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Fix HTML bugs please

Jan 16, 2002, 2:49am
Several of the new web pages contain unclosed tags and
do not show in all browsers. The free Arachnophilia has
a beautify function that checks unmatched tags.

Optional : offers a free HTML
validation service.

Plain white pages are really not a good idea if you
want to supply informations.


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a Fog fix

Jan 18, 2002, 7:35pm
I have the same effect. It seems that the fog distance
shrinks to zero in 2 directions. (I use software render)

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rwx fix

Feb 2, 2002, 7:44pm
There is a confirmed bug with Rotate together with
ClumpBegin, but it should work with TransformBegin.
What exactly happens or does not happen like expected?
Can you post a simple example?

A workaround that I often use is: Save the model
with AccuTrans after you made the script. Be sure
to backup the original script before you do that.

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rwx fix

Feb 2, 2002, 10:17pm
The problem in this model is, that you have one
missing prototype, you refer "ProtoInstance picture"
but no "ProtoBegin picture" anywhere.

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Floating World Timeline....

Feb 3, 2002, 5:15am
I don't think that you are serious with that.
If you cannot use bots, how do you make a backup
of the world?

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Tourist enabled worlds

Feb 9, 2002, 6:40am
How can a tourist see which worlds will let him in?
The new method isn't as bad as banning tourists
completely, but does not make much sense, if tourists
have to try 1500 worlds (well, this is decreasing)
to find the maybe 5% of tourist enabled ones.

Build 401 should come really quick!

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Create Picture Tile=3 3

Feb 15, 2002, 9:41pm
An UV multiplier might work, not exactly as Robbie
wants it, but the way he wants it can never work at
all I think.

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Feb 18, 2002, 3:39am
It is already possible to fade out the opacity with
a greyscale mask. The only thing that needs to be fixed
is, how overlapping transparent objects are handled.

I think it might work, if you place only one object
that uses such a mask (fading out greyscale) slightly
above a solid textured one, that has the texture you
want to fade in. You just need to create a set of
greyscale BMP files with all the effects you need,
black for the invisible part, white for the fully
visible, fading through grey for everything that you
want semi-transparent.

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Feb 18, 2002, 4:54am
even that might already work, the "create texture"
command has an optional "mask" argument. Try to play
with it, maybe you find an intermediate solution as
long as there's no such command :)

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PHP Integration

Feb 19, 2002, 7:17pm
Why should PHP not be able to handle the encryption? Encryption is
pure maths, even a C64 could do that if you are patient enough.

Multiple clients : PHP supports shared memory.

The timeout will be one problem, the other one is that most providers
don't allow a lot of PHP add-ons, like FTP, Graphics, spawning shell
commands, access to foreign HTTP servers and so on.

I think the whole thing could be solved on a very good PHP provider,
where the whole world server could run as a PHP extension, that is
loaded on runtime - but then it would not be a too big difference
to having the current world server, one monolitic "plugin".

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PHP Integration

Feb 20, 2002, 3:37am
no, but I know what can be done in C and I know PHP,
and they are close enough so that you could basically
translate everything, except it would access hardware
informations (eprom, ports, bios data segment ...)

Even if it is an incremental crypt algorithm, that
includes the checksum of the outer IP packages, it
could be simulated.

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Feb 21, 2002, 3:40am
Use a local object path, that's not really an
instant cache, but at least saves some download :)

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A Scale Command?

Mar 10, 2002, 1:20pm
If you have an own object path with PHP, check

for a solution

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A Scale Command?

Mar 11, 2002, 9:23pm
The problem is the building inspector, if a world has a
registry. The model search with the database is mostly
used for worlds with lots of builders I think, and a
registry has to hold all model names and sizes.

As the fetch.php script allows some billions of different
objects, it is impossible to create a registry that holds
them all.

Actually SupaFly made a web interface for the parameters
for the fetch.php features, combined with a model search -
and afaik., the database driven search interfaces with
this. This web interface even contains one feature of fetch,
that I didn't document yet, it can move a model away from
its center, so it can run in a circle or show (but not be
placed of course) outside of the building borders.

If we could make Roland ignore the registry for objects,
that start with a specific character, the fetch.php features
(and possible enhancements) could even be combined, but I
guess, such a feature isn't too interesting for AWCom.

The possibilities of all 4 components of the AW architecture
are absolutely not fully used. The only thing, that seems to
be always near the limit, is the browser. Universe, world and
object path would offer many interesting possibilities, if
they had more open and well documented interfaces.

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A Scale Command?

Mar 12, 2002, 3:45am
The registry is held on the world server, not where
the objects are.

The registry is read when the world starts, that's
why it requires a shutdown to install a new registry.

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A Scale Command?

Mar 21, 2002, 8:15pm
If the scale was built into the browser, it could easily
calculate the new size with a simple multiplication.
Just an OP solution does not offer this possibility.

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That . .

Mar 10, 2002, 1:19pm
All newsreaders I know have the option, to download only
the newest n entries or only the threads starting after a
specific date, and to remove old message bodies and/or

I'm not familiar with Outlook Express, but I bet there is
such an option too.

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That . .

Mar 21, 2002, 8:17pm
Zaphod needs a double dose *g

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 4:30am
Is that important, as long as the lines are good ?

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Trim the OP entry !

Mar 29, 2002, 7:43am
Some people tend to add spaces behind the OP entry,
result is a "fatal disk error 17" when you enter a
world - absolute nonsense !

If the spaces would be cut off, the OP entry would be
less critical.

Trim the OP entry !

Mar 29, 2002, 5:58pm
The HTTP:// should not matter either, but the spaces are worse.

Imagine this :

- you don't host the world yourself (most do not)
- your world host does not allow using the admin tool (several do not)
- you are not familiar with multi-purpose bots (most are not)
- you have a space character behind the OP entry (can happen easily)

The world is lost, you will not be able to fix the problem, because
everytime you try to enter, the browser will crash with this wrong
error message - and as you don't see a blank character, many might never
even find out, why that happens.

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Strong Encryption

Apr 3, 2002, 4:56am
[View Quote] Object paths are often shared between worlds

A thought

Apr 5, 2002, 4:28am
This is the idea that made me start fetch.php :)

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A thought

Apr 5, 2002, 3:01pm
Right, it is a combination between fetch.php and multipath.php .
Dracula and NoMad use it on

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Random time command (rand)

May 10, 2002, 5:36pm
good idea, but needs 2 arguments : upper and lower limit, so
you can decide that it always has to change at least a little,
but not too much.

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SOS - Save Our Sanity

Jun 2, 2002, 8:47am
I didn't like this feature in 3.2 already, so I can only agree

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teelegram window no focus

Jun 9, 2002, 2:36am
Andras forwarded it to "Beta"

fractional coordinates and facing direction in degrees

Jun 9, 2002, 2:38am
Maybe it it helps to "remember" the location and then
copy the coordinates from "teleports.txt"

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Jun 12, 2002, 4:09am
Plus Alt-Right-Click to selectively recache one specific object?
Would help people who modify existing models sometimes.

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Jun 12, 2002, 4:10am
Alt-Right-Click is taken, maybe AltShiftRightslick

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