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ananas // User Search

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Switch to disable hiding of AV names

Nov 9, 2001, 9:49am
The second one, I hate if when someone wants to show me
something and I cannot find her/him.
Same problem would be, if you have CT/ED somewhere and cannot
eject someone who hasn't talked yet, but should not be in a
world, you cannot eject through the chat window then.

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Switch to disable hiding of AV names

Nov 9, 2001, 3:17pm
That's why I say : make it switchable.
That would fit for both types of world then.

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Switch to disable hiding of AV names

Nov 9, 2001, 4:24pm
thx :)

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password protect the world server plz

Nov 13, 2001, 5:14pm
Maybe this one helps, it disables all mouse events on the
popup that allows to choose "exit"

I could only test it on a WinNT4 and with no world running,
but it seems to work.

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password protect the world server plz

Nov 13, 2001, 6:58pm
The new version hides itself now, killing it through
taskmanager still works but no icon anymore.

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password protect the world server plz

Nov 13, 2001, 10:01pm
nope, not world server, that little program I made
to disable mouse actions on that tray icon

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Server import tools should be more robust

Nov 17, 2001, 12:31am
Currently atload and propload (linux) destroy the
DAT/IDX files if you try to load a dump that comes
from a different world server version.

This behaviour is hardly acceptable for a serious
program. An intermediate solution would be to let
these tools check the version before they destroy

Later the version number that already is part of
these dumps should be used to enable compatibility

For interchange and migration it would be good if
the DOS/UNIX linefeeds would not play a role. I do
not know if that currently matters, but if it does,
it should be fixed.
This could have been the reason for the destructive
behaviour as well, but I think it was the version.

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Upper/Lowercase bug still in 3.2

Nov 18, 2001, 3:34am
Just to make sure that it will not be forgotten :

The web is case-sensitive, the AW cache is not.
This bug really needs to be fixed - and the new
cache structure with those .RAS files was not a
step in the right direction :(

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Bug in RWX engine (AW 3.2)

Nov 25, 2001, 3:43am
There's a bad bug in the "rotate" command of the
RWX engine. The following 2 models have the same
geometry (basically) but look totally different :

The bug happens in the model mgbgate1 , the other
one is a model where the transformations are already
calculated (AccuTrans).

AW 3.2 Build 3.97

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AW.DLL needs versioning

Nov 25, 2001, 8:36pm
A wish to the AW SDK developers :

Please add a VS_VERSION_INFO ressource to your DLL
so you can right-click a DLL and see which version
it belongs to.

Optional, and even better, have the DLL version in
the name of the distributed files.

Best would be, you did both.

A DLL makes more sense if you can really share it
between several applications. Currently each bot has
to have its own DLL in the directory, because no bot
uses the really dynamic loading of libraries with
LoadModule(), and the import-library linked bots are
not compatible with different DLL versions.

This would help bot users and bot developers to
organize the current DLL chaos.

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Z and X axis rotation buttons in the object properties window

Dec 1, 2001, 3:04pm
Y axis rotation = rotation around the Y axis (implemented)
X axis rotation = rotation around the X axis (coming in 3.3)
Z axis rotation = rotation around the Z axis (coming in 3.3)

That's how I understand what Data21 said, and he expressed
it correct.

What you describe is not the rotation AROUND an axis but
the rotation OF an axis, a strange way to put it, and not
only confusing for Data21.

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Z and X axis rotation buttons in the object properties window

Dec 1, 2001, 6:31pm
These is close to the changes that fetch.php makes ;)

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Speed limit

Dec 2, 2001, 6:16pm
or a feature in avatars.dat? So a snail isn't as fast as a X-Wing?

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a new tab. maby...

Dec 13, 2001, 6:09am
Put a copy of the links that you need often to the
root folder of your start menu, same level as the
"program files". It will show in the first menu then,
where "printers", "search", "settings" ... are

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2.2 browser has object leakage.

Dec 13, 2001, 6:17am
- I cannot use 3.0 / 3.1 on my WinNT4

- Not all universes let me in with 3.2

- 2.2 was the only way for me to visit the avvy worlds, 3.2
kept crashing on an MP3, although I have no sound card
driver installed and sound loading disabled

Now please explain why I should get rid of my 2.2 ???

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a new user controlled option

Dec 13, 2001, 6:30am
You should refine this idea, if they did what you wish
this would be the end of most free/cheap object paths.

It would only make sense if AW was able to spread the
load to several servers and never load more than three
from the same OP server.

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move to a new planet hehe

Dec 13, 2001, 5:59pm
They sent junk to the sea ground because they thought
it would be gone if they don't see it anymore, now they
have to face the nuclear and chemical waste down there
in several places.

They left junk in the orbit because they thought it
would not disturb there and now they have to deal with
astronauts pee destroying the solar panels and trash
crashing into satelites.

Who knows when Pluto will be needed?

