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Shamus Young's website?

Feb 22, 2001, 6:05pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<A HREF="http://home.earthlink.net/~shamusy/shamus/">http://home.earthlink.net/~shamusy/shamus/</A>
[View Quote]

5 on keypad wont work in 3rd person

Feb 22, 2001, 6:10pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I would suggest reading his post again.. Then trying it.&nbsp;&nbsp; soul
shadow is correct.
[View Quote]

5 on keypad wont work in 3rd person

Feb 22, 2001, 8:15pm
Ok... go into third person mode by pressing 1 with NumLock off. Then,
the easiest way would be to press Ctrl, and press the right or left
arrow key. Then let go and press the 5... you still drift to a stop...
Not a long drift but still a drift. In the first person, this doesn't

Not a big deal, but still noticable.


[View Quote] > ok, i must not understand the question... cuz i read it untill i
> thought i did, then tried it in all the versions of aw i have (0.39,
> 2.2, 3.0, 3.1) and noticed no differance... plz elaborate on the
> problem..
> --
> J B E L L
> http://platinum.awjbell.com
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

ME and internet

Feb 22, 2001, 8:16pm

[View Quote] > Can you read top down?:
> Windows CE
> Windows ME
> Windows NT
> Hard as cement, dumb as a brick :)
> Andras
[View Quote]

interesting press release...

Feb 25, 2001, 8:13am
xBase for windows comes from Foxbase Inc(FoxPro). which Microsoft bought. Boreland
had a dBase clone called Clipper (a Foxbase compatible) which is now owned by Computer


[View Quote] > I believe I may know Gardner, he used to be involved in a programming company that
> sold out to Boreland, they made a dBASE compiler that sorta became dBASE for
> Windows.
[View Quote]

interesting press release...

Mar 3, 2001, 8:14pm
I stand corrected about Boreland (been a long time since I have thought about it). I know
what xbase stands for. As for Quicksilver,...LOL... it was a great product, expecially the
compiler. And I too did alot of applications using most of those products back in the late
80's early 90's. Clipper was a dbase clone even though it wasn't a 100% compatible. Its
databases could be used by the other programs except for the memos database. The extended
functions of Clipper couldn't, Which mean't that it really sucked. :) Quicksilver could
read all of the databases and its compiler was really great.. did I mention that :).


[View Quote] > Um, NO.
> Boreland bought Ashton-Tate, who made dBASE. They made dBASE for Windows. There is no
> "xBase," that was a term a bunch of asses came up with for a standard that never existed
> and obviously was never going to. There was also dBASE for Windows under development at
> Ashton-Tate, and something much cooler which got canned by Boreland at acquisition time.
> They also bought Wordtech, who made Quicksilver, which sucked ass by the way.
> MS bought Fox Software.
> Computer Associates bought Clipper by acquiring Nantucket. Clipper was not
> Fox-compatible, in fact it predated Fox by quite a bit and was the best programmer's tool
> of all of these by FAR.
> And all of it's pretty much history now, as soon as everything started selling to other
> people I looked for new things to do because it was obvious it would all get a lot worse
> when bigger companies took it over. The one company that I liked somewhat was Boreland,
> in fact I was working for them doing some stuff for dBASE for Windows but when they bought
> Wordtech that was more than I could stomach. (Quicksilver sucked, did I say that? hehe)
> The codebase that they had before they bought Wordtech was pretty damned cool.
> Ah well, it seems like ancient history now, geez this was what 6-8 years ago? :)
> Anyway, if you need to know anything about the history of the dBASE/Xbase shit, just ask
> hehe. I was there for most of it and I met/knew the guys who wrote most of the products
> including dBASE II and the thing that came before it whose name escapes me at the moment
> (no not dBASE I [g].)
[View Quote]

interesting press release...

