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mdone trigger

Nov 5, 2002, 3:50pm
adone is a "when"-trigger and so should be mdone - without
the need of an extra "when" keyword.

Cell space and action fields are limited.

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AxisAlignment on clump level

Nov 3, 2002, 8:30am
The old AxisAlignment on clump level was way more
versatile than the new one on object level :-(

[fwd] Universal time

Nov 9, 2002, 9:29pm
Just wondering.
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 14:07:44 +0100
"Sleepy E"

I'm wondering why awld isn't using a silly little code snippet like this to get the universe time,

As it is now, if you change the system time while the browser is running the vrt clock will
be screwed up. With the proposed code it wouldn't rely on the system time anymore...

Feel free to pass it on if you want, as I can't post in the awld ng's.

ability to interact with objects

Nov 11, 2002, 4:08pm
It should be possible to implement something like :

bump seq 5 (or activate)

or so - but that would require to have this sequence on
the same position for all avatars.

When the beta isn't beta anymore, a bot could do it with

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ability to interact with objects

Nov 12, 2002, 6:15am
Keeping track of object positions is a standard job that most
programmable bots can do. The objects are usually marked in
the action or comment line.
The avatar position should be possible with most bots too.

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telegram history

Dec 26, 2002, 12:18pm
Maybe those two help. Not tested with 3.3 though :

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tree scattering over a world

Nov 19, 2002, 3:51am
Andras' Dem2rwx can do something like that

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World Server Feature

Nov 20, 2002, 3:50am
255 / 7 = 16 ?

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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 23, 2002, 4:49am
worked for me in the AW newsgroup when I last tried it.
I will post this twize and then try to remove one, so if
there are two identical replies, it is disabled now.

(second one)

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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 23, 2002, 4:53am
It seems to me as if it has worked

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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 24, 2002, 3:56am
NetScape 4.x :

Right-click the message and choose "Cancel" from the context menu

btw.: if you can switch your newsreader to show the message header,
you can often see which program has been used.
In your message it says this :
"X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106"

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Dec 4, 2002, 5:24am
PHP with LibGD installed has some possibilities and
would be able to do this.

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Resolve Citnums without valid PPW

Nov 29, 2002, 4:04am
You cannot do anything with a bot if it has not a PPW at
all as you cannot connect it to the universe.

For the Cit# from name it doesn't need to login to a world
so you do not really need bot rights anywhere in order to
use this function.

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Terrain Wish

Dec 2, 2002, 6:27am
In earlier versions of AW, a texture could not be used once with
and once without a mask. If this is still valid and if the terrain
uses the same texture buffers as the models, you can try this,
if your terrain hole is outside of the visibility of GZ :

Put your ground texture on an object below GZ, with a mask, so it
gets loaded with the mask before the terrain has a chance to load
the texture. It _might_ appear masked on the terrain too then.

Lots of if's, so it's not very likely that it works, but worth a try.

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Sphere Command

Dec 2, 2002, 4:19am
Could be easily added to the dynamic object path script :)

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a "home" button for the web window

Dec 16, 2002, 7:48pm
If you encounter a link in a world while you didn't
have the web window open and want to view the web
window later, the world homepage is not available
in the history.

No way to get to this page except re-entering.

a "home" button for the web window

Dec 16, 2002, 11:51pm
in 3.4 you can

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a "home" button for the web window

Dec 16, 2002, 11:55pm
well, but a button would be nicer somehow :)

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Two world-feature ideas

Dec 18, 2002, 12:29pm
Andras' dem2rwx can do that too I think (on )

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Re: New Feature - Enable Rainbow!

Dec 21, 2002, 1:12am
You should learn how to use your newsreader, there is no
References in the header and you do not even quote what
you reply to. No one can see what your "Re:" refers to?

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Reject Message

Dec 25, 2002, 1:17pm
I think it is a very good idea.

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Dear Santa

Dec 24, 2002, 6:44pm
Could you please give Shamus a P1/133 for Christmas,
best with WinNT4 - so he can test on "slightly" outdated
PCs that are nevertheless still very commonly used?

You can stuff in enough memory but not too much CPU and
3D power please.

Thanks in advance


i wish AW would....

Dec 25, 2002, 9:00am
maybe this helps ?

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i wish AW would....

Dec 26, 2002, 7:35am
What about Andras' Syntax bot on ?

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Another Wish

Dec 25, 2002, 9:05am
Log whispers is one of the most unwanted features.
If there should be some feature like this, it would be needed
to announce it, so everyone can see that this is a world that
violates his privacy.

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Another Wish

Dec 25, 2002, 1:12pm
There would be a better solution than the world logfile.

The browser chat log could be written into a database for example,
with an export tool to a format with timestamps and checksums.
Of course those can be faked too - but not as easy as plain text.

This would still be private as everyone could decide himself, whom
he gives access to his personal chat log.

Too many people have access to world chat logs. Some world owners
copy them into a HTTP accessable area so they are actually nearly
public. If the world log would contain the chat log, there would
at least need for some line by line protection, so that only either
the whispering or the whispered-to person can grant access.

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Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 26, 2002, 1:08pm
I think it would be good if there were optional entries
for CPU speed and video chipset, those should be
transfered to the universe server, together with the
video mode.

From the hardware people report to Beta there seem to be
2 equal-sized groups :

- 333 - 450 MHz, simple video card
- 1800 - 2800 MHz, latest 3D accelerator

A statistics about this would help the AW developers to
make decisions what needs to be optional and what can be
added without beeing able to switch it off.

Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 26, 2002, 7:37pm
Two optional fields. No one needs to fill them :)

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Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 26, 2002, 7:40pm
A reason why some companies and governements now decided
to migrate stuff to Linux is : XP does that.

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Statistic fields in citizen options

Dec 27, 2002, 5:20am
I would not be too sure about that. Officially it does not,
but officially the NSA keys did not exist either first.
Microsoft often gave out false or no informations about
those things or demented their existance.
Until some indepedant company prooved it.

A friend/coworker of mine told me that his XP pro sometimes
tries to connect to Microsoft when he isn't online and gives
no error message when the connection fails. I think he found
that in the router logs. I will ask him when work starts
again (next year).

Well, my company is not one of the intelligent ones and will
supply our PCs with XP soon. I am glad that I use it mostly
for just starting telnet, secure shell or xterm sessions :)

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