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holistic1 // User Search
holistic1 // User SearchAW Not workingJan 22, 2001, 3:39pm
What? Try punctuation. I haven't the foggiest idea what you are trying to say. But, sonny, don't think you are gods gift to tech support just because you have worked on a few computers that are from the 486 days. I beta tested MSDos 2.0 on IBM's PCXT. (Yes, Eep, I know IBM had PCDos) and have worked on them, with them, in them and every other way since then. And why would anyone need to low level format a drive just to fix a software problem I won't even take a guess. Holistic1 [View Quote] > as for not knowing puters i know them more than most as i work on them and > with them daily ive taken the pratice test online for the a+ cert and passed > easly. > evne though passin it doesnt realy mean much. ive met a few a+ certified > techs that know less than my brother and he isnt very good at working on > puters yet. > so yes i do know what im talking bout and yes a low level format can damage > a drive unless you know what your doing. > ive seen many drives that have been relowleveled work perfectly i my self > wont touch a drive with lowlevel format cause i dont know how to do it > right. > i do know the biggest danger is haveign the power fail while low leveling a > drive if it does it realy screws things up with the right programs you can > recover a drive like that sometimes. [View Quote] Re: AW not workingJan 21, 2001, 1:34pm
If it's shareware, I paid for it.
If it's commercial, I paid for it. I don't believe in hacked/cracked programs or shareware not paid for. Like Andras, I can appreciate the effort that goes into creating a product and pay for what I use. Holistic1 [View Quote] > I reformatted, And got a HARD jolt back to reality and because of it i would > like to take a poll..... > > How many people actualy REGISTER WinZip? > 1. Never have > 2. Paid the 30$ > 3. Cracked =) > > Just Curious.... > UEAK RaptorFox > USWF Public Relations & Newsletter > raptorfox at The Place to be on Saturday Nights!Jan 24, 2001, 6:17pm
Hmmm... going to eject anyone?
[View Quote] > Saturday Nights Broadway Shines > Don't miss out on Saturday nights on Broadway World. Real life DJs great > music and taxi cab races. Meet and make new friends. Looking forward to > seeing you and having a stupendous time! Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's OwnersJan 29, 2001, 10:16am
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<html> Not really image, remember that Justin does have a history of abusing people... I don't know onesummer, however, Justins treatment of other people is well documented. <p>The PK's don't have any authority in private worlds. And although Justin owns Broadway, and he has given onesummer some duties there, doesn't mean that his treatment of people whom he has asked to help is acceptable behavior. As the world owner, he has to take responsibility for the actions of the people he has given authority to. <p>Holistic1 [View Quote] Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's OwnersJan 29, 2001, 12:00pm
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<html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> While you may have a point about using Flaggs name in the header, however, fact that Justin is up to his old games is reason enough to bring it up in the community group. This is a community issue. It was when Justin screwed FriendPA over, and it is when he is breaking agreements with others. But, to be fair, Justin should be allowed to voice his side of this discussion too. <p>Holistic1 <br> [View Quote] </body> </html> Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's OwnersJan 29, 2001, 9:47pm
Be that as it may, Just In talks like it is his world and even though
there may be other owners (partners), it still doesn't bode well for him/them to behave the way they are. I guess that people will just have to deal with the Broadway owners knowing that anything they may build/create or try to get involved with will/may be deleted/distroyed just because Justin and co. are the piticular gods of their broadway world and have no respect for others. Holistic1 [View Quote] > Correction, it is not just Just In's world, apparanrly they all > chipped in the buy the world. > [View Quote] Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's OwnersJan 30, 2001, 10:38am
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<html> That is correct birdmike. It is their right to do what the want with their world. And now you can understand why this thread is here. Just to give warning that if anyone ever thought that what happened to FriendPA and New York was an isolated case of Justins megalomania, then this should open their eyes. <p>Holistic1 [View Quote] Roland, may I please be a beta tester?Jan 30, 2001, 10:59am
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<html> Well, for one thing, he begs better then you...:) [View Quote] Re: more of Eep's bad mouth (was Re: Movement Waits off?)Jan 30, 2001, 2:31pm
Andras, :)... don't you remember? Eep can run circles around Rolands programming.....LOL....ofcourse that isn't saying he knows how to program or even read code, for that matter...hahahahaa.... but he sure can run....
