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Oct 30, 2001, 7:40pm
Isn't it weird that some people _need_ such a written
rule for their communication?

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locking up!

Oct 30, 2001, 3:03pm
The old ATI 3d rage pro for example has such a bad
OpenGL driver that even with a P2/400 software
rendering is at least twice as fast.

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Looking for a program...

Oct 31, 2001, 6:13pm
Toolbook is such a program

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Looking for a program...

Oct 31, 2001, 8:21pm
It isn't a free- or shareware program. It's sold by and I don't know if there's
a trial version or private edition for free.

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Universe greeting

Nov 1, 2001, 2:55am
just has been fixed

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Universe greeting in general

Nov 1, 2001, 5:06am
IMO it is not as bad as you describe it.

The universe message comes up only once, not with every world
you visit. So usually it is brought to you in the world you
already have choosen to be your home place in AW.
For new visitors that is always the universe default start
world, not one of the private ones.

It is disturbing like all advertizing but it does (did) not
really do damage.

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Nov 6, 2001, 6:24pm
These few lines should do the job on a '98 but I cannot
test it, I have no no Win98 here :

#include <windows.h>
SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, "1", 0);

I sent the compiled binary to Data earlier, but no
response yet.

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Nov 6, 2001, 6:33pm
You can still shutdown or restart through the "start" button :)

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another RWX based 3d system

Nov 6, 2001, 11:05pm

They have a different scenery format, but the models are RWX

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another RWX based 3d system

Nov 7, 2001, 12:14am
It's open source, but uses the RW API to read RWX.
I don't think that it can compete with AW but still
something to keep an eye on :)

Open source can keep a format going, even if those
who developed it don't support it anymore.

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another RWX based 3d system

Nov 7, 2001, 3:10am
It isn't new, and it's DOS

It's part of the project, and
they have a linux bases system too, worldforge.
Client/server both freesource.

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Nov 6, 2001, 11:39pm
Suse has quite good management tools, but it's bloated.

RedHat has a minimized version that comes on only one CD,
that looked quite acceptable to me.
Mandrake seems to be similar to RedHat in what they
install for a basic system, not too bloated.

I heard about the Corel that it's a good starter system

I think the best would be to check
for the smallest systems, look if it contains all components
you need (kernel version, hardware support, web support, DSL)
and decide then.

Always a quite slim option : Free BSD

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Is the Uniserver down? <NT>

Nov 9, 2001, 9:51am
This condition is called SNAFU I think :-/

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AW back up

Nov 11, 2001, 11:21am
Of course, we didn't think that you would have done that
while you were sober. Apology accepted :)

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html help

Nov 10, 2001, 2:03pm
JS always disabled :)

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top frame on web page?

Nov 15, 2001, 3:48pm
a link that might be useful for all kinds of problems like this :

Re: Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 21, 2001, 10:22pm
With mipmaps especially detailed structures look as
if they would vibrate (on my system)

no mipmaps for me, they cause headache

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Nov 23, 2001, 2:58am
Onilink doesn't seem to be a newbie with that, no HTML :)

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IP tracking

Nov 23, 2001, 3:10am

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Daily Jokes?

Nov 23, 2001, 3:00am
Would my first newsgroup filter be OK for you?

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Daily Jokes?

Nov 23, 2001, 3:28am
I didn't see the "single thread" thing :)

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need help

Nov 23, 2001, 6:57pm
I never tried this, but I think that's how it works :

You can give a folder an icon by placing a file
called "desktop.ini" in it, containing :


ClassKey is the name of a registry like

Check your own registry section to see how these keys
look like.

In this class key you need a key "DefaultIcon" with
the standard value containing your icon.

What you now have to do to define one folder as a
folder of this "type" is, copy the INI file into it.

Examples can be found like this :
attrib desktop.ini /s
It should show the (hidden) history folder of IE
somewhere in the Windows directory. Go there,
open the DESKTOP.INI with Notepad, copy the
value behind CLSID= to the clipboard and search
regedit for this entry.

I am not so sure if you can set an icon for such a
special folder without setting a folder handler DLL
for it at the same time, that plugs info the Windows
Explorer - but if it doesn't work you can just remove
the key you added - and maybe call me names ;)


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3.3 features

Nov 24, 2001, 5:16pm
Really some good improvements :)

Building inspector just wrote :
> I was sick when we had trigonometry at school, sorry
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3.3 features

Nov 24, 2001, 5:26pm
Did I miss "Scale", that goes hand in hand with X/Z rotation?

I guess the rotating feature required a new cell database
and it would be a good idea, to have the scaling value at
least already in the database, even if it was not used yet.
One of the famous "FFE" implementations - easy to add
and less trouble later with upgrades of world servers.

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Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 1, 2001, 6:48pm
At you can download "far",
basically a 32 bit norton commander clone. Several
plugins are available, one of them a process browser
that can inspect and kill processes.

Other plugins are an FTP client, a registry browser,
network browsers and some hundred more.

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3.2 impressions on the avvys

Dec 2, 2001, 5:41pm (11k) (4k)

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3.2 impressions on the avvys

Dec 2, 2001, 5:44pm
I forgot to mention, the crashes happened nearly always (5 times)
when it showed the last file for download.
Just a guess : the array for scheduled downloads might have an
underflow. Maybe this helps tracking the bug.

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Check this out!

Dec 16, 2001, 9:29pm
If you would have posted it only to this one group,
it might have been accepted. But you crossposted
it, and it didn't belong to 4 of the 5 groups.
That IS spamming.

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In world spam?

Dec 15, 2001, 6:47am
It is very annoying, yes.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 1:21am
I guess it is an IDE drive, not SCSI.

When 2 IDE devices hang on the same cable, one needs to
be jumpered as master, one as slave device.

As you have a second cable now, you could try to use the
second IDE controller on your motherboard with the CD.
Before you do that, you need to set the master/slave
jumper to "master" and check, if the second IDE controller
is enabled on your motherboard.

If this solves your problem, your HD will even be slightly
faster - a second positive effect.

If your CD is already jumpered as "master" and on the same
controller as the HD, this must cause trouble and could
explain the strange drive letter behaviour.

If this does not help, you should check the devices. Sometimes
windoze 95/98 "thinks", that it has to install a new device
driver although there already is one. When 2 drivers try to
access the same device this can cause strange behaviour too.

If it is SCSI :

Make sure to jumper the SCSI-ID of the CD higher than 2,
because some controllers/drivers expect HDs on the first
two SCSI IDs (historical reasons).

I played with the "Enable Disconnect" setting once on an
U2W Adaptec - result was that it crashed WindowsNT with
a bluescreen already on startup. Check the settings in the
SCSI controller menu on startup (if it has such a thing),
maybe you find the "removable" problem there too.

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