WinMe problems (Community)
WinMe problems // Community
Apr 30, 2001, 10:36pm
Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the upgrade CD cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer enter res's higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be sure.)
I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d accellerator that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain being fuxed) but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 1, 2001, 12:54am
NOW would be a great time for our little word knowledge test...
WinME = ROOT!!!! IT!!! Software from MicroSoft
My...My... Just In is going to be in hot demand here for awhile...
He's going to have to tell everyone here what the AMERICAN term is for that
AUSTRALIAN WORD i used there means....
And if I looked it up right... It means exactly what the American word
is with it's full meaning too...
So whenever you see WinME = ROOT!!!!! IT!!!!! Software Form MicroSoft.
wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in <3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
>Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the
>upgrade CD cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
>my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer
>enter res's higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
>This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from
>the same CD that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
>corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be sure.)
>I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d
>accellerator that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
>it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain
>being fuxed) but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 1, 2001, 4:36am
[View Quote]wing wrote:
> Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the upgrade CD cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
> my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer enter res's higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
> This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be sure.)
> I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d accellerator that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
> it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain being fuxed) but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
Try to adjust your screen refresh frequency (within the display settings). Some monitor can't use the higher rez's default settings.
May 1, 2001, 8:34am
You should've known how evil ME is by now...don't you remember my posts?
Maybe ME = Microsoft Evil?
[View Quote]wing wrote in message <3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
>Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the upgrade CD cuz
they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
>my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer enter res's
higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
>This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD
that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
>corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be
>I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d accellerator
that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
>it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain being fuxed)
but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 1, 2001, 10:07am
The latest drivers will not be found on your CD. Go to the web site to
download all the latest drivers for your gear. That's the first thing I do
when I either build a machine or upgrade the OS.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3aee911e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You should've known how evil ME is by now...don't you remember my posts?
> Maybe ME = Microsoft Evil?
> wing wrote in message <3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
> they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
> higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
> that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> sure.)
> that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
> but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 1, 2001, 10:48am
Damn ISP dissing me and cut me off. So just wanna see if my NGs are working again.
billyat (Bill the Yat)
"if you don't like polls -- LIE TO THE POLSTERS"
May 1, 2001, 6:04pm
I'm not stupid :)
In fact, I even stated that I did just that. Except instead of using a website I used a driver CD that I compiled (Yes, I have
enough hardware that the up to date drivers take up an entire CD. Of course this stuff ranges from VSA slot video cards to GeForce
3's and more models of ISA network cards than you'd believe.
[View Quote]"tawhano" <Eta at eta-carina-ltd.com> wrote in message news:3aeea702$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The latest drivers will not be found on your CD. Go to the web site to
> download all the latest drivers for your gear. That's the first thing I do
> when I either build a machine or upgrade the OS.
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3aee911e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> cuz
> CD
May 1, 2001, 9:23pm
Sorry wing, didn't realize I was indicating you were stupid. I don't see
where you said anything about downloading the latest drivers off the web, I
only see where you said you downloaded them off a CD.
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3aef16ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm not stupid :)
> In fact, I even stated that I did just that. Except instead of using a
website I used a driver CD that I compiled (Yes, I have
> enough hardware that the up to date drivers take up an entire CD. Of
course this stuff ranges from VSA slot video cards to GeForce
> 3's and more models of ISA network cards than you'd believe.
> "tawhano" <Eta at eta-carina-ltd.com> wrote in message
news:3aeea702$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 1, 2001, 9:29pm
It's okay. But, I quote my original message...
"This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD that I reinstalled all my other drivers from"
While that's not exactly the clearest thing, it's what I meant. Heat must be getting to me.
[View Quote]"tawhano" <Eta at eta-carina-ltd.com> wrote in message news:3aef457d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry wing, didn't realize I was indicating you were stupid. I don't see
> where you said anything about downloading the latest drivers off the web, I
> only see where you said you downloaded them off a CD.
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3aef16ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> website I used a driver CD that I compiled (Yes, I have
> course this stuff ranges from VSA slot video cards to GeForce
> news:3aeea702$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> do
> posts?
> CD
> res's
> same
> be
> accellerator
> fuxed)
May 1, 2001, 10:42pm
Wasn't it Multiple Errors?
[View Quote]kah wrote:
> You should've known how evil ME is by now...don't you remember my posts?
> Maybe ME = Microsoft Evil?
May 2, 2001, 12:24am
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3AEF545C.ADA64794 at oct31.de...
> Wasn't it Multiple Errors?
