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Oct 5, 2002, 9:16am
No, sorry, not so easily. Andras should be able to do it as he has
the licence for C-Tree database developement that is used to store
grams. The database and the index file contain entries that C-Tree
needs to manage storage and so, these are fields I can ignore when
I convert from the database format, but not when I try to create
such a database or append to it.

But you do not loose your telegram.dat when you convert them with
this program.

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What about gateway worlds?

Oct 4, 2002, 11:26pm
I know this would be really much work and complicated,
especially the organisation of the citizen numbers, so
it is sure quite an unrealistic wish - but who knows :

It would be great to have worlds that can connect to more
than one universe at the same time, so people could create
connecting joints between universes, where people from
one universe could meet people from the other universes.

Terrain Textures

Oct 5, 2002, 6:30pm
Enough if one world uses one object path, but can cause
complications when you either have lots of worlds using
the same path or when you want to have one texture for
each terrain square - like DEM (?) representations of
real landscapes sometimes have it.

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Key assignments

Oct 6, 2002, 8:32am
I just noticed that ESC seems to be completely unused.
It would be the right key to assign to a combination
from "Undo changes" (backspace) and "Close window"
(not assigned to a key) in the Object Properties window.

The current key assignment for "Undo changes" is a bug,
because it is not available as soon as an edit field has
the focus, it should be Ctrl-U or Ctrl-Z

What I always miss, is a key to straighten the view. As it
is a movement key, it should be on the numpad, the unused
keys "multiply" or "divide" would be my choice for that.
I would have expected it to be on the "5" key, but that's
already taken :-/

coloring tag

Oct 9, 2002, 6:49pm
Is there any reason why the "color" command cannot accept
a tag option? If not, it should have this option.

coloring tag

Oct 12, 2002, 8:41pm
Example : if an object has some polygons tagged (labeled) with
42, you can "create texture texturename tag=42", but you can
not "create color ff0000 tag=42"

One more thing I found lately, not sure if related, wireframe
polygons are not affected by "create color" at all, and prelight
doesn't work on them like expected.

Of course I can create any color as a texture with the dynamic
OP script, but that isn't the same.

Btw, this isn't documented for fetch.php I think.
"create texture ~rRRGGBB"
is the syntax. If you specify anything that isn't like this
pettern, it applies a random color for every download.

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tag info button

Oct 13, 2002, 8:16pm
Having a button in the object properties dialog
that lists all used tags would be a good help
for builders

It Pays To Play!

Oct 14, 2002, 8:40pm
This doesn't belong to "wishlist".

It actually doesn't belong into any of the newsgroups

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SDK methods aw_bool/aw_int

Oct 16, 2002, 11:58pm
No offense, but you code wrong :)

A comparison with a boolean value is always a design bug that
shows that you do not really understand the meaning of "BOOL".

Instead of writing

if (x == TRUE)
if (x)

and replace

if (x == FALSE)
if (! x)

this is the correct way to test the value of a BOOLEAN and will
solve your value problem.

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SDK methods aw_bool/aw_int

Oct 17, 2002, 1:50am
> As such only a value of TRUE or FALSE should be returned by aw_bool

What you want as a return value, this "boolean TRUE", is
something that does not exist at all. If you find such a TRUE
definition in your compiler, like in windef.h "#define TRUE 1",
you can blame microsoft for this wrong setting. It is not part
of the C language. Correct would have been "#define WIN_TRUE 1"
to indicate what they use as a TRUE value.

The mapping of a boolean to an integer is done by all languages
that do not have symbolic class constants, and even those map
them to integers (internally), there is no CPU value "true" /
"false" except you would use a string for that (performance loss).
OK, PHP does that, but it is an interpreter anyway - and it accepts
0 as false and any other value as true as well.

The way to see a 0 as false representation is absolutely logical,
if there's nothing something is false. And - opposite case - if
there is anything, then at least something isn't false, so it must
be true (the only option).

That's why correct definition of the constants true and false in C
can never be "true 1" and "false 0" but has to be "false 0" and
"true (!false)", this would at least respect compiler- and CPU
specifica (portability).

The K&R guide to C describes this concept and the redundancy of
using comparison operators on boolean values. As the AW SDK is
written in C, it's only logical that it follows this rule.

Any definition of TRUE (as a primitive) beeing a specific value
can only be wrong, as it depends on the CPU how it handles it.
One bit set or all bits set - jnz, bne or whatever asm token you
use will accept one or all bits set as TRUE jump condition.

And as booleans are integers in C, what should they return if
not a non-zero integer value? What is TRUE? Is it 1, 255, 65535
or 4294967295 ? It just does not matter as long as it is not FALSE.
Booleans are 2-state variables.
Our programs run on digital processors and program developers have
to live with their limitations, not to know anything but numbers.

From the C compilers view, comparing a boolean (= integer) variable
with an "equals" operator requires a test for the accurate value,
whereas a test for zero or not zero requires just testing a register
flag that has already been set when the value has been loaded
(for most common CPUs, starting with 8080/6502/6800), so using the
test instead of the comparison method even increases performance,
saves some CPU cycles.

Something that helps making the source code readable is giving
boolean variables names that explain what they stand for, e.g.:

HasError = foo();
if (HasError)


IsNegative = (x < 0);
if (IsNegative)

and soon using a comparison operator isn't required anymore.