Holistic1 [View Quote] > Before you insult anyone - go back and learn yourself twit! You can't even distingiush between red and green when it comes to programming! Did you ever write a SINGLE (1) line of code to find out why the floating point/integer conversion looses resolution??? I'm sick of your name calling. > > Ops - don't forget the toothbrush - you need it badly (your mouth stinks)! > > <plonk> > Andras > > [View Quote] how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 7, 2001, 10:29am
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<html> Hey Goober, you hold him and I'll get the bar of soap. Obviously, Eep needs his mouth washed out with soap. Bad eep, now go sit in the corner till dinner. <p>Holistic1 [View Quote] how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 7, 2001, 5:44pm
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<html> OUCH!!...LOL.. nice shot faber... [View Quote] how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 8, 2001, 5:45pm
Lara, in some of the things you have stated I would agree, but why should I, or anyone else, have to filter or passover eeps rantings, or be the brunt of his childish behavior just to read this newsgroup? You are asking that all of the posters and readers of this group modify our behavior just to molify eep. Now that's not fair to the rest of us. While at times eep has been very helpful, most of the time he isn't. Just flames or putdown of aw etc. I, for one
don't want to have to read through all of his crap just to see if he has said anything worthwhile. Of course , eep is going to drop his pages again in protest, but, as the saying goes "Oh well...". I am getting tired of getting eye strain trying to read them anyway. Holistic1 [View Quote] > I rarely post to the ng's, but here goes... Facter, I fully understand your feelings about the way Eep attacks people when he thinks they have said or done something he regards as stupid. He does do it in a personal manner. He does leap across the bounds of what most people consider common courtesy. I've shaken my head in dismay many a time when reading what he says to newcomers and to people trying to communicate in a language not their native tongue, etc. > > I'm sure there are many people cheering your decision to ban Eep from the ng unless he posts a public apology to you. I'm *not* one of the ones cheering. :-( > > I hope that you, Facter, will reconsider drawing that kind of line in the sand. Chalk it up to post-flu (not to mention overwork while ill) anger at how Eep addressed you personally, how he talks to others and how he talks about the company. > > People can choose to filter him, mute him, just not read his posts, whatever. But to take away *anyone's* privilege to post to the ng's based on what you wrote below, is carrying the ability to muzzle him too far, imho. > > Unless a moderated (read "censored") newsgroup is what people *really* want in here again, then "mean, rude, arrogant and derogatory" remarks are part and parcel of the newsgroup. Along with nuggets of good information (yes, from Eep as well as others), thoughtful posts and courteous people helping others. > > I believe it's better to leave it to the individual readers to decide if they want to filter *anyone* or not. Please don't take it on yourself to make that decision for us, Facter. There are plenty of people reading the ng who do appreciate what you, Roland, Tom and many others are trying to do to make Active Worlds better. :-) > Filtering or ignoring is the way to go here... not banning from the newsgroup. > > Lara > [View Quote] how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 8, 2001, 10:05pm
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But it is antisocial behavior and as such, is subject to the laws governing that behavior.