Mar 4, 2001, 10:23am
LOL.... true statement... nothing was faster than fox. All of the clones had incompatible
routines. But then, thats what kept things interesting....:)

Have a good one,


[View Quote] > Actually, Clipper memo files are stored in the dBASE III format. Index files are not
> compatible, none of em are but they are faster than dBASE III/IV indices (maybe not fox.)
> Clipper was the sorta techie geekie "xbase," most of the heavy duty people used it because it
> was more extensible and quick and small.
[View Quote]

Filtering out crEepS

Apr 3, 2001, 10:03am
What is interesting is that Eep was almost banned in the Worldbuilders newsgroup for
all the same reasons for this discussion, and was warned that
he would be if he continued the personal attacks. Then he tried it in Andras's
newsgroups and was warned by Andras that if he continued, he would be
banned. Now he is trying it here.... See the pattern? It would appear that Eep has
a deep seeded need to be the center of attention. If he can't get it one way, he
will try another. Since Eep never starts a discussion or topic unless it is either
bitching about something or flaming someone, it would appear that Eep has very
little creative thought that is positive in nature. Unlike Andras for instance, who
brings out new utilities, and even a new way for multiple OP's. And others who are
creative in a multitude of ways. While it can't be argued that Eep's world is the
epittomy (spelling?) of 3.1's capabilities, he doesn't seem to be able to express
himself appropriately in social situations. It would also appear that he loves the
attention that we bring on him be discussing his behavior now. In fact, I wouldn't
be surprised if he was sitting back and laughing his ass off watching us rant about
him...At least he got our attention focused on him...And that is what he is after

Just my .02.


[View Quote]

Filtering out crEepS

Apr 3, 2001, 10:17am


[View Quote] > Oh I'm not ranting, the guy doesn't upset me. I actually like to wind him up and watch
> him chase his tail. ;)
[View Quote]

Filtering out crEepS

Apr 3, 2001, 10:18am
Some would say that any kind of attention is better than none at all. :)


[View Quote] > Hmmm ... although its a low form of attention. If he gets a kick out of this
> type of attention, then there is definitely something wrong there.
[View Quote]


Apr 6, 2001, 8:57am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Or Navada.
[View Quote]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 9, 2001, 4:12pm
Ofcourse we could always sic Eep on him... that would fix him good....:)


[View Quote] > God, you guys can't get ANYTHING through your heads, now can you? A simple
> post to advertise a new hosting service and makaveli (although spelled with
> those annoying spaces for some reason) goes awall on a typo. Gosh, and I
> thought Eep was bad. I mean, one personal vendetta turns into a side of wars
> and friendships. Would you just MYOB and just let builderz fight his own
> battle? I doubt he would need a newbie to come into the newsgroup and start
> battling for him. Yes, you ARE a newbie if you are accusing JBell of bad
> hosting and yet you don't even host worlds and prolly don't even know the
> first thing ABOUT hosting worlds. And even more so if you admit you're
> ignorant, which was really a laugh. :)) Whether even you actually know the
> guy personally online is even a big question, as you just seem to fight for
> the principles, even though you lack most of them. builderz and leaf can
> fight their own battle, Jbell can host his own worlds, YOU can just keep
> your mouth shut until there is actually something that concerns you, like
> the rest of us. I mean, at least with builderz and leaf, they both have some
> form of seniority and grown respect from the newsgroup. You just popped out
> of nowhere looking for a fight from what I've seen.
> Cries for attention will only get you a public whipping, boy.
> Nornny
[View Quote]

ahhhh look

Apr 9, 2001, 4:48pm
Try again derek...It's the world options ...welcome message and title.


[View Quote] > thats not the world.. its the browser... but its just as bad.. guess
> they left the world welcome message blank for some reason
[View Quote]

ahhhh look

Apr 10, 2001, 10:46am
Try using the Title box.. .if you enter your greeting in there, it will
post both greeting and your name....


[View Quote] > it isnt that.. to have the welcome message say your name you have to
> leave it blank.. then the browser will go in the message file and say
> whatever it tells it to say... no way that i know of to say the name
> of the person in the welcome message otherwise
[View Quote]

ahhhh look

Apr 11, 2001, 4:10pm
The only other way is to use a Greeter bot...Maybe something for the


[View Quote] > good idea lol..
> but that would be weird sorta.. it would say welcome to [world title],
> [name]
> would be kinda weird to have a normal message...
> anyone know of another way? maybe this should be put in the wishlist
> ng.. we want to be able to say the persons name in the welcome
> message!
[View Quote]

WinMe problems

May 3, 2001, 11:44am
Well, it would seem that you are using the latest '98 drivers... check the manufactures web site and see if they have ME drivers.
Other than that it looks like you have the ever popular I.D.10.T error.


