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Merry Christmas from ORB & BRO

Dec 28, 2003, 4:15pm
It is up to us to ask where the money comes from. We should care for good
reason, the same way companies watch who invests and how much. It can end
up becoming a power struggle.

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Staged Turmoil

Dec 27, 2003, 8:24pm
My opinion to the community about staged turmoil. Staged turmoil in order
to get certain people to respond, or to "bring people together" (that really
weren't so apart to begin with) is wrong. Especially when it is advertised
over the radio or in other communication arenas. I'm currently seeing this
in my home area and in AW. Sometimes I don't recognize that it is until
I've already become involved in trying to help. Other times, I recognize it
well. It is human nature for people to want to help one another, therefore,
sometimes is difficult to know the real truth. I don't think it is truthful
or Godly to play along with this and I have tried my best to stop responding
when I figure it out and not respond at all when I see this happening.

AW Abuse

Jan 23, 2004, 9:29pm
To Staff and Citizens of Activeworlds,

I'm writing to let you know about problems in AW affecting community. Abuse
that happens with people in bold - your people. Corruption is taking place.
Also, events that are held such as in AWHS are not done in fairness to
others regarding meeting times and assignments. Two nights ago, I was
ejected in Alpha World for doing nothing wrong. I received no warning and
no PK was present. I had to sign off my dial-up ISP and log back onto my
account to get another IP address to be able to enter AW again. You, the
Company, has not been as generous towards community as you are with
enhancing your program. An example of this is downloads are so slow with a
56 k modem that most people give up trying to visit other worlds, even the
gate or alpha world. It takes a very long time. Business within Active
Worlds isn't promoted with the current setup. I'm not sure what would help
that, maybe allowing more space in ! at Mart would be a start. I tried to find
space to start a little business and I never could find one. Events held in
worlds other than Alpha World regarding New Years and the like I do not feel
is appropriate. In order for people to feel as if they are a part of the
community, some of these hardships must be lifted. I wish to see AW as
populated as it once was. I wish to see elections, and a governing body
with high moral standards all for one purpose, to see AW prosper.

Sincerely, The Lady
thelady263414 at

cc: abuse at

Inflated User Numbers

Jan 24, 2004, 2:38am
There is a problem with inflated user numbers when looking on the worlds
list. It's something that a few people know how to manipulate. This needs
to be fixed. Is anyone able to do this or is this another bold abuse?

The Lady
thelady263414 at

cc: abuse at

PS I have told KeithB about this concern and asked him to look into it. He
said he would ask a few people.

Inflated User Numbers

Jan 24, 2004, 11:17am
I thought bots weren't suppose to make that number rise. There needs to be
accurate user number count for AWI public worlds.

I understand that owner's view about inflating numbers in his world being
his business. However, it could be used in ways that are manipulative, a
world contest for example, plus it is not good business practice, also for
statistical purposes for the company, one would think they would want this
issue fixed regarding private and public worlds.

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AW not a Product

Jan 25, 2004, 4:31pm
This is a battle between good and bad - Good will win.

The community has always been challenged in one way or another in AW. This
is not a battle between certain named people or companies that show an
interest in acquring AW. It is a battle between good and bad. It is a test
of faith. It challenges my faith and your faith. We will not lose. We are
a community of vast cultures, differences, but we will remain committed to
seeing AW stay together. In order to do this, we must become a democracy.
It has always been community, it will remain community. And we are winning.
: )))) Already, we have people at AW GZ every night discussing the current
situation. People are in agreement that we are a Community, we are here to

Our faith that God will help deliver our community of those forces who try
to destroy - will not be diminished, nor will it be shaken. : )))) We
Will Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$6.95 Too Much?

Jan 29, 2004, 9:48am
Many people are complaining that $6.95 per month is too much to pay for AW.
How much do you think is fair to pay for a citizenship?

Lives and you

Feb 2, 2004, 11:50pm
Hi PN,

There are people in AW that have gone through tremendous personal turmoil,
and although they probably will not talk about it openly, your post gives
the opportunity to say they deserve the utmost respect.

Not trying to be gender specific, but especially the men here, who society
teaches to be tough, not to show emotion - especially crying. I have much
respect and admiration for them because they have hung in there for nothing
more than devotion and love of the AW community.

Males and females have taken some of the most cruelest blows, have stood
strong and remain as Rocks of AW. : )

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Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 7, 2004, 4:55pm
"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with
the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).

Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 8, 2004, 4:44am
It's ok Carl : )

I've already spoken to one person at the wine party. But saying it here in
hopes that everyone in AW knows Christ as their Lord and Savior. And if
they don't, I invite them to the road to salvation. It is a life changing,
soul saving experience. : )

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The Game

Feb 19, 2004, 9:12am
This is being stated *off the game record*

Finally figured out what is going on here in AW. It has to do with a game
that is being played that it is whatever you say it is. If I said, "people
attack me all the time" then people will attack me all the time. The clock
in AW gate might represent that it only goes on for a certain amount of
time. Now that I have figured this out, I have a responsibility to tell
you, and also say I will not participate in this whatsoever. And those who
have deceived or used me to have this game played out to their advantage - I
don't want anything to do with you while this is going on. I'm not saying I
dont forgive you, just saying I dont want to be involved with you in any
way. I will not leave AW, but I certainly don't want to be a part of this
anymore, in any way, and I will not take anything that is handed to me
during this "game time".

What a cruel kind of game where no one is told the rules - no one, that is,
unless you happen to have a good friend that has figured it out. But why
should they tell you, it is to their advantage to keep the information to
themselves. A sick game.

The Game

Feb 20, 2004, 4:48am
The mere fact of the corruption that takes place here certainly would be
reason enough for people to question others motives. Things that happen in
AW are weird - also sometimes cruel. That in itself would be reason to
wonder if someone is deceiving you.

You call my experiences paranoia. Things that happen in AW link to local
locations. Sometimes in a cruel way, sometimes in a good way. If this has
never happened to you, I'm happy for you. However, if it saves one person
from the agony of wondering if they are the only one, I have found much
satisfaction in making the post.

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The Game

Feb 22, 2004, 1:23am
There are problems with people being attacked here. For instance, I have a
car wreck in my local community, sign online, get humiliated for it at gz.
For instance, someone kills my dog in my local community, sign online,
someone says "haha, your dog is dead" either by roll play with someone else
or similar. Usually tourists. Abuse among leadership. AWHS announced a
few meetings, changed the location of those meetings without notifying
members right before time of the meeting. Despite my concerns about
problems with AWHS, nothing was changed. One or two people are appointed or
designated for an entire event. If you want to help, expectations are so
high it causes conflict. I've heard a couple of people that are given bold
say openly at gz area they enjoy being bad. I wrote AW, no reply. I
complain in the newsgroup, no official check into the situation.

Regarding the game played here, it is purposely done. Hard to get a handle
on who is doing what to whom. But why? I think the reason why is for
control. Beat on someone mentally long enough, their abusers become their
friends. Sick. Patty Hearst is a good example. 'nuff said.

If you feel dumped on, right click and block my posts. : )

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The Game

Feb 22, 2004, 11:34am
: )

There has always been control in place in AW. Maybe not by the company,
maybe not by some of the older cits in AW, but maybe problems cause by
security issues within operating systems of victims who have been attacked.
When Godzilla world opened a few years ago, someone approached me telling me
they had made quite a bit of money - well, they said a lot of money - by
doing what they did to me, tormenting and the like but still thought I was a
nice person.

That is nothing against Godzilla world or AW the company. Just to open the
eyes of some here of what people will do to get control of others - even pay
money to people that will proudly boast of their good fortune tormenting

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Apologies to the People of Community NG

Feb 24, 2004, 12:26am
Apologies if my posts have caused any kind of unharmony among the people.

Regarding people who are different, it is wrong to publically harrass them
in any way, by mocking them, by public humiliation or shaming. Personal
attacks should not be tolerated here or in any community.

Again, my apologies if I have upset this newsgroup in any way.

Sincerely, The Lady
thelady263414 at

Active Worlds Experience

Feb 25, 2004, 9:42pm
Nice : ))))

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Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Feb 28, 2004, 8:29pm
It's very cool that flying seqs were added. : )


Some men don't like the looks of the avatar while in flight.
I don't like the looks of the lady avatar while it is flying. It looks
unladylike and when the Jenna avatar is used, you can see up the dress.

I'm not picking on whoever did this, but it would have been nice if we could
have had different views of flying and been able to vote on what we liked.

I'm reminded of the brick walk texture replaced years ago, a lot of people
didn't like that either. Sort of hurt the feelings of some in the company
that we didn't like it and were always complaining when changes occurred
(instead of praising). But it hurt the citizens as well because we are
artists, and artists like for their work to look a certain way. When you
change a texture, you are basically taking away their work.

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Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Feb 29, 2004, 12:19am
lol true

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Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Feb 29, 2004, 2:03pm
The whole this is, we should have been given the freedom to choose.

