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how do you goto another universe?

Aug 7, 1999, 2:48am
and if that doesn't help, try making sure that ini files are visible on your
computer, I supposedly didn't have aw.dll for my bots, but new comp, new
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Mass bot failures

Aug 7, 1999, 2:52am
Erm.... I'm running various bts off of one aw.dll (thats the onnly thing
that has changed in awhile, I moved them all to one folder with 1 aw.dll)
For about 2 days my bots ran fine, and now, the only bot that will even
start is ima's birdbot. HELP. I'm getting different errors from different
bots apps. I'm thinking that my aw.dll is corrupt but why would birdbot run?

Mass bot failures

Aug 7, 1999, 2:02pm
I was in a rush and typing in the dark. Here are some:

Bot Error
Ima's Ballbot None

Ima's Birdbot Unable to initialize API

Ham's Buildbot None (sometimes doesn't complains of invalid pw
when it is correct)

Ima's Chatbot: None

Ham's Hambot: Can't initialize aw sdk version 13 reason 454

Ima's Movebot/Blimpbot: Unable to initialize API reason 454 (I don't like
these 454 errors)

Those are basically all that I get, as my other bots are not up to speed.
BTW the creation date for aw.dll and movebot are the same so I think that
this aw.dll shipped with movebot


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Mass bot failures

Aug 8, 1999, 12:21am
Hmph, that SUX!
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Mass bot failures

Aug 12, 1999, 1:39pm
He programs his own bots. I however due to my enormous monitor and bios have
a hell of a time doing simple level editing for duke nukem.
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Learning C++

Aug 7, 1999, 2:56am
You seem to be rambling on senselessly

"It has 500 courses to teach you on 300+ courses"
If it has 500 courses it's definitely teaching more then 300 courses

"So if your in a rush, THIS IS A RUSH!!!"
That makes almost no sense whatsoever

And why are your forwarding us an offer from your ISP?

I'd send a spam report, but this is rellevant to bots so I'll leave that

>:-| Wing is watching

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SDK on Unix (Linux or Solaris)?

Aug 11, 1999, 2:00pm
actually I suggest checking that your keyboard has an N, O and T key.
Outlook express has never eaten any of my words
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 15, 2001, 11:08pm
GFDKJGJDFFD! Dude, wtf did you do that gay HTML stuff for? You wasted 2kb and made it too time consuming to read (not to mention

Learn to program bots!

Apr 16, 2001, 5:25am
Heres a translation for you....

Now, in the world microb a bot teaching center is being designed, no past programming experiance is needed! We will teach you the
basics of C and C++, only enogh so you can make simple bots. Then you can practice and make youself better! just go to and download the DJGPP compiler, or if you have Visual C++ 4, 5, or 6 that works even better...
If you would like to teach people and have made your own bots in C/C++ telegram God Zedle.
-God Zedle (306364)
Greg Gage
CEO & Chairman

<snip all due to screwed up quoting and lame scrolling text that I don't feel like fixing cuz it's 3 in the friggin morning>

Learn to program bots!

Apr 18, 2001, 7:48am
I can pull 500-600bps but for some reason when communicating with AW news server I get around 100.
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:05pm
Um? Okayyyyyyyy............................. I think they make hard drives for that
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:03pm
Honestly, I've never heard of 8" floppies. Seem them mentioned somewhere before, passed it off as pointless Jap technology though. I
even recondition some REALLY old comps and have never physically seen one. I guess having entered PC scene around Pentium 1's early
days and working my way both forward and backwards through technology didn't cover everything.
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 20, 2001, 9:45pm
Just imagine how we'll be talking about our awesome machinery in 20 years :) ALL Pentiums will be a joke (well, according to me,
they already are)
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Apr 18, 2001, 7:41am
Can't fight at Home, newblood. No caps either.
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Jan 16, 2001, 11:25pm
*sigh* okay. time to shut you the HELL up since filters don't seem to want
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Jan 27, 2001, 2:16pm
I don't know. Personally the only attatchments I ever accept are JPG, MPG,
MP3, WAV, TXT, etc. and in the rare case an EXE thats been bounced through
my dad's work email where everything is scanned on its way thru the WAN
servers. I also accept these types of files in emergencies (deleting by mistake hehehehehe) from people that I trust and have been in
contact with for over a year. I've only ever had 2 virii. One was supposedly
in the EXE to a commercial DOS app and I severely doubt it ever existed
because it was the only infected program and I was not connected to the
internet (plus the fact that only the Packard Bell restore disk virus scan
found it). Then there was a practical joke played on me last year with BO2k.
Nothing more malicious happened there than a coupla teenagers playing MaStUr
hAx0R for an hour or two before it got boring LOL. I don't understand how
everyone seems to get a virus every week. I mean, I've TRIED to infect my
computer with viruses and couldnt get a single one. So why do news entities
make such a big deal of it to the point where people are paranoid out of
there minds and people get all panicky when their AMD K6-2 CPU overheats in
mid summer and gives them a bunch of bluescreens of death (not fun but not a

One more thing. GO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!
This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
Ravens are goin Festivus Maximus on Purple Sunday
AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
bathgate at
eyemwing at
ICQ #101207433
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 15, 2001, 11:08pm
GFDKJGJDFFD! Dude, wtf did you do that gay HTML stuff for? You wasted 2kb and made it too time consuming to read (not to mention

Learn to program bots!

Apr 16, 2001, 5:25am
Heres a translation for you....

Now, in the world microb a bot teaching center is being designed, no past programming experiance is needed! We will teach you the
basics of C and C++, only enogh so you can make simple bots. Then you can practice and make youself better! just go to and download the DJGPP compiler, or if you have Visual C++ 4, 5, or 6 that works even better...
If you would like to teach people and have made your own bots in C/C++ telegram God Zedle.
-God Zedle (306364)
Greg Gage
CEO & Chairman

<snip all due to screwed up quoting and lame scrolling text that I don't feel like fixing cuz it's 3 in the friggin morning>

Learn to program bots!

Apr 18, 2001, 7:48am
I can pull 500-600bps but for some reason when communicating with AW news server I get around 100.
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:05pm
Um? Okayyyyyyyy............................. I think they make hard drives for that
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:03pm
Honestly, I've never heard of 8" floppies. Seem them mentioned somewhere before, passed it off as pointless Jap technology though. I
even recondition some REALLY old comps and have never physically seen one. I guess having entered PC scene around Pentium 1's early
days and working my way both forward and backwards through technology didn't cover everything.
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Learn to program bots!

Apr 20, 2001, 9:45pm
Just imagine how we'll be talking about our awesome machinery in 20 years :) ALL Pentiums will be a joke (well, according to me,
they already are)
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Apr 18, 2001, 7:44am
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Apr 18, 2001, 7:57am
Hrmm, now that I think about it, how exactly can they tell your running servers? What else do they know?
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Apr 19, 2001, 7:45am
If I pay $40 a month for constant 200kbps, by god I'm going to use it ALL
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Apr 19, 2001, 5:02pm
Only times my 56k line isn't 100% in use are when I'm on the toilet or about to engage in a super bandwidth sucking project (Tribes,
Tribes 2, downloads)
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Apr 23, 2001, 9:21pm
The rules apparently aren't against commercial operations, just servers in general. I don't take kindly at all to at Home's rather
public intrusion into semi-private information though, and who knows how much information they could be gathering "Haha, look at
this lame little cyber zombie. Thinks he's found himself a girlfriend"

After experiencing at Home's anti-serverness first hand, when doing a closed IP access ONLY test run of an HTTP server to make sure I
had the software installed and configged right, I'm nearly positive that they're 100% against any server on their connection, I'm
sure if you were playing on a game server of your own for more than an hour they'd be on your case.
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Apr 18, 2001, 7:41am
Can't fight at Home, newblood. No caps either.
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The bird bot

Aug 5, 2001, 9:43pm
It's okay, he's just here to yell and scream and be a flaming hypocrite. If you have any respect for your sanity, leave now.
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The bird bot

Aug 5, 2001, 9:59pm
You, you'll be driven insane within the month.

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