> > > All Facter had to do was answer my question in my email to him instead of giving me the typica AWCI brushoff... <shrug> "typica" ? what the hell is that eep. If you can't spell don't post newbe. > > > > You keep interchangeably using "privilege" (note correct spelling) and "ban". Taking away my "privilege" (right, more like it since I'm an AW citizen and citizens have the RIGHT to post in these newsgroups--PERIOD) IS banning me from posting. Duh. > Where does it say that you have the "right" to the newsgroups eep. Show us or shut up. > > > No discussion is prevented since I am not taking away people's ability to post. If anything, it's about self-esteem. Many people I flame have it coming, which is why they eventually shut up and move on. > Don't give yourself so much credit eep... Most of the time you're not worth responding to. > > > Lose the monarchness about this, Moria; it's not about power but staying on-topic. A LOT of idiots I flame are because they post off-topic or act incompetent. Don't act like a twit and I won't flame you; act like a twit and I WILL flame you--it's that simple. Don't like it? Filter me. It's still that simple. > Incompetence is relative. Move on. > > > Funny as you're the first person to mention the "mass exodus" because of me, when I've read numerous discussions about how it was actually AWCI's ineptness in dealing with AW's users that caused people to leave. Might want to get your facts straight, Moria. > > > There you go again with more analogies. Here's one of my own I'm sure you've heard of before: AWCI is Big Brother. AWCI is a dictator. Wee...aren't analogies fun? Eep, gads you're slow... AWCI isn't any of those things..They are the owners of a business..How they run that business is their concern not your... Unless, of course you own stock in AWLD... Do you? I thought not.. Next... > If some people are too "scared" to post here simply because of how *I* post, then their self-esteems are so low their posts probably wouldn't have much useful content anyway. Regardless, if you want to play cute little social politeness mind games, go somewhere else. I didn't come to these newsgroups for lessons in social etiquette but to get information and to discuss AW issues. Yeah, right. No eep, you come here to get your rocks off trying to belittle others. I have been looking at the last months posts from you and guess what. Not a one is aimed at answering a question in a decent manner. Not one is an inquiry as in asking a question. Except ofcourse for the flames shot at other people or AW. twit. > Not everyone is a social butterfly who kisses up to everyone to get their support and/or acceptance. Not everyone has such a low self-esteem. Not everyone needs such external gratification. In short, Moria, Facter, and anyone else, not everyone is like you. Now get over it. You are correct here eep. Not everyone needs to listen to your rants either. But, that is the only gratification you get, so I guess we (the poor pathetic vast majority of "civilized" posters) will have to get along without you.. Now you get over it. Holistic1 how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 8, 2001, 10:31pm
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What do you think laws govern? Break the law and you are performing
antisocial behavior. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be a law governing it...Sometimes it's called disturbing the peace, sometimes it's called other things. Holistic1 > > -- > Wing > This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie. > She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the > phone, > She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's > got posters on the wall > Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her > boyfriend, he dont know, > Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week. > AW Citizen 305004 "Wing" > bathgate at > eyemwing at > ICQ #101207433 how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...Feb 8, 2001, 10:57pm
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Duh, eep.. what do you think they made laws for...Next.
> shrug> > > "newbe" > > > Uh, only AW citizens can post in AW newsgroups, zippy. Think about it. Yeah "zippy", think about it.. god you're slower then I thought. It's not a 'right'. It's a privilege. But you know that don't you, because if you were correct, you would show me chapter and verse.. pass through twit. > > AWCI are relatively incompetent. > > > Well, they are relatively. Regardless, YOU are slow if you can't see the irony in what you said. I am not a criminal, a bully, or whatever else Moria has likened me too...absolutely anyway. You getting it yet, zippy? > > Why would I own stock in a company that can barely run itself? Seen AWLD stock price recently? > > <shrug> You obviously haven't learned how to use your newsreader's filtering capabilities. However, I have. Buh-bye now. "Buh-bye"? LOL... pathetic Just as I thought when your proven wrong, you hide... Oh well. What would make good website features?Feb 7, 2001, 4:14pm
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<html> Hmmm.. ever try the site map? [View Quote] What would make good website features?Feb 7, 2001, 4:28pm
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<html> Well, I don't seem to have a problem... But then, You have never seen my desk.....:) [View Quote] User dismissal voteFeb 8, 2001, 8:55pm
Holistic1 285403 - Remove.
