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Re: moving jpgs

Nov 9, 2000, 5:29pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
YES!! Please.
[View Quote]

Proposal: The Dream Team

Dec 13, 2000, 7:37pm
As much as sometime I would like to use Eeps head as a basketball, he would make
a good quality control geek. Only problem is that the product would never make
it out the door.


[View Quote] > well, as ananas wrote, Eep cares most about what he wants (but well, they
> could use him/her to test the Tech support team, as "the angry old
> lady"...). And cybernome, I agree that AW is far behind of where it COULD
> have been right now, if they did the same effort as with 3.0 with EACH
> version, but I wouldn't try to beat 'em:
> we do have a great community in AW, I have used hours of time and energy on
> doing stuff here, many businesses depend on it, etc... it would have
> BIIIIIIIG consequences to "kill" AWCI.
[View Quote]

Proposal: The Dream Team

Dec 13, 2000, 7:44pm
Wouldn't know,, haven't seen it...would like to though..

[View Quote] > Well, just be grateful 3.1 has just as many new features, and in quicker
> time. :) You see, AWCI does know when to work if you whip em hard enough!
> *jk* :P
> Nornny
[View Quote]

World Theft.. more to come...

Dec 12, 2000, 4:58pm
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Let me see if I have this straight,&nbsp; You helped build New York.&nbsp;
you requested certain programs, privileges, citizenships etc from the world
owner&nbsp; in order to perform the tasks of creating objects, building
etc.&nbsp; Now you claim that because you created those objects, they belong
to you... well sir, you are in sad need of a Plexdectomy.&nbsp; In issence
you were employed by the world owner to assist in creating a specific environment.&nbsp;
Thus you were, in fact, employed by said world owner and as such, all creations
belong to the world owner.&nbsp; What you are trying to have us believe
would be the same thing as Roland owning all of the programs that he has
written while an employee of AW.&nbsp; Son, if I were you, I would close
up shop, apologize to those people whom you crossed and grow up.&nbsp;
You are a talentd builder, but don't be an ass.&nbsp; You're wrong.&nbsp;
You were paid with the things (programs, citizenships etc) that you requested
and received in lieu of payment. (Which was NOT offered to begin with).
<p>Just my .002
<p>Plexdectomy = an operation where a piece of plexiglass is inserted into
the lower intestine, so when you have your head up your ass, you can see
where you are going.
[View Quote]

World Theft.. more to come...

Dec 12, 2000, 11:09pm
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[View Quote] > No I never asked for, nor recieved payment for any of the creations I
> did in NewYork. I was not "employed" nor "rewarded" nor given
> anything in exchange for creating my work in NewYork. If anything the
> world owner was a constant source of frustration and hindered me in
> Ok, let see if I can get this correct then. You were INVITED into a
> world to create an environment (New York City). You accepted.
> Whether it was for payment or not still doesn't matter. It WASN'T
> your world. You knew that going in. You were asked and you accepted
> or, you asked and your were allowed to create. Period. No matter
> what took place at any time after that, the objects and environment
> that was created still belongs to the world owner.. UNLESS YOU can
> PROVE ownership of said objects before starting the project.
> the process of creating what I wanted done. That I showed the
> patience that I did show is a testament to my endurance, and to be
> treated how I am being treated now defies my understanding.
> Are you more upset over how you were treated while working in the
> world? or that people are questioning your position now?
> Why is it that you people all want to believe the misinformation fed
> to you by people who are at best 3rd parties, and at worst, constant
> complainers? Why is it that you want to take the side of someone who
> relishes going around in an avatar that carries a gun and happily
> promotes WAR as her favorite world?
> What do you expect? All of this comes out of the blue with two worlds
> close enough to be twins. If you have proof of what "you say" has
> taken place, the show it. And what does what one chooses to wear as
> an avatar have to do with it? Remember all the bull about the Gor
> worlds? and the folks who populate them? Gee, I wonder if you are
> anyone else stopped being friends or at least aquaintances with them
> just because of their world affiliations
> May I suggest, get on the side of those that promote creativity, and
> praise good works when praise is due, and disregard the propoganda
> machine touted by those that promote destruction and negativity.
> I do promote creativity and I praise good work when I see it.
> (Especially considering that most everyones is better than anything I
> do). And I have recognized yours, just reread my last post. As far
> as propoganda goes, prove thats what it is, otherwise, all we have to
> go on is two environments, one older than the other, and that sir,
> speaks for itself.
> Holistic1
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World Theft.. more to come...

