kah // User Search
kah // User Search
Sep 6, 2001, 3:59pm
oops!! I allways confuse names that look alike.. sorry, thanx Andras ;-))
PS. <> also works in PHP ;-))
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3B96709F.E9D7078A at oct31.de...
> Andras != Ananas ;)
> or in VB :
> Andras <> Ananas (I guess)
> kah wrote:
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Sep 10, 2001, 6:09pm
did they have to rent you in as a consultant to fix the NGs? Who messed them
up, was it Rick? JP? ;-))
PS. to all dumbos that think I just said "hey, Facter, did you mess up the
server on purpose?", I am NOT saying that, and NOOOOOOOOOT meaning that in
ANY way...
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b9d17a9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Gday all,
> Well, by now alot of you have in one way or another heard that as of
> I am no longer working for Activeworlds Corp.
> Firstly, I know you will all look for some big conspiracy, but in all
> honesty there is none, these things happen in business, and sometimes
> decisions need to be made for the betterment of all parties concerned. For
> some time now, I have been dis-satisfied with my work for the company, and
> it all came to a head this week. There are alot of reasons for this
> dis-satisfaction, some I am willing to discuss and some I am not - and the
> ones that I am not willing to discuss are in all honesty water under the
> bridge now, they change nothing.
> When I first got over here to work for AW over a year ago, I gave up alot.
> moved here from another country, left a relationship I was involved in,
> generally dropped my life back home to come and work with this software.
> Alot of you thought I was in some way selling out my values, or going to
> work for The Man, but in all my time here, I always upheld the one thing
> that was foremost in my mind - that I wanted to help the community of
> Activeworlds, and that the sacrifice was worth it to see if I could help
> make a difference in soe, small way.
> And I have. I have helped so many people, I have done what I wanted to do,
> and hat was to support you guys. Thats all it was ever about, thats all I
> really ever gave a fuck about, and it was last night, when all of this was
> going down, that there was one thought in my mind - and in all honesty, I
> wasnt even thinking aobut ymself..it was "what do I tell the
> community?"..because, I kind of feel like I might of done something right
> you...oh sure, I'm sure I pissed some of you off every so often (eep ;) ),
> but all in all, I believe that I have done a good job by all of *you* -
> regardless of what has happened, that is the one thing that I can hold on
> to, and keep foremost in my mind.
> You guys are so fucking great. Your all so diverse, you all have such rich
> personalities, or in some cases, inane ones, but you are what makes up
> Activeworlds. From the strange, to the great hearted, the community of
> people that I have been in touch with on a daily basis has at times
> frustrated me, and at times greatly warmed my heart....blah, I dont know
> what to say really, except thankyou.
> So, its time to move on. This is but one part of a greater journey that I
> wanted to embark upon last year, and it was only one stage of a grander
> that I wanted to start. In some ways, I have been stuck, and it was with
> death of my best friend in May, that really began to make me realise that
> needed to try and get on with those plans...but I felt stuck, and alot of
> that manifested in what has happened in these past few days.
> I have alot of projects that I work on outside of AW. I work in internet
> broadcasting, with a global dance radio station,t hat is really taking
> off...I work in the "Rave" and electronic music community, doing various
> things...I write alot...and I have the one passion that has over ridden
> of my creative endeavours these past few years, and that is my own music ,
> which is beginning to get noticed by a larger audience, and which I
> may be the thing that needs to be fully explored.
> I will still be around Activeworlds, I will still help people if I can,
> albeit not as much..haha, and you might even see me popping up ina few
> stranger places....the reason I am sticking and will stay in AW? I've
> invested 5 years of my lfie into it. I love 3D VR. I love the community as
> strange and cantankerous as it is...and I know that there are some *big*
> things coming up in the future of the software, that I really want to be
> involved in ;)
> My private email and address is below, links to my online diary and to my
> music (have a listen if you havnt already, you might actually like it) are
> there....and, well, there not much else to say really, except thankyou,
> everyone, for your support, your at sometimes bullshit, and for jsut being
> the community of Activeworlds.
> --
> ==================================
> I am Drunk of Borg. Resistance is floor tile.
> ==================================
> Facter - www.invurt.com
> Tracks - www.mp3.com/facter
> Pulseradio - www.pulseradio.net
> AINC/Pulseradio/Teknology Corps (Aus)
> ==================================
Sep 10, 2001, 6:15pm
oooooh, forgot: thanx [who ever you are, the one that got the posting
permissions sorted]! ;-))
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b9d1e17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> did they have to rent you in as a consultant to fix the NGs? Who messed
> up, was it Rick? JP? ;-))
> PS. to all dumbos that think I just said "hey, Facter, did you mess up the
> server on purpose?", I am NOT saying that, and NOOOOOOOOOT meaning that in
> ANY way...