[View Quote] > This post is to vote upon the dismissal from this newsgroup of the user > "Eep". > > This user has been a source of continuous harrasement, abuse, slander, > derogatory remarks, personal insults and defamitory insults. > > The user has been given many avenues to redeem himself in the eyes of the > newsgroup community, and has been given many opportunities to show himself a > decent, productive and respectful member thereof. > > Thus, it is the wish of AWCI, to put forth a vote to have the user Eep's > priviledges of posting into this newsgroup, removed from him for the > foreseeable future. > > AWCI has full authority to ban such user as we see fit, as he has > continually violated the charter that he agreed to follow when posting into > this newsgroup. In order to set a new precedent of community interaction, we > have decided to leave this matter up to the community to decide. > > There will be one vote per AW citizen, and it will be an open vote. Votes > will be posted in response to this post, and will be tallied in 24 hours > from the posted date of this message. End results will be binding, with no > further discussion entered into - as this is an open vote, the talies will > be able to be viewed by all members of community. > > Votes are to be cast as one of two choices > > To have Eep remain int his newsgroup, please vote as <citizen name - > number> -"Stay" > > To vote to have Eep removed, please vote <citizen name - number> - "Remove". > > In making your decision, please review past posts by this user, and use them > to make your best judgement on the matter. > > As the initiator of this vote, I begin the tally by casting my own, as an > Activeworlds citizen. > > Facter 159952 - Remove. > > The voting has begun. User dismissal voteFeb 8, 2001, 11:36pm
Oh, come on casay, give us a break. Show us a eep post that helped someone.
Yes eep has contributed in the past... the past is not now.. Every post eep has entered, has had either a putdown, cursing, or name calling attached to it. I fail to see how that helps the community. Don't give me this crap about 'he means well..." or "thats just the way he is..." etc. He hasn't "contributed " anything. Except bitterness and anger at AW and anyone who says something that he doesn't agree with. For those of us who enjoy AW and the community, we are asskissers in eeps eyes. Holistic1 [View Quote] > Casay 168013 stay > > I really can't believe this. Sure, Eep comes across as harsh but I think > there's a lot more ppl here that abuse this NG with their swearing, over > posting, incorrect posting etc. Eep speaks his mind, nothing wrong with > that. He also contributes more than most people that post here. I was really > hoping that AW WAS going in the direction of caring about the community and > its citizens. Eep is a citizen, like it or not. He's also one that has done > a lot for the advancement of this company even though he doesn't agree with > the management. He does believe in the technology and it's potential. He, as > well as I and others see the potential of AW. We want it to succeed as much > as AWCI does. He's just vocal about what direction it should go in and how > the company should treat its citizens. Again, there's nothing wrong with > that. The NG charter doesn't say a person has to agree with company policy > or that they can't comment on it. > > Now, if you ban Eep for speaking his mind or calling someone a twit, then I > respectfully request that you also ban EVERY single person that has abused > the charter at ANY time. The Derek comes to mind for all his useless and > flamatory postings. How about the person who posted subject- Go F*** a > donkey? I'm sure I'd be on that list also as I've had harsh things to say at > times too, even to Eep himself. Does he ask for me to be banned? No, he > replies or doesn't as he sees fit. I take it all in stride like an adult > even though he's made me mad more than once. Are you banning yourself too? > You better, you've flamed in here just as bad as anyone else over the years > in frustration just like the rest of us. Now that you work for AWCI you're > better than all that???????? *really want to say in imortal words of Eep- > drive through* > > I would also like to add, that if this ban goes thru I will no longer be > posting to this or any other AW NG exept beta if still accepted on that list > after this. I will start posting my info soley in Andra's NG. How soon AW > forgets how dead this NG got after the last go around with this. > > One more comment since I never commented in all the threads between you and > Eep. Guess I should have.You wrote a nice civil post to him. I thought, he > wrote a really civil post back. Esp for him. I don't think you realize > what's he's trying to say to you? He's darn near begging you to help bring > about community enlightenment with AWCI. He's actually asking for your help > to bring that about. I was hoping for the same from you too. Do you not see > that or are you only reading his posts from a negative viewpoint? Since when > don't you realize that's Eep's problem isn't with what he says but mainly > with HOW he says it. This whole thing needs to stop now, unfortunately, it > seems to late. :-( > Very sad day again for AWCI. > Respectfully, > Casay > [View Quote] User dismissal voteFeb 9, 2001, 8:13am
