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Alphaworld registry fixes

Sep 6, 2001, 3:59pm
oops!! I allways confuse names that look alike.. sorry, thanx Andras ;-))

PS. <> also works in PHP ;-))

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Sep 10, 2001, 6:09pm
did they have to rent you in as a consultant to fix the NGs? Who messed them
up, was it Rick? JP? ;-))

PS. to all dumbos that think I just said "hey, Facter, did you mess up the
server on purpose?", I am NOT saying that, and NOOOOOOOOOT meaning that in
ANY way...

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Sep 10, 2001, 6:15pm
oooooh, forgot: thanx [who ever you are, the one that got the posting
permissions sorted]! ;-))


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Sep 13, 2001, 4:07pm
maybe you should check your facts first, heh? AW Ear obviously DOES NOT
TRANSFER PASSWORDS. I have **checked**. And i agree with Goober King,
something DOES seem to be very strange with this whole Radon stealing PWs


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VR Universes & Worlds Don't Get This

Sep 13, 2001, 4:15pm
to prevent such things from happening, you DO realize that lifes *must* be
taken? the lifes of evil terrorists, that manipulate good fated people to
think they're heros selected by their Gods, but they are not, they are
everything BUT heroes, they are beasts at the end of the day. if the people
behind the forming and training of new terrorists are killed, they won't be
able to do more harm... what is a 100 lives to millions of possible inocent
civilians that get killed in terrorist actions? (killing these people is a
long term "investment" in more peace and security in our world). I
personally support any actions against terrorists and nations that support
them in ANY way.


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regarding the attacks on the USA...

Sep 13, 2001, 5:37pm
Hello, this Tuesday we all saw and heard about some terrible happenings in
the United States. For my own part I was ill on Tuesday, and kept bed until
1/2PM local time, and when I turned on my computer, doing my daily routine,
I discovered a news report stating that two planes had hit the World Trade
Center. I immediately turned on my TV set, and switched to CNN. I was really
shocked by what I saw. This was rather shortly after the planes crashed into
the towers. I watched generally all day long, I was very sad and shocked
when I saw the towers collapse live, I really thought they were going to put
out the fire, and repair the damages. The last days I have spent most of my
free time watching the news, CNN and BBC World have been sending nonstop. As
a dedicated AW mayor, I have decided to declare *Saturday* (this suits the
best, as I have to go to school tommorow) an official day of mourning in KAH
Town. It will be a time when anyone, from anywhere, can come to be with
others, and comfort each other, and pray this will never happen again. There
will also be built some memorial monument in honor to the victims of these
savage attacks. My thoughts and feelings are with the people of America.

Yours Sincerely,

"Memorial" World

Sep 14, 2001, 12:40pm
don't be so naive! it's a way of showing your respect and condolations! just
like thousands of flowers, greetings, candles, etc layed down in front of US
Embassies around the world.

PS. tommorow at noon VRT there will be a memorial time in KAH Town, and a
memorial area in there will be opened, I hope many people will turn up, it
will be a time to comfort each other and condemn these attacks. I hope
people from all around the world will come, so we can show that the entire
world is against these barbaric acts! KAH Town is located at AW 2222s 2143e

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I was ejected for speaking my mind???

Sep 24, 2001, 4:03pm
what you feel, and reality are two very different things... for example,
because Goober King used "*smirk*" once in a chat conversation you went all
mad at him... I would think you're simply overreacting, and being silly...
grow up!


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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 14, 2001, 6:49pm
go away, you weirdo gnome! it's your own fault you posted some most probably
untrue stuff, even though I don't think they should have ejected you, you
don't need to mess about 10 threads in the NGs, do you? and you still attach
a useless 12kb of stupid chat log!


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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 14, 2001, 8:54pm
oh crap! I forgot about that, I usually snip it... oh, well, it's human to
do errors (but stupid to do it on purpose)... sorry, I was dumb, still a bit
affected by this whole thing...


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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 15, 2001, 12:36pm
ok, here's the real truth...


Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 15, 2001, 4:32pm
what's wrong with you, crackass gnome? allready this nearly says it all:
"RUMOR: "I've received several copies of a message alleging that CNN is
using 1991 footage of celebrating Palestinians and passing it off as 2001
footage of Palestinians supposedly celebrating the attacks on the World
Trade Center and Pentagon."
STATUS: False. Yassir Arafat wouldn't be on record as condemning such
demonstrations if they hadn't happened, besides which they were also
documented by news outlets other than CNN. Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news
executive, called the rumors "baseless and ridiculous" and says the footage
in question was shot by a Reuters crew in East Jerusalem on Tuesday."

and the links reffered to let you know that camera crews did film cheering
crowds in the streets on Tuesday (September 11th 2001 that is...), the
cameraman was even threatened on his life for taping it... I don't think you
actually did *READ* it, anyway it doesn't have to do with CNN, it's not a
CNN site...


