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Telegram interface

Jul 22, 2001, 10:53am
It would be good to show the grams in a separate window,
if possible in the telegram input window so we could
forward them by just typing in a new receiver.

Instead of the "you have a telegram" line in the chat
window it would be better to have an icon appear somewhere.

Receiving several telegrams in a short time would not
disturb the chat so much.

Together with the telegram mute that would enhance the
value of grams without increasing the risk of abusive use.

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Telegram interface

Jul 22, 2001, 2:25pm
The separate window already exists, it is used to
send telegrams.
It just had to be filled with the existing telegram
text and sender before it is displayed.
You could forward it or reply, leaving some of the
original telegram text in it (like quoting in a mail).

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The bird bot

Aug 6, 2001, 1:42am
Good idea but I tried and it didn't work, it complained
"Bot 3 could not be started"
and killed the 2 other skunks (I used that AV) too.


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The bird bot

Aug 10, 2001, 8:11pm

[View Quote] > Hi,
> A new version of BirdBot will be released soon which allows you to
> choose how many birds to run :)
> - Ima

-- =

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Aug 6, 2001, 1:46am
- Check the color depth, 16 bit (65536) are fine, more can kill
performance (for AW)

- some animated cursors seem to cause trouble on some machines

You can easily find out if the reason is the desktop theme
by just using none and checking if the problem disappears
with the theme.


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Aug 10, 2001, 9:05pm

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Multiple avatars.dat

Aug 11, 2001, 1:11pm
At the moment the only solution for the object host is to use
separate dummy directories for your worlds, all containing
only the avatars folder and one file called .htaccess, where
the Apache rewrite engine is enabled for all other folders.

The really big disadvantage over the client sided solution that
you describe is, that the browsers will not see the redirected
directories and keep all worlds in separate cache folders.

But for those who are interested, here a brief description
of how it works (example) :

1. the common folders :


2. The folder for world A :

/obja/avatars/ (including an avatars.dat file)

3. the file for world A : /obja/.htaccess that has to be uploaded
in text mode(!)

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /obja
RewriteRule ^(models\/.*)$ /obj/$1 [S=10]
RewriteRule ^(textures\/.*)$ /obj/$1 [S=10]
RewriteRule ^(sounds\/.*)$ /obj/$1 [S=10]
RewriteRule ^(seqs\/.*)$ /obj/$1 [S=10]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /obj/$1

4. The object path entry for World A :

It is not really a solution, it is just a weak workaround

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Multiple avatars.dat

Aug 12, 2001, 5:03am
slightly improved version that requires nothing but 2
files on the individual object path :

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Welcome message

Aug 25, 2001, 3:36am
of course only for your own browser - the name of the
immigration officer is part of the multilanguage support

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<no subject>

Aug 25, 2001, 7:00am
Voice chat does not necessarily have to be integrated into
AW in order to work together with it. You can start any voice
chat that allows something like rooms.
CarolAnn had one once in MoonBeam, maybe she still has the links.

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 7:41am
Nothing to be afraid about.

An off-topic post is by far not abusive enough to ban
someone or take away her/his web account.
Reasons to do that are continous spamming, flooding,
posting huge binaries or abusive contents, not just
off-topic posts.


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i know im complaining but so what now you know so if you dont like it

Sep 2, 2001, 8:08am
The world heartbeat is the same independant from the user
count I think. The bandwith that the OP sucks depends very
much on the object refresh. All the larger AW worlds use
the same OP so they don't load for each world.
Worlds with a large group of frequent visitors need only
very little object refresh if the object refresh is set to
a high value.

So the only thing that really should affect the bandwidth
of a WORLD server is the people count.

For the universe server it should not matter which world
a person visits, the polling frequency should be the same.

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i know im complaining but so what now you know so if you dont like it

Sep 3, 2001, 5:11am
That's what I tried to express

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Build # missing on the browser download page

Sep 3, 2001, 5:57pm
It would be a good idea to have it there in order
to see if it will be an upgrade or just the same
that you already have.

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Build # missing on the browser download page

Sep 3, 2001, 9:08pm
There are more universes out there, not all have that feature.
And I do not upgrade with the automatic upgrade procedure,
I prefer to do it manually - it is just a useful information
and there's no reason to keep it secret

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Build # missing on the browser download page

Sep 3, 2001, 10:32pm
What the heck is your problem with having 3 numbers
on that page? It is part of the product information
and should be there!

Not all universes offer the latest browser for download
and sometimes I tell people to upgrade from AW's download
page who do not visit the AW universe - and they want to
know what they download. The browser does not suddenly
appear on all universe download pages just because AW
publishes a new one - it is not magic but has to be done
by someone and if no one does it it WILL NOT be done - so
it is NOT a feature of the universe server to announce
every browser update that AW has.

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<no subject>

Sep 6, 2001, 7:12pm
Try these :

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2 Small and medium requests

Oct 5, 2001, 11:24pm
The updates seem to keep the uniserver so busy that sometimes
a telegram blocks the whole browser and cannot be sent.
Just now it took more than 10 attemts to send one :-/

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2 Small and medium requests

Oct 6, 2001, 9:10am
It didn't freeze the browser, it just blocked it for a while.

I'm sure the reason was an overload on the lines or ressources
of the Uniserver because it didn't happen just to me but several
people reported these problems.
The blocked browser is a result of the modal dialog box that
is used for the telegram. I'm quite sure that it is necessary
that this dialog box has to be modal, else they wouldn't have
made it like this (other dialogs are non-modal), but a browser
that is blocked for 60 seconds in a chat with 6 or 7 people
looks to the others as if you would not follow the conversation
because you don't reply to questions and Bye's :-/
This is a problem especially with 3.2, that does not always
force the last incoming or typed line to show, even if the
chat window is scrolled to the bottom.

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"Contact Cleanup"

Oct 21, 2001, 5:27pm
fully agreed

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"Contact Cleanup"

Oct 27, 2001, 1:54pm
The reason why the mass teleport really would suck is :

The bad friends will use it, the good friends don't have a
problem to selectively send grams to ppl. who they want to
note about something. Enough spam junk in emails and snail
mail box, not necessary to have that in AW too.

It has been discussed several times and no one with a little
experience and serious communications interest in AW will
like it I'm sure.

It could be acceptable if the mass telegrams had a special
header that you can block, a checkbox in the citizen options
[ ] accept junk telegrams

An even worse idea has been discussed, to enable telegrams
sent by bots and, except for very few, no one wanted it as
long as it cannot be blocked - maybe eep should add a page
for "unwanted features" to his "improvements" page so these
discussions don't come up over and over again.

You will find that good ideas are discussed serious - like
your idea of a history for sent telegrams - it is a feature
that many are waiting for.

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list of extensions and incompatibilities

Oct 27, 2001, 2:11pm
there should be such a list on

I'm using the RWAPI Help file as command reference and it
would be nice to have the extensions - best with links to
their usage - on this one page always handy.

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Linux Version

Oct 31, 2001, 9:13pm
Afaik the RWX isn't handled by the Renderware library, so
it could stay independant from the render engine

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optional movement keys

Oct 31, 2001, 5:16am
It seems that laptop users have trouble with some movement
keys, especially grey plus/minus.
It would be good to have optional Ctrl-keys for that - or
have the keys configurable

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password protection for server shutdown

Nov 2, 2001, 1:02am
A password protected screensaver should help :)

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password protection for server shutdown

Nov 2, 2001, 12:12pm
New idea, if it's an NT system :

I heard you could run the world server as a service.
Don't ask me how, but Andras sure knows.

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Chatlog Program

Nov 4, 2001, 5:56pm
I guess his idea is to make chat logs CIA proof :)

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Nov 9, 2001, 1:42am
problem : there is no free translation DLL on the web,
else it would be easy to supply a bot with these features

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Nov 9, 2001, 2:47am
the DLL wouldn't really be the problem, the words database is

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Switch to disable hiding of AV names

Nov 9, 2001, 2:07am
This feature of hiding avatar names belongs into a
gaming software, not into a chat system. It's the
worst "improvement" in 3.2, compared to 2.2

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