Then eep will have no room to complain about it if he is banned. At least he
will know why. Holistic1 [View Quote] > image, are you aware that at one time eep was kicked from aw with no > warning? eep has been through this before, read his history pages, maybe > you could understand him better. > > -myrth > [View Quote] User dismissal voteFeb 9, 2001, 8:27am
casay, there is a world of difference here between being called a twit or the
constant name calling that has been taking place lately. As far a the beta group goes, what does that have to do with what is happening in this group? I know eep spends alot of time in AW and he does give VERY complete bug reports and helps keep the beta group in line in that area. I also know that he CAN contribute alot. But he doesn't. At least not in this group. As far as his pages go, fine, they are complete. But, casay, thats not enough to have the community have to put up with his abuse. You seem to forget that eep was the major cause of the monitoring of this group before. eeps actions are nothing new, however, its time for him to grow up. As far as all of the great knowledge that eep likes to expound on.. you forgot one other thing.. eeps new math. "60m^2 = (60m)^2" Complaining about things encluding AW is not in violation of the charter. but verbal abuse is. My opinion only, Holistic1 BTW, I have been a citizen for over 2 years now and a world owner for that long too. [View Quote] > Well, go to sometime. Usually when Eep posts something > that is helpful it's in the form of a short post with a link to information > in that site. Why? Because he's already answered several of the questions > already and added his new information to the site! Also, get this if you > will; MANY of the bug reports that were posted in the Beta NG were > discovered by none other than Eep himself. Yes, he had the version that > everyone else did for awhile. He spent days with that version and had > several ppl post his findings for him. So, on behalf of the latest 3.1 > release I bet he contributed as much or MORE than any other beta tester even > though he only had it for a short period of time. How long have you been in > AW? There's a lot more to this whole story. Take a look at who is posting to > this thread. People that don't usually post here anymore in protest of > monitoring of this very NG. How soon we forget. :-( > > Take him for what he is or filter him, whatever, it's your choice. He's a > citizen and has the right to post, just like you have the right to post your > opinion here too. Oh, and Eep 'rarely' curses but he can certainly, with a > quick word or two, bluntly, & precicely cut right into someone. Right, wrong > or otherwise, he's a citizen. For years I've begged him to lighten up. If > you've been around for any period of time you'd know he has. Do you remember > the LONG letters written by Wascally Wabbit, Lucrezia, myself and others > over the years about this very topic? Lu, where are you anyway? Would love > to see you post on all this. I think it's time you stepped in and helped > stop/settle this madness. I'd like to know if AWCI knew in advance that > Facter was posting this or not? I'd really appreciate an answer, thanks. > > I'm not sorry for what I posted at all, I stand by every word. I'm just > sorry, that after having just had a long conversation with Facter just the > other day, about how AWCI was working on improving their relationship with > the community, that this even happened. I was really hoping that Facter > would be able to bring that about. I'm very disappointed with all this as so > far as I can see, it seems more like a personal attack on Eep than a > community opinion. If it was different, this would have been done years ago. > I wish it weren't so. So, ask to have yourself banned too for NG charter > abuse if you've ever complained or said something bad, called someone a twit > or anything to someone here. > > No apoligies here, > Casay > [View Quote] Vote to stop the voteFeb 9, 2001, 5:31pm
Move on? Yes. forget? No. If we forget, we have learned nothing.