> "facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3b9d17a9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> today,
> I
> and
> by
;) ),
> and
> plan
> the
> I
> alot
> believe
Sep 13, 2001, 4:07pm
maybe you should check your facts first, heh? AW Ear obviously DOES NOT
TRANSFER PASSWORDS. I have **checked**. And i agree with Goober King,
something DOES seem to be very strange with this whole Radon stealing PWs
[View Quote]"bcg" <Aquisclone at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3b9d6339 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello everyone,
> Yesterday and Today several worlds have been deleted using stolen
> (I believe the current count is 6). We know that at least one of them
> was deleted by a citizen named Radon, who used one of his bots which I was
> running to steal my AW pass from my computer. If you do not know Radon,
> recently made a program called AW Ear. I myself have stopped using, and
> removed all of the programs created by Radon. I recommend that anyone
> wants their password to be safe do so as well.
Sep 13, 2001, 4:15pm
to prevent such things from happening, you DO realize that lifes *must* be
taken? the lifes of evil terrorists, that manipulate good fated people to
think they're heros selected by their Gods, but they are not, they are
everything BUT heroes, they are beasts at the end of the day. if the people
behind the forming and training of new terrorists are killed, they won't be
able to do more harm... what is a 100 lives to millions of possible inocent
civilians that get killed in terrorist actions? (killing these people is a
long term "investment" in more peace and security in our world). I
personally support any actions against terrorists and nations that support
them in ANY way.
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3b9e85d5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmmmm .... "join hands and PRAY for LOVE and PEACE. And when whoever is
> found that caused all of this mess they should be hunted down until dead."
> What an interesting concept of "LOVE and PEACE" you have. Did you think
> through before you posted it or did you simply want to get your holy
> in everyones face?
> Considering the huge loss of life and the global ramifications of the
> inevitable retaliation, I think it would be more prudent to keep your
> personal views to yourself and leave people to have their own private
> thoughts on the matter.
> AW encompasses many different cultures, beliefs and sympathies, some of
> which are mutually exclusive. It IS a virtual community, free-er from the
> malices and persecutions present in the real world - based partly on
> escapism. While I share billions of other people's abhorence and
> in this matter, this isn't the forum for anyone to get on their soap box
> push their beliefs, their politics and religious tendencies down the
> of other members.
> Geesh!
> "jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns91199EA9CB66Bjfk2jfkmusiccom at
Sep 13, 2001, 5:37pm
Hello, this Tuesday we all saw and heard about some terrible happenings in
the United States. For my own part I was ill on Tuesday, and kept bed until
1/2PM local time, and when I turned on my computer, doing my daily routine,
I discovered a news report stating that two planes had hit the World Trade
Center. I immediately turned on my TV set, and switched to CNN. I was really
shocked by what I saw. This was rather shortly after the planes crashed into
the towers. I watched generally all day long, I was very sad and shocked
when I saw the towers collapse live, I really thought they were going to put
out the fire, and repair the damages. The last days I have spent most of my
free time watching the news, CNN and BBC World have been sending nonstop. As
a dedicated AW mayor, I have decided to declare *Saturday* (this suits the
best, as I have to go to school tommorow) an official day of mourning in KAH
Town. It will be a time when anyone, from anywhere, can come to be with
others, and comfort each other, and pray this will never happen again. There
will also be built some memorial monument in honor to the victims of these
savage attacks. My thoughts and feelings are with the people of America.
Yours Sincerely,
Sep 14, 2001, 12:40pm
don't be so naive! it's a way of showing your respect and condolations! just
like thousands of flowers, greetings, candles, etc layed down in front of US
Embassies around the world.
PS. tommorow at noon VRT there will be a memorial time in KAH Town, and a
memorial area in there will be opened, I hope many people will turn up, it
will be a time to comfort each other and condemn these attacks. I hope
people from all around the world will come, so we can show that the entire
world is against these barbaric acts! KAH Town is located at AW 2222s 2143e
[View Quote]"internal affairs" <biginsey at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3ba16ccd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> As many of you know AW has created a Memorial world in honor of what
> happened recently. As usual AW citizen phalaphe was asked to build it for
> them. How exactly can a "virtual" world that exists ONLY in cyberspace
> the rescue workers up here in NYC to save the lives of hundreds upon
> hundreds of victims? I don't see what the point of it all is. Does AW
> actually expect something to happen by actions taken on their part? It
> they magically want the thousands of bodies rising out of the debris and
> rubble from the area and joining AW, correct? However, does anyone have
> information about this world?
Sep 24, 2001, 4:03pm
what you feel, and reality are two very different things... for example,
because Goober King used "*smirk*" once in a chat conversation you went all
mad at him... I would think you're simply overreacting, and being silly...
grow up!