PS I am using ME with no problems whatever

[View Quote] > As I said before, my CD, compiled literally 2 days before this all began. Oh well, the whole OS is a mess for my purposes, time to
> fall back.
[View Quote]

I am not posting anymore here for the time being.

May 3, 2001, 4:16pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
marcus, no one is sweeping this under the rug.&nbsp; What you have to realize
is that, while we all would love to have a perfect world (worlds) in AW,
there is no such thing.&nbsp; We deal with objectionable builds etc. the
same way we deal with them in real life.&nbsp; We don't patronize them
and let the authorities know that they exist and that we want them gone.&nbsp;
However, if a majority of citizens don't want it gone or it is of historical
value, then there is not much hope to get rid of it.&nbsp; You may think
we / me are picking on you and you would be right... but only because you
manage to make an ass out of yourself with some of your arguments and the
good stuff gets lost.&nbsp; Those of us who have been here awhile, have
been through all of this before and if you or me or anyone continues the
discussion of porn, we will be getting in the vague and meaningless definition
of it.&nbsp; Then we would start to really get tied up in our socks...
Denmark,,, it's legal..( I think), USA, is's not in some areas.&nbsp; It's
offencive to some, not to others.. Some want to be their brothers keeper...
Some don't.... you can see the can of worms.&nbsp; I would suggest that
you keep posting the good stuff and drop the other.&nbsp; Remember, this
is a community, and while we will slap you down and around, we also pick
you up, dust you off and make you try again.
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)

May 6, 2001, 10:18pm
Ah shucks.... and here I have been for over three years and not even a
honorary mention.....:))


[View Quote]

My first time in AW [A-W.co.uk]

May 24, 2001, 12:01pm
My first time in AW?... It was in 1998 when I both my dad and brother
passed over. My closest friend of 35 years, (sovdon), who owned
Holistic world invited me into Holistic. Actually he insisted and gave
me one of the world citizenships (Holistic1). What he knew, but I
didn't, was that it would allow me to express my grief in a way that I
would have never considered (as I have no artistic talent whatsoever).
At that time, Holistic world had very little in the way of builds and
Don (sovdon) along with DfameD and Lady Lovesha showed me the basics of
building and litterally gave me the world in which to create, build, and
express myself any way I needed to and I will be forever grateful to him
for that. I can honestly say that he saved my life or at the very least
my sanity (what little I ever have anyway. :)), by these signs of
friendship and to all of them (Sovdon, DfameD and Lady Lovesha, I say
"Thank you".


[View Quote] > Remeber you first time in AW?
> Gotta funny story about it?
> Why not share it with everyone else!
> E-mail me: gamer at Active-worlds.co.uk
> you posting will then be added to:
> www.active-worlds.co.uk/otherpages/first.html