Holistic1 [View Quote] > Stop, yes please stop. This whole thing is ridiculous. This newsgroup has never revolved so much about eep as it does now. > > We need to forget this whole thing and move on. > > AAsmund1 - 197583 > [View Quote] (3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)Feb 17, 2001, 10:39am
How would handle encroachment? I can just see an object come flying through my
house on its way to the pizza shop...:) [View Quote] > Well, I've been playing around with the new commands - expecially > move/rotate, which is the topic of most of this message, really. > While the commands in their current form have applications, and, with the > help of some other commands (astart/adone, mostly - as you can see in > objectd', or even the little looping truck animation I have in proxima right > now) can be quite useful, I'm hoping that future additions to them can be > made. > > Basically, I'm looking for a way to chain together move/rotate commands more > efficiently than the current method of astart/adone and multiple instances > of the same object. Perhaps some sort of 'wait' or 'then' command which > would cause the parser to wait before continuing execution combined with > more move/rotate options (like a 'stop' command which makes the object halt > at the end of a move before returning - basically infinate wait). > > I'm sure there's a better way to implement that if I really thought about > it, but there needs to be a way to chain move and rotates. Motion path is > also an EXCELLENT idea, which, I'm sure, could be implemented without too > much difficulty (even if simply as a new command, perhaps with its own set > of dividers). In fact, I think I like that idea so much I'm going to write > up a detailed explaination of how it would work. > > Example: create mpath (move 10 time=2, rotate 10; move 0 0 -10 time=4; > rotate 10 time=4) > Allow me to explain. > The first part, create mpath, is a simple command (on create, start a motion > path). Inside parenthesis are the details of the mpath - we do this since > it's easier to use the dividers we know and love, comma and semicolon. The > first part in there, "move10 time=2, rotate 10" causes two things to happen > starting at the same time - the object moves 10 meters while rotating at 10 > rpms. It stops moving AND rotating after two seconds. Next we have "move 0 > 0 -10 time=4".... which we should all understand. The object moves 10 > meters, but in a different direction (NOTE: This is the critical part... the > object starts moving from where the first movement/rotation left it! It does > not return to its built origin!). Finally, "rotate 10 time=4", which is also > self-explainatory. Note how things that happen at the same time are comma'd, > while each event it separated by a semicolon. > > Basically, that command makes the object move while rotating, then just > move, then rotate. It might not be the BEST way possible - but I'll bet > Roland could do it in under an hour, and it'd still be rather easy for > everyone to use. > > One last piece -- it wouldn't be a terrible idea for the mpath command to > have a "use orientation" switch. That is to say, a simple on/off option > telling the client if it should move the object just on the world coords, or > relative to the actual ANGLE of the object - so that rotating it effects > what direction it travels in. > > 35850 FixesFeb 16, 2001, 1:22pm
See Andras, he has a utility for everything...:)
[View Quote] > 1) Placed AW X objects into lower case - this should fix the no objects > downloading problem - *should* > 2) Mars avatars now correctly linked > 3) Pollen objects are going to be uploaded to the main object server..there > were a few problems yesterday - also, i seem to be missing a heap of > sequences *grr* for some reason - if anyone knows of a utility that converts > a bunch of files that have caps in them to lower case, this will be made > ALOT quicker...hard to change several thousand bloomin file names...takes > way too much time by hand...but, public building is available in there... > > Anyways, let me know again if there are more problems. > > Facter > AW Support > Inc > support at AW's newest competitorFeb 17, 2001, 11:20am
Ok,Everyone Is mad at people for posting about diff stuffFeb 20, 2001, 4:20pm
You are correct myrth, Eep has shown an amazing amount of restraint.
Holistic1 [View Quote] > hehe :) > > and everyone! don't worry, eep has given AFM and Col Klink plenty of times > to change, so that statement didn't go against his new nicer image. :) > > -Myrth > > P.S. Visit Hole, its spiffy! > [View Quote] Ok,Everyone Is mad at people for posting about diff stuffFeb 21, 2001, 12:57pm