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Telegram bombing

Aug 25, 2002, 3:01am
I already have that for all annoying messages :)
But this doesn't remove the notification.

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Telegram bombing

Aug 26, 2002, 3:30am
It is difficult to have several conversations at the same
time. Two or three still work sometimes, if they don't need
your full attention. But as soon as one telegram needs some
more time to reply, the people who are talking to you inworld
will think you don't listen to them and they will think
you're rude.

While you're trying to answer two or three telegrams, the next
five coming in will scroll the chat text up so you have to
scroll back. While you scroll back more chat and telegrams
come in - and at some point you're just loosing your head,

This happened to me not only once, but once I tried to solve
the problem by switching all privacy options on. It worked
but I don't think it is a good solution.
It is especially a bad solution because there seems to be
only one message for telegrams that cannot be delivered.
It doesn't say "Sorry, xxx doesn't accept ANY telegrams"
so some might think you block them individually and think
that you're rude. This should be fixed too, even if it's
some work in the browser and universe source code.

What I try to find is a solution that is not rude and cannot
be understood as rude, that's why I started this thread and
that's where my idea with the delivery delay came from.

The sender of the telegrams cannot see how busy you are with
chat and with other people sending telegrams, so there should
be such a solution.

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Telegram bombing

Aug 26, 2002, 4:17am
oops, sorry, the delivery delay wasn't my idea ...

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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 25, 2002, 3:04am
No, the code for the triangle facer is hardcoded.

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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 25, 2002, 3:05am
The fetch.php script does that (optional)

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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 25, 2002, 10:42am
Not a bot, but maybe helpful :

It can copy the coords to the clipboard in teleport format
so you can go there quick to fix it.

Needs the old propdump format though

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Allow default objects for black triangles

Aug 26, 2002, 3:08am
maybe an old browser version - or he used a
scripted object path?

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Personal Light

Sep 1, 2002, 10:00am
Great idea :)

As long as it's not available, you could use an invisible object
with "create light" and the assigned cit# in the comment, and one
global mode bot that makes sure that each of those object is always
above it's citizens head.

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Personal Light

Sep 1, 2002, 6:22pm
This would bear the risk of duplicate names and would not
allow to use the same object two times with different names.

But having the "light" as part of the RWX, with source
vertex and direction ...

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Object Properties Dialog Window

Sep 4, 2002, 2:13am
There is one technical problem with your idea.

As long as the NewLine representation is not a printable
character combination like "\n", you will not be able to
insert line breaks into comment and action line, and if
you try to edit entries containing those you will loose
everything that is not in the first line.

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Sep 4, 2002, 5:05am
What about a dummy URL like this to insert clickable
teleport links into the chat?


Sep 4, 2002, 6:53pm
It is already very short, compared to what you have to type
now :

tp://AW_10n_40e_0.5a vs.

It has to be some special sequence that a program can easily
detect and split into elements, so there's not much more to
strip from this. It needs a clear intro and tp:// would sure
not be bad because URL-style expressions are already recognized.

The underscores separate the elements, world and n/e coordinates
are necessary, the last element (altitude) should be optional
like it is in the CGI call.

I think the CGI call isn't really executed either, I found hints
that AW catches the "teleport.cgi" and some other similar strings
without asking IE to download anything. It just needed to catch
one more.

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Maximum Visiblity field in World Server

Sep 10, 2002, 2:36am
Yes, it has an advantage in adventure worlds where you want to
equalize the conditions for people want to use different hardware.

I always wondered why it wasn't there wen the min. visibility
came - max. vis. seems more important to me than min.

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Maximum Visiblity field in World Server

Sep 11, 2002, 5:34pm
Well, I tried fog, but fog works very strange, in some directions
it limits your visibility to just some meters, rotate some degrees
and you will not recognize any fog, rotate a few degrees more and
fog will again reduce visibility to nearly zero.

Fog in AW isn't really like fog, it's more like random visibility
and random light (maybe only when using software rendering?).

