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My Birthday :)

Dec 17, 2001, 8:53pm
Happy birthday, Spark :)

And Andras, please don't tell me that you are not, sometimes *g

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changing default browsers

Dec 18, 2001, 9:16pm
This thread proofed it again :

WINDOWS = Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 9:55pm
It takes some days until new informations are transferred from the universe to the news server, I hope they will find the error before that happens

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 3:37am
If you see how Nate "protects" his "homepage" (members area)
you will not think that he can do anything like that
( )

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WTF!? Cant enter my own world....

Dec 21, 2001, 6:15pm
I think AW adds 10,000 to the errors from the lower
communication layers, so 10054 could be ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY

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3D Homepages

Dec 27, 2001, 11:56am
Try all three, OpenGL, DirectX and software rendering.
On my old ATI RagePro card on WinNT4, the software mode
is way (about 10 times) faster than OpenGL.

This card isn't a very good 3D card, but the OpenGL
driver is just crap.

And wait for the downloads to complete, before you
measure the framerate, while AW downloads, it seems
to put a lot of load on the CPU.

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Two new ngs i've noticed have shown up

Dec 31, 2001, 7:29pm
You will find these groups on most news servers, they
are used to organize stuff, like "move to trash".
Not AW-specific.

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AW protest !

Jan 4, 2002, 7:58pm
If someone cannot run 3.2 because of technical problems ...

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I must have answers now!

Jan 6, 2002, 2:10am
did you try OW? They run on an AW port too now

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I must have answers now!

Jan 7, 2002, 1:12pm
The universe and galaxy software is sold, not rented.
I can hardly imagine that any contract could force
someone to destroy his own property. Who would sign
such a contract?

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Other Universes

Jan 6, 2002, 9:44pm
Have a look at :)

[View Quote] > All day long I have been hearing that other universes are closed down a=
nd people are saying that it's AWC that's pulled the plug. I don't know =
if these are just rumors or not, and I don't have all the different brows=
ers downloaded and installed to go and check, but if any of you have brow=
sers for other universes and haven't been able to get into them, would yo=
u please post here stating what other universe you tried and whether you =
could get into it or not? Also, if you know, state whether those univers=
es are hosted on AWC servers or if they are independent.
> =

> Thank you.
> =

> =C1ine
> =

> "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
> "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here.
> I'm mad, you're mad."
> "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
> "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
> --Lewis Carroll, _Alice_In_Wonderland_

-- =

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Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 8, 2002, 12:10am
Renderware allows using the OLD engine in at least
one OpenSource project. I don't have the link handy
at the moment, but found that statement somewhere
on the homepage of such a project.

If I remember right, the renderware sources were not
included in the freesource part.

Maybe a point where Dataman or one of his ghosts
could continue ...

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Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 8, 2002, 1:45am
Where does this information come from? I talked to
one of the host people there just now and asked him,
referring to this thread, and he again said it was
not a cracked universe.

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Curious me *g

Jan 9, 2002, 1:46pm

Any ideas what they have running there?
When I try with 2.2 it wants me to upgrade.
When I try with 3.2 it won't connect.

Maybe the 3.3 universe with a modified login procedure
or protocol?

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Curious me *g

Jan 9, 2002, 2:01pm
With 3.2 and without proxy, the error message
is "universe authentication failed"

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Curious me *g

Jan 9, 2002, 2:41pm
I already tried both, no difference

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The wallh*.rwx Series

Jan 15, 2002, 4:45am
Some textures seem to miss too, e.g. :

flat997 on flat9
flat87 on flat8
flat77 on flat7
all masks in a sky box ( and so)

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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 18, 2002, 10:42pm
If they really loose this, they should rename
to LinGates. Might make someone very mad, but
I guess he cannot do something against it *g

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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 20, 2002, 5:39am
Most applications need registry entries, the most
stupid thing in windows ever. So if you delete windows
you need to reinstall nearly everything.

A reformat of the C drive and having all own on a
different partition or drive is sure not more work.

[View Quote] > Well reformatting wouldn't keep the drivers either :P
> Reinstalling windows over an older install, without deleting the older =
windows dir, does nearly nothing...
> And drivers can be downloaded :)
> =

> Fox Mc Cloud
> =

> "sw chris" <chris at> a =E9crit dans le message news: =
3c4a53f8 at
's not

-- =

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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 20, 2002, 5:04pm
Not really a new problem :


Good ! The sorcerer, my old master

left me here alone today !