[View Quote]"x aw explorer x" <exploringaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3bae7700 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Unfortunately, I have seen the news media try to use what I would call
> than ethical tactics to try to persuade their point of view.
> Example: One cable news information network that I choose not to name
> a guy that was a former owner of a Perfume company to make their point
> the bombing of the twin towers. I feel the entire interview was bogus - a
> form of roll playing. The perfume guy acted overly sensitive to the idea
> war, while the news interview guy acted the opposite - in favor of war.
> news guy seemed logical in every way, and made the former perfume company
> owner look like an outcast and a fool. At the end of the interview the
> guy said, "OK, cut off his mike." My husband watched this interview with
> and could not remotely see through the bull, yelling wildly in favor of
> having the perfume guy's mike cut off.
> I was extremely angry that this was portrayed with a news network I
> to be ethical and give me unbiased, truthful, facts and debate. I wonder
> how many more people eat up balderdash such as this.
> While I 100% agree with you that the news tries to sway our opinion by
> throwing information out to us that is questionable, I also feel there is
> appropriate place for debating that - and my opinion is you picked the
> place.
> Could be why AWNews was formed?
> AW Explorer
> bodhi <Certainty at go.com> wrote in message
> news:3ba23ab9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> just
> with
> of
> bcolor=red;
> foot
> url
> Symbolic.
Sep 14, 2001, 6:49pm
go away, you weirdo gnome! it's your own fault you posted some most probably
untrue stuff, even though I don't think they should have ejected you, you
don't need to mess about 10 threads in the NGs, do you? and you still attach
a useless 12kb of stupid chat log!
[View Quote]"bodhi" <Certainty at go.com> wrote in message
news:3ba23d28 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Immigration Officer: Welcome To Memorial. Our concerns and prayers go out
> the citizens of New York City, Washington DC and all those affected.
> Memorials and thoughts can be made and left: stay on path and walk north
> Ground Zero.
> Nathan: he had another few signs here
> Nathan: that were toally unacceptable
> WoLfDawn o: k
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> Firewalkwithme: what did they say
> Firewalkwithme: ?
> Nathan: somnehing about the CNN news coverage being faked
> Nathan: or something
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> Wolfmandc: All I see is a black screen!
> OneSummer: morning hugsssss Artillo please feel free to make a
> north of gz here
> Just In: no Art
> Artillo: O OK THIS IS DIFF
> Artillo: gotcha
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> "GlitterGiRL": hey
> Artillo: I will be on vacation all next week
> Nathan: Anyway that guy was a complete fool. and I am glad he is gone
> Artillo: in Cape Cod
> Nathan: Welcome Glittergirl!
> TexaBit: What I am finding is anything can offend anyone...the perspective
> and recognition that different people express themselves differently
> needs to be considered thru all this....
> "GlitterGiRL": :)
> Wolfmandc: People's names nto Are nothing but black
> "GlitterGiRL": Texa? Hey it`s me Fiona from OW :)
> TexaBit: People act differently under emotional stress also....it could be
> calling for hepl for themselves
> Exenvoid: Your country is strong of heart & souls .... the test ahead is
> find the way through this without becoming your enemy. Your enemy is being
> dealt with by your absolutions , not your fears.
> TexaBit: Hi Fiona!...Nice to meet you!:)....huggggs;)
> Artillo: hi Exen
> Exenvoid: hi Artillo, nice to se you
> "GlitterGiRL": Hey Argon! LOL
> TexaBit: Hi Nathan:)
> Nathan: hi Texie :)
> Exenvoid: our electric mouths are shut
> TexaBit: Danadai...is this not a gathering place for folks to learn to
> during all this?
> Exenvoid: only my thoughts seep through
> "GlitterGiRL": I just wana tell everyone that my VR sister is in New York
> now,helping people :)
> Nathan: awesome glitter
> Just In: thanks for your message Agent Orange - its now been posted on the
> Memorial Wall
> Agent Orange: thx just in
> TexaBit: I wish to bring to peoples attention also that we have our
> here who have great fears....they are confused...they need us who have
> thru similar events to help them thru...guide them
> Firewalkwithme: Many of us have become "the enemy" by wanting to attack
> anyone who looks like they came from the east.
> "GlitterGiRL": hehe Pangea in OW
> TexaBit: I know Bodhi a bit...and this is NOT like him....he is struggling
> thru something
> Nathan: Bah
> TexaBit: We need to have alot of compassion and help others thru this
> Nathan: I have zero tolerance for traitors to decency
> Artillo: looks great summer
> Nathan: Defacing a memorial is as low as low can be
> OneSummer: thanks Artillo
> Nathan: Its like spray painting someones grave
> Prankster: hey
> Artillo: I gotta go I got lunch coming
> Just In: hi Prankster
> Aveline: I am sorry to be so dence - but I CANNOT find the oy!
