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Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 27, 2002, 5:23am
Dinosaurs existed for millions of years, mammals cannot
look back on such a successful history yet.

[P2/400, WinNT4]

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Making text on glass

Jan 1, 2003, 11:23am
bugfix (inline) ;)

[View Quote] Quad 1 2 3 4 tag 100

> ClumpEnd
> ModelEnd
> I hope that helps.
> TechnoZeus

object radius based visability augmentation

Jan 1, 2003, 6:41am
I think this would be a nice enhancement. I do not see any
problem to do those few calculations when a model is added
to the cache.

A good example where this behaviour would be really an improvement
is zaw25. When the visibility (float) is higher than the minimum
and the zaw25 comes into rendering distance, the framerate drops,
the visibility drops and the zaw25 is not in range anymore. It is
not rendered anymore as it is outside of the visible range, this
raises the framerate, zaw25 becomes visible again, is rendered and
so on.

I think a reason why it cannot so easily be done is that the
browser currently does not examine cells that are outside of
the visibility range at all, but with this change it would
have to examine a wide range of cells that all might contain
large-range visible objects.

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Jan 7, 2003, 6:12pm
Scol has that, not sure if it is persistent though

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Jan 10, 2003, 4:45pm

A 3D chat program with a different concept than AW, no universes
like AW, no full online building. But as it's freesource now,
something to play with and maybe learn from :)

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Tourist allowance 3rd color

Jan 10, 2003, 5:27am
The first 3 colors you propose are quite a good idea,
orange cannot really exist - red for closed. As soon as
it opens it will show green or blue.

The rating is completely uninteresting in the worldlist
as long as it meets or is below your own limit. So my vote
would be red for world that exceed your rating too.

If someone wanted to know why he cannot access, a popup
on right-clicking the world could reveal more detailed
informations, but with your 3-color system you could tell
by one quick look : access/no access.

The letters do not mean anything to me and most others who
are not from the US and I don't want to consult a manual
in order to see if I can enter a world or not.

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Exception Rights List

Jan 17, 2003, 5:47am
An old wish and imo. not more than a one hour task (plus

Especially useful for large worlds as the builders list
becomes full very soon so no new builders can be added

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Exception Rights List

Jan 17, 2003, 3:08pm
if (InvertSelection)
CheckPermission = !CheckPermission;

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Idea (create scale)

Jan 19, 2003, 7:42pm
You can see that it cannot be too complicated, it works even with
script in most cases (

As it is a simple size multiplication it will not even interfer
with the registry.

Distorsions - well, that's a bit more complicated I guess.

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Feb 24, 2003, 7:04am
10,000 :)


Feb 24, 2003, 7:34pm
Andras saw it too ;)

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add web controll..........

Mar 1, 2003, 11:31am
Why don't you just use an external browser window?

The implementation of aw_3d is plain crap, instead of just
overlaying the 3d window with a web window, the 3d window
is completely removed with all its contents.

Using the aw_3d target will make most people instantly
leave the place where it happened. All models have to
be rendered again when the 3d view returns, that sometimes
makes the browser unusable for 20 or more seconds.
Even chat text and input are affected and do not work
anymore for quite a long time.

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undo button

Mar 2, 2003, 4:52am
It would make sense to limit it to the last cell that
has been modified. It should be possible to undo a
mass-move with multiple highlitet objects in source and
all target cells immediately after the change has been
made, i.e. all object in one cell should be stored, with
initial location. If moved outside of the cell, the target
cell and object number should be stored as well as a
delete flag to undo delete with multiple hilited models.
If handled like this, not even dynamic memory handling
would be necessary for the feature.

The problem I see is that the models would have to be
rebuilt and cannot be just restored. As AW is a multiuser
environment, changes that others made in the same cell
would create replication conflicts that are not so easy
to solve. Permission problems would occur if the "undoer"
has no ED rights and the BI would not always like the
undo process because of cell space problems.
This makes the whole thing quite troublesome and unreliable
so I doubt it can be implemented with a few lines of code.

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differentiation between animations and normal textures

Mar 4, 2003, 3:25pm
If you think about that, you'll see that it's just nonsense.

The textures are JPEG format, that's why you

- should keep JPG/JPEG as the file extension
- don't have much influence on the exact color of any pixel

And how does the browser know how many frames one animation contains?

Btw.: there _is_ an different way to have animations already, without
leaving the standards. The animate command does not require a special
picture size.

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differentiation between animations and normal textures

Mar 4, 2003, 5:53pm
You didn't read what I wrote : you cannot color just one pixel in
an exact color in JPG, it will influence the neighbours and will
be influenced by the neighbours.

What about just making your not animated picture just one pixel row
shorter or longer?