Now his spirits, for a change,

my own wishes shall obey !

Having memorized

what to say and do,

with my powers of will I can

do some witching, too !

Go, I say,

on your way,

do not tarry,

water carry,

let it flow abundantly,

and prepare a bath for me !

Come on now, old broom, get dressed,

these old rags will do just fine !

You're a slave in any case,

and today you will be mine !

May you have two legs,

and a head on top,

take the bucket, quick,

hurry, do not stop !

Go, I say,

on your way,

do not tarry,

water carry,

let it flow abundantly,

and prepare a bath for me !

Look, how to the bank he's running -

and now he has reached the river,

he returns, as quick as lightning,

once more water to deliver.

Look ! The tub already

is almost filled up !

And now he is filling

every bowl and cup !

Stop ! Stand still !

Heed my will !

I've enough

of the stuff !

I've forgotten - woe is me ! -

what the magic word may be.

Oh, the word to change him back

into what he was before !

Oh, he runs, and keeps on going -

Wish you'd be a broom once more !

He keeps bringing water

quickly as can be,

and a hundred rivers

he pours down on me !

No, no longer

can I let him,

I must get him

with some trick !

What a look ! - and what a face !

I'm beginning to feel sick.

O, you ugly child of Hades !

The entire house will drown !

Everywhere I look, I see

water, water, running down.

Be you damned, old broom,

why won't you obey ?

Be a stick once more,

please, I beg you, stay !

Is the end

not in sight ?

I will grab you,

hold you tight,

with my axe I'll split the brittle

old wood smartly down the middle.

Here he comes again with water !

Now I'll throw myself upon you,

and the sharpness of my axe

I will test, o spirit, on you.

Well, a perfect hit !

See how he is split !

Now there's hope for me,

and I can breathe free !

Woe is me ! Both pieces

come to life anew,

now, to do my bidding

I have servants two !

Help me, o great powers !

Please, I'm begging you !

And they're running ! Wet and wetter

get the stairs, the rooms, the hall !

What a deluge ! What a flood !

Lord and master, hear my call !

Ah, here comes the master !

I have need of Thee !

from the spirits that I called

Sir, deliver me !

'Back now, broom,

into the closet !

Be thou as thou

wert before !

Until I, the real master

call thee forth to serve once more !'

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Translation by Brigitte Dubiel

I hope it isn't even the Erl-King

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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 20, 2002, 6:37pm

Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 21, 2002, 10:07am
When Windows 95 (or was it '98?) was release, they interviewed
the people who were waiting in front of the shops until the
rollout began at midnight. Several of them didn't even have a
PC at home, but they believed what the advertizing told them.

Why do people who use their PC for not much more than
typewriting need more than a 386 with DOS and WordPefect
or even a commodore 128 with Protext?

Why are there successful products like pokemon, boy-/girlgroup
CDs, cellular phones, tamagotchis, just to mention a few
that are way more successful than their value can explain.

The religion is capitalism and its bible is advertizing.

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Trojan warning

Jan 17, 2002, 10:12pm
I doubt that Robbie is adult, that will protect him in UK and US

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Trojan warning

Jan 17, 2002, 10:24pm
Maybe you get old - the memories already slip away *g

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Re: Trojan warning

Jan 19, 2002, 3:19am ;)


Jan 21, 2002, 11:47pm
If you don't want a too bloated sytem, and want
to use it only for a web server, you should consider
FreeBSD instead of Linux. It is binary compatible,
comes with all necessary services but no 100 editors
and 37 FTP servers and 7 office packages and and and

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Jan 22, 2002, 12:02am
BSD is binary compatible - you still have the choice to
install all the packets you want, but your HD does
not look like a junkyard after the first installation.
That's something the installer leaves to you ;)

And if Crazy Canuck wants to use it as a server, why
should he stuff the HD with things he does not need?

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Jan 22, 2002, 4:44am
In this case no GUI is required, so a plain networking
BSD will do fine - and even need not more than a P100
or even less.

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Jan 22, 2002, 12:22am

Interest in extract program?

Jan 23, 2002, 1:38pm

I just analyzed an archive format that came with a game
demo of "Tzar" and can extract the contents now.

File extension is .wdt and it is identified with the string
"HMMSYS PackFile" in the file header. I have no idea if
this is a common game archive format, but if anyone is
interested, i can make a useable program from my test proggy.

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