


1  2  |  

j b e l l

Apr 18, 2001, 12:56am number got pulled, i guess you could say.. got an e-mail from at Home.. telling me i can't host anything.. I understand not
hosting for people.. but I'm trying to convince them to at least let me host my own.. i've spent so much time and money on my worlds
and object path.. maybe i'm out of line by requesting you all e-mail them in my support.. but it's hard to see something you've
worked so hard on, so long on, and spent so much on, just go off into the sunset.. I understand with them i'm not supposed to host
anything.. but it's just so hard.. it's tooken seven months to get survivor where it is today.. and to see it all gone is just a
hearbreak for me.. so.. please.. if you have the time.. just send them a little notice that you would like to see Vernon Bell's
at Home account ( ( remain open.. maybe you don't like me, or my world.. you don't have to
do it for me or for my world.. but at least do it for my dream.... thanks..

Sadly, yet sincerely, yours,

John Bell

Here is the e-mail i got today that ruined a lot more then my attitude..

You are in violation of the at Home Acceptable Use Policy, available at
at Home network residential customers may not resell, share, or otherwise
distribute the Services or any portion thereof to any third party without
the written consent of at Home. For example, you cannot provide Internet
access to others through a dial up connection, host shell accounts over the
Internet, provide email or news service, or send a news feed.
You may not run a server in connection with the at Home residential service,
nor may you provide network services to others via the at Home residential
service. The at Home residential service includes personal Webspace accounts
for publishing personal Web pages. Examples of prohibited uses include, but
are not limited to, running servers for mail, http, ftp, irc, and dhcp, and
multi-user interactive forums. For information about at Work products for
commercial or network services purposes, including commercial-grade remote
LAN access, please see <>.
Prohibited activities include... disseminating material which violates the
copyright or other intellectual property rights of others. You assume all
risks regarding the determination of whether material is in the public
Action Required: Remove all servers/copyrighted materials immediately.
Failure to comply will result in the termination of your service. Reply to
this warning acknowledging you have received and understand the
Cory Altheide
Internet Security Coordinator
AT&T Broadband Legal Demands Center
abuse at


Message-ID: <3A8849A4.109 at>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:37:56 -0600
From: K y l e <shred at>

.... a new news server to get the 'ole keyboards rattlin'. Hey JBell, what
kinda connection is this hosted on?

From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>

cable.. it might seem slow to run a news server on.. but connections are so
inoften, when you think about it.. they are only connected to DL messages,
and to send messages.. all the time reading is not connected.. so really it
doesn't take much at all... a lot less bandwidth then hosting a world,
which i do three of, and they work fine.. hehe



Message-ID: <3A888341.5060002 at>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:43:45 -0600
From: K y l e <shred at>

Cable will probably do well as long as you don't get too much traffic. Just
make sure your visitors don't post huge files or in HTML.

K y l e
Triton Dynamics, Inc.
"Through cyberspace, we are Virtually United"

From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>

html posts suck... they take longer to DL and on my side-more space.. not
that posts take much space to begin with.. but still!



[cba at securityscan cba]$ scann
Tue Apr 17 17:40:00 EDT 2001
Starting nmap V. 2.53 by fyodor at <mailto:fyodor at> ( <> )
Interesting ports on (
(The 1516 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
81/tcp open hosts2-ns
119/tcp open nntp
135/tcp open loc-srv
137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
138/tcp filtered netbios-dgm
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
641/tcp open unknown
653/tcp open unknown
1080/tcp filtered socks
TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
Difficulty=18613 (Worthy challenge)
Remote operating system guess: Windows 2000 RC1 through final release
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 70 seconds


Apr 18, 2001, 1:00am
There's nothing we can do. I have at home too they won't let you host your
world 24/7 on your PC. It violates their usage policy. Like they said, you'd
have to apply for a commercial account.
[View Quote]

j b e l l

Apr 18, 2001, 4:10am
lol.. where is the unsend? i didn't intend for this mesage to actually send i realized my idiocy *oops* i'll just pay a few more
bucks for a different service..

- JBell

| |
| AWJBell Services |
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| news:// |
| |
[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2001, 7:44am
[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2001, 7:57am
Hrmm, now that I think about it, how exactly can they tell your running servers? What else do they know?
[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2001, 11:10am
they read their logs...and they scan for ports on your computer...not hard
to tell if somebody's sending an NNTP message...The ISP that I've got now
haven't got any control over my phone-line, they can't stop me from anything
:-)) , but I've ordered a new line now, so I won't use them anymore... Well,
I hope that I won't get probs, cuzz I'll be running a server too, and if I
get trouble I'll just complain, cuzz they never sayd I couldn't host

wing <bathgate at> skrev i
meldingsnyheter:3add650a at
> Hrmm, now that I think about it, how exactly can they tell your running
servers? What else do they know?
[View Quote]

sw chris

Apr 18, 2001, 9:47pm
lol. You go! :)

