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Holiday objects

Nov 27, 1999, 1:05pm
How about some holiday objects.. Things like wreaths, garland etc...


Holiday objects

Nov 27, 1999, 7:12pm
Yes I have those thanks. Was looking for garland for fireplaces etc..


[View Quote] > If you are talking about in aw, no luck but awcommunity.irg/objects has soem
> holiday objects.
> -Myrth, maker of Nibbs (thescreenshot.8m.com)
[View Quote]

Holiday objects

Nov 28, 1999, 10:20am
Thanks a million everyone, I can use them all and plan to. :) I do appreciate
all of the responses.


[View Quote] > Here are a few holiday sprites I have made including garland and wreaths. I
> hope you can find something useful on this page.
> http://members.xoom.com/shyone44/Holiday.html

Top 10 wishes for aw3

Jan 19, 2000, 4:36pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
This topic should be posted only in the wishlist group and not here...The
beta group is normally used to post bug reports to Roland.
[View Quote]

Top 10 wishes for aw3

Jan 20, 2000, 10:55am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
[View Quote] <p><br>Hahaha... gooood question.&nbsp; As I remember it was.

Re: Voice and sound messages :)

Jan 21, 2000, 6:01pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Paltalk (freeware) also works well in AW.&nbsp; Even in hands free.&nbsp;
The only problem would be that it is only one to one...although they say
that they are working on a multi call version.
[View Quote]

(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Feb 17, 2001, 10:39am
How would handle encroachment? I can just see an object come flying through my
house on its way to the pizza shop...:)

[View Quote] > Well, I've been playing around with the new commands - expecially
> move/rotate, which is the topic of most of this message, really.
> While the commands in their current form have applications, and, with the
> help of some other commands (astart/adone, mostly - as you can see in
> objectd', or even the little looping truck animation I have in proxima right
> now) can be quite useful, I'm hoping that future additions to them can be
> made.
> Basically, I'm looking for a way to chain together move/rotate commands more
> efficiently than the current method of astart/adone and multiple instances
> of the same object. Perhaps some sort of 'wait' or 'then' command which
> would cause the parser to wait before continuing execution combined with
> more move/rotate options (like a 'stop' command which makes the object halt
> at the end of a move before returning - basically infinate wait).
> I'm sure there's a better way to implement that if I really thought about
> it, but there needs to be a way to chain move and rotates. Motion path is
> also an EXCELLENT idea, which, I'm sure, could be implemented without too
> much difficulty (even if simply as a new command, perhaps with its own set
> of dividers). In fact, I think I like that idea so much I'm going to write
> up a detailed explaination of how it would work.
> Example: create mpath (move 10 time=2, rotate 10; move 0 0 -10 time=4;
> rotate 10 time=4)
> Allow me to explain.
> The first part, create mpath, is a simple command (on create, start a motion
> path). Inside parenthesis are the details of the mpath - we do this since
> it's easier to use the dividers we know and love, comma and semicolon. The
> first part in there, "move10 time=2, rotate 10" causes two things to happen
> starting at the same time - the object moves 10 meters while rotating at 10
> rpms. It stops moving AND rotating after two seconds. Next we have "move 0
> 0 -10 time=4".... which we should all understand. The object moves 10
> meters, but in a different direction (NOTE: This is the critical part... the
> object starts moving from where the first movement/rotation left it! It does
> not return to its built origin!). Finally, "rotate 10 time=4", which is also
> self-explainatory. Note how things that happen at the same time are comma'd,
> while each event it separated by a semicolon.
> Basically, that command makes the object move while rotating, then just
> move, then rotate. It might not be the BEST way possible - but I'll bet
> Roland could do it in under an hour, and it'd still be rather easy for
> everyone to use.
> One last piece -- it wouldn't be a terrible idea for the mpath command to
> have a "use orientation" switch. That is to say, a simple on/off option
> telling the client if it should move the object just on the world coords, or
> relative to the actual ANGLE of the object - so that rotating it effects
> what direction it travels in.
> 35850

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

Apr 30, 2001, 12:21pm
Still trying to get a world cheap, huh marcus?


