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Netsky Virus and AW Posters

Mar 10, 2004, 12:35am

I do understand what is going on. I really do. I don't agree with giving
advice saying something is not going on with a person when all the facts
have not been COMPLETELY investigated. I know I gave PN the best advice
anyone could without complete investigation into the problem.

A few years ago in AW, I had someone telegramming me, calling me a nigger
and other things, then the telegram would disappear and another one -
similar in nature but without the shocking words would be put in its place.

I had had so many attacks of various nature, and this was about the last
straw. I accused anyone around me, and if I didn't outright accuse them,
I'd cut them off socially. I went to ground zero and nearly went off the
wall. A PK told me "There is no way that someone can alter your telegrams
through the AW program." Another PK spoke up and said "Netbus" which, I
think is some sort of computer virus. If it's not, it's similar. And yes,
it turned out to be Netbus. The PK that told me it couldn't happen? It was
m0e. (And that is no slur against, m0e, it was in the beginning of his PK

Please don't assume and tell someone you know the inside of their situation
unless you do a thorough investigation. Give them support and general
information, refer them to someone that can see the entire facts and make a
determination so that the right steps can be implemented to begin to solve
their problem.

If that puts a burden on AW or PK's sobeit.

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Netsky Virus and AW Posters

Mar 11, 2004, 1:52am
Yes, in my telegram file on my computer, someone was altering the telegrams.
It can look pretty powerful to see your telegram changed. And what you
thought you saw is now replaced with something different. Did I really see
those horrible words? They were here a few minutes ago and now the telegram
says something different. Your house and land in the
AW community that everyone knows you build becomes the target of a vicious
hacker that likes to use telegrams to intimidate, belittle, harrass.

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Cit account expiring...

Mar 9, 2004, 9:34pm
Stop by for a tourist visit every once in awhile. : ) Take care until you

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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aw Community Hate Mail Straight from The sources

Mar 10, 2004, 7:36am

Take this situation to PK's.

Try to follow their advice as best you can. Posting the stuff below in the
ng should not be done. Anyone can write an email and sign someone else's
name to it. In fact, it could victimize someone who might be innocent - and
I know you wouldn't want someone to go through the public humiliation that
you experienced.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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aw Community Hate Mail Straight from The sources

Mar 10, 2004, 9:38pm

Please, there are certain PK's I would not ask for advice if it depended
upon me keeping my life. If I need advice from you, I will ask.

Thank you kindly for your understanding.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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aw Community Hate Mail Straight from The sources

Mar 10, 2004, 9:47pm

It isn't to hurt your feelings but please see it from my point of view.
It's very difficult to be the victim of disgusting acts while an on duty PK
watches on without saying a word. I have those that I trust if I need
advice and those that I do not. I'm sure that it the way it is with quite a
few people in AW, not just me.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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Helping People

Mar 11, 2004, 5:43pm
There have been a lot people in the AW community that although they disagree
with me, they will help me any time I need it. I am very appreciative of
them! It is a very good quality to have!

Looking back on difficult days I've had in AW, I hope I have never refused
to help someone when they asked me for help, even if I didn't like them. I
am realizing this is very important for me to do as a human being that likes
to help those in need. I apologize to anyone if I have refused them help
and am going to work on improving enduring the circumstances around me so
that I can be of help to those who need it, just as people try to do with

: )

A day is good, a day is better

Mar 18, 2004, 10:30am
Hugs PN!

The Lady

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Copy of Letter to Core PKs

Mar 18, 2004, 10:18pm
Not posting this to upset the community. It's just that I took an oath to
speak out against inequality and other things. I try to make all letters I
write to AW company or Pks available to for everyone to see unless it
contains info that might be detrimental. Noone has to respond, just making
it available for everyone to see because I want to be sure the messages are
getting to the right people.


I'm not very knowledgable about Peacekeepers. I don't know what your rules
are for training, but I've noticed when I talk to some PK's there is a wide
range of protocol. For instance, one PK might talk about his or her
personal views regarding AW. Another PK might avoid getting back with you
if the problem personally involves himself or herself - without typing a
telegram to refer you to someone else to handle the problem if they can't.
Some are suggestive - slightly nudging to see if they can mix business with
pleasure. And then some you just don't know if they are testing you with
their ability to be bad - to see how far they can push you and buttons or if
they are really bad. Also, if PK's are a liaison between AW and the people,
what are you doing to keep the company in line? ENZO doesn't even talk to
us anymore. Beta seems unfair. An investigation needs to be launched into

You need some type of internal watch system to be sure your own are kept in
line. I also suggest a PK survey. And please help make it your job keeping
the company in line.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

SW City's 5th Birthday Party

Mar 25, 2004, 10:23pm
WTG SW City!