> OneSummer: ok
> TexaBit: Nathan....what do YOU think Bodhi was actually saying in his
> defacing?
> Artillo: bye yalllll peace and take care
> Artillo: (((( HUGZZZ mooomooooo))))
> Just In: you joined me while I was close to a wall
> OneSummer: thanks peace to you
> Prankster: ya
> TexaBit: Folks....look beyond the expressions here...please
> Nathan: TexaBit: he was spreading wild rumours bashing on the integrity of
> american journalism
> WoLfDawn o: hey Ave!!!! hugs
> Aveline: Hey DAWN!
> Just In: If you would like to leave a small simple text message, send your
> words in a telegram (or whisper) to me and it will be added on the
> Wall
> Nathan: Saying that some of CNNs news coverage was doctored or fake
> OneSummer: thanks so my Wofmandc so very nice to see you as well
> WoLfDawn o: how are ya doing Sis?
> Just In: If you would like to build your own memorial, there are special
> plots available in either small or large sizes
> TexaBit: I wish I had been here....because I would bet my rep on what i
> beleive was not meant to harm....but to deal and cope
> Nathan: Wulfgar: in this case he was dead wrong
> Aveline: If Bhodi believew that CNN is being biased - he has EVERY RIGHT
> say so -
> BinaryBud: what he posted? no way
> BinaryBud: not in here
> Nathan: Aveline: not here, this is a memorial
> Danaidae ZG: not here
> BinaryBud: here's my take on CNN......
> TexaBit: BB I love you dearly....but look outside the box.....was there
> chance that his emotiona were trying to be released and he just didnt use
> proper tact?
> Wolf Eyes: Hi Danaidea
> Nathan: As bad as this tragedy has been, its no excuse for losing all form
> of rational thought and acting out like a child.
> Bodhi: Aveline not in this world I dont
> BinaryBud: they proolly used some old tape showing them celebrating,
> they havenoone in the country now to film it....so they used old tape to
> portray whats going on right now..... nothing wrong with that....prolly
> said "file tape" on the thing too.....
> Danaidae ZG: he is fine...his puter is sick however :(
> Wolf Eyes: awww
> Danaidae ZG: hi Wolf Eyes :)
> Nathan: well BB
> Just In: Aveline left
> Danaidae ZG: hehe maille
> OneSummer: Many people are shocked and hurt. Some messages left may
> shock.Memmorial World does not neccessarily support all the sentiments
> portrayed here. All of us at Active Worlds offer our deepest sympathies to
> all touched by this tragedy.
> Nathan: Yassar Arafat has said he is disgusted at what his people are
> Nathan: so obviously
> Immigration Officer: These messages are new since you scrolled back:
> Nathan: he has seen them celebrating
> TexaBit: Bodhi.......hugggggggggs...how are ya doin sweetie?
> BinaryBud: point is political statements do not belong here
> Nathan: and its really happening
> Danaidae ZG: nothing major....power source went out...under
> it back tomorrow
> Nathan: Bodhi just wants to upset people.
> Wolfmandc: Wulfgar its no only allowed its a constituional right that Men
> fought and died for ! How ever you also have the right to disagree with
> presentation!
> Firewalkwithme: It there an object yard here?
> Wolf Eyes: that;s good
> Nathan: People like him are known as "trolls" in the message board and
> room communities
> BinaryBud: "sweetie"
> Just In: okay people - lets drop it please
> Bodhi: BinaryBud yep thats what I expect from a dictator
> OneSummer: Please let us all remember why we are here
> Nathan: They go from place to place sowing seeds of discord
> WoLfDawn o: Nathan, has it occurred to you that maybe he was hurt too??
> Danaidae ZG: and he's going sailing tomorrow...so he wont miss it till he
> gets back
> BinaryBud: your a bonehead if you do not relize what i just said
> Just In: Firewalk - the is a teleporter right by GZ to the object yard
> Wolf Eyes: lol Daniadae
> Immigration Officer: These messages are new since you scrolled back:
> TexaBit: Bodhi...its me AlphaBit...can we talk please?
> Nathan: What am I doing?
> BinaryBud: it was ALL fact so they used an old tape what the hell does
> that have to do with FACTS
> TexaBit: Are you ok sweetie?
> Nathan: Who did I say i hate?
> Just In: people please - enough politics
> Wolf Eyes: You are showing hatred towards Bohdi
> Bodhi: I have nothing to say My stuff was deleted thats the fact of it
> OneSummer: wb Garnet
> TexaBit: What did your stuff say?
> Just In: If you would like to leave a small simple text message, send your
> words in a telegram (or whisper) to me and it will be added on the
> Wall
> OneSummer: your most welcome
> BinaryBud: your a moron Bodhi it was deleted rightly
> Aveline: Bhodi - What did you say that was deleted? I would like to
know -
> it seems to me we all should say what we feel.
