Renewing a world (Community)

Renewing a world // Community

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Nov 24, 2001, 6:13pm
Today I had a "renew" notice as I logged on, so I know that not only my
citizenship was up for renewal but my world also. So, going to the (new) aw
web-pages I found "Renew your world" at

Looked promising, and I typed in the world name as indicated.

Ops, in return I got the same page back, but with the message "Contact AW
Non-standard World"

Well, this isn't my problem really, awcom changed what was "standard" last
year, its their responability to maintain renewal of
pre-last-change-to-world-scheme system.

The page with "Contact AW, Non-standard World" also had a return field with
"World name", so I typed it again, making sure I typed it in right, in my
optimism I assumed it would then handle older worlds, from before last
change to world size/prices.

Well well, this didn't help much, retyping the world name and pressing
Return only gave me the same reply "Contact AW, Non-standard World".

Wow, what great help, I'm just trying to renew a world, and also a world
older then the last change to the world size/price sceme. Too difficult for
this web page to understand it seems. It tells me to contact aw, but by
going through the process of processing this web page I _am_ contacting aw.
If this form can't handle it it can only mean they don't want older worlds
to renew.

Well well, its been fun folks, but it doesn't look like Tomorrow will be up
after December 24th, make your visit before then :)



Nov 24, 2001, 6:24pm
I thought it could? They must've changed something with the new design
because I know the old renewal one could :). They should get that fixed..
Old worlds are probably worth more then the new versions are!


[View Quote]

lady jude

Nov 24, 2001, 7:25pm
Yup! Tried to renew my Classic today and searched for the link to do that
and it is no longer there :o(
Don't mind making the phone call ("mind your pennies and the dollars will
take care of themself") but is this necessary?
Dialing into AW would be an added expense,especially from overseas.
Sincerely hope you change you mind and with a little luck the renew Classic
world link will be up and running again before the 24th :o)

[View Quote]


Nov 24, 2001, 9:22pm
Hi Henrik...did you check if despite error messages your world was
actually renewed? I had an error message while renewing my citizenship,
and while loggin out the error message window I was charged again, so I
was charged twice, one for the error and one for loggin out the error :)
:) :)

[View Quote] >Today I had a "renew" notice as I logged on, so I know that not only my
>citizenship was up for renewal but my world also. So, going to the (new) aw
>web-pages I found "Renew your world" at
>Looked promising, and I typed in the world name as indicated.
>Ops, in return I got the same page back, but with the message "Contact AW
>Non-standard World"
>Well, this isn't my problem really, awcom changed what was "standard" last
>year, its their responability to maintain renewal of
>pre-last-change-to-world-scheme system.
>The page with "Contact AW, Non-standard World" also had a return field with
>"World name", so I typed it again, making sure I typed it in right, in my
>optimism I assumed it would then handle older worlds, from before last
>change to world size/prices.
>Well well, this didn't help much, retyping the world name and pressing
>Return only gave me the same reply "Contact AW, Non-standard World".
>Wow, what great help, I'm just trying to renew a world, and also a world
>older then the last change to the world size/price sceme. Too difficult for
>this web page to understand it seems. It tells me to contact aw, but by
>going through the process of processing this web page I _am_ contacting aw.
>If this form can't handle it it can only mean they don't want older worlds
>to renew.
>Well well, its been fun folks, but it doesn't look like Tomorrow will be up
>after December 24th, make your visit before then :)


Nov 24, 2001, 9:43pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Probably it is question of some errors in the webpage database, but
Tomorrow will be renewed, they just probably need to configure it
differently, as it is an old world probably they want to unify them all
with new types, you just probably need to send an email to AW, they will
change it, what do you mean 'Tomorrow' won't be up any longer! NO, not
Tomorrow, with all the worlds that could actually be dropped, NOT
tomorrow, not definitely...
The standard now is a P10 40,000 sq meters 5 users (smallest)
again, icey

[View Quote] >Today I had a "renew" notice as I logged on, so I know that not only my
>citizenship was up for renewal but my world also. So, going to the (new) aw
>web-pages I found "Renew your world" at
>Looked promising, and I typed in the world name as indicated.
>Ops, in return I got the same page back, but with the message "Contact AW
>Non-standard World"
>Well, this isn't my problem really, awcom changed what was "standard" last
>year, its their responability to maintain renewal of
>pre-last-change-to-world-scheme system.
>The page with "Contact AW, Non-standard World" also had a return field with
>"World name", so I typed it again, making sure I typed it in right, in my
>optimism I assumed it would then handle older worlds, from before last
>change to world size/prices.
>Well well, this didn't help much, retyping the world name and pressing
>Return only gave me the same reply "Contact AW, Non-standard World".
>Wow, what great help, I'm just trying to renew a world, and also a world
>older then the last change to the world size/price sceme. Too difficult for
>this web page to understand it seems. It tells me to contact aw, but by
>going through the process of processing this web page I _am_ contacting aw.
>If this form can't handle it it can only mean they don't want older worlds
>to renew.
>Well well, its been fun folks, but it doesn't look like Tomorrow will be up
>after December 24th, make your visit before then :)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Probably it is question of some errors in the webpage database, but Tomorrow
will be renewed, they just probably need to configure it differently, as
it is an old world probably they want to unify them all with new types, you
just probably need to send an email to AW, they will change it, what do you
mean 'Tomorrow' won't be up any longer! NO, not Tomorrow, with all the worlds
that could actually be dropped, NOT tomorrow, not definitely...<br>
The standard now is a P10 40,000 sq meters 5 users (smallest)<br>
again, icey
[View Quote] --------------020300000304050500040206--


Nov 25, 2001, 12:22pm
Please don't take Tommorow down! It's such a wonderfull world!


[View Quote]


Nov 25, 2001, 1:53pm
I agree, it's fun to visit :). Great modeling in it.. thanks for the UV
tutorial as well :).



Nov 25, 2001, 2:04pm
And I thought that Tomorrow never dies?

Fox Mc Cloud

"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news:
3c00fe99$1 at
> Please don't take Tommorow down! It's such a wonderfull world!


Nov 25, 2001, 2:57pm
Thanks for the concern folks :) I will renew it if its possible, today I
sent an email to AW, but since its weekend I guess I'll have to wait..
until tomorrow :)



Nov 26, 2001, 1:50pm
Hi HenrikG,

I happen to love your world "Tomorrow", it is one of my favorites.

The reason you could not renew on the site is because not only does your
world not match any current sizes, but it doesn't match any old sizes
either. If it had been a old PS8, PS8XE, PS16 or PS16XE then the sight is
set up to renew for you. Your world however has the same amount of land as
a PS16, but has more users. The sight does not know a price for that
configuration so it asked you to contact AW.

If you like I can reduce the sim users on your world to 16 and that should
let you renew at the classic PS16 price & size.

You can contact me at Tom at to let me know what you would
like to do.


Tom Fournier
Customer Service / Sales Manager Inc.
95 Parker St.
Newburyport, MA 01950
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Nov 26, 2001, 2:31pm
[View Quote] Thank you for the explanation! I can explain how it became so
"unstandard"..hehe. Back in 1999 it was shown at a VRML conference, at a
live demo. To be able to handle the unflux of people, Enzo was kind enough
to up the number of sim users from 16 to 32.

I'll email you the configuration I'd like.


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