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Re: Tgram from AlphaBit Phalpha! & JI's Followup & my Reply

Sep 16, 2001, 2:27pm
well, you obviously have been a "bad boy" to get banned from the universe,


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Re: Tgram from AlphaBit Phalpha! - CP's & JFK2 Builder's Ideas

Sep 16, 2001, 2:29pm
yeah... Facter, come back! we need you to ban these weirdoes!!!!


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Re: Tgram from AlphaBit Phalpha! CP's & JFK2 Builder's Ideas

Sep 16, 2001, 2:33pm
oh, get off it! it was proved that Just In was completely innocent, and that
Chuck's Party had been having fun faking stuff just to frame Just In! YOU
have got a bunch of abuse reports on your neck as well, you don't wanna get
even more...

PS. we haven't heard from M a r c us for a while... maybe all those reports
got him cut off, hmm? who wants to take a bet on who'll be first of Chuck's
Party and JFK2?

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Poll Time!

Sep 26, 2001, 4:09pm
I agree, so Lady Jude, you better "f*** off" lol... I think you might've
misunderstood the meaning of the word "personal", it is meant as age, name,
adress, such things, not like in personal opinion... and he didn't actually
direct it against minors anyway... and the US can just go fine themselfes,
they can't think that they have the right to fine ppl just like that, as
they want... no offence intended...


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The "Oldies" (was RE: Plagiarism) from the worldbuilders ng)

Sep 26, 2001, 4:12pm
hey! AWNews.com certainly isn't for n00bs! it's for the intelligent
community of AW!


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New Website!

Sep 28, 2001, 2:58pm
I hate the name they've given it... "3D homepage"... that'll lower general
technology awareness in AW by [a hell lot]%! and obviously it's only a P5...


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New Website!

Sep 29, 2001, 7:12am
yes, I know, the rest is great! :-)) especially FeatureVote


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New Website!

Oct 2, 2001, 9:12am
we still have the good old, usual trial worlds, though... noticed in one of
these 3D homepage thingies that JP has gotten Gand to make him an av...
gives good opportunities for having "shoot JP" games...


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Sep 28, 2001, 3:00pm
yeah, but it hurts my eyes to read it... didn't go well with the background
color, try changing it. oh, and it's AWC (Active Worlds Corporation) now
;-)) good one BTW!


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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 28, 2001, 3:03pm
that list has like 15 cards/chipsets? I would suggest Mauz's 3D card support
page, much more complete... http://mauz.tnlc.com/ (sorry, can't remember
exact URL, link on front page)


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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 28, 2001, 3:03pm
DUH! what did you think she/he was using? use your sense of logic...


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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 28, 2001, 3:07pm
hehe, how funny, I had got a similar situation... Cozmo, just forget about
defending the AWC, it's no use ;-)) now will this site last for another 2
years? ;-)) and you think too much about your own system, for example, I
have an old Creative SB16 card, it sucks... in 3.1 the midis were REAAALLLY
nice for me... now they're crap again... should be an option instead of it
being predefined...


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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 29, 2001, 7:15am
cool, thanx for telling me! stupid question: how exactly? went into the
Multimedia thingy, and to the MIDI tab, couldn't find anything but the
soundcard instruments :-((


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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 30, 2001, 12:36pm
yes, on the music tab I have "microsoft synthetizer" in the test DirectMusic
dropdown, sounds ten times better than with the other choices (the soundcard


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3.2 and Peeps

Oct 1, 2001, 9:11am
WOA! thanx man! I really appreciate it! :-))) BTW I don't use ME, I used it
for about a month, it messed up everything, couldn't even connect to my ISP,
and it destroyed all my settings, etc when I had to remove it and install
Win 98 SE (I love it, lots of bug fixes from 98, but still not Microsoft
Evil crap in it)

PS. I think there's a possibility to set the synth manually in DOS, not sure

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What did we do to aw to deserve this

Sep 28, 2001, 3:15pm
3.2 seems a bit unfinished...


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What did we do to aw to deserve this

Sep 30, 2001, 12:38pm
I did something to make it work :-)) but it doesn't work well, even though
3.1 did... and I *do* have a quite good, hardware accelerated vid card
(brand new from the shop too... only installed it three days ago)


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From 2.2 to 3.2

Oct 2, 2001, 9:07am
hardware T&L sure isn't any good (at least the transparency bit),
interluscent objects looked much better in 3.1 (without opacityfix in 3.2
they can't be used, and with they lagg like hell and still look ugly)!


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