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activate url addition

Dec 22, 2001, 5:56am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=mailto:someone at">


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Dec 23, 2001, 4:08am
The avatars date could be part of the world options, so only
the world owner would be responsible for update or not update.

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Bug in fog, 3.2 397

Dec 27, 2001, 5:30pm
The fog with the inner and outer radius work fine
as long as the ground object is a horizontal plane.

It does not stay outside of the inner radius, if the
ground is not flat. Instead, the inner distance of
the fog depends very much on the view direction.

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Dec 29, 2001, 6:40pm
I think the "AFK" mode that is announced is a good
solution for beeing not disturbed, as long as it's
respected. Too much privacy might result in less
support for people who really need some help with
their RWX stuff, worlds, browsers and so on.

You are one of the experienced people in AW so you
are a target for questions - people who need help
do not want to disturb you, but their questions
are an indicator that they respect your knowledge.

It would be nice to be able to switch off telegram
announcements, but just blocking everything from
people who are not on your contact list isn't fair,
better would be to just block this stupid IO.

btw.: contact lists on the server??? Who told you that?

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Dec 29, 2001, 8:13pm
Holding the lists on the server is an conzept, not
implementation. And it isn't a good conzept, because
is encroaches into the privacy much more than it
helps privacy.

It could even be a reason that a company does not -
MAY not - buy an ActiveWorlds server, because
privacy laws and/or works council deny it.
Here (germany) the works councils are very sensitive
when it comes to privacy violations.

The argument (on your link) of notifying the sender
that his gram has been blocked isn't really an argument,
because only a very short, automatic status telegram
from the browser would be required to give this feedback
(I agree that it's needed) - and usually it will not be
default, just an exception, that someones telegrams will
be blocked. If this feedback telegram is sent later,
when a user goes online - well, emails work the same,
you don't receive a feedback at once, or not at all
(client mail filters).

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Dec 29, 2001, 9:24pm
yep, contact lists have about the same meaning
as a private address book. It is my own decision
whom I have there, same would be for telegram
blocking. If a universe admin (company) could
check all connections between their workers,
this could bring the works council up against
the software and they would disallow usage of
the software.
This was (and is) always a problem with software
and hardware that deals with communication.
Another anaology are phone calls. Companies here
may only store the phone numbers of calls from
their customers excluding the last two digits,
and even this is often hot discussed.

I do not speak about universes like AW. I doubt
that the people there would be interested in
finding out anything about the contacts of the
citizens, even though it would be easy for them,
because all logins are immediately followed by a
series of name queries.

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Dec 29, 2001, 11:35pm
Maybe I wasn't clear enough :

The workers councils do not want the company to
look into this stuff, I didn't talk about someone
breaking into the database.

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Dec 29, 2001, 11:49pm
if you think so

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Dec 30, 2001, 3:30am
Companie bosses (personal office) are very interested
in knowing which persons do not work good together
- and works councils are interested in not letting
them know. And the laws here allow works councils to
decide to allow or deny such an insight.

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AW bug in "collision detect"

Jan 1, 2002, 4:56am
A stair that leads through a model, made from only
one quad on the top side is blocked, whereas flying
through the same quad is possible.

There is no material on the underside of this quad,
so it should always be non-solid from below.

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Standalone world

Jan 12, 2002, 10:20am
Not really a wish (I like to be online), but an idea :

What about a really cheap or even free standalone world
server, with some very strict limitations :

- only one user can connect
- connection only via local network or even
- only local object path supported, no HTTP object retrieval

Configuration settings needed, in addition to the atdump :

- world size (as it cannot connect to the uniserver)
- citizen number for building (as there is no login)

This would take some traffic away from the universe and
would allow offline building (a very old wish), would
guarantee full privacy in the world, not require an ISP
connect (cheaper if no flat rate available) and give
tourists a way to explore some of the program features
without causing costs.

The property database or at least the dump format should
be the same as for online worlds, so full bidirectional
data exchange is possible.

The developement costs of such a program should be quite
low, because more features are taken away or restricted
than added, no new GUI is needed, because the current
browser can be used, except for a dialog box for the two
settings. The only problem might be to eliminate or replace
the data that usually come from a universe.

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Tunnel server problems

Jan 13, 2002, 4:24am
It seems not to be too reliable and produces a lot
of WFS, connection lost. I switched it off and now
my connection stays stable.

The second problem is much worse because it is a
conzeptional problem. The world server can see the
IP of the tunnel server, but not the IP of the real
client. That means, that one eject of a tunnel user
can affects all other tunnel users.

I could not enter a world where I was invited and
never have been ejected. The world owner looked up
the eject list and told me the eject IPs and what he
thought was my IP. The IP he named belonged to the
tunnel server. After he removed this IP from the eject
list I could enter.

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Tunnel server problems

Jan 13, 2002, 9:24am
Thanks :)

I had not subscribed to Beta because I don't have post
rights there. I will forward this to the owner of the
world where it happened


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