Dec 25, 2000, 12:54pm
paul, this wasn't a purhase of commercial objects. And if I hire you
to create a custom object for me, it is mine. Not yours.


PS Lets not open this up again.

[View Quote] > That's a bit extreme (quote: No matter what took place at any time
> after that, the objects and environment that was created still belongs
> to the world owner.. UNLESS YOU can PROVE ownership of said objects
> before starting the project.
> ).He created the objects so he does have rights to them. my policy on
> my objects is I will sell the at a respectable cost for you to use,
> But the are My objects. Now I will see Total rights to you for the
> objects but it's gonna cost you much more. In the 1st case I may use
> thost objects too or sell them to others, but I would never duplicate
> a world design. Paul
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Re: Patched Browser

Dec 13, 2000, 10:24am
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For the same reasons a cracked program is.&nbsp; Just because there is
not a cost involved in using the program, doesn't give one the right to
change it.&nbsp; It's called pirated software.&nbsp; If you have a program
that requires a key, and you download a crack for it, you in affect patch
that program making it illegal.&nbsp; Ownership of the AW browser still
belongs to AW.&nbsp; You just have the privilege to use it...not change
[View Quote]

Re: Patched Browser

Dec 13, 2000, 7:33pm
No problem... and simple is good..:)

[View Quote] > holistic1,
> O.K. thanks.I thought it was something more complicated than that,but simple
> is good too.:-)
[View Quote]

USWF is just bullshit!

Dec 15, 2000, 4:58pm
Now children, play nice.

[View Quote] > Do you know WHAT the fee is for????
> You don't have to pay it if you become a MEMBER of the USWF!!!! It's just if
> you want your own monetary system!
> And I'm head of the Event&Advertising Comittee in the USWF, and i can offer
> lots of benefits! So you can just SHUT UP! (to all you others (except Eep):
> sorry for the bad language) I will suggest that you get ejected from ALL
> member worlds for 10 years because of this disrespect for a hard-working
> bunch of ppl trying to make a good service for SMART mayors/world owners
> (so, i understand why YOU don't like it...)! And I understand why ya got
> ejected, cuzz when you scream out propaganda about the USWF, it's clear that
> we don't want you! AWCI should prohibe ya from posting stuff to this NG! I
> HATE at # at $# at $# LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Go to somewhere else if you want to say
> bad things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And never show yourself in a USWF
> world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[View Quote]

USWF is just bullshit!

Dec 17, 2000, 10:31am
Well put Rehabber. I am wondering why they didn't use UWF ( United Worlds Federation).
As there are no 'states' in ActiveWorld.


[View Quote] > nope.. United States equals Americans or the American culture.. say what you
> mean/mean what you say.. take away everything else and then ask 1000 people what
> United States means and you will get 1000 identical answers or very close to
> identical; it means America (unless of course you are trying to make a point and will
> say something like "United States" doesn't always equal "American"... It just
> means a group of communities"). Before America there was no United States of anything
> and since American any United States of anything seeks to emulate that society.
> Don't get me wrong with my posts here, I think organizing worlds or towns is a good
> thing since it allows the sharing of ideas, objects, talent etc... I just think the
> name implys a bit of elitism or possibly a bit of exclusion if you are not American
> or aligned with the American culture.. just my humble opinion, take it or leave it..
[View Quote]

USWF is just bullshit!