: )

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Old Caches

Mar 26, 2004, 10:29am
Looking for old alpha world caches - 1995 - 1996. Anyone that could be of
help, would very much appreciate it.

Thanks, The Lady
thelady263414 at

PS Am spending less time here but do check my email every day.

Old Caches

Mar 27, 2004, 11:17am

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Old Caches

Mar 27, 2004, 4:26pm
I want all caches I can get - Alpha World only.

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Old Caches

Mar 27, 2004, 4:32pm

Thanks anyway.

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 2:06pm
Regarding suggestive text and images, I feel it is wrong to deny a person
something, then using suggestive text and images, try to let them know they
will gain something better by not doing whatever they were denied. For
instance, gatekeeper. If I were denied being a gatekeeper, then, by using
tourists, rollplay and suggestive speech and images, people try to "train"
me to think I'm still going to given the knowledge of a GK - that is wrong.
It's wrong because there is no validation to the individual. It seeks to
separate them from ones that were able to go through the process as a team.
It seeks to destroy the community. It happens here in AW.

A good friend once said to me, "You see what you want to see." (regarding
AW) I don't agree with that. It is a form of brainwashing. If this is
only that you see what you want to see, then, good friend, are you also
saying that's tough for brainwashed children blowing themselves up in

The Lady
thelady263414 at

CC: support at
peacekeeper at

Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 7:19pm
[View Quote] You are entitled to your opinion. : )

> Children blowing them selves up in Isreal has nothing to do with VR.

Children blowing themselves up in Israel have been brainwashed.
Some people in AW are brainwashed. See the parallel?

VR is a
> diferent kind of reality. When are you going to get it? AW is vertual
> reallity. It is not physical. The things happening in Isreal is REAL LIFE.
> It's physical. If a child blows him self up in AW it's pretend. If a child
> blows him self up in Isreal its for keeps; he dies.

I have seen statements similar to yours by other people, in gz areas and in
the newsgroup. It is an attempt to spawn discussion about and/or validate
what everyone here already knows, that AW is real life. Problem is many of
us, including some of the first citizens, wanted to keep the two kinds of
lives separate. It can be damaging to live two lives, one in VR, the other
in our local lives (I choose to not say real life anymore - local and VR are
the terms I use). Also, we all are vulnerable to laying aside the problems
in real life and taking on the ones here. For people that already have
strong independant living skills before they come to AW, it might not be so
hard. However, take someone that has been through a traumatic experience,
depressed, a child still living at home, a struggling marriage or shy
people, they are very vulnerable to trying to separate their experience here
with the one in their locality. I guess it's not much different than a
married woman or man cheating once a month on their spouse by flying to
another state to live it up for a weekend. It can also be compared to a
minister going to another state where he is not known to buy pornography.
So, if a child blows himself up in Israel, it is for keeps, he dies. If a
minister's pornography is found by his laymen, it is for keeps, he is asked
to leave the church. If a married woman or man is found cheating once a
month by their spouse on that free-for-all weekend, the spouse and
relationship is devastated. See the parallel? There is no difference in VR
truth and Local Life truth. One is no more or less important than the

> I am discusted at the fact that you brought that into the news groups as
> part of your weird reasoning. And it's insulting to the memories of those
> children. No one in AW is being brainwashed. Maybe what your good friend
> meant by saying that you see what you want to see is, YOU don't see the
> whole picture, YOU only see what you want to see. Maybe he meant that
> YOU are not thinking right. Maybe he meant for you to back up and take a
> good look. You are alway saying stuff that tells every one reading it that
> you think AW IS REAL LIFE. IT IS NOT!!

I think the above paragraphs address this portion of your post as well.

> Some people do make good friends in aw. And those friendships may extend
> into the real world, but that is between friends. Other then that AW is a
> place where people come to mentaly escape from the real world for a few
> hours. It is not meant to be a replacement for real life. You seem to have
> crossed the line and you think aw is real life.

See the above paragraphs - You are either living a truthful life all the way
around or you are using AW and other avenues as mentioned above as an
escape. The two must be kept in proportion to one another, otherwise it can
be damaging. More than that, it can lead to more serious things such as
brainwashing and human experimentation.

> I for one don't really care about the vertual polotics of the Gatekeepers
> your dissagreements with them. And, I expect most other people don't
> care for it either. It's a personal thing between you and them. I don't
> to AW for politics or to take up arms against your vertual enemies. If you
> tryed to become a gate keeper and were rejected by them, I'm sorry about
> that. You are probably not the only one who has been rejected over the
> years. That's just the way it goes when looking for a job. But, you have
> been pouting and complaining about it long enough. MOVE ON!!! Give it a
> rest.

