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Different Avatars.dat for worlds...

Jul 25, 2002, 3:03am

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"Create KeepSolid"

Jul 26, 2002, 3:03am
Not really. As the move command is interpreted by the
browser, the object size is known to the browser and the
avatar data is known to the browser too, the stream of
informations goes the other way, from browser to world
server. Those data are very much the same as those that
are sent when the avatar is moved with cursor keys or

I guess the major problem is the synchronisation of the
move commands, so other browsers will not see you fly
while you are actualy transported, but if it was limited
to synchronied moves it should work.

Actually there is an example where that already works:

Create a spiral object, like a spiral staircase or ramp.
Place your avatar on top and make it stand there (touch
the ground). Now add a rotate command to the spiral.
It will not transport you upwards, but down already works
and other visitors see you move down too - smoothly.

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disappearing terrain

Jul 26, 2002, 3:08am
I guess that's not so easy, as it depends very much on the
type of object covering it. If it's a masked, translucent,
invisible or non-solid model, the terrain needs to be there.
Even if a model has gaps where you can look through the
terrain needs to be there. I guess it would need more time
to find out wether a terrain has to be rendered or not than
actually rendering it.

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Keyboard / Object property window

Jul 27, 2002, 2:57am
When the object property window has the focus, it should
send all numpad/cursor keys input to the main window, at
least as long as no edit line captures the input.

Variables inside the WM

Jul 29, 2002, 6:07pm
Wasn't WM Window Manager?

Variables inside the WM

Jul 30, 2002, 2:45am
I changed my awm file to IO and BI, so even the browser
uses it *g

I never heard WM for the world message before either and
didn't understand Dion's post before I saw the first reply.

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AWT extension for teleport links

Jul 31, 2002, 7:56pm
it does that

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TV Station Wish

Aug 1, 2002, 3:14am
$aPics = array (

$DocRoot = './';

$i = time()%sizeof($aPics);
$Basename = $aPics[$i].'.jpg';
$Filename = $DocRoot.'/'.$Basename;

Header ('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$Basename );
readfile ($Filename);

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TV Station Wish

Aug 1, 2002, 3:12pm
Not a problem of my script but of the contents I hope

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TV Station Wish

Aug 3, 2002, 1:35am
If you don't want it random, you can just use create animate
instead of create picture (no script at all) or replace the

$i = time()%sizeof($aPics);


$factor=100; /* see comment below */
$i = (time()/$factor)%sizeof($aPics);

where the value for factor would depend on the setting of the
update frequency in the picture object properties.

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TV Station Wish

Aug 3, 2002, 2:57am
You need to synchronize the expression


with the refresh rate of the picture in AW, so it is
incremented by one on each refresh.
As time() counts seconds and AW refresh is in seconds
too, the $factor should equal the update value in the
picture property box.

Example for a refresh every 100 seconds and 5 pictures
in the sequence :

create picture script.php update=100
$factor = 100;

On the first loading, let's say time() returned the
value 1000, so (time()/$factor) will be 10 and
time()%sizeof($aPics)%5; will be 0, so the first
picture will be loaded.

100 seconds later the refresh occurs, time() returns
1100 then and (1100/100) is 11. (11)%5 is 1 so the second
picture will be sent to AW.
100 seconds later the next refresh occurs, time() returns
1200 and (1200/100) is 12. (12)%5 is 2 so it's the third
picture now.

As the clocks on your PC and the web server sure are not
100% synchronous it might occur sometimes, that a picture
is skipped or the same one is sent a second time, but it
will sure work correct in more than 99% of all downloads.

Time is not a random value, that's why it works.

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Re: Wish (was Re: Object Request, or Help?

Aug 2, 2002, 3:04am
Again : remove AxisAlignment from the RWX code of your sprite
and it will be a normal masked object that can rotate.

Unfortunately someone has damaged the feature, that parts of
objects could be sprites, so the object can rotate or move but
some parts of it (separate clumps) could still always face you.
This would be quite a good solution for your grass without
creating too many polygons, but will only work in 2.2 :-(

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 7:01am
AW doesn't recognize the faked protocol "file://", so it doesn't
work to write "create sound file:///c|/sounds/song.mp3"

But still it's very easy to have a local object path with only
the sound files in it.

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Universe Teleport

Aug 3, 2002, 3:57pm
There's only one valid argument in this text :
The cache structure. All other things are "peanuts",
comparably easy to organize with minor changes.
Even the cross-universe teleport could easily be
implemented by just auto-restarting the same browser
with a different universe profile.

The cache problem occurs with AwStart too, if worlds
in different universes have the same name.

One problem is missing on that page - the different
settings for min. / max. browser for universes.
Not all universes can/may be visited with all browser

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Universe Teleport

Aug 3, 2002, 4:49pm
Not a good idea at all, explanation quoted from my
previous reply.

