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ananas // User Search
ananas // User SearchScroll Down boxApr 8, 2001, 11:16am
.... and bears the risk that someone doesn't take care and gives away
his aworld.ini with 100 ppw's in it [View Quote] Scroll Down boxApr 8, 2001, 10:28pm
Duh, so easy, I didn't think, off course you're right - second
security step would be to crypt it in a way that the username you stored it with is needed to decrypt. [View Quote] Scroll Down boxApr 8, 2001, 11:28pm
It would at least require that he uses the nickname of the one he got
the INI file from, if they included that name in the encryption. A little more security. [View Quote] New Rights FeatureApr 9, 2001, 1:48am
I already posted that here, similar.
No need to specify 1,2,-3,4,-5 - that doesn't make too much sense. Better would be to have an "Invert" choice in a checkbox, so all numbers are either be treated as "allow" or "deny" [View Quote] New Rights FeatureApr 21, 2001, 6:38am
1. your example makes no sense at all, neither with Dereks
idea nor with mine 2. you did not understand my idea With something like : invert selection : [x] enter : 123, 345, 456 you have allowed enter for everyone except for these 3 people. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ New Rights FeatureApr 24, 2001, 6:12am
I think it is OK to bring this idea up often.
As soon as a world gets larger you get into trouble bringing enough builders into world options. Worlds that are larger than a P50 are not interesting for a certain usage : No registry, as open as possible but with a way to exclude vandals. But it makes no sense to explicite include some people from the list and to explicite exclude some others. It makes only sense to have either an exclude list OR an include list. Your example was : 1,2,-3,4,-5 But having 1,2 and 4 INcluded automatically EXcludes 3 and 5 so you need not specify these two as excluded. That's what Felix did not understand and that's what I tried to explain. His example was "*,326308,325768" - that never makes sense, you allow everyone plus these 2 citizens to do something? Everyone already includes these two! The checkbox would say "This is an EXclude-list", having it not checked makes the list be an INclude list. EXclude lists mean "Everyone except for ... may do something" INclude lists mean "No one except for ... may do something" sigh, hard to explain but I hope now it's clearer Volker [View Quote] Name changingMay 4, 2001, 5:36pm
Defered acceptance of a name change would help as well.
The new requested name could be locked in the uniserver for one week, before the name change takes effect. The charging idea isn't a good one, who would be charged for the name changes of world citizenships? The world owner? The universe owner does not necessarily have a way to charge a citizen. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ new newsgroupApr 12, 2001, 2:49pm
For ADS - we need one for advertizing spammers !
Best a WriteOnly newsgroup for noodles Something new?!Apr 15, 2001, 12:04am
Re: Attention VB ProgrammersApr 19, 2001, 9:00am
Here you find the SDK description :
The pages are all below this path so you can use a download manager to make an offline copy from it. Hint to Facter : What about a complete zipped version ? The links seem all to be relative to this path so it should be easy to do. [View Quote] Re: Attention VB ProgrammersApr 19, 2001, 5:06pm
That's exactly what I used, but I think it would not be a bad idea
to have it in one piece. TPP is no freeware. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Free Internet without Banners?Aug 10, 2001, 8:15pm
AFAIK cable speed depends on the number of people that are using
the same link, whereas DSL is independant from that. Btw. : there is not one DSL speed, how much bandwidth they allow for one user depends very much on the provider. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Build should be displayed on the download pageApr 29, 2001, 6:23am
Several people with 3.1 often freeze or crash and have no chance
to see if they will download a newer version on the download page. Volker -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Font.Apr 30, 2001, 2:23am
QWORD for the avatar numbersMay 1, 2001, 6:09pm
SNIEF - my AV list is full, I already had to remove avatars
A QWORD would be nice so every current and fiuture AW citizen can have his own AV. Well, ok - a WORD would be fine for a while ;) -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ QWORD for the avatar numbersMay 5, 2001, 10:26pm
Byte = 256 (current limit for avatars)
Word = 2 Bytes = 256^2 = 65536 DWord = 2 Words = 655362^2 = 4294967296 QWord = 4 Words = 65536^4 = 18446744073709551616 That should be sufficient for all times ;) D stands for Double, Q for Quad(ruple) [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ QWORD for the avatar numbersMay 5, 2001, 10:47pm
A QWord is enough to have more than one individual AV for every
person who lives on Terra at least, and leave enough for some bots for everyone ;) It would be quite crowded if there would really be so many people on earth. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ building in offline without internet connectionMay 4, 2001, 9:02pm
building in offline without internet connectionMay 5, 2001, 4:15am
That's what I said, "not more lag than ...".
So if a building bot is acceptable this will be acceptable too, I am quite sure that it will be a building bot that will do the update work. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Better cachingMay 5, 2001, 10:31pm
Some HTTP servers seem to have an incorrect or no file size
in the HTTP reply header so it might not be possible to detect the "fully downloaded" state. If a request results in a 404, it already will be reloaded when you teleport to a place that doesn't exist or a red world. If this does not work it would mean that there was no such error. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Zero sized objects => trianglesMay 6, 2001, 12:51am
2.2 gives a triangle for an object that has no size.
3.1 "shows" it, invisible of course. It would be better to have a way to remove buggy objects. If 2 or all 3 dimensions are zero a triangle should show. -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Another axis of rotation?May 11, 2001, 6:11pm
Maybe an intermediate solution : [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Teleports in the text boxMay 14, 2001, 2:28am
avatar dialogMay 19, 2001, 9:16pm
Is this picture a fake or was there such an avatar select dialog in an earlier AW version? -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ avatar dialogMay 20, 2001, 7:23pm
Thanks, that's what I hoped :)
Maybe the sources would still work (hint hint hint) [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Browser IDMay 20, 2001, 7:42pm
It would be nice to have more informations in the browser ID that
is sent in the HTTP request : - AW version different objects or textures for different browsers - World different avatar sets for different worlds and maybe - Citizen name citizen specific sign texts without bots - Citizen number sorry to bring this up again, could enable choosing individual backdrops for example ;) Of course these things are only interesting for scripted OPs but I see the OP as part of the client/server conzept so it should be supplied with some more informations. Once the basic possibilities are implemented this will bring up more ideas for the OP scripts I bet. -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Increased Contact ListJun 29, 2001, 10:30pm
A good reason to restart the discussion about charging
name changes. I bet, name updates once per logon would be sufficiend then. And if someone takes his virtual identity serious he will not change it everyday. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ Posting RulesJul 6, 2001, 9:16pm
[View Quote]
Content rules :
Mail and news are developed to communicate in 7 bit ascii. Both work on Unix character terminals very well with a simple command line interface. Newsgroups are for discussions and informations, HTML does not add value to your informations, so there's no need to use it. It even makes mails unreadable in some newsreaders. No need to waste bandwidth just because you are able to do it. The bandwidth is a global resource and newsgroups usually are spread all around the world (Usenet). The places where to post attachements are organized in the "binaries" groups, all other groups try to stay clean. Style rules : Visit 10 newsgroups and you will find 10 different rules for posting, style rules are (IMO) pure nonsense. The way you write is part of your way to express things. I prefer short lines that can be quoted 2 or 3 times without beeing wrapped, some prefer long lines and no automatic wrapping breaks at all. You will find groups that flame you for either of these 2 styles. Volker -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ |