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tony m // User Search
tony m // User SearchBI Message - Try Building Somewhere Else Because This Space Is Too Full - WHAT IS UP????Jul 5, 2003, 6:46am
As far as I know, cell space is consisted of the length of the object's model name, plus the description and action fields. Origin has little to do with it.
[View Quote] BI Message - Try Building Somewhere Else Because This Space Is Too Full - WHAT IS UP????Jul 5, 2003, 8:42am
The universe server has nothing to do with building-- that's the world server's function.
Perhaps "changing" an object shouldn't be deleting the old and adding the new, but rather just overwriting the data with no separate add/delete. [View Quote] > [...] because it does not update the universe to 'clear' that object so it can change [...] Newsgroup CHARTERJul 10, 2003, 6:18am
No. The charter Andras quoted is the charter for this newsgroup as originally posted by AWI.
[View Quote] its a nice day in AWJul 12, 2003, 8:39am
Just tried going into Alpha as tourist. I was unable to build, but I could get in the world.
[View Quote] Who turned out the lights?Jul 17, 2003, 3:51am
Warning: unable to download (file not found)
Looks like someone accidentally deleted a texture [View Quote] > Hmm Alphaworld had a sun for a couple days...then pop! I looked up and it was gone O_O > > Cal, you out there? Don't seem to respond to tgrams =P > > - SW Comit > > Bots N PrivacyJul 21, 2003, 3:19am
I concur. By default, my bot comes configured with a welcome message explicitly stating it is in action, and where users can get more information on it. Whether or not worldowners change it is something I can't control; it's up to them to make sure users know where they can find information about my bot and what it does.
Public chat is just that -- "public". They may be intercepted, modified, and rebroadcasted by anything that knows how to -- the CRB, another relay-type bot, and basically anything else out there. If The Lady has had any traumatic experiences with a CRB, I invite her to either email me about it or respond to this thread :) [View Quote] > Well, honestly... thats up to the world owner... privacy rules mean that your chat cannot be 'spied' upon in AWI public worlds appart from by AWI if they feel something is amiss. > > Did you have a traumatic experience with a ChatRelayBot by any chance TheLady? It would seem to best fit what you are refering to... > > Like everything, its up to world owners and the bot programmers to decide exactly how the worlds chat system should run... I know in the main world I program for in AWEdu we use the ChatRelayBot for relaying everything all over the world because we want to be able to communicate, there really is nothing to hide that cannot be done in whispers or telegrams if needed, and the occasional time that we do, we can take down the ChatRelayBot and put up the Zeus beta to restict the outgoing communications from a chat zone. We have never had any other complaints, heck what the hell do you think is happening to your chat when it comes out bright pink on the chat window? :) > > Cooincidently AW IS encrypted at communications, and EXE level... Bots N PrivacyJul 21, 2003, 8:57am
Only if they do not enable "Show Names". If they enable this, you will be able to whisper :)
[View Quote] > Remember though, sometimesworld owners will have the world on 'hide chat' and will repeat the chat through a bot. This basically disables whispers. Declaration of Independance (The Lady)Jul 20, 2003, 11:59pm
<joins in on the fun>
And furthermore, We the People of ActiveWorlds further declare that The Lady is in dire need of a psychologist, as We have found her unable to discern reality from virtual-reality. :) </join> In all seriousness though, The Lady should learn to realise that AWI will run AW however they feel they should, and that a "Declaration of Independence" will utterly fail. [View Quote] Windows Security Tips/ToolsJul 22, 2003, 7:29pm
Another good security measure is regularly (i.e., once every month or so) changing privilege and account passwords.
[View Quote] > Since everyone is freaked out by the AW Toolkit and other nasty things going around, I decided to make a post about Windows security. Also, since I know a lot of you don't like to pay for things, all of the tools listed below are completely FREE. <snip> Old Timers DayJul 31, 2003, 8:05pm
I tested just now, and I'm in AlphaWorld as a tourist.
[View Quote] > Not a good place - should be a tourist enabled world. Or maybe ask to enable it for this purpose? > > We could try to invite some of the lost friends :-) > > [View Quote] Xelagot 3.422 availableAug 1, 2003, 11:38pm
Curious. Are you still thinking he's going to leave because of his citizenship crisis? AWI solved that for him not too long after he brought it to our attention.
[View Quote] > Still going to leave AW? [View Quote] Chazbot new buildAug 18, 2003, 2:47am
I find it interesting that you do not flame Xelag for posting his bot updates in community. Why are you singling out Baron Sweetman like this?
[View Quote] Armys of flying monkeys...Sep 2, 2003, 8:18pm
There are alphaworld objects present and in use in Proxima, but we have an equal amount of custom textures and models when we feel an appropriate need for them.
[View Quote] Error ReportingSep 5, 2003, 8:15pm
This error reporting dialog is only specific to Windows XP. It does not exist on anything prior to XP. AWI can do nothing about it, since it's Microsoft-specific.
[View Quote] New AWNewbie Website!Sep 15, 2003, 12:52am
There is no need to reply to him -- in fact, you're just adding to the problem. Give absolutely no attention to his posts.
[View Quote] Public Beta of Proxima RPGSep 30, 2003, 1:59am
For the past 12 weeks, I've been working with UberMonkey (#35850) on his RPG. Although the novelty of Active Worlds games has pretty much been completely lost with me, I knew that the guy could really use some help. I never thought it would turn out the way it has, and I'm quite proud to stand back and say that I was a part of this; I'm glad to have had this opportunity to work on someone else's dream, and to help them reach their goals. We've learned and laughed from each other; and now, after 12 weeks, we're ready to bring it up to the next level.
Proxima is a sci-fi RPG that isn't much like any others -- Proxima uses real-time PvP (player vs. player) combat, much like a First Person Shooter, while most RPGs rely on turn-based PvC (player vs. computer) combat to drive the game. You are able to interact with many aspects of the world, from using doors and control panels to firing large turreted weapons. You can obtain items, experience points, and money much like any RPG. Many structures can be damaged or destroyed entirely by the weapons you will encounter. There are 30 weapon types available, ranging from simple pistols, to tactical nukes that can destroy entire structures within seconds. Recently completed is the Time of Day system -- there is a set of 24 world attributes that rotate every 4 minutes (one hour in game time). At every 15 minute interval, the next hour's attributes are "blended" into the current hour, creating a 'transition' effect between hours. Objects that are "destructable" can be destroyed by any person armed with a weapon; depending on the number of hitpoints that object is defined to have, it 'respawns' within a certain amount of time. These destructables also have 'material' types, such as "Plasti-Glass", wood, "enhanced" wood, "DuraGlass", stone, metal, micro-reinforce steel, and energy. Usable turrets (also called "drivables") are like bunkers -- they provide a defensive position for a player in which the player fires with the weapon that the drivable is configured to have; up to four players can occupy a single drivable, depending on that drivable's configuration. Contributing to the realism of the game, Proxima's game engine also features falling and drowning damage. Falling damage is based on the distance you fall (in meters) times two. Drowning damage is calculated like this: (20 * (([your character's endurance] / 40) + 1)). The Proxima RPG is backed up with a good portion of storyline, most of it written by UberMonkey. Most of it is available for viewing from Ten "factions" control various properties that have been built around the world; the factions include City, Police, School, Bank, Drug Cartel, Bounty Hunters, Merchant's Guild, Natives, Church, and the Inter-stellar Federation. Factions can be joined by using the appropriate consoles located in a faction's base. Proxima is now in its public beta stage -- everyone is invited to join the game and report feedback to UberMonkey or Tony M. More information can be found on the Proxima website: See you in Proxima! -- Tony M. Public Beta of Proxima RPGOct 2, 2003, 8:53pm
Suggestions are welcome; send them to either me, or UberMonkey, by telegram or a visit in-world.