> Just In: If you would like to build your own memorial, there are special
> plots available in either small or large sizes
> Nathan: Wolf Eyes: Sowing discord and ignorance is something to be hated.
> Firewalkwithme: Who are we to decide how everyone should handle this
> situation?? people greaive differently.
> Firewalkwithme: sp
> Bodhi: it said : CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians to
> Wolf Eyes: And you arent doing that now?
> Nathan: No Wolf Eyes
> OneSummer: maybe you need to reboot then
> Nathan: I have spoken only the truth
> Bodhi: with a click top a site
> Wolf Eyes: I feel sorry for you then
> TexaBit: Thats all?
> Aveline: Bhodi - if that is true - we should know it --
> Exenvoid: Somewhere out there are those who dance around a garden of
> where democracy is considered a weed, but this is not the place to voice
> this reality .... it is a place of rememberance is it not?
> BinaryBud: but not here!
> WoLfDawn o: I am sorry you have been treated this way. I kinda understand
> what you're saying. Trying to keep and open mind about everything and them
> condemning you on your thoughts is wrong, period
> Aveline: and - even if Palestinians are clebrting now - we should be
> how that effects OUR actions
> Bodhi: CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians to manipulate
> u ---- create sign bcolor=red; activate url
> http://de.indymedia.org/2001/09/7454.html
> OneSummer: I would reboot your computer
> King Tex: I am more offended by people placing burning towers here than
> anything else
> Exenvoid: Your garden of hope cannot be removed from this earth ,... it
> simply grow again
> OneSummer: hello Trishia o please feel free to make a rememberance north
> gz here
> Nathan: Tex: that kind of upset me too
> King Tex: it is a trvesty to do that in my opinion
> TexaBit: See folks.....alot is going to offend alot here........please
> accept others beliefs and opinions!:(
> Just In: what is it with you? can't you see you are inflaming people
> the way you are saying your message?
> Bodhi: I am not allowed to say this here but ---- CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE
> celebrating Palistinians to manipulate you ---- create sign
> activate url http://de.indymedia.org/2001/09/7454.html
> Wolf Eyes: Well put TexaBit
> Just In: okay - thats it - one more time and you will be ejected
> OneSummer: Many people are shocked and hurt. Some messages left may
> shock.Memmorial World does not neccessarily support all the sentiments
> portrayed here. All of us at Active Worlds offer our deepest sympathies to
> all touched by this tragedy.
> Bodhi: (to Just In) cant you just be unbias for once
> TexaBit: One Summer......I am going to remove my card here and not step
> in this world again if Bodhi is not given the respect to voice his opinion
> here...whats your decision?
> McGavin: Hey Wolf eyes
> Wolf Eyes: Hi McGavin
> Exenvoid: Bodhi sings from a different branch in a strange tree that our
> hopes do not need to hear is all .....
> Just In: I am unbiased and I hate the random attacks against innocent
> palestinians as much as you
> Just In: your message is valid...
> Just In: your delivery is tactless and hurtful
> TexaBit: brb its in my other account
> Exenvoid: Somethings always sing from else we sit,... the night is full of
> them
> OneSummer: I would like to remine everyone today is a day of prayer and
> rememberance
> Bodhi: I have just been threatened with ejection if I say this truth one
> more time so here goes --- CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating
> Palistinians to manipulate you ---- create sign bcolor=red; activate u
> http://de.indymedia.org/2001/09/7454.html
> McGavin: Bohdi, it's wildly inappropriate to hand out that link in a
> memorial world
> Nathan: Bodhi take it elsewhere
> OneSummer: that is what what we are doing here
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from memorial
> Immigration Officer: Killing in retaliation will not bring back those who
> died, Let us not forget the sanctity of ALL life... Welcome to
> www.symbolicdreamtime.homestead.com Email: Bodhi at zoomgazoo.com
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from memorial
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> Telegram from JIN, sent 2 minutes ago:
> Hi ,:)
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha, sent just now:
> Tex and i have removed our cards in protest of you not being allowed to
> voice your opinion.....thank you for standing up for your rights:)
Sep 14, 2001, 8:54pm
oh crap! I forgot about that, I usually snip it... oh, well, it's human to
do errors (but stupid to do it on purpose)... sorry, I was dumb, still a bit
affected by this whole thing...
[View Quote]"jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:Xns911CB329BC683jfk2jfkmusiccom at
> Kah... You are the dumb one here... Yes even i can be that dumb.
> What we should do is NOTY QUOTING ALL OF THAT over and over and then
> saying SEND IT IN. We should parse that a little or alot and then send
> in our replies.
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in news:3ba26d60 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Sep 15, 2001, 12:36pm
ok, here's the real truth...