[View Quote] > I have tried proposing an option to change background in public area using a
> download feature at a reasonable fee. Right now the only way to do this is
> to buy a world which offers features some don't need at a high cost. After
> being told this would not be at the top of the list for consideration, I
> have thought of an alternative solution.
> Why not have a world where people who sign up as a PK, GK, or Teacher can
> experiment with things like avatars, backgrounds, and objects. Those that
> are helping Active Worlds promote the program would have an incentive to
> continue this, and they could try out the features available in a world
> without actually having to pay for it upfront without any experience. If
> they liked it, then they would not only gain the experience, but they would
> have objects as well to bring into a world they could buy after trying it
> out.

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

Apr 30, 2001, 5:31pm
Say what???? You're cheap.. admit it... Seems to me that you are the only one
around here bitching about the price of worlds...And trying to make some kind of
deal with AW to get both TrueSpace and A world cheap... I paid for my world and
will continue to do so.. In fact I am considering buying another one... As for
Truespace.. Who cares? I don't use it and from what I hear most builders
don't.. There are many free 3d programs to pick from so why would I buy one? I
can't believe you are still going on about wanting to change the backdrop in
public worlds... Gads.. get a life.. I build in public worlds besides Holistic
(my world) and the last thing I would want is for some twit (to borrow Eeps
favorite label) to go changing it on me without my permission.

If you want TrueSpace, buy it and shut up. If you want to change backdrops..
buy a world and shut up. If you want both then quit bitching about the price
and buy them .... and shut up...Now shut up and go away.


[View Quote] > Actually I would be paying 69.95 for true space and if I liked what I made,
> I would be buying a world. Look at what I am proposing and you will not see
> I am proposing anything cheap. For you to think that, means you 1) not only
> looked at the details 2) would be a prime candidate for what I am
> proposing.
[View Quote]

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 1, 2001, 1:11pm
Let me see. You don't want to buy a world unless you know what to expect...
marcus, you are really a work of art, you don't have a frigging brain in
your head do you....Can we say Activeworlds? How about PUBLIC BUILDING!!!...How
about AW school? How about AWUniv.? Hmmm, I will try again... First (that's
number one, or the beginning. (just so you understand, marcus), become a
tourist or citizen. Number Two, (that would be the second thing, (just so you
continue to understand, marcus, (providing you understood the first item)),
learn to build from 1)a builder, 2)AWSchool, 3)AWUniv. 4)some other source ( I
know, I know, that's alot of things at once but get someone to read it and
explain it to you, marcus), Number Three (comes after "Number Two") build in
PUBLIC WORLDS. Then if you like it, Number Four(Next to the last,,,, I know,,
your attention is starting to wonder, marcus) BUY A WORLD!!!. Number Five, If
you don't like it.......DON'T BUY A WORLD.

No one really cares.. now leave and quit posting unless you have something
intelligent to say (which you don't).


[View Quote] > Most people go to other programs instead of persisting the way I am. Let me
> go check here who is on in a world now.
> 885 worlds total. 566 worlds not private. 120 worlds that are not empty.
> 10 worlds with at leasy 10 people.
> With data like that, I am not going to buy anything until I have some idea
> of the services. This is just common sense.
> 765 people have been snookered into paying for worlds that aren't there, and
> I don't want to be 1 one of them.
> When I see the data change, my views will change.
[View Quote]

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 2, 2001, 12:39pm
LOL... marcus better change your diaper. And I find it rather amusing that you
are assuming that I don't know that you need a citizenship in order to post
here. I was trying to put my response in simple enough sentences (semtences= a
series of words put together in order to convy a thought) so you would
understand the process of determining weather or not you want a world.
Apparently I failed. Oh well... Perhaps someone else can speak in baby
language so you can understand. I tried and failed. So why don't you just take
your bottle roll over and go back to sleep.


[View Quote] > Let me see here, are you saying I should buy at lease one citizenship before
> I post here?
[View Quote]

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 2, 2001, 3:47pm
[View Quote] > Yeah, I guess you did. Try moving up from baby talk. Try to present things
> logically and lead to intelligent conclusions. The more you insult, the
> less you have to bring to the table as far as a productive conversation.
> You are 1 single person, and since we have established that we both
> understand a person must attain a citizenship before posting here, you have
> no idea what other people I come in contact with tell me who don't bother
> finding out what a world offers let alone a citizenship.

