPGs like Anarchy Online get trouble with their users just for
small problems and bugs, and AW is full of outdated 3D crap and bugs!


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new citizenship

Jan 4, 2002, 3:33pm
true, it's nice to have friends in AW :-))


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
Brant, I can understand why you're defending them, as you're the CT of
AWTeen... therefore, I suggest you shut up, because you're talking crap.
Sorry to say so, because you allways seem very nice and sane in AW :-))


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
very true, I believe you're quite old, Brant (18, 17?), which gives you the
advantage of being able to work legally, and get more money than younger
teens... I'm going to have to wait 5 months before I'm even old enough to
apply for the job as "paper boy", and if AW goes that expensive there's no
chance I can stay a cit... Been pondering about getting a world, and buying
more hardware, but on low teen wages you can't afford a lot if they're gonna
take $114 a year... I say someone write a good, proper letter (proofread and
everything), giving everyone the opportunity to write their name, citnum,
cit pass at the bottom, then print out and sign, before posting it with
snail mail to the AWC... that way they could really see that the cits can't
take this price-jump, and that they're serious about it...


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
wake up! they have to get someone else to pay more, because most ppl can't
afford $114 a year for some crappy shit like AW!


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
accepting 3.3 and leaving to current AWC to die could be an option to save
AW... the AWC would go bust, and would be wanting to sell AW (especially if
Rick really means that he loves AW) off, and one could do the same thing as
COF did in 97, but learn of their mistakes... I'm sure staff like Roland
would accept to work for a new company as long as they get good wages.
Something to think about...


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
good time for them lol, but it's not very nice to do that against your users
(customers if you like, lets forget about the tourists, they're the AWC's
loss anyway), it's what gives companies bad reputation... large companies
who have a bit more business sense warn customers often months in advance
before increasing the charges... one of the things is that Rick isn't
qualifyed for being a CEO, looking at the AWC's own list and description of
directors he's an educated artist, but has no education in business... seems
like JP is an educated businessman, but he doesn't show it very well (no
offence)... looking at the jobs page it seems they are looking for someone
to help them do good business (VERY wise!)... if they do this I doubt very
much that they'll be able to go on for more than a year...


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 5, 2002, 12:36pm
you're kidding? last time I was there the worlds were charged real high on a
monthly basis...


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Other universes

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
yes, sounds to me like they're gonna try the same trick on us again and
announce the new cit pricing on Jan 31st lol, but looks like someone didn't
watch what he/she was writing in the FAQ...


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Who will leave

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
I will stay if I can manage to... I'll stay to the last day if I can... I
hope that before my cit expires (quite a bit yet), they'll come to sense and
change the prices again... at least I can hope ;-))


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The fine print

Jan 3, 2002, 7:00pm
aaaah!!! at least I hope this only will occur in AWC owned worlds (if it's
added to the world server I'll PAY someone to crack it for me!)! One thing
is deleting the stuff in the cit DB, but removing it from the worlds...


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The fine print

Jan 3, 2002, 8:30pm
....and not near to enough ppl to keep the company going, *takes on domesday
prophet clothes*, I'm reading their latest S E C report (3rd quarterly
report 2001, read it yourself
qsb.txt), shows that until September they had 1.75 MILLION USD in losses,
and the loss for the quarter was of half a million USD, which means they
probably had *WELL* over 2 million USD in losses for 2001 :-(( there's no
way they can get the money to restore themselfes by doing this increase on
the users!


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can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 4, 2002, 3:33pm
I think Eep posted about S E C (notice that I'm not writing it correctly to
avoid any filters) stuff hehe, Flagg didn't want him to ruin the whole
surprise-momento in this heh... would certainly have been mooo-y to have him
here now! ):()


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As sorry as I am to say it AW is screwed

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
their stock being low has nothing to do with Sept. 11th, even though it
might've gone a tad lower then, it's been extremely low for years...


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Register by mail and save big bucks!

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
hehe, that's the new pricing, your $9.50 will only last a month


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Register by mail and save big bucks!

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
yes, especially for us outside the US, it'd add quite a bit in mailing
charges on top of it


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AWHS Pictures Missing

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
Xoom/NBCi homepages were discontinued this autumn...


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Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
you don't necesarily need to re-download, either make a local copy and add
the host/port info to the aworld.ini, or change it around before logging
on... here's how it works (in aworld.ini):


one thing, if you do it on only one installation, change the name of your
contacts.txt before entering, the browser deletes entries that don't


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another idea

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
lol, she meant *Australian* Dollars... and 2 USD is hardly even a donut over
here in Norway...


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A not-so-welcome home. . .

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
how true, sounds rather scary to have them requiring me to enter a CC


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Pricing & alternate universes

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
then they'll have to resort to cracking the uniserver (nobody's gonna be
there to tell them not to, and they'd go bankrupt to if they don't), and
they'd probably prosper more since the AW uni would be gone, and they
wouldn't have huuuuge lisence renewal fees every year...


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Pricing & alternate universes

Jan 9, 2002, 2:50pm
hmmmm, I thought there was, I was wrong then :-)) guess I confused with the
upgrade lisence


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Ohio United

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
by default there is no [universe] section in the browser


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That's it....

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
they can't do no nothing about the cracked ones, the point of them is that
they don't go looking for lisences...


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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 2:50pm
no, because AW is sort off crappy, slow, uses allready pretty much old
stuff... and there are alternatives, like Blaxxun, even one where worlds are
free and go on webpages (Adobe Atmosphere, even created by a competent
company!), Worlds (ok, so it's a bit crappy, but they still make loads of
money, in contrast to AW). AW is far from the best, even though it has been
around for 7 years... What they're doing is the cream of stupidity, and they
will go bankrupt :-)) wouldn't be hard to compete with them either, if you
know your way around 3D programming...


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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 10, 2002, 4:27pm
I've recently bought a new 3D accelerator, FYI... ok, I agree, Blaxxun isn't
as good as AW yet, but hey, look at their customers... IBM, Canal +, etc,
they're good at doing business, and it's good for being VRML and Java on a


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