Dec 17, 2000, 8:18pm

[View Quote] > holistic1,
> The only "States" I see in AW is "Altered States".....joking :-)
> Berserker
[View Quote]

what the hell happened to all the messages in "beta"??

Dec 15, 2000, 1:21pm
I agree Eep, Not only that, but at least reading the messages would allow the rest of us to observe the process and input possible solutions to problems, to the testers. I kinda pisses me off that we aren't even allowed to know the status of the beta testing.


[View Quote] > But for them to just DELETE all the previous messages is just STUPID. Is ALL of AWCI full of idiots or something? I just can't believe people can CONTINUALLY act so incompetently inept. They could have just created a NEW closed beta newsgroup or something...god damn...
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where are all these idiots coming from?

Dec 17, 2000, 10:34am
It's the hormones..12,13 years old..what do you expect.


[View Quote] > i am actually going to agree with eep, oh the horror!
> those juno users are COMPLETE idiots
> not only do they become a citizen before they learn to move but they
> think this whole aw is a sex party
> if you go into juno dome for only FIVE MINUTES youll get about 50
> different tourists asking people to have sex with them or somehting
> sheesh... juno is just a bunch of sex crazed idio-manics
> just my 2C
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Re: Patched Browser

Dec 17, 2000, 10:38am

God help us all if that ever came into being.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

The Power of the ! Mark

Dec 20, 2000, 11:52am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
LOL... but at least they have a sense of humor....which alot of people
here don't....And what better therapy is there.
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The Power of the ! Mark

Dec 20, 2000, 12:34pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
Oh, come on xavarella, some people just love to press other peoples buttons.&nbsp;
:)&nbsp; And besides, you know as well as I, that Eep can be a perfect
target for button pressing sometimes.&nbsp; As intelligent as he can be,
alot of times Eep is just plain anal retentive.
[View Quote] <blockquote
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">LOL...
but at least they have a sense of humor....which alot of people here don't....And
what better therapy is there.
[View Quote] </body>

The Power of the ! Mark

Dec 20, 2000, 4:47pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (long!)

Dec 23, 2000, 9:17am
[View Quote] > I was saving this post in the event that the community NG ever started
> to slow down and people needed something to read. Initially, it was
> supposed to be a joke. But now with all of these strange new faces
> having stumbled upon our little corner of AW, I would feel remiss if I
> didn't formally introduce ourselves and teach these young charges our
> ways. So, for those of you who just found this place, read and learn!
> For those who've been here a while, have a good laugh. :)
> Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups
> ------------------------------
> Hello, and welcome to the AW Community NewsGroup! You are about to
> embark on a journey of information, communication, and learning! But
> before we begin, let us introduce you to just some of the people you'll
> encounter here in the Newsgroups!
> activeworlds - This one tends to be a bit of a recluse, only appearing
> at random intervals to make some sort of meaningless announcement. If
> you spot this person, let us know! We miss him/her!
> agent1 - Professional ActiveWorlds Annoyer. If you want something done,
> Agent1 is willing to annoy the hell out of any ActiveWorlds staffer
> until it happens, or until he's sitebanned, whichever happens first. Be
> warned, though. If you piss him off sufficiently, he can annoy YOU
> too...
> alphabit phalpha - Bearer of the Smilies! She can make even the sharpest
> of barbs feel like silk with just a simple colon and parenthesis.
> However, if you see a post without a single smiley, run. Fast. She'll
> start "grr"-ing any second...
> eep - One of the more... visible members of the AW newsgroup community,
> you can always count on him to give Activeworlds a good smack, for all
> the good it may do. Master of nit-picking, the one-liner, and wielding
> his magical Filter, Eep is willing to fight the evil corporation and
> help the people evolve! Well... at least he's willing to complain about
> it...
> goober king - As the title indicates, he's in charge of keeping all the
> goobers in AW and around the world in line. Unfortunately, being a
> goober himself doesn't help much. Yearning to be taken seriously, but
> winding up in trouble because of it, he posts long-winded laments about
> all sorts of topics, all of which are rightfully ignored...
> holistic1 - The wake-up call from Reality. Short and concise, this one's
> always ready to offer an opinion. Now if only she'd *start* a
> conversation...