My Eggplant :)
[View Quote]
May 2, 2001, 7:53am
The whole Me thing is a play on the whole "My computer" BS that they're using to try to personalize. The full name is Windows Make
Everyone With Half a Brain Reformat and Agonize Over Setting Up a Network With Our Really Stupid Wizard Thing Because We Have
Disabled Their Ability To Do So Themselves (Win MEWHABRAAOSUANWORSWTBWHDTATDST)
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at 3dee.nl> wrote in message news:3aef6fe2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3AEF545C.ADA64794 at oct31.de...
> My Eggplant :)
May 2, 2001, 10:17am
I have been seeing articles on the review web sites about many people having
problems with WinME. Some of the PC magazines even recommend AGAINST
upgrading to it. They are saying Win 98 is more reliable and better than
WinME. You should get your money back and (1) use Win 98se and/or get or
wait for WinXP. It's based on the NT4 kernal and it should be as reliable
as Win2000 which I used and is great. WinXP is the replacement for Win95,
98, and ME. Here is a ZDnet pre-review.
also read these reviews about Windows ME from TechWeb
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the upgrade CD
cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
> my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer enter res's
higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
> This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD
that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be
> I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d accellerator
that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
> it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain being fuxed)
but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 2, 2001, 12:19pm
> This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from the same CD
that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be
Are you absolutly sure they are the *latest* drivers? Dont rely on using
CD's that come with the video cards for your drivers, they are invariably
out of date. Go to Nvidias site and make sure that they are, compare them to
the ones there to the ones you are using.
AW Support
May 2, 2001, 2:39pm
there's only one way of getting rid of ME without bashing your system (like
I did): you had to choose the un-install option under the installation, if
not you'll simply have to delete your Windows folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\)
[View Quote]paul wrote in message <3aeffabd at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
>I have been seeing articles on the review web sites about many people
>problems with WinME. Some of the PC magazines even recommend AGAINST
>upgrading to it. They are saying Win 98 is more reliable and better than
>WinME. You should get your money back and (1) use Win 98se and/or get or
>wait for WinXP. It's based on the NT4 kernal and it should be as reliable
>as Win2000 which I used and is great. WinXP is the replacement for
>98, and ME. Here is a ZDnet pre-review.
>also read these reviews about Windows ME from TechWeb
>"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
>news:3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
>higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
>that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
>that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
>but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 2, 2001, 9:56pm
Yep, my network is unstable as a spagetti building in a hurricane now. However the network is functional because network mounted
drives work, but browsing the network by means other than a mounted disk doesn't work. Absolutely 100% unstable. *kick* *pulls hair
out* *jacks WinXP beta*
[View Quote]"paul" <p-barrow at NOSPAMhome.com> wrote in message news:3aeffabd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have been seeing articles on the review web sites about many people having
> problems with WinME. Some of the PC magazines even recommend AGAINST
> upgrading to it. They are saying Win 98 is more reliable and better than
> WinME. You should get your money back and (1) use Win 98se and/or get or
> wait for WinXP. It's based on the NT4 kernal and it should be as reliable
> as Win2000 which I used and is great. WinXP is the replacement for Win95,
> 98, and ME. Here is a ZDnet pre-review.
> http://www.zdnet.com/products/stories/reviews/0,4161,2703095,00.html
> also read these reviews about Windows ME from TechWeb
> http://www.techweb.com/winmag/windows/winme/longterm/03.htm
> Paul
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3aee0503 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of
> higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled.
> that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> sure.)
> that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because
> but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it
May 2, 2001, 9:57pm
As I said before, my CD, compiled literally 2 days before this all began. Oh well, the whole OS is a mess for my purposes, time to
fall back.
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message news:3af01776$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver
> sure.)
> Are you absolutly sure they are the *latest* drivers? Dont rely on using
> CD's that come with the video cards for your drivers, they are invariably
> out of date. Go to Nvidias site and make sure that they are, compare them to
> the ones there to the ones you are using.
> Facter
> AW Support
May 3, 2001, 11:44am
Well, it would seem that you are using the latest '98 drivers... check the manufactures web site and see if they have ME drivers.
Other than that it looks like you have the ever popular I.D.10.T error.
PS I am using ME with no problems whatever
[View Quote]
> As I said before, my CD, compiled literally 2 days before this all began. Oh well, the whole OS is a mess for my purposes, time to
> fall back.
[View Quote]> "facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message news:3af01776$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 3, 2001, 11:45pm
I manage to pick out ID 10 T errors on my own. This is a M 1 CR 0 S 0 F + error :)
Regardless, ME has been phased out here. No more issues.
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message news:3AF18C37.3D1ACB46 at southstar.org...
> Well, it would seem that you are using the latest '98 drivers... check the manufactures web site and see if they have ME drivers.
> Other than that it looks like you have the ever popular I.D.10.T error.
> Holistic1
> PS I am using ME with no problems whatever
> wing wrote: