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closed worlds

Apr 18, 2003, 10:44am
Custom ressources would help you too, you could have one
green ball for all open worlds, all ratings the same, and
one red ball for all not public ones.

And we could fix the icons on the build box buttons too.

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closed worlds

Apr 18, 2003, 5:58pm
The idea was to put this kind of patching on a legal base
with an external ressource DLL that you are allowed to alter.

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Apr 19, 2003, 8:19pm
you could check the atdump

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Apr 20, 2003, 8:03am
Do you host on Unix?

The following will work without stopping the world server.
This lists all world names with their ratings :

cp attrib.dat /tmp
cp attrib.idx /tmp
cd /tmp
atdump|grep '^[0-9]\+ \(0\)\|\(24\) '

A similar version might work on Windoze too, I haven't tried.
Microsoft's "findstr" command is messy so you will need a
proper grep command, BorlandC comes with one I think.

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Apr 20, 2003, 10:34am
In the browser it is way more important even

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command line shortcuts

Apr 24, 2003, 4:01am
There was a similar idea that I like better just a bit above,
posted by Tomilius

Subject: Speed up the browser/world server


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command line shortcuts

Apr 29, 2003, 4:34am
Not exactly the same.

The tokenizing would take effect when the properties
are stored and expanded when you right-click a model.

It's the same method that VIC20, ZX80, Clipper and
older VB "compilers" used to speed up intepretation.
It replaces each keyword with a unique 1-byte token
that can be interpreted very quick at runtime.

Of course it would limit the keyword set to 255 commands
and 255 triggers - but with the current growth rate of
commands/triggers it will be sufficient for some time :)

It would even be helpful if one day someone would decide
to add a newbie mode with QBE for the action field.

Your wish is more an expert mode for the action field
representation that speeds up input of triggers/commands.

Both ideas would go very well together as just the array
with the text representation for each token would have to
be switched. Even "foreign" language command sets would
work. The tokens stay the same, the text representation
is customizable.

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command line shortcuts

Apr 30, 2003, 4:34am
Tokens => internal representation
Shortcuts => what you see in the build box

It's just a matter of separating function and design.

Btw.: Your posts are hard to read, as you do not
structure your text but :-/

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Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)

Apr 24, 2003, 4:18am
You're worse than Bill Gates *g

Forget this nonsense

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Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)

Apr 24, 2003, 4:34am
.... and it is good that it does.

Applications with a large cache like AW have to be moveable.

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Important Wish, Needed Greatly:

Apr 24, 2003, 8:15pm
Have you tried my shell script solution for the world rating
on the world server?

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A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 28, 2003, 4:07pm
I like the idea but it would need to have the same timeout that
the joiner has (no response from ...), in case you missed a
join while beeing AFK.

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 26, 2003, 6:46pm
Not really needed, I think this works as well :

# create a 0 byte file
touch dummy
# make an elevdump from this
elevdump < dummy

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 27, 2003, 6:02am
Maybe the world admin tool works different from the unix
command line program. You could try the Windows command
line program, maybe it works like the Unix one.

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 27, 2003, 6:07am
hm, I guess it would even work to just move the
two files elev.dat/elev.idx away.

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 27, 2003, 9:33am
duh, of course, I didn't think about that

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 28, 2003, 4:04pm
There's only one elev.dat/elev.idx and deleting those will
erase the terrains of all worlds.

The elevdump command produces only one output, that you
can filter through grep of course in order to split it.
But so there's only one elevdump for each world server.

The admin tool is not a database tool, it is more like a
bot and those can produce separate dumps.

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 29, 2003, 3:28pm
You must have checked the browser cache but
the problem occured on the world server.

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Sort or filter contact list by state

Apr 29, 2003, 4:44am
Having all people on top who are online, then those
who are AFK, then those who hide the status and then
those without any icon. Secondary sort should be by

Optional a filter to see only online and AFK citizens.

Auto-Hide online status

Apr 29, 2003, 7:11pm
I think hiding the online status is over-used. Why do
people go to a chat system just in order to hide there?

Especially the "hide" setting in the citizen options is
used way too much - often people are quite surprised
that they are hiding - it isn't clear to them that they
hide from everyone else and wonder why they do not meet
their friends anymore.

Some seem to think that the "hide" option does not affect
people they have on their contact list.

There should be an option to hide the own online status
for people who hide theirs. And there should be a warning
message that explains exactly what happens when someone
puts a checkmark into the "hide" option.

Auto-Hide online status

May 19, 2003, 4:46pm
The privacy options are nice to have some privacy for a while if
you get 80 grams within an hour and want to talk to your friends
instead of answering telegrams for some time.

But there are people who always hide and are surprised when you
tell them why they cannot see _your_ online status anymore.
Just yesterday a good friend suddenly had a question mark by his
name and when I told him that, he even thought it was a bug in
the browser. I'm sure it was not the browser, he just played with
the settings and set this checkmark by mistake.

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Ability to Remove the World Welcome Message

May 2, 2003, 7:11pm

It is a world feature that a bot should be able to modify.
Not in colors though.

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Load Terrain Button

May 10, 2003, 4:52pm
This bug has been reported to the Beta newsgroup

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May 12, 2003, 4:06pm
Might make sense to create a not repeating ground object,
if you built it with a few low-poly elements.

At least as long as no large-distance objects are implemented.

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mirror command

May 20, 2003, 4:00pm
Afaik. Renderware has no raytracing capabilities

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stand alone mode, what is it for?

May 26, 2003, 5:11am
You can use it for testing objects, avatars and gestures,
together with a local object path.

I don't think it requires too much additional coding to keep
it and it doesn't slow down the browser so why drop it?

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Multi texture tag=

May 27, 2003, 5:15pm
I used up to 3 action-applied textures on one model in this one :!.zip

maybe you can use it as a sample for your own models.

The info.TXT in the ZIP explains how to use it inworld.

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Request for script or program

May 30, 2003, 4:40am
The text output at the end of a awreg2prop run should help the
configuration :)

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More picture support

Jul 20, 2003, 5:53pm
PNG is not ideal with a high color count, just for up to
256 colors, lossless PNG is really small.

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new object commands

Jun 28, 2003, 2:59pm
[View Quote] Nice idea, even broadcast (with "special" rights) would make sense
in some worlds

> and that would make an object clicked on either whisper or announce chat. so
> you could bump it and have it or have it auto announce when it enters view.
> etc..yes i know it can be done with bots but what about tourist..or what
> about people who dont have biot room or dont want bots..
> ...
> if you dotn like it dont comment

Weird idea, send it to AW if you don't like it discussed here.

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