[View Quote] Temporary Closure of ProximaOct 7, 2003, 1:39am
Near the evening of October 6, UberMonkey and I began experiencing crash and freeze problems around the ground zero building. Our browsers would completely grey out the 3D pane and chat history areas, consume 100% CPU, and only do this near Proxima's ground zero.
The property was cleared and reloaded, however there are still recurring crash issues. Proxima's game controller is now also experiencing random (and bizarre) disconnections from the worldserver, while everybody else seems to be fine. These world conditions have forced us to temporarily close Proxima to the public until they can be resolved. If any of you can offer advice about this type of situation, I would be glad to hear it. I have never experienced such problems with ziOn. -- Tony M. Temporary Closure of ProximaOct 7, 2003, 10:01pm
ISP trouble left me without an Internet connection for most of today. It has been restored, but apparently I now have a new IP address. It will take at least a day or two for the DNS changes to to propogate; someone else controls, so that may take longer.
For now, the site may be accessed by IP: There is no workaround for the site. -- Tony M. URGENT NEWS BULITEN FOR ENTIRE ACTIVE WORLDS COMMUNITYNov 24, 2003, 12:53am
Would you please post a screenshot of this "unstoppable popup", so we can once and for all tell you what it really is? :)
It is you who wants the last word, since you keep replying to him.
[View Quote] > Must you get your way and one up every single person that argues with you?.... 22 Citizenships to be canceledNov 30, 2003, 4:16am
I normally never reply to these kinds of threads, but for this one I'm making an exception.
I'm sure most of us have nothing personally against you, Starfleet, however, the listing of these expiring citizenships is inhumane and quite indecent. The friends of these people most likely are already aware that their friends may or may not be leaving AW; most of these friends may already have alternative ways to contact the people you listed as expiring. It is also possible that these citizens will be taking on the renewal themselves; this renders your list completely useless. I'm not going to ask you to apologise; I'm not going to ask you to do anything about this. I'm not condemning you for what you did; we all make our mistakes :) What matters is that you have learned from this mistake. It matters that you have learned that listing people in the manner you have done is not acceptable by the majority of the people residing in this group. I'd like you to know that I realise you published the list with the best of intentions. Most (if not all) of us have done something like this before, and most of us also learned from it. It's this process of trial-and-error which make us human :) Read, and re-read, what I've written. Take it to heart should you ever find yourself considering something like this again. [View Quote] THE TRUTH IS HERE!!!!!Nov 30, 2003, 11:57pm
I think you need to shut down your computer, and take a week long vacation. There's no reason to be this upset over something that happened to a virtual world on the Internet.
I think you need to get a grip on reality. And this is the last I will reply to you in this thread, as you have already proven that you're incapable of being human.
That was very highly uncalled for. Who do you think you are?
[View Quote] > FUCK OFF YOU WORTHLESS CRIMINAL BASTARD! WE'LL MAKE SURE YOU GONNA PAY A HIGH PRICE FOR THIS! > > ------------------ > A1CT Command > [View Quote] PLEASE HELP A!!CT HAS BEEN WIPED!!!!Nov 30, 2003, 11:59pm
Really, now, who *do* you think you are? Being involved with A!!CT does not give you any special privileges within the community whatsoever; you don't get to run around screaming in all caps and cursing everyone you see just because you're involved with A!!CT.
Honestly, this is turning more and more into the Salem Witch Trials with each post... [View Quote] > IT WAS DEFINITELY CALLED FOR AND MEANT! NO ONE FUCKS WITH ME AND MY WORLDS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! > > ------------------ > A1CT Command > AWGames Reopening on Saturday, December 13thDec 7, 2003, 10:35pm
yep, i remember playing around in AWGames during my first year as a citizen. Definately planning to attend the reopening of it; sounds like they've been doing a lot of work on it over the past few years :)
[View Quote] Cracks between objectsDec 13, 2003, 5:09am
Look at -- point #5 talks about the seams.
[View Quote] DO YOU HAVE TO REPLY TO EVERYTHING!?!Dec 15, 2003, 4:09am
Strike Rapier has not responded to the six most recent threads in this group. Please calm down, and make use of your newsreader's filtering ability.
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