Well it is interesting that the people you come in contact with aren't bothering
to find out what world owners can do with their worlds. LOL
As you say, they don't bother...So again, you are trying to get something for
nothing and using the newbies as your reasoning for it. The people who become
PK's GK's etc. are, for the most part, extremely dedicated to helping citizens
and tourist alike. Not for some reward that you are trying to lead us to
believe they would want, but because they want to, period. They are there
because they feel an obligation to give back to the virtual society a little
something . And perhaps for a little power, perhaps. They are there for the
same reasons a person becomes a teacher, policeman or policewoman, but without
the pay. So don't give me that crap about rewards.. The most they ever would
want or really appreciate, would be a "thank you" or " thanks for teaching me
that", when was the last time you thanked a GK ir PK or even someone who was
willing to teach you.

> They seem to like what I am presenting, and if Active Worlds listened to it
> they might find more customers. I am responding to you on an automatic
> business sense hoping that they are reading this and detecting my behavior.

Business sense? LOL.. give me a break.

This is all about you and you wanting a discount on a world or have the ability
to change the backdrop on a public worlds and you are using this "Incentive"
thing to try to get it... I wouldn't be surpised that if AW said ok they would
give that power to the PK's, you would be first in line trying to become
one...God, you are so transparent.

> In turn, I hope they see who is buying their product and behaving the way
> you are here and use that for future decisions for Active Worlds as a whole.
> It takes a nice man to insult, so I guess I have to bite the bullet here and
> take it if I want what I am projecting across the table.

HUH? They know who is buying their product, and one thing is for sure, they
don't have to worry about you buying a world. So pipe down.

> I wish I didn't. I wish we could talk nicer, but that's up to you part way.
> Are you ready to present to me in an intelligent manner why incentives
> aren't offered to citizens who become PK, GK, and teachers?

See response 1.

> Other programs do this to their members.

Do what to their members? What program? Huh?

[View Quote] <snip>

Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 2, 2001, 4:43pm
OH Excuse me!!!.. Incentive. The same in this instance. God you are such a

[View Quote] > Where did I ever say it would be a reward? Please look back. If you want to
> assert something, please supply the data.
[View Quote]

AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 1, 2001, 2:36pm
Uhh.. have you tried contacting AW support?.. Any reason given? Did you email
them? If so what was their reponse?


[View Quote] > Hi, I recently got another citizen from a friend. July 30th and it says its
> disabled now!!! After only a couple of days! This also happened to 2 of my
> friend's world.. They already expired after just a few days! Everything is
> getting disabled shortly after you buy it! WTF is going on here!? I you read
> this AW I want my account back or I am never gonna buy another one if its
> gonna expire! I also recieved this "Telegram from Castilion, sent just now:
> Odd... they did the same to 2 other peoples accounts, and 1 of mine, plus 2
> of my worlds, 1 of my friends, and 3 of some dude I dont even know" WHY IS
> EVERYTHING YOU BUY FROM AW EXPIRING!?! Some people think it is that "Code
> Red Worm", but I don't.. I just hope they get this taken care of soon!!!

Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 17, 2002, 10:12am
Maybe not, Kah, but what could be even worse is if Microsoft sues for the "Look
and Feel" of Lindows. If you remember, Apple sued Billy Boy for that exact
same thing. And the only thing that got Microsoft out of that lawsuit was by
investing a big bunch of money into Apple Inc. From the "look" of the offered
screenshots on Lindows site, it would 'appear' that Microsoft would have such a
case. (heaven forbid).

Just an observation.


[View Quote] > LOL! MS have gone crazy, they can't go around sueing people for using the
> word "windows", especially not a word that does not even contain "window" in
> it, who do they think they are? I think the US government should boycott
> them and their products, and tell them to stuff their stupid law suits!
[View Quote]

EverQuest: 300,000 registered players - AW's future

Oct 6, 2000, 3:13pm
Question, eep. Is renderware capable of the type of gaming invironment
that you are refering to? Or would Roland and company have to basicly
rewrite all of the code? Just asking.


[View Quote]

Re: Testing my Digital ID

Oct 9, 2000, 12:01pm

[View Quote]

Re: Testing my Digital ID

Oct 10, 2000, 9:51am
Well, "twit" try to respond to the correct thread. :). I was responding
the assertion that DID's are easily faked.