LOL...wrong sex goober. Sit back, listen and learn....then pounce. :) Is my

Always remember, "One is NOT intitled to have an opinion. Only an Informed
opinion." Now how is that for starting a conversation. lol.


> imagine - Cut from the same cloth as AlphaBit, another of the caring
> people here in the newsgroups. Always willing to offer advice and
> support, especially for those who fall victim to Eep's filter...
> jeiden - One of our own who left for a time, but has now returned, and
> still the same as ever! But whatever you do, don't mention Gor around
> him...
> john viper - One of the resident geeks here in the NG, he's always ready
> and willing to yak about all things technical. Strangely optimistic in
> this rather pessimistic environment, he will offer his opinion from time
> to time, without really saying much of anything. Unless, of course, it
> involves Microsoft...
> just in - When he's not in a battle of wits (or egos?) with Eep, Just In
> can be counted on to supply a dry touch to any thread. Just be careful
> when talking about him personally; you might never hear the end of it...
> legion - The loyalist. Foolhardy and headstrong, this passionate patriot
> will fight for the integrity of ActiveWorlds! (or lack thereof) Anyone
> who says otherwise will be bombarded with endless strings of bad
> English! And don't bother trying to decipher his code. Many have tried,
> few have succeeded...
> lucrezia borgia - Another of the "ghost" members of the AW community,
> she will occasionally deign to descend from on high to mingle with the
> commoners. But don't try to actually talk to her, you won't get very
> far...
> myrth - Keeper of the Beta List! This is the person to talk to
> concerning AW development. Of course now that beta's been closed, it
> looks like he's out of a job. Oh well, can always annoy Eep...
> nornny - *sings* He's a real nowhere man/Sitting in his nowhere
> land/Doesn't have a point of view/Knows not where he's going to... Be
> wary of this one, as he can agree with just about anyone. No matter the
> argument, you can always count on Nornny to take YOUR side. Lately,
> however, he's decided to reverse his stance and now DISAGREES with
> everything. What's next for this up-and-comer? Only time, and arguments,
> will tell...
> nova - The Man With the Flying Fingers! He knows no fear! He knows no
> shame! He knows no punctuation! To enter into a conversation with Nova
> is like talking to the guy from the MicroMachines commercials. Be
> prepared to do some head-scratching...
> pc - Bastion of democracy! He is a man of the people, willing to fight
> anarchists around the globe. Even bots' rights will be protected under
> his rule! Just be ready for plenty of red tape...
> tyrell - Another of the "Ancients", Tyrell is also a member of the
> techie collective. Always ready to offer software plugs and long
> pot-shots, Tyrell has been around since the beginning. Could learn a lot
> from this "old man"...
> wing - Eep's shadow. With an ego surpassed by few and the ability to say
> what everyone else *isn't* thinking, Wing is one to look out for. If Eep
> doesn't attack you first, Wing will. The only difference is Eep's
> attacks are actually effective...
> zero - The Ultimate Anti-Eep. No matter the cause, no matter the reason,
> you can depend on Zero to be right on Eep's heels, countering everything
> he says, with only marginal success. And probably the only person who
> hasn't fallen through the hole in Eep's filter...
> Now that you've had a chance to get to know some of the people here in
> the NGs, here's a few tips you can use to help make your trip to the AW
> Community Newsgroup a happy and fun trip!
> 10 Ways to Piss People Off
> -----------------------
> 1. Post a new message just saying hello
> 2. Ramble incoherently
> 3. Use no punctuation
> 4. Abuse punctuation
> 5. Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word
> 6. Use "lol" a lot
> 7. Post about something that has nothing to do with AW
> 8. Post about a specific person in the newsgroups
> 9. Post about yourself and things in your life
> 10. Post a really long message that has absolutely no relevance!
> If you steer clear of these actions, you should have no troubles fitting
> in here in the NGs. We hope you enjoy your stay! :)
> Sincerely,
> Goober King
> Standing in for the Staff of ActiveWorlds.com, Inc.
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu

Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (long!)