> There is a diference.

Wrongful denial, brainwashing, human experimentation and bullying by people
given leadership rolls in the community is a serious community issue as well
as a concern for humanity as a whole. Move on? No. I've made it my

The Lady
thelady263414 at

> Imagine
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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 7:19pm

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 7:20pm

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 7:23pm

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 12:45am
> be physical repercussion that could end up really screwing up their
> lives. I still don't see what parallel there is to VR. If you do those
> things in RL you can't just turn off your live and move to something else
> like you can turn off the computer and move on. That's the

VR life is Real Life. Brainwashing can be done in VR. The fact that typed
words can be used to coerce people of a community to do things like torment
others by offering them gratuities or gain them greater knowledge is real.
It is not separate from local life, and greatly affects the way people go
about their business and interact with others - VR and Local.

> Human experimentation in AW? Ok you added a new one. What? When? Where?
> Why? HUH? LoL

You don't sound very open minded. I will not give out further facts to you
in this post because you are not asking in a respectful way.


> You sure make a lot of things your business. Can't you just mind your own
> business?
> Look, all your complaining and pouting won't get you that job, and it
> change the rules they go by that lost you that job. All you will
> is to alienate a whole lot of people. Wouldn't it be better to get your
> world and start your own organization? You could be the leader. You could
> use it to change things about AW that you don't like. Just send your
> grievances to AWI as an organization. Maybe it will change things to your
> favor if you go about this in a business like manner. Instead of, bad
> mouthing the people in charge of the parts of aw that you want changed.
> can't change anything by doing all this in the news groups. No one here
> authority to change anything in AW.

It isn't a matter of a job I want in AW. I wouldn't take a job AW offered
to me if they asked, but I don't think I need to worry about that. It isn't
a matter of wanting to start my own organization with me being the leader.
I wouldn't be able to trust very well. I made an oath to speak up against
things that are unfair. Newsgroup is the most appropriate place for me to
do that. Sometimes I speak up at AWGZ. I try to help as much as I can at
AWGate, and speak out against wrong things as best as I know possible.
That's about the limit to my contributing in the community.

> Imagine

Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 10:03am
If you are not interested in politics, why do you respond to these posts?

: )

AW is linked to local life. I don't know how, but it is. It links itself
someway to my work and local living. I imagine if it does to mine, it does
to others, too. I don't think it's right. People will use text and images
to say little things to let you know they know what is going on in your
local life. This has been done to me by a PK and others.

If it isn't happening to you, I'm happy for you. Don't throw cruel
accusations that I am some how less of a person and unhappy because it is
happening to me or others here. With all the hype about community that goes
on here, it should include helping to make others feel included, heard and
believed. : )

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 10:04am
I don't understand what you are saying.

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 10:08am
Israel mirrors the rest of the world, somehow. Not everyone or everything
in the entire world, just some people and places. I don't like it, but it's
a fact. I'd think twice about that weyoun, what you wish or what might be
happening in your back yard is the start to war or peace elsewhere. No more
wishes of violence, please.

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 10:08am
I don't understand what you are saying.

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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 10:09am

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Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 31, 2004, 9:44pm
What is the feature vote? Please explain.

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Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?

Apr 3, 2004, 7:52pm
Hugs Lara. : )

Sincerely, The Lady

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Apr 4, 2004, 12:38am
My sympathy to the family and friends of an AW Citizen.

The Lady

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 9:53pm
What nicknames are offensive to you?

The Lady

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Corrupt PK's & AW the Company

Jun 28, 2004, 10:12pm
There is abundant wrong doing among PK's and among the administration of
AW the Company. My hope is that one day AW will be free from corruption.

I was reading a post here a few hours ago that said AW should not be
used as a medium for abuse. That person is absolutely correct. Life is
short. Humililation, abuse, treating people in inhumane ways goes
against every thing we are taught as a people. Caring, warmth and love
should prevail in our community. It is evident in some things as the
wonderful birthday builds and other various community efforts. And it
seems worldbuilders newsgroup has remained a very strong medium for
help! We have no policing system in place. Peacekeepers are not
police, which makes it difficult for the citizens to completely resolve
situations. Some PK's are very vocal, abusive in their way of
communicating, overly agressive and in some cases, not making themselves
accountable to their wrong doing and/or deceptive actions to the
immediate people around them. There must be peace with those
immediatlely around you before you can be a successful Pacekeeper to
citizens as a whole.

I have faith that AW will gradually become a place where trustworthy
leadership is in place. Just my thoughts.

The Lady

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