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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 10, 2002, 4:27pm
they will be MS competition one day, when the world gets hit by a beautifull
beam of enlightenment ;-)) XBox and GC seem pretty cool right now, but in
just a year they'll be obsolete crap compared to the newest 3D technology
available on computers, I don't like consoles, no way to upgrade them when
newer and better technology is released, and they have a very limited
functionality. And those cool pics in magazines of games are probably fakes
taken on top-of-the-line computers used for the development (I'd like to see
a programmer use one of those console letter pickers for programming lol)


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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 11, 2002, 6:06pm
objects in AW aren't two-sided unless you tell them to be (but if they are,
AW seems to be stupid enough to render both sides...), any good modeller
will allways run a thight regime on the poly count :-)) Something AW could
benefit a lot off: portal rendering! it's annoying if you go into a tall
building with many things in hight, but perhaps not a lot on each level, and
you get lag because AW renders the entire Y content of an area at once...


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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 11, 2002, 6:06pm
they can do in-game shots, but on better systems (they have to, since you
can't take shots on a console anyway) than the actual console, so it can
look much better.


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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 12, 2002, 9:50am
lol, you gotta watch the poly-count when you're modelling for AW, or any
other environment like AW, game, etc, but you don't need to if you're
modelling for creating a cool scene or something that's only for artistic
display, not for use in AW, since it will render very slowly...


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Jan 10, 2002, 4:27pm
an idea: go to another universe, like OW, and check with them, they've
obviously been guaranteed continuity even if the AWC should go bankrupt...
some universe owner might see your world as a great asset, and could
possibly even sponsor it? you never know, worth a try :-))


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Jan 11, 2002, 6:06pm
the gist of my post was that if they do seem to go under, then you can go to
someone else, and keep your virtual home alive, even though you had to move
it... I think that it's better than just trashing it if they go bust...


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 11, 2002, 6:06pm
how would he have the login info on his computer before he even tryed
accessing the NGs? he's just got them saved here to log on without having to
retype it, got nothing to do with the actual user database the NNTP server
has for only letting cits post here... thing is that they don't seem to
update it all too often (sometimes it seems not even to enact all the
changes, as has happened when Facter tryed banning some ppl lol)...


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Jan 13, 2002, 1:10pm
HUH? could you talk normally and not in metaphores please? lol


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Jan 13, 2002, 7:07pm
lol, I didn't get what he was saying because it was very cryptic and a
metaphor (obviously this is the right spelling) to a part of American
history I know nearly nothing about. Obviously it was just reformulation of
his original idea which I understood loud and clearly, I don't get the point
of reposting with weird metaphors...


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Managing information in AW culture

Jan 16, 2002, 2:26pm
thanx for providing jcolbert with a perfect example of ppl that get banned
and why... yes, I mean *you*, not Tyrell


[View Quote] At least the one you speak of IS well meaning... which is more than I can
say of you and your post here.
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A reason NOT to give CC info online for Trial Services

Jan 25, 2002, 7:23pm
you use AOheLl? Please don't tell me that it's true, dude! :-((


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No Sound in AW

Jan 25, 2002, 7:23pm
make them see if sound works in Windows Media Player (3.2 shells WMP for all
sounds). If it doesn't they should try to download an updated version or
contact MS Support (they're intitled to, since WMP is an MS product)


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Any idea on 3.3?

Jan 26, 2002, 9:28pm
According to Roland (this info dates from a Tech Talk a while back, since
there haven't been any for a while) AW management want the beta to start
about now... Roland didn't agree, so I don't know what's happening now, but
I seriously doubt it will take as long as that.


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Any idea on 3.3?

Jan 27, 2002, 12:19pm
hmmmm, 166MhZ sounds painfully low to me... I'm unlucky enough to run 233MhZ
MMX (gives a small extra boost) and AW often runs pretty slow... ESPECIALLY
3.2, I never had such lag and problems with 3.1. Also, many problems
disapeared when I bought a new hardware accelerator :-)) I suggest you get a
GeForce (GF2 will probably be best for your system, I'd suppose) card,
they're good and many are pretty inexpensive :-))


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Any idea on 3.3?

Jan 28, 2002, 4:50pm
AW 3.2 starts initing the video in the splash, before loading up the main


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Biggest building

Feb 9, 2002, 11:09am
cool building, is it in Avatar?