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Universe Teleport

Aug 4, 2002, 3:00am
Universes are not automatically upgraded, it is expencive to
upgrade a universe. In the first year you get it cheaper but
later you pay the full universe price for the upgrade, so it
cannot really be called "upgrade".

As this is too expencive for some universe owners, they do not
upgrade but stay on their version, and as old universes are not
necessarily compatible with old browsers, it would destroy the
browser of the eople who visit those universes. I keep a 2.2
and a 3.2 installation on my HD to be able to visit those older
universes too.

I would be really mad if there was an automatic upgrade on those
browsers that I don't use in the AW universe but elsewhere.

And the universe owners could sue AW, because no one could visit
their universes anymore.

Forced upgrades are crap for one more reason. Not all computers
are equal and it's always better to test the new version before
you remove the old version - the old one it might run better on
your PC. Imagine they would have forced upgrade from 2.2 to 3.1,
that would have been the end of all visitors who cannot use
DirectX, as 3.1 didn't support software rendering.

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Sort avatars by status

Aug 3, 2002, 6:55pm
so we could have all friends who are online on top of the list

Sort avatars by status

Aug 3, 2002, 6:58pm

object path usage

Aug 4, 2002, 3:03am
Already discussed here not too long ago. If the AW browser would
fill the Referer entry in the HTTP header with the world name,
it would be possible.

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 3:08am
You mean uploads to AW's public object path?

I don't think that this is such a good idea, people could
upload stuff that crashes browsers or causes major lag and
then vandalize AlphaWorld.

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 6:42pm*.zip*.zip

If you can use telnet on your OP server, you can just FTP
to this place and download the (old) object sets and should
have quite a good speed.

If you cannot do that, there's still a possible way. Some FTP
clients support FXP, (e.g.,
which allows to controll one FTP server to get stuff from
a second FTP server without going through your PC.

Otoh I think it's always good to have a copy of the stuff on
your local PC as a backup dopy.

You can find some more FXP client links on

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coronas should decrease their size with increasing distance

Aug 5, 2002, 5:11am
Yes, either become smaller or reduce the opacity with
the distance until they're gone (more realistic I think).

Or maybe both - optional - options are always the best :)

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PHP script

Aug 24, 2002, 2:50am
For an explanation how the timer settings read thread
"TV Station Wish" (started 24 days ago).

If your PHP installation has "fopen URL" enabled, it will work
with exteral URLs if you leave all the docroot / basename stuff
away and readfile() directly the array elements.

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PHP script

Aug 25, 2002, 3:13am
Allowing fopen() on URLs is a feature of PHP, that the admin
of your web server can enable or disable.

You can find out all features that your admin allows with a
simple script

<?PHP phpinfo(); ?>

The complete source using fopen of URLs would be like this

$aPics = array (

$DocRoot = './';

$i = time()%sizeof($aPics);

Header ('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=dummy.jpg' );
readfile ($aPics[i]);

If this does not work, you can still use forwarding :

$aPics = array (

$DocRoot = './';

$i = time()%sizeof($aPics);

Header ('location: '.$aPics[i]."\n\n");

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PHP script

Aug 26, 2002, 3:35am
The message from the first script must be what you get when
your PHP settings (server-side) don't allow URL fopen.

There was one $ missing in the second script :

Header ('Location: '.$aPics[$i]."\n\n");

I tried it now and it works (the $DocRoot line can be dropped).
I just cannot test everything *g

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PHP script

Aug 26, 2002, 8:11pm
The reroute is normal, that's what happens when you forward.
Reloading in NetScape sent me a different picture everytime.

If the reload really doesn't work, the current AW browser
checks the redirect and reloads the redirected URL - in this
case your only chance is to find a web space where the PHP
feature "URL fopen" is enabled :(

I have the script on my domain now and will experiment a
little, maybe I'll find a trick (no success guaranteed).

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PHP script

Aug 27, 2002, 4:27am
no luck with the forwarding :( might help,
a german page but links are links. They always mention the language
near the listed provider link (if it isn't german).

Telegram bombing

Aug 24, 2002, 5:34am
In order to keep people from using telegrams as a chat
replacement, there should be an limit to send not more
than 1 telegram to the same person within 5 minutes
or telegram delivery should always be delayed for 5

When a new one comes in every 10 seconds, the red
telegram messages get so annoying and you cannot read
the chat text anymore because it constantly scrolls up.
This forces you to block all telegrams if you want to
continue chat and that makes telegrams quite useless.

Telegram bombing

Aug 24, 2002, 7:47am
Sigh, maybe an option at least to disable the delegram message
and hilite the telegram icon instead, that would already help
a lot.

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Telegram bombing

Aug 25, 2002, 2:59am
Not a good option. I blocked all telegrams yesterday and felt
bad about doing that (it wasn't _one_ person) :-/

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