[View Quote]


Oct 10, 2000, 9:42pm
To twit or not to twit.....Ah, that is the question...such decisions should
be left to those who are more versed in twittiness then I.

[View Quote] > LOL its good to see al the Twits are responding lol
[View Quote]


Oct 10, 2000, 11:10pm
Why, thank you very much... Your twittiness is much appreciated....:)

[View Quote] > You guys are too twitty :)
> LilAlpha
[View Quote]


Oct 11, 2000, 7:55am
Oh I am so sorry that you haven't been asked to join the NSOT. (The National Society
of Twits). We will have to request that our leader (Eep) ask you to join. :))

[View Quote] > (Giggling)
> I'm sure I'm the dumbest Twitty out there, but Eep hasn't called me one yet, I
> feel sooooo left out!!! Come on Eep, I hate being the outsider ;o(
> I wonder if he has filtered me, he doesn't answer my email, LOL. Oh well, I love
> ya Eep anyway! (I have a soft spot for grumpy old men ;o) )
[View Quote]


Oct 11, 2000, 12:06pm
No my dear, nominations are not necessary. All that is required is to
make a statement so Eep can call you a twit. THEN you can make your
speech and be called a newbe and have the magic word "DUH" be uttered by
our fearless leader. After that, you will be a full fledged member in
good standing....:)


[View Quote]


Oct 11, 2000, 1:48pm
Gads...some people have all the luck....LOL... Ofcourse you know that
since you have made it to "PUNK" already, you have just become the
"Great Potentwit".

Holistic1 ....:::Bowing low before the Great Potentwit:::

[View Quote]

uninstall program...

Oct 11, 2000, 1:51pm
Uninstaller from Mcaffee.

or you can download Regcleaner from www.vtoy.fi/jv16/regcleaner.html

It is a free program that will cleanup your registry and allow you to
remove unwanted program stuff.


[View Quote]

Object update

Oct 16, 2000, 12:44pm
My Objects and Textures download page has been updated to include
seperate zip files for the changed/added Activeworld objects and
textures up to Oct.15,2000.

They can be found at

As usual, if I missed any, please let me know.



Re: Casay + Eep? :o (was Re: AccuTrans- From Wayne Houge)

Oct 19, 2000, 5:51pm
So is a three legged dog....:)

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Impossible to run RW Modeler

Oct 29, 2000, 12:39pm
You can download all of the Dll's, for Modeler, from my page at


[View Quote] > Exactly how can you run RW Modeler without the files needed to run it??? Do
> they 'understand' how to pack them up? AW 2.2 might of had this file but 3.0
> doesn't. Where can I get it at so RW Modeler runs?
> File missing: RWL21.DLL
> I'm not sure, but there may/may not be any other files to it that is needed.

Impossible to run RW Modeler

Oct 29, 2000, 10:51pm
I am sorry!!!.. ahahahaha.. Flying fingers... is the
correct url...


[View Quote] > Actually, I guess I'll have to wait 'till that site is online again. lol
[View Quote]

Re: moving jpgs

Nov 8, 2000, 3:50pm
What would really be cool, would be if you could make an animated jpg for the


[View Quote] > For those who care, 'scroll4.jpg' can be views at:
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/cgi-bin/teleport.cgi?aw_29.5S_452E
> What 'I' did to create the 'scrolling JPGs' is I took a length of Animation
> (from a CD I have) and advanced it one frame at a time. I 'snapped' the
> frames I was interested in... I then pasted the frames, one to another so
> you'r left with a strip
> By repeating each frame a number of time you control the 'speed' (or lack
> there of) of the scrolling.
> If you (anyone) needs a more detailed explanation feel free to email...
> (er... no... I'l NOT make scrolling JPGs for anyone... I will help 'you'
> learn how to make them however...:-) )
[View Quote]

Re: moving jpgs

Nov 8, 2000, 5:02pm
Oh I don't know, it would look cool if you had a night sky that the stars
rotated or a world size space ship in warp...:) Use some iimagination.


[View Quote] > I already tried that *lol
> But I think the effect would only look really good if the backdrop was
> fixed and did not move in relation to the land - so that wish would have
> to come first

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