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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 10:26am


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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
sorry guys, but I can't resist replying to stupid gnomes, that's just how I

Marcus, what you didn't understand was that YOU'D SAVED YOUR 20 BUCKS IF
YOU'D TAKEN THEIR OFFER!!!! because then your cit would've been renewed, and
would be renewed with your world every year (I think) anyway, so you'dve
saved a lotta money... and honestly, asking for a $50 discount out of
nowhere, what did you expect?


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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:03pm
you did, Flagg told the entire community... oh well, just don't accept that
you're wrong...


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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 10:15am
in that case, you're stupid.


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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 10:18am
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! don't you understand that those cits are ****FREE****,
they aren't included in the price, you pay exactly $0.00 for the cits, but
if the world costs $10, you pay exactly $10 (plus tax if applicable) FOR THE
WORLD **ITSELF**!! And he could've saved his 20 bucks anyway, if he had
taken Flagg's offer...


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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 10:20am
I'm a flame samurai... never give in ;-))


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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 3:03pm
read Flagg's post first (or use YOUR MEMORY, you know, that stuff you use to
remember things)... He offered to integrate your existing cit as the world
cit, meaning it would be renewed when you renewed your world, and you'd
saved your 20 bucks at the end of the day... but because you're too stubborn
to care about anything else than your demand you obviously rejected the
offer and have lost some money, AND probably some fun...


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Value of a cit

Sep 3, 2001, 2:16pm
You still aren't getting it are you? I'll tell you some AW basics... a
citizenship ($19.95) only lasts for one (1) year, to continue to use a
citizenship, you have to renew it (another $19.95 for another year). The
free citizenships that come with worlds are renewed when the world is
renewed (no $19.95 charged). So, when you had renewed your **hypothetical**
P10 world with a 5 user limit ($10 for another year), the attached
citizenship would be renewed as well. So, if you had taken Flagg's offer to
attach your existing citizenship to your world, you wouldn't need to renew
it anymore, the renewal would be free. So, even if you didn't get your
$19.95 that you payed when you originally bought your citizenship, you would
have saved $19.95 every year. Ergo, you turned down an offer that would've
done exactly what you wanted (even more), just not immediately. Now will you
shut up? I'm tired off showing you your stupidity...


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Value of a cit

Sep 4, 2001, 1:58pm
*eyes open hugely* I can't BELIEVE how STUPID you are! When you went to
school, did you get the note "Has no sense of logic and thinks only 5
minutes ahead" on your mark-card? You really aren't getting it, are you?
Man, you must have problems in your life if you can't get an idea as simple
as the one I gave you... shit, I nearly spelled it out for you! and you're
STILL not getting it!!!!!!!!!! like, are you under the influence of a drug
or something? where do you get the "3 citizen fees" thing? anyway, that you
bought 2 citizenships was your own fault! by integrating your main cit (I
guess that would be your M a r c u s cit), you would NEVER have to renew
that cit again, it would be renewed *****FREELY***** when you renewed your
world! so, if you had a P10/5 users, you'd save a lotta money, you know!
but, NOOOOOOOO, you didn't understand what a **GOLDEN** offer you were
offered, because it wouldn't give you immediate result... oh, and you really
didn't get it, your cit would not be renewed from then (I'd guess), but from
when your world was about to expire... and you wouldn't have to pay ANY
money at all for that cit, any more! If you're still not getting it, go ask
a sane person about this and I think you'd be surprised...


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Value of a cit

Sep 5, 2001, 4:41pm
what do you do for a living? sweep toilets? that may be more than you are
able to do, I guess... the cheapest world costs **$10**, kiddo! and you
still haven't gotten one word of what I'm telling ya! if AW had an IQ test
when buying cits, you wouldn't have been here, you know! there is no Fing
prepaying for 3 cits, blablabl, you gnome!when using your existing cit as
the world cit, it would be renewed freely whenever your world would be
renewed! the cit wouldn't be counted in the price, you would've payed $10
every year, saving at least $10 bucks a year... like, what is your IQ


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Value of a cit

Sep 5, 2001, 4:42pm
wrong, you gnome! you are saying just that, if you buy 4 cits, you get a


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Value of a cit

Sep 6, 2001, 4:06pm
IDIOTIC GNOME!!!???? And you could just let the other cit EXPIRE, and never
pay for that one again!!!!!!!!