Regarding the brick texture, it would have been very easy to add a new
texture to the OP. Instead they chose to replace. It was saddening to see
an old cache of Alpha World (where I could walk around gz approx 1996) and
see the difference in textures. New and improved is fine, just don't
replace. They go to much trouble keeping our builds backed up, seems they
would go to just as much trouble preserving them as the builder intended for
it to be seen. It's pretty simple logic.

Regarding flying, kids, men and women don't all fly alike. I know, I'm a
woman! I don't like my legs spread out. Sort of like riding a horse, if I
had a dress on I'd ride side saddle. Again, we should be given the freedom
to choose. Maybe have Jenna's legs spreadable and Alicia flying with her
legs closed. I really don't know how men want to fly, but they should be
given their freedom to choose too. And the kids? They'd probably go for
something pretty cool, but give them the freedom to choose.

The Lady
"Three year member of the Protest Fat Bricks brigade."

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Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Mar 1, 2004, 7:00am
Regarding new additions we absolutely should be given the freedom to choose.
Regarding those things already in place, if the majority of citizens vote to
remove Hotep's hat, give us a new avatar in the list, but don't replace
what's already there.

Regarding the later statement, go to Russian world, the women have no
panties on under their dress, they are given much detail underneath. I
don't feel it is appropriate for children who enter that world. (Which is
rated G) Different cultures may have different styles, but no culture
reprensented in AW should freely show the details of a woman's area below
the waist in a rated G world. I feel it is degrading to women, notice the
men avatars are fully dressed below the waist.

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Weather Vane and Thermometer

Feb 27, 2004, 10:04pm
I need help making a weather vane moving realistically and the same with a
thermometer. You can telegram or post to the ng, I want the weather vane to
move to the left slightly, then slowly to the right slightly 3 times, then
spin around sort of fast and loop. want the thermometer to fluctuate a few
degrees left and right sort of slow.

Thanks : )

Beta Newsgroup

Feb 29, 2004, 11:40pm
How can I see the posts in beta newsgroup?

Beta Newsgroup

Mar 1, 2004, 7:25am
Beta seems to have become a place of exclusion to people interested in
testing the AW software. It's wrong. AOL has it's own newsgroup away from
other newsgroups regarding their beta. They have a whole lot of testers.
They don't flame for posting something that might not need to be fixed. And
if you are a flamer, your posting privileges are taken away. If you don't
encourage people to post problems, the software can't be perfected and sent
out in good quality. It needs to be more freely accessible to those
interested in participating. Those who personally attack someone in the
newsgroup, should be omitted from participating. Beta can become it's own
little community within the community if it is friendly to its participants,
does not tolerate personal attacks within the group, and good communication
established between the programmers and the testers.

AW please strive to make your beta the best beta it can be. : )

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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 1, 2004, 11:16pm
Some people in the group feel too intimidated to post problems.

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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 3, 2004, 1:05am
Seems you would want to make a sincere effort to clear the air regarding any
inhibitions beta testers would have concering posting problems.

Problems with that type of thinking are:

1) Closed minded
2) Not in the spirit of Cy
3) Tends to exclude instead of embrace participants
4) Not very good business practice

Is there any way someone in beta could be the one to start an effort to
begin making people feel more at ease in posting?

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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 3, 2004, 3:15am
I'm speaking up for those who have told me about the problem. If you can't
or won't help, that's up to you. In the meantime, as I said below "> >Is
there any way someone in beta could be the one to start an effort to

If you can't do that, maybe someone else in the group could start that
effort. : )

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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 3, 2004, 9:45pm
I don't agree with your suggestion.

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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 3, 2004, 9:49pm
I'm not exclusively picking on beta. Just speaking up from what I've seen
and what people have told me regarding beta ng.

Anyone reading this that participates in beta that would like to check into
this situation, please do so. : )

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Farewell AW(Cross-post Community/Worldbuilders)

Mar 6, 2004, 1:59am
Hugs C P!!!!!! You will be missed. Please come back to visit us soon. : )

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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Netsky Virus and AW Posters

Mar 9, 2004, 9:28pm

Hugs. Sorry you are having such trouble. There is a way for you to get
assistance in knowing how to handle the trouble. Gather all the pertinent
information. Then try to find a PK that will listen without trying to say
it isn't happening or that it couldn't happen. Once you find one you trust,
give them the info you have gathered and they will advise you on how to
handle it from there. Don't give up if you don't get some type of
resolution on the first try. And if you need to talk to someone for
support, I will be glad to talk to you anytime. Take care.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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