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Scroll Avatar List

Sep 13, 2002, 2:37am
I would like a scrollable or tree-like avatars list too.

But did you know that you can go through the list with
the keyboard too? Like : Alt+A and Cursor-Up leads you
to the last entry, the letter keys go to the next AV that
starts with the pressed letter and so, even if it's not
on your screen anymore.

Not a good solution, I know, but maybe at least a workaround.

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Simulation Utility

Sep 13, 2002, 2:39am has such a bot, I think Gobman made it.

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Simulation Utility

Sep 13, 2002, 2:31pm
I don't have the URL handy and don't know if it's free or not.
You could try to see Gobman, Jo or NightRaven and ask. allows tourists so you could ask there too, as all
three speak English :)

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Scale command

Sep 15, 2002, 3:53am
Yes, scaling "on the fly", that's what fetch.php does.
It works on (estimated) 95% of all RWX objects and cannot
scale COB, but still quite useful. It can do some more
things, described on

The tilt and roll is obsolete for AW3.3 of course.

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full download

Sep 18, 2002, 2:42am
How big was the propdump of Alphaworld again?

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Adding Contacts

Sep 18, 2002, 3:29pm
I think this bug has already been reported in Beta

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Adding Contacts

Nov 25, 2002, 6:46am
I didn't have it anymore lately, looks as if it's fixed

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Old bug - should be fixed

Sep 21, 2002, 8:59pm
create texture gold,sign bcolor=b color=aa00ff

This is from the Ay-Awards nominations place.

It works sometimes, but sometimes the "sign" command is handled
before the "texture" is applied, so there's no sign but just
a golden plate.

Opqaue/Transparent - Objects

Sep 22, 2002, 2:10pm
A known bug, confirmed as a bug by Roland.

The same happens when greyscale mask objects overlap
transparent objects. Especially strange looking, when
an avatar with transparent or masked parts walks across
or dives through transparent surfaces.

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Allow tag for "create picture"

Sep 29, 2002, 8:32pm
"create picture" should have an optional tag argument.

This would allow more versatile models, like

create picture pic1.jpg,picure pic2.jpg tag=2

Optional allowing URLs for "create texture" would help
too in most cases.

Abuse Report

Oct 1, 2002, 4:36pm
Beeing recognized and beeing correct are 2 different pairs of shoes.

All constants except for the named color constants should be in quotes.
Even numerical constants have to sit between quotes, if they are not
positive absolute decimal values.

IMO accepting incorrect code is a bug in the web browser.

Unfortunately the current browsers accept so much incorrect code
that you hardly find a web page that validates without errors.

The official is still validated by,
not by some weird M$ or AOL idiots.

(follow-up set to general.discussion)

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Old bug disabling sound downloads

Oct 3, 2002, 9:33pm
- no sound card driver installed
- sound downloads set to "don't download any"

Is it really necessary that AW downloads sounds then?

The idea to make the menu option work only on sounds that
are not on the OP is weird. If someone disables sound he
sure has a reason for it, and it is a weird concept to
make a difference between OP sounds and sounds with a
complete URL

Old bug disabling sound downloads

Oct 6, 2002, 11:00pm
ARGH - again I crashed on such an MP3 crap !

I wonder which idiot had the idea to make "disable
sound" work only on sounds outside of the OP

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Oct 4, 2002, 4:02pm
can convert the telegrams into a plain text file
can log outgoing telegrams

I haven't tested either of those with 3.3 though.

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Oct 4, 2002, 6:42pm
tgram2txt is a command line tool, you need to open a
console window to use it ("DOS box"). It creates a
text file that you can open in NotePad or WordPad.

tgramlog is easier to use, you start it AFTER the AW
browser starts, it watches AW then and creates a text
file containing all sent telegrams too.

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Oct 4, 2002, 10:20pm
nope, the mechanism is completely different.

For outgoing telegrams a program needs to watch out for
the "send telegram" window to pop up, and then for the
"send" button to be pressed, whereas the incoming telegrams
end up in a database file that needs to be converted
in order to make it readable as a text.

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