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Value of a cit

Sep 6, 2001, 4:09pm
oh, great, this gnome doesn't even know how to read!!! YOU SAID THAT, YOU
GNOME! I thought I was gonna be nice to you for a change to see if you got
any better, but you really know how to annoy me, don't you??? Comeeee on,
just get the refund and go away!!!!


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Aug 28, 2001, 10:07am
actually, you just use the auto-update tool...


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Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 2:49pm
not even 40? I usually get 44 (because for some weird, unexplicable reason I
set my vis very low... or maybe it was Chuck Party's Star Trek aliens that
did it for me? ;-)) )... and I often get 120 vis when in low density


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Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 5:36pm
normally you shouldn't be able to do that...


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Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 7:47pm
shadows really are needed, it's annoying to have to make pseudo-shadows
using transparent objects, especially as they have a bad habit of
overlapping on any ground cover/whatever beneat them...


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Aw 3.2

Sep 1, 2001, 10:30am
actually, it truly will be realised a wonderfull day, in the distant
future... maybe in AW 7.5?


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Lower The Worlds Prices

Aug 30, 2001, 5:45pm
in the small to medium size worlds there is no need to lower the actual
world price (except that the user limit fee is way too high vs number of
users!), BUT what they need to do is remove the first-year liscence fee,
because the new automated system running completely off their own server
truly costs them like 50 cents a day, and then a 70$ fee is outrageous! if
you take a P-10/5 it costs 10$ to renew (actual world cost), but as you have
a 70$ setup fee it costs 80$ the first year... most 6 year olds could afford
the 10$ here in Norway, but the 80$ is trickyer (even though six year olds
shouldn't have worlds, I used it as an example for comparasion)... there is
no more manual setup (read a setup process that requires a human employee to
do something) anymore, so it is a rip off to charge a setup fee... maybe
something for the BBB?


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Lower The Worlds Prices

Aug 31, 2001, 3:24pm
AW world prices are too high vs. what you get... we have the right to


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Lower The Worlds Prices

Aug 31, 2001, 7:54pm
uh... it would actually... if it's cheaper, more ppl will afford it, thus
more money... anyway, if they want to have those 70 dollars they might as
well put it into the price instead of calling it a setup fee, huh?


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Lower The Worlds Prices

Sep 2, 2001, 10:22am
yes, but your internet connection is controlled by your ISP, and if you
abuse stuff on the internet, they'll cut you off...


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Lower The Worlds Prices

Sep 3, 2001, 2:08pm
but you spam the NG with that same link, and you also spammed me with that
URL... I think a lot of ppl have reported you by now, so you better behave
before even more ppl will do it...


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Invalid privilege password

Sep 1, 2001, 10:32am
uh... RC 43 means that the PPW is wrong... and if you get it in AW as well,
something's wrong...


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Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 2:03pm
lets not start ANOTHER flamewar on this subject...


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Sep 2, 2001, 10:27am
*drops ignited match* Oops... ;-))


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Sep 6, 2001, 4:01pm
not to mention the chillers in Macedonia...


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Update to Objects d'AW

Sep 3, 2001, 2:05pm
happy birthday! ;-)) and thanx for the objects!


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Object Yard

Sep 5, 2001, 4:33pm
How many times does this have to be sayd? (if you don't agree with this, I
accept that, but don't reply with a flame starting a flamewar ;-)) ) NNTP
(Network News Transfer Protocol) is an old standard... It dates from the
early eighties, when HTML didn't exist. It is not MEANT to transport HTML.
It is UNSAFE to transport HTML over NNTP. It also bloates posts, and does
lots of other annoying stuff... That's why you'd rather not post in HTML...
Off course, HTML on webpages is fine, that's what HTML actually is MEANT to
do, and a protocol exists specifically for transfering HTML, the HTTP


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Alphaworld registry fixes

Sep 5, 2001, 4:26pm
thanx Ananas and Facter :-))


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