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tony m // User Search
tony m // User SearchAW AbuseJan 24, 2004, 10:37am
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DSL (and broadband in general) is not available in every corner of the Earth.
a dumb questionJan 24, 2004, 12:45pm
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> When you go to Options/settings/video, what does T&L Support stand for?
> Tech & something? It stands for "Transform and Lighting". Hardware T&L means that the video card can handle some of the number crunching required for 3D graphics, reducing the burden on the CPU. $6.95 Too Much?Jan 29, 2004, 11:27am
UnDocked Tabs...Jan 30, 2004, 10:34pm
I've looked over the 3.5 beta notes (, and I have found this much about the floaty tabs:
In an attempt to control some apparent 'instability' regarding the viewport being resized, 3.5 build 503 did not make the camera resize. Well, apparently that wasn't working... so in build 504, they undid that, and instead introduced the one-way floaty tabs. [View Quote] > I hope there will be a way in the final release for this to be docked...its majorly piing be off..... Just Wondering...Jan 31, 2004, 1:36am
Telegram from TechnoZeus, sent Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:22 AM:
I have made a difficult decision. I plan to let my AW citizenship expire, and it's unlikely that I'll be working on the AW 3.5 help files. Hard to document what I haven't seen. You can find me in Worlds Chat. I am also TechnoZeus there. Citizenship is free there, and VIP citizenship (with customizable avatars) is only $24 per year. Send me your e-mail address and I can get your 7 day free VIP trial extended, and get you a substantial discount on your first year's VIP membership, if you like. There is no charge in Worlds Chat for world ownership. You may find Worlds Chat quite different, but you will also find features such as mirrors, portals and much more quite promising. Our input is wanted there.. I think we should help Worlds Chat become what it has the potential to be. Thanks for your patience with this long message. Take care Tony and I hope you will be supportive of this difficult decision. [View Quote] > Has anyone heard from TechnoZeus lately? I haven't heard from him in a while... princess nerwinMar 10, 2004, 1:07am
Then please keep it exactly where it belongs -- *email*, and not the newsgroups; I'm sure many people are not interested in your horrendous drama.
[View Quote] > just to clarify this email was to linn FROM princess get it straight can someone help? ppl cant load my world!Mar 10, 2004, 2:30am
My ISP's DNS server doesn't think the domain name of your OP exists; the other people who are having problems also have a DNS server like this.
[View Quote] > i have a world named LA and it works fine for me and a ton of other people, but today 2 people said they got Download Complete and nothing was loaded! can people go visit it and see if it loads, and if it doesnt can you explain why?? i even tested for myself by going on annother computer that still had 3.4 and loaded the world for the first time with no problems. FYI: I am using a multipath.php for the op. AcgtiveWorlds Webring (on 23, 2004, 11:22am
As far as I know, AWI lost control of the Webring quite some time ago and has never been able to get it back.
[View Quote] Avatars.dat Editor Alpha has begun!Mar 23, 2004, 9:11pm
Looks like a good program, Byte. I thought of the idea a few months ago, but it just ventured off into space; good to see someone else is bringing this to light :)
[View Quote] Major bugApr 12, 2004, 9:38pm
You are never supposed to submit bug reports through telegrams; the beta webpages say this clearly :)
[View Quote] Whats your total online time?Apr 21, 2004, 1:28am
Whats your total online time?Apr 22, 2004, 12:01pm
It has only been counting since around December, 2000 (or 2001? Sometime around 3.1 release)
[View Quote] Best Firewall?Apr 27, 2004, 12:46am
Real hosts use whatever operating system they are most comfortable with, and can make an effective business out of. You're comfortable with Linux -- others are equally so with Windows. OSes are numerous for a reason; each OS suits each person differently.
[View Quote] Best Firewall?Apr 27, 2004, 2:15am
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It is also just as easy to reverse your argument -- there are some server-related tasks for which Linux is unsuitable. It should also be taken into account that there are millions of users who depend on servers running Windows; the administrators of these systems have normally gone through some kind of formal training program. These administrators understand how the Windows system works, and can provide reliable services based on their knowledge. It's hard to run a reliable service without knowledge, isn't it? :)
MyActiveworldsApr 27, 2004, 1:08am
As Mask pointed out, the at emails only forward to an existing email account. There's no email system behind them.
You might try contacting AWI support to get the at email set up properly. [View Quote] > What is the server name for I have several emails that have at on them and I am interested in adding them to my Outlook Express accounts. I've had them for a while and never have really looked at them. I'm looking into using them. Is there someone I need to contact or something I need to do? *slightly confused* GhostsApr 30, 2004, 12:28am
I'm not sure if you thought of it before, but bots are the only other entity which can be represented by your citizen number concurrently while you're logged in. So your second case does not consider any existing bots the citizen may be running in that world.
Just a thought -- maybe you do know about it, but chose to leave it out of your report. [View Quote] > This is the newest xelagot topic: Ghosts > > It applies to all bots and browsers, so I make it generally available. > > For particulars about xelagot, see What's New > AW 3.5Apr 30, 2004, 10:44pm
I used to not be able to tolerate AW's mipmapping; then I decided to try it again for a few days after I got my new system in February. I now cannot go back; I see the same glittery effect you do.
[View Quote] Can mp3 make clean loops?May 7, 2004, 2:27pm
I would like to admit something shameful in public too.May 9, 2004, 6:44pm
Lies! All lies! I worked with the team of doctors who engineered this monstrosity known as UberMonkey. He is, infact, several monkeys within the body of one; hence why some of you may have seen me refer to UberMonkey as "Monkeys!" in his Proxima game.
[View Quote] I would also like to start my own public scandal.May 10, 2004, 10:11pm
I do not actually develop the ChatRelayBot. It is maintained and written by an army of monkeys with typewriters. There is also a special team which is devoted to nothing but throwing mud (dirt + water) at a wall; ubermonkeys analyze the patterns which develop, and it translates back into ChatRelayBot bugfixes and whatnot.
I am quite ashamed of hiding this fact. -- Tony M. AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!May 15, 2004, 9:28pm
AW is built with Visual C++, not the Borland compiler. I don't know what kind of "bug report" that is, but it's obviously incorrect.
[View Quote] > Bug report 'to microsoft' told me so! :-P AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!May 15, 2004, 10:02pm
I don't think Microsoft would have developed a way for the crash report to try to identify what compiler produced an executable (as it usually doesn't matter); you maybe mistook it for some other program?
[View Quote] > Stupid microsoft then. > > Ya know where a prog crashes or summit on XP and ms ask you if you want to send a report to them.. it showed that it was Borland that had compiled it. Xelagot Trivia Editor 1.1 availableMay 15, 2004, 9:24pm
Just an FYI: Nestor has had its own editor for the HamFon format used by it since the first release of Nestor. :)
Thanks, Xelag, for another handy utility. [View Quote] CyAwards Transcript?May 24, 2004, 2:27am
I'm missing bits and pieces in my chat log; does anyone have a transcript of the CyAwards event?
CyAwards Transcript?May 25, 2004, 7:19pm
Mars?May 29, 2004, 4:20pm
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This is absolutely disgusting. AWI has once again dug a deeper hole in their customer relations... just how far will it go until the company crashes entirely?
O_OJun 5, 2004, 3:11am
O_OJun 5, 2004, 3:51am
There's a newsgroup charter for a reason.
It wasn't my intent to be "rude", but kindly asking why John posted something off-topic. [View Quote] > why does someone always have to be rude sigh > [View Quote] SWE Here is My SpeechJun 22, 2004, 6:23am
see AW in a new wayJul 9, 2004, 3:37am