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2001, 10:45pm
Why are they doing that????????? Stupid internet serves dont want you to be making money, just liek AOL, lol

[View Quote] > number got pulled, i guess you could say.. got an e-mail from at Home.. telling me i can't host anything.. I understand not
> hosting for people.. but I'm trying to convince them to at least let me host my own.. i've spent so much time and money on my worlds
> and object path.. maybe i'm out of line by requesting you all e-mail them in my support.. but it's hard to see something you've
> worked so hard on, so long on, and spent so much on, just go off into the sunset.. I understand with them i'm not supposed to host
> anything.. but it's just so hard.. it's tooken seven months to get survivor where it is today.. and to see it all gone is just a
> hearbreak for me.. so.. please.. if you have the time.. just send them a little notice that you would like to see Vernon Bell's
> at Home account ( ( remain open.. maybe you don't like me, or my world.. you don't have to
> do it for me or for my world.. but at least do it for my dream.... thanks..
> :.-(
> Sadly, yet sincerely, yours,
> John Bell
> Here is the e-mail i got today that ruined a lot more then my attitude..
> You are in violation of the at Home Acceptable Use Policy, available at
> at Home network residential customers may not resell, share, or otherwise
> distribute the Services or any portion thereof to any third party without
> the written consent of at Home. For example, you cannot provide Internet
> access to others through a dial up connection, host shell accounts over the
> Internet, provide email or news service, or send a news feed.
> You may not run a server in connection with the at Home residential service,
> nor may you provide network services to others via the at Home residential
> service. The at Home residential service includes personal Webspace accounts
> for publishing personal Web pages. Examples of prohibited uses include, but
> are not limited to, running servers for mail, http, ftp, irc, and dhcp, and
> multi-user interactive forums. For information about at Work products for
> commercial or network services purposes, including commercial-grade remote
> LAN access, please see <>.
> Prohibited activities include... disseminating material which violates the
> copyright or other intellectual property rights of others. You assume all
> risks regarding the determination of whether material is in the public
> domain.
> Action Required: Remove all servers/copyrighted materials immediately.
> Failure to comply will result in the termination of your service. Reply to
> this warning acknowledging you have received and understand the
> violation(s).
> Cory Altheide
> Internet Security Coordinator
> AT&T Broadband Legal Demands Center
> abuse at
> (800)871-6298
> Message-ID: <3A8849A4.109 at>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:37:56 -0600
> From: K y l e <shred at>
> ***
> ... a new news server to get the 'ole keyboards rattlin'. Hey JBell, what
> kinda connection is this hosted on?
> From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>
> ***
> cable.. it might seem slow to run a news server on.. but connections are so
> inoften, when you think about it.. they are only connected to DL messages,
> and to send messages.. all the time reading is not connected.. so really it
> doesn't take much at all... a lot less bandwidth then hosting a world,
> which i do three of, and they work fine.. hehe
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> Message-ID: <3A888341.5060002 at>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:43:45 -0600
> From: K y l e <shred at>
> ***
> Cable will probably do well as long as you don't get too much traffic. Just
> make sure your visitors don't post huge files or in HTML.
> --
> K y l e
> Triton Dynamics, Inc.
> "Through cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
> From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>
> ***
> html posts suck... they take longer to DL and on my side-more space.. not
> that posts take much space to begin with.. but still!
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> [cba at securityscan cba]$ scann
> Tue Apr 17 17:40:00 EDT 2001
> Starting nmap V. 2.53 by fyodor at <mailto:fyodor at> (
> <> )
> Interesting ports on (
> (The 1516 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
> Port State Service
> 21/tcp open ftp
> 80/tcp open http
> 81/tcp open hosts2-ns
> 119/tcp open nntp
> 135/tcp open loc-srv
> 137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
> 138/tcp filtered netbios-dgm
> 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
> 641/tcp open unknown
> 653/tcp open unknown
> 1080/tcp filtered socks
> TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
> Difficulty=18613 (Worthy challenge)
> Remote operating system guess: Windows 2000 RC1 through final release
> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 70 seconds


Apr 18, 2001, 10:54pm
The reason at Home sent J B E L L a warning e-mail is because hosting ANY
type of server is against at Home's Terms of Service agreement. J B E L L
doesn't want to have his entire cable modem access revoked, so he is
complying with at Home and shutting down his servers. at Home probably wants
their users to sign up for their at Work service (in which you CAN host
servers), designed for businesses. The at Work service is more expensive
per month, so in turn, at Home (the company) makes more money. This isn't
entirely how it works, but it a simplified explanation.

Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services

[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2001, 11:59pm
Also, running a server can take up lots of bandwidth, slowing down service
for other users.


Apr 19, 2001, 2:05am
No duh Builderz, of corse they want more money for people that are running servers,
but still even if they are using more bandwith why should they be doing that, its the same
if someone has cabel and leaves napster on 24/7 its basicaly the same thing. Bet they dont get napster users
about that >:-) You people act like I dont know anything. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU especaly the people
from StuffX and there stuff you guys have problems, one question How many of "your" bots do you sell
Or how about how many worlds do you host? Do you even sell anything?
Who would bother? Cuz I know me and J B E L L would never use your stuff
cuz it sucks.

~ TrekkerX

[View Quote] > The reason at Home sent J B E L L a warning e-mail is because hosting ANY
> type of server is against at Home's Terms of Service agreement. J B E L L
> doesn't want to have his entire cable modem access revoked, so he is
> complying with at Home and shutting down his servers. at Home probably wants
> their users to sign up for their at Work service (in which you CAN host
> servers), designed for businesses. The at Work service is more expensive
> per month, so in turn, at Home (the company) makes more money. This isn't
> entirely how it works, but it a simplified explanation.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 3:39am
Maybe Jbell should
1 - MOVE into the Time Warner Service Areas
2 - Hook up to the Time Warner CABLE Services
3 - Run as many servers as his computer will hold.

I'm on the Time Warner Road Runner Cable and they allow for 250k
downloads & 50k uploads on as many servers your computer
can possibly hold.
I run the AW Worlds server and when i want to make sure i get files...
IO pop up my NewsPro siftware and start pulling in apx
25different newsgroups feeds in one go [I'm one of those people that
when i want an MP3 tune... I'll get all the parts with no problems]
And that is a newsgroups server the isp's use.
And i also run on a temp basis [for friends to access my On-Line-Gaming
stuff] the Telnet server as well.

I have a friend that runs his FTP server for many people [friends]
mostly and is another source for MP3's [He's has over 200gig's on line]

But Time warnet Road Runner is very nice reguarding servers. You can have
any type of server that you want as long as your computer can handle it.

trekkerx <troop2 at> wrote in <3ADE3111.92758E84 at>:

>Why are they doing that????????? Stupid internet serves dont
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 6:09am
Um ya if you leave Napster up 24/7 they'd also get pissed. :)

[View Quote] > No duh Builderz, of corse they want more money for people that are running servers,
> but still even if they are using more bandwith why should they be doing that, its the same
> if someone has cabel and leaves napster on 24/7 its basicaly the same thing. Bet they dont get napster users
> about that >:-) You people act like I dont know anything. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU especaly the people
> from StuffX and there stuff you guys have problems, one question How many of "your" bots do you sell
> Or how about how many worlds do you host? Do you even sell anything?
> Who would bother? Cuz I know me and J B E L L would never use your stuff
> cuz it sucks.
> ~ TrekkerX
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 7:45am
If I pay $40 a month for constant 200kbps, by god I'm going to use it ALL
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 10:52am
Very intelligent suggestion... "Yeah, why don't you move then?"

I wouldn't use anything associated with Time Warner for Internet connectivity as they now effectively ARE AOL...


[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 11:06am
yeah...they would truly try to bother you about copyright infrigements too
if you leave NAPSTER on...


datedman <russell at> skrev i
meldingsnyheter:3ADE9B11.41CC4748 at
> Um ya if you leave Napster up 24/7 they'd also get pissed. :)
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 11:25am
You go! I'm the same way, if my line isn't full I download some damn PORN, baybee :)

[View Quote] > If I pay $40 a month for constant 200kbps, by god I'm going to use it ALL
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 1:16pm
Well... I don't use Napster for the same reason that namy people
dropped one too many times. I use the Gruntella network file shareing
sites. [same thing as Napster...] But they haven't been in the copyright
news yet and i can download all the copyright tunes i want in a flash.
Plus i can hook up to my friends ftp server and with his
200+gigs on line... Well... I can get anything i need there too.
Including some of the stuff complete with serialz / crackz codes.
But for $40.00 a month on my cable... I'm connected 24/7 & i'll run
all of My Servers My Way. Yea... I know Time Warner has gone the
AOHELL Way. That makes me sad. And it's cut into their newsgroups.
But with the use of NewsHunter BOT Like software... I can find all the
FREE wide open for public free newsgroups servers i want. Then enter
them all into the NewsPro software & download almost anything i want & with
all the parts too.

datedman <russell at> wrote in
<3ADEE52A.5DDD9362 at>:

>You go! I'm the same way, if my line isn't full I
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 5:02pm
Only times my 56k line isn't 100% in use are when I'm on the toilet or about to engage in a super bandwidth sucking project (Tribes,
Tribes 2, downloads)
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 6:43pm
Please see my comments below:

[View Quote] Then why did you ask "Why are they doing that?????????" if you can come
up with the answer yourself?