Dec 23, 2000, 9:13pm
Nah... I wouldn't look good with boobs....LOL


[View Quote] > What wouldve been really kewl , is if you could draw caricatures of what
> you think we all loook like based on your descriptions.
> That wouldve been a riot!!
> Z!
> Chris Waddell
> dmonix at home.com
> www.dmonix.net

Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (long!)

Dec 24, 2000, 9:53am
LOL... Everyone have a GREAT MERRY CHRISTMES!!


[View Quote] > Heh sorry about that... wasn't really sure either way, and couldn't find
> any info, so I figured go with "she" and then I could blame my fingers
> for slipping and hitting "s". *grin*
[View Quote]

End of the world(part one)

Dec 27, 2000, 10:36pm
In reality, I just went to 32764N 0W and that was as far as I could go.


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World Hosting

Jan 1, 2001, 11:26am
You can test your firewall for free at Gibson Research Corp ( www.grc.com. ).


[View Quote] > Lanezeri is partly correct. True, you usually DO need to reboot if you
> install something that does massive changes to the registry in a Windows
> OS, but what if the server computer isn't running a Windows OS? You need
> to worry about power outages. Does your server computer(s) have a
> dedicated UPS? What about OS upgrades/updates and security patches?
> Don't forget that hardware can also "fizzle out" over time. Its not
> likely, but it does happen. Also, don't forget hackers. I hope your
> server(s) have at the very least a good, solid software based firewall
> and anti-virus program running 24/7 along with the other worlds you
> host. And here's the kicker...don't forget to UPDATE your firewall
> firmware (if you have a hardware based firewall), check for firewall
> updates (if you use a software based firewall), and update your
> anti-virus definitions regularly. An anti-virus product won't do any
> good using virus definitions from two years ago. People think that the
> hardest part is getting the bandwidth and you just plug in a box,
> install some worlds, and there you go. Its rarely that easy. However, I
> commend both God Zedle and Joeman that you are utilizing your resources
> and helping others in the Active Worlds community free of charge. =)
> -Builderz
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-=- Stupid, stupid Micro$oft... -=-

Jan 2, 2001, 4:38pm
You might want to do two other things before wiping your drive. Clean all of
the files and folders out of c:\windows\temp. And run either regclean
(microsoft)or regcleaner (you will have to search for it).


[View Quote] > Follow these steps until something solves the problem.
> 1. Check for enough disk space on both the drive your swap file is on and
> the drive your email folder is on (usually both c:). Enough is at least
> 50mb, and that's still very little.
> 2. Run scandisk (or similar program) on all drives you have, fix any problem
> that comes up.
> 3. Repeat step 1.
> 4. Uninstall olx, then reinstall it (via control panel, add/remove software,
> windows setup)
> 5. Reinstall windows without wiping your current install.
> 6. Wipe your current install (format c:) then reinstall.
> 7. Try anything you can come up with yourself.
> 8. Buy a new computer.
> Take care not to wipe anything you want to keep while doing these things.
> Rolu
[View Quote]

Re: clueless Roland as usual

Jan 13, 2001, 10:46am
He has Casay, :). Now all eep has to do is buy a dictionary. Hmmm,,,, "Yea,
because I'd run circles around Roland's pathetic attempt at coding..." = "In
finding bugs, Casay...". Coding=debugging.

Say what you mean Eep. Be efficient.

I just couldn't resist.