Sep 15, 2001, 4:32pm
what's wrong with you, crackass gnome? allready this nearly says it all:
"RUMOR: "I've received several copies of a message alleging that CNN is
using 1991 footage of celebrating Palestinians and passing it off as 2001
footage of Palestinians supposedly celebrating the attacks on the World
Trade Center and Pentagon."
STATUS: False. Yassir Arafat wouldn't be on record as condemning such
demonstrations if they hadn't happened, besides which they were also
documented by news outlets other than CNN. Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news
executive, called the rumors "baseless and ridiculous" and says the footage
in question was shot by a Reuters crew in East Jerusalem on Tuesday."
and the links reffered to let you know that camera crews did film cheering
crowds in the streets on Tuesday (September 11th 2001 that is...), the
cameraman was even threatened on his life for taping it... I don't think you
actually did *READ* it, anyway it doesn't have to do with CNN, it's not a
CNN site...
[View Quote]"bodhi" <Certainty at go.com> wrote in message
news:3ba37888$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ohhh sure CNN is bound to be telling the truth... I Laugh at youe
> sillyness... lolol
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3ba36773 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 16, 2001, 2:27pm
well, you obviously have been a "bad boy" to get banned from the universe,
[View Quote]"jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:Xns911DD10698E4Djfk2jfkmusiccom at
> It's a little late to tell me where it's located... It's going to be a
> little hard for me to pop in there right now... The only way for me to
> actually see that will be a file transfer of someones dir where it's
> located in... [IP BLOCKED} is why it's a tiny bit hard for me now.
> "just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in
> news:3ba3cc6d at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Sep 16, 2001, 2:29pm
yeah... Facter, come back! we need you to ban these weirdoes!!!!
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3ba44cd4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So much for being friends with everyone, huh?
> SW Chris
> "bodhi" <Certainty at go.com> wrote in message
> news:3ba421b8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sooo - deal with it SW you are living amongst the
> PIGS...
> And those PIGS will be directly responsible for the
> next tragedy - where out kids will suffer... If you can't
> take the heat of WAR then speak out against it while
> you still can...
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3ba41b8f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> such
> i
> have
> the
> and
> will
Sep 16, 2001, 2:33pm
oh, get off it! it was proved that Just In was completely innocent, and that
Chuck's Party had been having fun faking stuff just to frame Just In! YOU
have got a bunch of abuse reports on your neck as well, you don't wanna get
even more...
PS. we haven't heard from M a r c us for a while... maybe all those reports
got him cut off, hmm? who wants to take a bet on who'll be first of Chuck's
Party and JFK2?
[View Quote]"jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:Xns911E7A0655A50jfk2jfkmusiccom at
> It's a little hard to forgive that DUMB ASS
> PEDOPHILE Just In when HE and his friend
> KELLEE with her top AW connections gets you run out of town....
> So that is why i'm going to be a little BITTER...
> Just In's idea of a RESOLVE A FIGHT is to get you barred so he can keep
> right on doing what he wants with no disruption to his PEDOPHILE ways.
> He and his friend KELLEE can run everyone into the hole.
> But they can't touch Outerworlds OR Dreamland Park Universe...
> That i'm glad.
> NOR can they touch City4All, Cybernet Universe, Flatland, world.net,
> Cyberworlds Universe, Bloxim Worlds, Galaxy Worlds Universe.
> and i'm either a cit at most of them or a tourist at some of them.
> [And right now as far as i know... NEITHER have a CIT in either
> universe EXCEPT for AW]
> "bodhi" <Certainty at go.com> wrote in
> news:3ba42015$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Sep 26, 2001, 4:09pm
I agree, so Lady Jude, you better "f*** off" lol... I think you might've
misunderstood the meaning of the word "personal", it is meant as age, name,
adress, such things, not like in personal opinion... and he didn't actually
direct it against minors anyway... and the US can just go fine themselfes,
they can't think that they have the right to fine ppl just like that, as
they want... no offence intended...
[View Quote]"cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3bb0ccc9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> LOL asking your opinion is hardley *personal* information so what the hell
> does that have to do with this?
> "lady jude" <LadyJude51 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3baf7a5f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> steal
> you
> built
> (if
> the
Sep 26, 2001, 4:12pm
hey! AWNews.com certainly isn't for n00bs! it's for the intelligent
community of AW!
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3bb20324 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I guess I just scraped into the "Fucking N00bs" catagory, do I get an
> official badge and monthly newsletter just for unintellectual newbie
> Oh wait..thats awnews.com ;)
> "wing." <wing at systemrecall.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb10882$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
Sep 28, 2001, 2:58pm
I hate the name they've given it... "3D homepage"... that'll lower general
technology awareness in AW by [a hell lot]%! and obviously it's only a P5...
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3bb1e154$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> In case you haven't noticed, the new Activeworlds site is up.