Even if you use those variables only to transport the value one
step, it will not create overhead (runtime/space) in your program,
as all modern compilers will recognize this and optimize the binary.


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SDK methods aw_bool/aw_int

Oct 17, 2002, 9:19am
Just a funny idea : could it be that we do not talk about
the same thing? I talked about the C DLLs and you seem to
talk about the VB library. C has no attributes that could
be true or false. If I defend the DLL implementation and
you referred to the VC implementation it's quite clear that
we will not find the common point.

If so - and if VB has an abstract boolean type, you're right
of course, the mapping in the VB library should respect that.
Doesn't affect the DLL though.

If not - which numerical(!) true representation do you expect
the DLL function aw_bool() to return? The value of 1, as stated
in the SDK docs, is definitely wrong for 2 reasons. First, as
you say, it isn't fact that it returns 1 for true, and second
"true" is "not false" (in C) but no defined discrete value.

SDK methods aw_bool/aw_int

Oct 17, 2002, 2:12pm
Well, of course 445 isn't FALSE, it is a TRUE value, so you're
right about the bug in the AW SDK. The original post was about
445 not beeing a valid "boolean" value - or at least I understood
it like that - that's why I jumped in.

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Sun Feature

Oct 18, 2002, 8:10am
For small worlds there is a solution :

create a sun sphere, use the translate command to move it
away from the objects base point (maybe 100 meters) and place
this at GZ, with a rotate command on it.

You can see how this works in "labirint", where a star crosses
the sky sometimes.

As soon as you're out of GZ visibility range, it's gone though.

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Oct 21, 2002, 5:55am
A very simple change in the browser would help :

The right-click of an avatar and on a contact list entry should
show the retrieved name, plus the retrieved name in all lowercase.

Follow-up set to Wishlist

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Oct 22, 2002, 3:49pm
Depends on your windows settings and I sure will not
change mine just because of one program.

Thanks for the hint anyway :)

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Cap CPU Usage by Framerate

Oct 24, 2002, 2:45am
This feature is already implemented. Came with 3.2 I think.

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Cap CPU Usage by Framerate

Oct 25, 2002, 2:45am
In 2.2 you could have some 600fps when you ended up in Nirvana
and that doesn't happen anymore. It happened when you entered
a universe/galaxy with no green worlds.

Limiting it was a new thing that has been announced as a new
feature, but I have no idea where this limit is now, because
my current PC will never reach it in normal worlds. I haven't
tried to many new universes anymore lately so I cannot tell
what would happen if you're nowhere.

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Real random in RWX

Oct 24, 2002, 6:07am
RandomUVs should evaluate new random values on each
instance of an model, to create more natural effects.

I tried RandomPrelight (with a little program) and the
effect is really nice. Should be random for each instance
too of course.

The program (command line) will be available as soon as I
can do something against my lazyness for documentation ;)

Re: Logic Commands

Oct 25, 2002, 2:55am
Would be an interesting trigger.

I guess, implementing it as a command extension would be too much
work and would not fit into the current concept.

[followup to wishlist]

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Showing other pplz membership details.

Oct 26, 2002, 5:54pm
I doubt that the uniserver sends the password to the browser,
this would be a violation of all security concepts.

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A few ideas...

Oct 29, 2002, 3:41pm
It could kill the framerate completely to do that.
Rendering a web page can be quite power consuming, with
one web page alone you could immobilize an avatar
for a while.

Independant which web browser core would be used, each
of them has its weak points.

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Oct 26, 2002, 9:53am
A bot works wit the ppw, the browser (and receiving grams)
requires a citizen login, not just the privileges

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Oct 27, 2002, 8:10am
It will not affect me, but most people would not be pleased if
everyone who has their PPW will bee able to read their telegrams.

And they will not even be able to read it themselves, as already
delivered telegrams are not delivered a second time.

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Re: Logic Commands

Oct 27, 2002, 8:20pm
Not necessarily :)

bump exec do_something



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Oct 28, 2002, 6:55pm
PNG would be a (free) option, or JP2

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Re: Logic Commands

Oct 28, 2002, 6:58pm
bump exec

Picture and sound work like this too, optional from OP or web.

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Collision Detection

Nov 2, 2002, 8:16pm
AV collision can be useful for game worlds - a dragon
might block an entrance and you should not just walk
through the dragons stomach - except using the mouth
as entrance if the dragon decides so :)
Or a narrow bridge where not 2 AVs can cross in both
directions at the same time.

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Collision Detection

Nov 5, 2002, 3:08am
The avatar boundary box size would be a good width for this test.

But I think, Lethys is right, it should be worked over or there
should be a command or RWX statement to switch it ON, default
should be OFF. It is OK on walls, but on nearly all other objects
it's useless. When I stumble into a table in R/L, I usually hurt
my toes and the table might fall down, but I sure do not slide
along the table.

And the ladder problem IS a bad problem :(

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Fonts on Signs

Nov 6, 2002, 2:50am
Using TextureModes Foreshorten or Filter on signs makes
them look more or less blurry too.

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mdone trigger

Nov 3, 2002, 4:27am
I wish there was a trigger that executes when a move is complete

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