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Domain Names?

Aug 18, 2001, 5:04am
The answers confuse me, is he looking for a registrar or for a

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:01pm
Crossposting is placing one message into several groups.
You did it by replying to a message that is crossposted,
in this case to all 6 open groups on this server.
Your reply appeared in all newsgroups, I removed 4 of them
from the address list so this reply will only appear in 2
Crossposting is annoying in most cases but if you do not
check the list for each message you reply to it will occur
sometimes although you don't wanted to do it.

In most cases browser recognize crossposted messages and
will mark them "read" in all groups once you have read
it in one of them.

Most people crosspost to "Bots" and "SDK" because they
cannot decide which of them would be the best place for
their message. This can be useful in few cases and is
done by adding a second (third ...) group name to the
receipient list.

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:46pm
I have no idea how it works in Outlook. In most news readers
you have a header area with some receipient fields, these are
already filled if you hit "reply".
Check these fields if they contain more than one receipient -
or more than one group name - and edit the line(s) if needed.

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 2, 2001, 9:53am
Wow, you really sound mature *g

How can you compare yourself to Ryan? He just started,
like everyone once did and many will follow I hope.
He didn't have the chance to do much for AW yet, but
he will have this chance.

Freaking out new community members does NOT help AW
very much. It will be a community of elderly people,
some cobol freaks and some who always dream about the
good old times, but no evolution, no new ideas and
no enthusiasm anymore.

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 5:30am
Very bad idea. The news readers would have to download
them all whereas a real crosspost is just a reference
to the same document and only the header is downloaded
in each group separate.

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 7:41am
Nothing to be afraid about.

An off-topic post is by far not abusive enough to ban
someone or take away her/his web account.
Reasons to do that are continous spamming, flooding,
posting huge binaries or abusive contents, not just
off-topic posts.


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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 10:00am
This is not unusual, he likes to draw attention by
beeing mean. Filter him if you can't stand that, or
get used to it - but I guess you will not find a way
to make him your friend, he doesn't seem to need

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 10:09am
He didn't post a link, he didn't post a hack, he didn't post
a registration number and he didn't post binaries - so what
is your problem?

Read again and you will find that he posted that he knows
that warez exist. I know that too and I don't find anything
illegal in knowing this. Or has there been one post that I
didn't get because it was cancelled?

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 6:35pm
What he does if someone contacts him is not this NGs business.

I don't like off-topic posts either but reporting him to his
ISP just for that is like bringing a fly to death with a
nuclear missile. He seems to have understood the rules now
so please let him live.

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Re: HTML posts (was Re: Object Yard)

Sep 4, 2001, 5:42pm
Cant't you just accept the few rules that all newsgroups
worldwide have? Usually no HTML and binaries only in
binary groups! There are exceptions but your posts did
not need to be HTML.

Don't be a cyber hoolegan, don't post in HTML just to
provoke flame wars. Think about the worth of a discussion
if everyone had a large filter list - would be about the
same as a universe with only red worlds in it.

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Re: HRML editors (Was: Re: HTML posts)

Sep 10, 2001, 11:11pm
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VI, K-Edit, X-Edit, SPF, Brief, Q-Edit ...

or give Arachnophilia a try, it's for free at
you keep full control over your code

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Re: HRML editors (Was: Re: HTML posts)

Sep 13, 2001, 5:54pm
Try if your Frontpage generated pages are valid HTML code :

Would be very surprising for me.

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PE_Magistr versions

Sep 13, 2001, 6:09pm
Hi all,

I received several EMails from AW citizens lately all containing
different versions of PE_Magistr virii.
I caught them and informed the people who sent them. It is very
likely that their infected PCs sent them to other AW users too
so please update your virus pattern files.

PE_MAGISTR.B was first reported September 4, 2001 so you really
need NEW virus patterns, the old ones do not detect this virus.
AFAIK Norton does not detect it at all yet, so if you're not
sure, there is a free test/removal program available on

It LOOKED like a .PIF file but actually had a .EXE extension

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PE_Magistr versions

Sep 13, 2001, 6:31pm
1. The B version itself varies the extension and might come as a
SCR or something else as well. It is a very destructive one and
many users think scanning with a 1 year old pattern file will
be enough. Call it paranoia if you wish but the average users
are not paranoid enough.

2. I am not in US but received it from someone from the US. Was
this US attacking germany then? Think before you post such a

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Ejected for telling the truth about CNN ????

Sep 14, 2001, 6:23pm
The source article is at


It is already a repost. There is no proof for the facts
described in this article there, so everyone should make
up his own mind.

There is one thing quite strange about, they
do not have a whois record.

Decide yourself what you can believe and what you doubt, I
tend to doubt many things that the press tells me in the
last few days and try to find other sources with more
informations. Especially I believe that the press does not
send all informations and often found more informations
by just trying links ( was disappointing, nearly
no english pages there).