> -Agent1
Sep 29, 2001, 7:12am
yes, I know, the rest is great! :-)) especially FeatureVote
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3bb4b20c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I wasn't talking only about the 3D Homepage stuff... their entire site is
> -Agent1
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3bb4ac42 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 2, 2001, 9:12am
we still have the good old, usual trial worlds, though... noticed in one of
these 3D homepage thingies that JP has gotten Gand to make him an av...
gives good opportunities for having "shoot JP" games...
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3BB94D51.F0DA4C4B at tnlc.com...
> Too bad it sucks. Fac didn't spellcheck it ("it's", not "its"). What's
with all the "Activeworlds" 1-word shit? It's TWO words: Active Worlds. And,
uh, why are trial worlds now called "3D homepages"? They're not
homepages...duh. Looks like Rick and JP et al (just who ARE those other
twits on the directors page anyway? must be degenerates from that
hole-in-the-wall Vanguard corp AWC conned into buying them...seems they're
even further detached from AW than Rick and JP are...) are trying yet
another inept moronic wanna-be marketing attempt...
> The dashes are in that company name is because it seems to be
filtered...guess AWC doesn't want people talking about it...
> agent1 wrote:
Sep 28, 2001, 3:00pm
yeah, but it hurts my eyes to read it... didn't go well with the background
color, try changing it. oh, and it's AWC (Active Worlds Corporation) now
;-)) good one BTW!
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3bb22e24 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thats the exact same font (impact) and style as the text on the AW
> I though it was very appropriate to use the same style as the company I'm
> dissin' :)
> -Gamer
> "wing." <wing at systemrecall.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb22ab2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 28, 2001, 3:03pm
that list has like 15 cards/chipsets? I would suggest Mauz's 3D card support
page, much more complete... http://mauz.tnlc.com/ (sorry, can't remember
exact URL, link on front page)
[View Quote]"cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3bb22978$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Some other sites i forgot to mention:
> http://www.activeworlds.com/tech/videocards.asp
> -A list of video card both supported and not supported by 3.2
> http://www.activeworlds.com/help/video_problems.html
> -Helps you if you have video problems. here is some major points on this
> page:
> Update your video driver - this simple procedure fixes the vast majority
> problems that people experience.
> Change your display depth to 16 bits - many video cards work better when
> your screen is set to 16 bit color (also known as "high color".) To change
> your display depth, right click on the Windows desktop, select
> Properties..., and click on the Settings tab.
> Upgrade to the latest version of DirectX
> seee...3.2 isnt as bad as you think! It's not THEIR fualt that you havn't
> updated anything in years ;)
Sep 28, 2001, 3:03pm
DUH! what did you think she/he was using? use your sense of logic...
[View Quote]"cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3bb24c96$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if you cant use opengl or software mode use directx
> "ivie" <carrey at mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:3BB24743.8414E506 at mindspring.com...
> objects.
> few
> I
> and
> tests
> the
> this
> majority
> when
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
Sep 28, 2001, 3:07pm
hehe, how funny, I had got a similar situation... Cozmo, just forget about
defending the AWC, it's no use ;-)) now will this site last for another 2
years? ;-)) and you think too much about your own system, for example, I
have an old Creative SB16 card, it sucks... in 3.1 the midis were REAAALLLY
nice for me... now they're crap again... should be an option instead of it
being predefined...
[View Quote]"tony m" <fldmshl2013 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3bb278ff.10145957 at news.activeworlds.com...
> On 26 Sep 2001 15:16:08 -0400, "cozmo" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote:
> cool. couldn't find my card, though.
> been there, done that.
> tried it-- Windows froze on bootup. Had to go in safe mode to kill the new
driver... now both are at war with each other. fun.
> been there, done that.
> already have.
> this PC is quite new...
> --
> Tony M (fldmshl2013 at hotmail.com)
> http://tonyhttp.s5.com
Sep 29, 2001, 7:15am
cool, thanx for telling me! stupid question: how exactly? went into the
Multimedia thingy, and to the MIDI tab, couldn't find anything but the
soundcard instruments :-((
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3bb4d5fc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It runs off the midi mapper like pretty much everything else. If you want
> to use the MS Software synth again like in 3.1, change the default midi
> playback instrument in the control panel to the software synth.
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb4ae6a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this
> majority
> new
> when
> havn't
Sep 30, 2001, 12:36pm
yes, on the music tab I have "microsoft synthetizer" in the test DirectMusic
dropdown, sounds ten times better than with the other choices (the soundcard
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3bb63f7d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmmm ... sorry, that may not apply to you then. I have win2000. Is the
> software synth present in the dropdown in DxDiag?