> but still even if they are using more bandwith why should they be doing that, its the same
> if someone has cabel and leaves napster on 24/7 its basicaly the same thing.

You are probably correct. I don't use at Home so I wouldn't know if
Napster or other similar peer-to-peer software would be considered a

> Bet they dont get napster users about that >:-) You people act like I dont know anything.

What people? Who said/acted like you don't know anything? You just asked
a question and I tried to answer it.

> WHATS WRONG WITH YOU especaly the people
> from StuffX and there stuff you guys have problems, one question How many of "your" bots do you sell
> Or how about how many worlds do you host? Do you even sell anything?

"The people" from Stuff-X are just myself and two bot developers. What
problems DO we have? Care to elaborate? Whatever other employees of
Stuff-X say or do are their own actions, not an official response from
Stuff-X itself. It is perfectly fine if you do or do not like me as a
person, yet bashing the entire Stuff-X name is unnecessary. Stuff-X
sells both bot and world hosting and plans to sell bots using Active
Worlds technology in a few months. How many bots do we host? Well, look
at the "Our Customers" section of our website, located at We currently host four bots and six

> Who would bother? Cuz I know me and J B E L L would never use your stuff
> cuz it sucks.

Who would bother? Well, again, look at our current customers. If what
you say is true (your blunt comment about both you and J B E L L saying
Stuff-X's service "sucks"), could you please give one or more reasons as
to WHY it sucks? Just saying something sucks without giving a reason
does not help any. Do you experience lag in worlds we host? Do you think
our website should be changed somehow? If you or J B E L L would
expand/elaborate on this and give valid reasons as to why our service
may be lacking, we will look at those reasons try to improve our service
based upon your response.

Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services


Apr 19, 2001, 7:32pm
Good for you Agent!

[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 8:53pm
Hey ... if you ask him nicely, I'm sure Andras would host a newsgroup for
you lot called "My dick's bigger than yours". Then you can keep this crap up
all day long without boring other people !!

Waddya reckon??

[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 10:39pm
Yea.. liek J B E L L is gonna spend lots of money and move a long ways just so he can pay less for cabel... real
smart.... lol... Just get DSL if ya can (Sometiems its faster)

[View Quote] > Very intelligent suggestion... "Yeah, why don't you move then?"
> I wouldn't use anything associated with Time Warner for Internet connectivity as they now effectively ARE AOL...
> -Agent1
[View Quote]


Apr 20, 2001, 1:23am
Well.... I think that sounds really nice. We can even name it
aw.ding-o-ling.things And as soon as you join & Just In joins...
I might join. Then we can really talk about if we are a bunch of
ding-o-lings or not.

grimble <grimble2000 at> wrote in
<3adf6c4e$1 at>:

>Hey ... if you ask him nicely, I'm sure Andras would host
>a newsgroup for
>you lot called "My dick's bigger than yours". Then you can
>keep this crap up
>all day long without boring other people !!
>Waddya reckon??


Apr 20, 2001, 6:06am
I think that, for some people here, that decision has alread been made!

[View Quote]


Apr 20, 2001, 6:11am
The speed/type of the connection isn't the issue here ... its the fact that
hosting servers on your connection uses up more of the ISP's available
bandwidth. They've forecast the average home users bandwidth requirements
and priced the at Home package accordingly. You pay more ... for at Work ...
because its a different segment of users ... with higher bandwidth

Its their business ... let them run it and charge what they want. If people
don't like that, then they can go elsewhere. Geesh! its only the way the
world works afterall and has done for centuries!

[View Quote]


Apr 20, 2001, 3:16pm
remember that it isn't sure that J B E L L has sayd that...


builderz <sawran at> skrev i
meldingsnyheter:3ADF4B82.5DB8650C at
> Please see my comments below:
[View Quote]


Apr 20, 2001, 4:54pm
I know. That is why I said "If what you say is true" (stressing the if)
in my reply to Trekkerx's post.

Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services

[View Quote]


Apr 20, 2001, 6:31pm
I'm just glad i'm NOT a ding-o-ling. But yes... There is one
HUGE Dong-O-Ling here...
at at at at at Just In Is A HUGE Ding-O-Ling at at at at at

But i guess everyone knows how i feel about Just In then... lol

grimble <grimble2000 at> wrote in
<3adfee22$1 at>:

>I think that, for some people here, that decision has alread been made!
[View Quote]

j b e l l

Apr 21, 2001, 7:29pm
yes, however there at Work program for some reason isn't availalbe where i live.. neither is any sort of table, or t* services.

- JBell

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| AWJBell Services |
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| news:// |
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[View Quote]

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