[View Quote] > Ahhh ok ;-)
[View Quote]

Re: clueless Roland as usual

Jan 15, 2001, 11:42am
Eep, nice try. LOL

[View Quote] > Um, there's nothing wrong with "finding bugs" meaning "run circles around...coding". Perhaps YOU should get a SLANG dictionary since English is obviously not your native language.
[View Quote]

About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 1:45pm
About as bad as yours nova, with no proper capitalization at all.


[View Quote] > more like you will be ignored. this has got to be the most anoying so called
> style ive ever seen.
[View Quote]

About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 9:30pm
LOL, yes, he has improved.


[View Quote] > He uses dots at the end of sentences, so it's not really that bad.
[View Quote]

A NOT SO FRIENDLY warning to Agent Fox Mulder

Jan 17, 2001, 5:00pm
Your grammer is just fine Andras, so don't apologize. Eep doesn't have a life and except
trying to run circles around Rolands programming. OOPS!!.. sorry,, Eep doesn't know how to
program....So I guess all he can do is run in circles. As in chasing his tail....Hmmm..
makes one wonder what he will do with it once he catches it..


[View Quote] > First abuse report is sent to home.com and shawcable.net.
> Andras
> P.S. - I ask everyone who is offended by his posts file a complaint to abuse at home.net .
> P.P.S - maybe my grammar is not the best in this post either - so sorry in advance.

AW Not working

Jan 21, 2001, 10:22am
No need to reformat. After all of wings suggestions. Also go to the
c:\windows\temp folder and delete EVERYTHING in it. And check to make sure you
don't have any tmp files in your windows folder. If you do, delete them too.
That should fix you up.


[View Quote] > Sounds like you haven't rebooted in forever. Try that first. Then end tak
> everything not neccessary for your computer's operation (systray, explorer,
> rundll, rundll32, rnaap [My dialup networking doesnt work without these
> three]) and then try to run AW. If not, run scandisk, repeat the above and
> try again. If that doesnt work, try defragging. Finally, if that doesnt
> help, its time to reformat.
> --
> Wing
> This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
> It's a CLOSED beta ya morons.
> AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
> bathgate at prodigy.net
> eyemwing at teleport.com
> ICQ #101207433
[View Quote]

AW Not working

Jan 21, 2001, 1:30pm
nova, I have gone over this before. You should never have to reformat or
reinstall windows unless you have had a harddrive failure. Even then you
shouldn't have to if you do your backups on a regular basis. However, as far as
the temp files go, I will explain it again. Ever since windows first came out,
it has created temp files in a directory named temp in the windows
subdirectory. Windows uses this directory(folder) to cache out any programs
that might be open or running. This is ok except that sometimes these programs
don't clean up after themselves and they leave temp files. This includes
windows itself. The next time windows starts, it looks in that folder to see if
there are any files it thinks it need. If windows sees a temp file there, it
will try to use it, thus recreating any error conditions that may have existed
when the program failed. This is the way it has always been and is even now
with win2k win me and even win nt. If your system still runs even with alot of
temp files, it will run alot better without them, and, you will gain alot of
disk space too. These files are not needed. I clean mine using a bat file when
I start my system.

Hope this helps,


[View Quote] > yep doesnt hurt any thing to reformat but you left one step out wing he
> should also try just reinstalling windows thing is though after trying all
> that he will have spent hours longer on trying to fix it. when he could have
> simply reformated after backing up every thing he needs to.
> heheh after reformating it still suprises me how much faster my puter runs.
> my sugestion make your self a schedual for refromating and stickl to it i
> try and do it every 6 months some do it ev 3 months.
> defraging is the bigest waste of time if you dont do it daily if you wait.
> even if you try and do it once a week it can take hours to defrag a 6.4 gig
> hd.
> i could start reformating now 8am and be fully back on line by 930 or 10 or
> i could start defraging now and bew back on line by 6 7 8 pm i run 20 gig
> hds.
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