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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 3:59pm
unless the AW have patented the AW protocol (fat chance of that...) they
have no rights over him, since he's just using a protocol that happens to be
compatible with the AW browser. Trillian are legal too, they just got the
protocols, and wrote implementations of them. As long as Gav doesn't try to
abuse the knownledge of the AW protocol (for example using a modified
browser in AW universes), he hasn't done anything wrong. Feople, I wouldn't
recommend trying to sue him...


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An ALTERNATIVE To #D Homepages......

Feb 11, 2002, 5:01pm
having empty land in AW is cheaper than having developed land in AW...
remember that what matters is the stuff that's actually built which takes up
HD space, not areas with nothing on, this is a digital world, not the real
world where the size would actually matter ;-))


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Virtual Olympics Committee

Feb 15, 2002, 12:07pm
what about the VR Winter games? ;-)) I think the IRL winter Olympics are
more fun than the summer Olympics...


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Feb 15, 2002, 12:07pm
wrong... orc is something from The Lord Of The Rings I believe, and the
definition there is a group of elfs that were maltreathed and became orcs.
an ogre is a huge monster, often the size of a mountain (according to
Norwegian folk tales at least)


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 12:23pm
it's logged on on cit #1 and cit#1 has CT in all worlds in the universe, it
can do whatever it wants to. If the AWC go mad they can even change the
content of all worlds and change the rights and everything...


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 12:23pm
wouldn't it be a good idea to notify everyone of this? ppl don't like weird
bots coming in without any warning


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 11:06am
I've seen it happen to a private world (in another universe running the AW
Uniserver software)...


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:04pm
and I have trouble believing your comments have gotten this stupid and
pointless :-)) following your line of thoughts the AWC can't possibly own
the AW software, the company that manufactured their motherboard does. So
then the AWC are breaking laws like hell (well, after your way of thinking,
which is, off course, the stupid way)... and everything on any computer
belongs to the motherboard manufacturer. They have access, but NOT
ownership! The contents of a world is the COPYRIGHTED, INTELECTUAL PROPERTY
of it's owner!!! Not the AWC's!!! What about using your brain next time you


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 8:01pm
Insanity, I was proving your point to him!!!! lol, got a filter on him or


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 8:01pm
[View Quote] Insanity asked the question in his post, you replyed in a positive way,
meaning you obviously thought that this was the case. Read your own posts...

> I never said they owned the contents of a world.

but since they can do whatever they want with it, they've got to have some
sort of ownership of it, because if they haven't, they're breaking the law
by coming in and WITHOUT PERMISSION copy the property of others!

> owner!!! Not the AWC's!!!
> So?

They can't do no nothing with it without permission from the owner. They
didn't ask. What do you make out of those two sentences? They weren't in a
position to do what they did and shouldn't have!

> What about not being rude just because I questioned an article you posted
> about your bot on AWNews.com?

Come on, I'm not that petty, that has got NOTHING to do with your stupidness
around this matter!

Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 1:46pm
uhm... MrGrimm said he copyed the title, greeting and keywords... that's the
property of the owner of the world. Ok, so it isn't as bad as querying the
world and copying it, but it's a matter of principle, because they could do
just that later on.
Entering a world to build a search index is "something", so they shouldn't
have done it without permission. If they had *asked* I'm pretty sure about
everyone would've let them, but when they don't it's a breach of privacy and
copyright. You wouldn't like it if your landlord came into your house
without asking first, even if it was his house, would you? (in this case, it
isn't even the AWC's own property, so you could look at them as burglars
entering the house). No, I'm not petty, your comments about my bot don't
change my feelings about what you're saying on *this* subject. Maybe you are
petty because you automatically assume I was being petty? Heard about



Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 3:17pm
they own their software, but not the content created with their software.


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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 4:03pm
I bet that if they had asked nobody would've made a fuss and would've let


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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 3:34pm
what is wrong with you people? lol why can't you get this into your heads:
they DO own the SOFTWARE, but they have NO ownership over what the users
have CREATED with it (ie, world content, and I mean all content, including
the greeting). Then one day they decided that it would be a good idea making
a search engine for worlds, I think so too. But then they made the fatal
error of building an index with a bot that without prior permissions comes
in and grabs content before it gets the heck out of there as quick as it can
not to get busted. That's breaking the law, they stole the property of their
users. The license doesn't say no nothing about them owning what it's users
created! I think YOU are the one that needs to be enlightened and not
certainly not the other way round!


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