[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 28, 2001, 4:43pm

[View Quote] > As Leaf walked away from the corpse, he was suprised to see each of the
> Eep's move out of his way and allow him past. He withdrew his lightsaber and
> walked back onto his ship.
> As he boarded his ship, a voice bellowed from front of his ship...
> "Leaf, my son.."
> He quickly ran up to his main deck with his lightsaber to hand. As he jumped
> onto the deck he saw Gamers face across the large screen, with a smile on
> his face...
> "Relax Leaf, this is just a recording..." said Gamer...
> "Then how.." Leaf did'nt get to finish his sentence..
> "I knew you would kill me, one of the many advantages of the dark side. I
> knew this was your destiny...which is why I had an Eep program this into
> your ship as you were with me..."
> Leaf, with a suspiceous look walks over and sits and his main chair...
> "There are many things I must tell you Leaf...but most, are not to come form
> my mouth....the one thing I must tell you now...is....Your real mother
> is.......AlphaBit Phalpha....many many years ago after a night of AWBingo we
> retired to our room at a nearby hotel...desciding to share a room to save a
> few bucks did'nt pay off...you were the result...as you know, birth was
> banned on such over-crowded planets like there...from fear we fled the
> planet and dropped you off at Yellow-ine in a small basket. As I developed
> the dark side I used my powers to track you...and to this day I have always
> been proud of how you grew in strength without me...and now you have
> defeated me...and you must complete your quest..."
> A small Eep boards the ship and hands Leaf a double sided light saber...
> "Take this my son, it has served me in all my years...and with the power of
> the force, it will make you un-stoppable. Go to the planet of
> CoFMeTA...there at 5835.54n 3294.6w you will find the ancient temple of the
> Sith's. (Sorry, they couldnt find any even co-ords when they built it) There
> you must seek out and destroy the Sith Leader...Darth Mauz...upon that hour
> my son...you will have completed your destiny..."
> Leaf, with a tear in his eyes takes the lightsaber...and writes dow nthe
> Co-ords...
> "Oh, and before I leave, my son; 1.."
> A hatch opens and a CD pops out..
> "Thanks for that Porno Hologram program..."
> Leaf takes the CD and smiles...
> "..2...watch out for bump warp in the temple..theres also some pretty bad
> z-buffering...the ancient gods are crap builders you know..."
> Leaf laughs...
> "Oh...also, if you did'nt kill me...just ignore this whole thing...I knew
> you wouldnt be able to do it...muahahahahaha"
> Leaf notes the usual manic laugh and closes the video stream, the Eep leaves
> the ship and Leaf takes off....as he flys away from the planet it blows up
> narrowly missing Leaf's Ship...
> "With my fathers blessing, I will now follow my destiny...to CofMeta!" He
> says...
> The ship flys off into the distance leaving nothing between you and the
> toilet outside the cinema but the long drawn out credits....
> ________________________________________________
> Coming soon: Leaf Wars IV: The final chapter...
> ________________________________________________

More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 2:58pm
And Lo, the stupid shall be with us always. Factor, no matter what security you
try to put in force, someone will always figure out how to get around it. If
the kiddies are idiot enough to give away their passwords, then let them figure
out how to get them back. If they can't, then the question begs to be asked:
"Do we really want to polute the AW gene pool further with having to hold their
hand and do their thinking for them?" As in all other aspects of the internet,
let the user beware. ActiveWorlds is doing a reasonable effort to control this
problem, but I sure wouldn't loose any more sleep over it if I were you.


[View Quote] [View Quote]

More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 3:32pm
"Human beings can always be counted on," says Dean
Koontz in False Memory, "to assert with vigor their
God-given right to be stupid."

[View Quote] > Immigration Officer: Welcome to AlphaWorld! Please note: DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD TO *ANYONE*. See
> http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw31/password.html for more information.
> First the bot testing and now they're being more blunt about it? How many fucking MORONS use AW anyway?

Re: midi playing bug found

Jul 10, 2001, 4:16pm
Hmmmm.... So what you are looking for is something like what the radius
statement is for the light command except for any of the sound commands IE: wav,
midi, mp3 to limit the distance one can hear any given sound.. Now that would be
a good thing.


[View Quote] > umm, you cant use create noise with a midi file. at least I can't. It will
> cause an elegal operation evrytime you come near it. create noise is only
> for mp3's and wav's
> The mids I am heaing them from areas around me. When my midi finishes, I
> start hearing all the otehrs 1 by 1 till all midis within my site range have
> played. even if i use a silencer, I hear my midi, then the silencer plays,
> then the others around me start 1 right after the other.
> you should only hear the one "closer" to you, and only that one, till you
> come close to the next one.

Did you ever notice...

Jul 16, 2001, 9:51am
filtered.... God, you're lame.


[View Quote] > Can you clarify yourself please and tell me the overall point you are trying
> to make?
[View Quote]

To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 2:58pm
Terry Kafader (Holistic1 cit#285403)

[View Quote] > To Whom It May Concern...


AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 1, 2001, 2:36pm
Uhh.. have you tried contacting AW support?.. Any reason given? Did you email
them? If so what was their reponse?


[View Quote] > Hi, I recently got another citizen from a friend. July 30th and it says its
> disabled now!!! After only a couple of days! This also happened to 2 of my
> friend's world.. They already expired after just a few days! Everything is
> getting disabled shortly after you buy it! WTF is going on here!? I you read
> this AW I want my account back or I am never gonna buy another one if its
> gonna expire! I also recieved this "Telegram from Castilion, sent just now:
> Odd... they did the same to 2 other peoples accounts, and 1 of mine, plus 2
> of my worlds, 1 of my friends, and 3 of some dude I dont even know" WHY IS
> EVERYTHING YOU BUY FROM AW EXPIRING!?! Some people think it is that "Code
> Red Worm", but I don't.. I just hope they get this taken care of soon!!!


Nov 12, 2001, 9:48am
No thats Eeps job....:)

Just couldn't resist.


[View Quote] > Oh yeah, SWE... *real* effective! Tell him not to swear at people by
> using more swear words in one post than IA has in one thread! What are
> you going to do next? Yell at him for bad typing? :P
[View Quote]

Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 27, 2001, 11:03am
Hi kellee,

While I would love to agree with you, however,your analogy is flawed. If the
grumpy old man (eep) would have stayed in his own orchard there would not have
been any problems. It's when he kept jumping in everyone elses vinelands that
the trouble begins. I don't need anyone telling me how I should or should not
post or respond to posts. Seems to me that eep was always trying to dictate to
everyone on how anything should be said, done or otherwise stated in these NG's
whether the conversation was aimed at him or not. Being a grumpy old man (
something I am striving for, and so far have managed only 'old man' :) ),
doesn't give anyone the right to tell others how to tend their orchard.



[View Quote] > Every community has a grumpy old man that chases the kids away from his
> fruit trees, and the lovely lady that knits outfits for orphans, teachers,
> policemen, politicians,shopkeepers, families, single ppl and teenagers that
> just like simply hanging around the local park playing ball games. Some
> families have problems, some have the white picket fence and some struggle
> on a low wage with a ton of kids. The group of teenagers that vandalised the
> train station on friday night are chastised but not jailed. The ppl that
> commit serious crimes are removed from the community.
> It's when the community loses more than just the criminals that it loses its
> diversity and charm.
> Personally i felt that AW's grumpy old man was not guilty of any thing other
> than chasing cheeky kids out of his orchard.
[View Quote]

Marketing- Recuring theme....

Jan 4, 2002, 11:14am
Well put, Casay.


[View Quote] > Dear Rick & JP,
> If you guys are following all the posts in here and many of the comments on
> the petition please note that most of your long term users are saying the
> same thing. We all think that there's a huge failure in the marketing
> aspects of AW. Many of the solutions to the problems of revenue are all in
> these posts for you. I would highly suggest that you two take a very close
> look at the suggestions that are being made. Looks like your citizens are
> coming up with some very viable solutions and alternatives. The answers for
> AW are in all these posts. Read them, copy /paste the ideas and brain storm
> how to implement them.
> Looks like AW needs to totally rethink it's marketing strategy. It has
> needed to do this for years. Please open your minds up to a whole new
> approach to this. What's been done before obviously doesn't work. Raising
> prices is the wrong strategy, totally removing the cost of citizenship and
> getting people in there is the thing to do. It looks as though several
> citizens are willing to help with their ideas. Ask them for it. If you guys
> open up and do this right it could be a win-win for all.
> Casay

New AW object set

Jan 10, 2002, 1:43pm
[View Quote] > I adore the new stuff lots............. just need tile5 to be put back
> in its origional state grrrrrrrrrr i am so unhappy with the new tile5
> hugggz Donna

I am not sure what is happening Donna. I am using tile5 in a build located at
320005N 31556W and nothing has changed with it. Perhaps you might want to check
it out.


[View Quote] <snip>

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