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differentiation between animations and normal textures

Mar 5, 2003, 1:46pm
I know how AW currently does it - but how should it do it with Bowens
idea in effect - detected through the (impossible) red pixel and not
through the size?

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differentiation between animations and normal textures

Mar 5, 2003, 2:03pm
GIF itself is still free I think, it is just one of the
compression methods that is claimed to be patented, the
LZW (or was it LZH?) compression - the patent should be
long outdated as the method is not "state of the art"
anymore but some weirdos decided to make new patent laws.

Even simple ZIP compressed BMP should do for a lossless
compressed format as it is stored in the cache uncompressed
anyway, AVI in its simple form would be another option
but no common format beats JPG so far for scaleable(!)
lossy compression with full color depth. Supercomressed
GIF is sometimes smaller for animated textures but supports
only about 250 colors then, as supercompress doesn't work
together with local palettes.

Maybe a second supported format would be a nice option
but JPG still has advantages that most other formats don't

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Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 6:54pm
Spellcheckers are for people who cannot write properly.

Otoh. I would be interested to know what a Norwegian spell
checker would do to an English text ...

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build 447 initial 3rd person camera

Mar 14, 2003, 5:38pm

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[re-post] Command Enhancements

Mar 19, 2003, 5:05am
Nice collection :)

A comment on the Orbit command :

in the dynamic OP script I use a (RWX) translate instead that
can be used together with a rotate to create the orbiting effect.
This combination is a little more versatile as you can use
the translate alone to change the model location in relation
to the base point permanent.

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Euro Descriptions

Apr 4, 2003, 2:10pm
It is an incompatibility in the propdump and maybe database

They changed the internal format of the linebreak in the object
property fields. I think there are bots that can fix this bug.

It is very annoying but I doubt they will fix it.

[View Quote]

Euro Descriptions

Apr 6, 2003, 6:10am
The problem is not how it occurs in the dialog box, the
problem is the change in the internal representation,
the way it is stored.

The way they have it in the dialog box still works fine
but there's a version conflict in this internal format

If they had a reason to change it (which I do not see),
why not continue accepting the old format in propdumps
and in bot-sent strings too.

An index field does not really help and is not needed,
the C operations for tokenizing strings are not that
slow, compared to the number of times they are used
in the program to build a scene.

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Cache to propdump

Apr 7, 2003, 5:50pm
ok *g

awdat2dmp is for those browsers that know tilt/roll,
awdat2dmp22 is for older ones.

Both can create old and new propdumps - and both are
command line tools, so make sure to have eaten some
garlic and wear a cross while you use them

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Cache to propdump

Apr 8, 2003, 8:05am
This should not work as the database structures of the world
server contain one more field, the world ID. This world ID is
not needed by the browser as it has only one world/database
whereas the world server has multiple worlds in one database.

It worked with old world servers that could not run multiple
worlds. But the old propdump command will not work on newer
browser database files either as they will not recognize the
tilt and roll fields.

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password protect the whole object path.

Apr 8, 2003, 8:09am
With 3.4 you will allow a basic protection, checking
the browser identification and the HTTP referrer.
Both can be faked though, e.g. with a proxy.

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I wish for another bit, dear sir!

Apr 8, 2003, 8:17pm
16 bit for the avatar identifier would be fine (for a while)

I love to have choices :)

Should go together with a dropdown or tab, the current menu already
causes problems with low screen resolutions and 250 AVs.

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Speed up the browser/world server

Apr 16, 2003, 6:23am
The suggestion to use short tokens for actions and triggers isn't too
new and it does make very much sense.

An orgy of "strcmp()" on strings is way slower than a "switch() case:"
on integers and causes much more CPU load.

The long range visible objects have been discussed and I seem to remember
that someone (Andras?) mentioned that they will come. The only long
range visible object that came is the non-repeating ground :-/

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Speed up the browser/world server

Apr 28, 2003, 4:15pm
Keeping this polygon kind of lag low is a matter of
disciplin of the builder or a matter of cell limit.

But tokenized commands would reduce the cache size, the
cell database size (world server), the traffic (!) and
they would increase the interpreter speed (browser).

Sure you're right, more polygons make more lag, but
a place with lots of tokenized commands would cause
slightly less lag than the same place with text commands
while the objects are added to the scene.

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control of downloading

Apr 18, 2003, 7:52am
With a checkbox option to give models a very high priority so all
models are downloaded before it starts loading any textures :)

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closed worlds

Apr 18, 2003, 8:02am
I'm not a big friend of GUI skins but in this case I think
it would be nice to have a chooseable DLL with only the
BMP ressources contained. This would allow people to modify
those buttons and markers without copyright trouble.

The Win SDK has those functions to load ressources from
a module outside of the current program binary (EXE/DLL).

Plus it would be more "stuff" to offer on download pages :)

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