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Ejected for telling the truth about CNN ????

Sep 14, 2001, 7:22pm
It was me who sent the first link to Bodhi yesterday, without
commenting if there's proof. It was given to me by a RL-friend.
I found some more quite confusing theories about the role
of Laden and secret services. But I guess it's better if
everyone does the recherches for himself, I don't want to cause
more trouble than I already did by sending this
link to Bodhi and some others.

I thought that this link would calm down the hatred against
the palestinians - IMO they are not evil, just few of them

The pictures about the celebrating people were sent in germany
at least 50 times on this and I think the press did a bad job.
Independant from the truth it was not good to show only these
few and not those who were in shock.
We had propaganda like this against a race or religion in
history and we should all be aware about this sad past.

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Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 6:22pm


Oct 1, 2001, 9:14pm
Wrong guess, RAS is Sun Rasterfile format, and Renderware used
it. IrfanView can view/convert the original Sun RAS files.
This original RAS format is recognized by rwxlook/rwxmod that
both worked with rwl20.dll and are contained in the renderware
RWX demo (Dataman can sure confirm that).

The files that AW uses now are not the original RAS format
anymore, these megabytes of uncompressed RAS textures that
AW3.2 uses to fill the textures cache folder are at least
not recognized as RAS. An al_019.ras (128x128) that I find
in my cache has about 64k, the size (about 128x128x4, 4 bytes
color depth ?) seems quite bloatet, considering that AW works
with 16k / 2 bytes colors.

My guess : the new RAS format is just coded as size, color
depth and then an uncompressed list of colors, pixel by pixel,
method similar to the original RAS (that afaik did not support
true color), just slightly modified - or, if you prefer, not
even RLE compressed Bitmap.

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Oct 2, 2001, 3:14am
Hm, must have been someone else who wrote :

"RAS is RenderWare's propietary texture format that's
been around for as long as I can remember."

Sorry, eep, I thought it had been you. Must be a bug in
my newsreader then, it had your name above it.

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Who went back? Another poll

Oct 1, 2001, 3:06am
went back to 2.2

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Who went back? Another poll

Oct 1, 2001, 5:51am
.... and trying to get used to 3.2 in some worlds where it works OK

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Life imprisonment for hacking crimes

Oct 1, 2001, 9:23pm
Not only the US, Europe has the same idiots and the same laws
are discussed (or even in effect?) in Bruxelles too, together
with other laws that enable the state to encroach into anyones
privacy. So we will have to say WB to Stasi and Gestapo soon :(

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Life imprisonment for hacking crimes

Oct 1, 2001, 10:42pm
oh, I forgot one thing :

Several of us are potential criminals, because using tracert
and other network diagnostic utilities already might be seen
as an illegal hack attack. They will need larger prisons.

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Life imprisonment for hacking crimes

Oct 2, 2001, 3:20am
Even stealing a password must not be criminal but can be sport
or even be helpful if you inform the admin about the successful
hack without causing further damage.
Using it to cause damage or to steal data is where it starts to
be criminal.

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RWX Mod Viewer

Oct 3, 2001, 1:17pm
2 reasons that I could imagine :

- #! commands are not RWX commands but AW commands
- greyscale bitmap masks (more than 1 bit/pixel) might cause

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Domain Search

Oct 5, 2001, 4:52pm
If your website is PHP-interpreted, checkdnsrr() or
gethostbyname() should be a way.

If you think about whois- or nic-queries, qou will have
the problem that (afaik) there is no global relolve
page, i.e. you will only be able to query a subset of
TLD's with each query

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Domain Search

Oct 5, 2001, 7:06pm
they support some, but not many national TLDs

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Domain Search

Oct 5, 2001, 7:16pm
PHP is a server sided language that has access to several
network commands and protocols. It can be embedded into
HTML or create dynamic HTTP pages on the server.

PHP can query the DNS entry or the IP address that belongs
to a web URL and display the results, or just a success
message on a web page.

Not all PHP installations allow access to all protocols but
I think the two commands I mentioned are basic builtins and
should always be available.

TLD is short for "Top Level Domains", the 2-4 letters behind
the last dot of a domain name.

NIC's are the companies where the names are registered.

A whois query can tell about the current holder of a name.

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Domain Search

Oct 5, 2001, 9:18pm
revolve was a typo, should have been "resolve", a page or
service to get informations about a domain name independant
from the top level domain.
All local TLDs can be queried through the local NIC's,
all global TLDs through InterNIC, but I don't know any place
or service that covers all local and global TLDs, so you would
oly get a result for a subset / part of your queries.

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New Cozmo-X Website

Oct 7, 2001, 3:07pm
I don't like many graphics on a page that is useful.
The structures are clear as they are now, everything
can be read very good, I think much graphics will not
be needed :)

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