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb59145 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> want
> another
> I
> of
> the
Oct 1, 2001, 9:11am
WOA! thanx man! I really appreciate it! :-))) BTW I don't use ME, I used it
for about a month, it messed up everything, couldn't even connect to my ISP,
and it destroyed all my settings, etc when I had to remove it and install
Win 98 SE (I love it, lots of bug fixes from 98, but still not Microsoft
Evil crap in it)
PS. I think there's a possibility to set the synth manually in DOS, not sure
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3bb7b911 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry KAH, I can't say much more. I just scanned all kinds of windows and
> MIDI support sites that I know of and can't find any mention of setting up
> the s/w synth as the default MIDI device in ME (I am guessing you're using
> ME - if not, sorry for the insult). It must be a configuration thing
> somewhere. I remember an older version of windows used to have an Add
> Instrument button on the MIDI tab of the multimedia control panel applet.
> never had any use for it though. Assuming its still there (it isn't under
> Win2000), perhaps that's how you could get to it? (That was a wild stab in
> the dark).
> If you can't get to it as your default device like that (and you're
> to solve the problem at a small purchase price) perhaps another
> would be a good option for you - software wavetable synths with device
> drivers. If you want to check some out ...
> WinGroove: http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/~hiroki/english/ ($20 shareware)
> Yamaha S-YG20 SoftSynthesizer available at
> http://www.yamaha.co.uk/xg/html/midplug/m_mid6.htm ($25 purchase - 90 day
> trial download available) - the S-YXG50 (with XG compaibility) is $50 so
> that's a bit pointless for a software synth solution for you.
> Jet-MIDI 1.1 looks like another one, at
> http://www.cowon.com/English/engjetmidi.htm ($19 purchase - 30 day trial
> available)
> Alternatively, you could probably pick up an old AWE64 for a few bucks
> to replace the FM card you have.
> I didn't have time to check them out for you (sorry, I would have tried if
> had more time), but there are downloads for you to try them out. I love
> Yamaha keyboards (I have two) so my leaning would be to go for that one.
> you want to look for more, here are some resources, maybe you can find a
> freeware one.
> http://www.synthzone.com/softsyn.htm
> http://www.sonicspot.com/softwaresynth.html
> http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/win95/SOFTWARE_SYNTHESIZERS/
> Be careful though, a lot of s/w synths are specialist and are either
> versions of analog hardware synths or designed to mimic old hardware or
> don't provide a device driver (i.e. they are self contained
> sequencers/renderers).
> Hope this is of some help. I guess it all depends how much you want to
> improve the MIDI playback if a sound card upgrade isn't an option for you.
> Also, the AW browser may just be too greedy for another resouce hungry
> application to run on your machine.
> Gook luck.
> Grims.
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb72dec at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> DirectMusic
> soundcard
> the
> forget
> instead
> points
> kill
> color".)
Sep 28, 2001, 3:15pm
3.2 seems a bit unfinished...
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3bb49b61 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it's what you didn't do. Unlike previous versions you have to
> configure this browser to make it work right. :) Options-->Settings.
> Click on the video tab. Switch between those 3 modes and choose the one
> that works the best for you. I've found it works quite normally once you
> get it properly setup and configured. Even the FPS hit I mentioned
> is gone now.
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
> http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html
> "agent fox mulder" <AgentFoxMulder at Shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3bb47bce at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> called
> lost
> i
Sep 30, 2001, 12:38pm
I did something to make it work :-)) but it doesn't work well, even though
3.1 did... and I *do* have a quite good, hardware accelerated vid card
(brand new from the shop too... only installed it three days ago)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3bb63b87$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Only because you actually have to do something to get it to work. *shrug*
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
> http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3bb4b02a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you
Oct 2, 2001, 9:07am
hardware T&L sure isn't any good (at least the transparency bit),
interluscent objects looked much better in 3.1 (without opacityfix in 3.2
they can't be used, and with they lagg like hell and still look ugly)!
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3BB948BC.63268E71 at tnlc.com...
> It's not just about Criterion. I doubt Roland even questions why Criterion
does ANYTHING, let alone suggest to Rick and JP that AW develop its own 3D
engine--but it's damn obvious Roland isn't capable of THAT either. The point
is: AW isn't keeping up with 3D engines of even 5 years old. Oh, sure, NOW
AW has hardware T&L but it's implemented so poorly in RW that it's not even
worth using because of the inconsistencies.
> I'm SERIOUSLY beginning to question continuing to create content (worlds
et al) for AW because of its continuing and growing inconsistencies and
hassles in having to redesign everything with each new build. What's the
point? Perhaps if I was getting paid for it...but I'm not. As a hobby AW is
becoming too much of a hassle to deal with.
> goober king wrote:
Windows NT,
WinNT support if it meant keeping lighting and transparency the same as in
3.1 (which is better). Now I have to change a lot of objects yet again. I
tire of it! People aren't going to want to create objects for AW if this
continues: having to redesign ones objects with each new AW version gets
REALLY irritating REALLY fast...