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can i use bot to copy my building work in alpha world?

Dec 16, 1999, 11:56am
Sorry, except for extremely rare occurances, you cannot
use bots in ActiveWorlds.


[View Quote] > if so how plz.

can i use bot to copy my building work in alpha world?

Dec 16, 1999, 4:21pm
Hmmm.... It seems that is what I said.


[View Quote] > From http://www.activeworlds.com/terms.html
> 4. Using any automated building tools (including "robobuilder" or keyboard
> macros) in AlphaWorld.
> We reserve the right to suspend or remove any world, objects or properties
> from the Active Worlds universe which is brought to our attention and which
> we find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content guidelines or
> otherwise is in violation of the law.
> AWCI does not actively monitor the content of the worlds in Active Worlds,
> but we will investigate complaints of violation of these guidelines.

can i use bot to copy my building work in alpha world?

Dec 17, 1999, 10:27am
Well then, please be my guest. :)

[View Quote] >
> No, what you said was...
> Which was nonsense.

Festival 2000 This Weekend!

Jun 22, 2000, 9:57am
And this has to do with Bots how?

[View Quote]

What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 5, 2000, 10:42am
jkmt, don't bother responding to these idiots. These are the same folks
who would use shareware and not pay for it, or, would download a
program, then do find a hack for it in order not to have to pay a couple
of bucks.


[View Quote]

What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 5, 2000, 2:48pm
md commander, I sure hope you just posted to the wrong thread by
accident. If not, I would suggest you reread my response to jkmt. I
support the efforts that programmers make by paying for what I use.


[View Quote]

What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 5, 2000, 6:13pm
Ok , no problem. :)

[View Quote] > Yep was wrong thread but same point as you...
> MB Commander
[View Quote]

What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 6, 2000, 9:18am
If the shoe fits...

[View Quote]

What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 6, 2000, 3:10pm
No but bitching about the price that other programmers place on their
products does.

[View Quote]

Tree Bot

Oct 29, 2000, 10:53pm
I believe Andras has a bot that will perform the tree population duties...


[View Quote] > There should be like a tree bot where it generates trees around where you
> want it to. And you should be able to choose what trees you want it to
> generate around the place. Wheter it's one tree or several types.

Learn to program bots!

Apr 30, 2001, 12:15pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] The cards contained JCL (Job Control Language). If you knew that, you could recorrelate and run them with no problems... I remember
having to do that with a full box of cards. (1000 of them) only took me about 8 hours LOL.. Of course if one of them was out of order
or bent or punched wrong.. you were pretty well SOL.
The job would have to be restarted. Believe me, those were NOT the good ole days either...LOL



Jul 27, 2001, 1:18pm
If you are using the same browser to go to other universes, then most likely,
your IP address for AW is not correct. It is located in the world.ini file I


[View Quote] > Yea, but it says loggin in.... then says cant login, and it works perfictaly
> in othere universes, when I am logged in, and it works on other computers
[View Quote]

About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 1:45pm
About as bad as yours nova, with no proper capitalization at all.


[View Quote] > more like you will be ignored. this has got to be the most anoying so called
> style ive ever seen.
[View Quote]

About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 9:30pm
LOL, yes, he has improved.


[View Quote] > He uses dots at the end of sentences, so it's not really that bad.
[View Quote]

A good Animal Bot

Jan 22, 2001, 3:41pm
JKMT's site is down too.


[View Quote] > check the site...and I know that those bots are good!
[View Quote]

Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 3:23pm
Why don't you just rename the midi before uploading it in the first place?

[View Quote] > Is it possible for a xealgot to say get a file from somewhere and with the
> proper FTP info in a script save it somewhere else as a diff name, i
> knowthis is prob a dumb question but i was thinkin of makin a bot for midi
> trivia and i dont want people hittin F3 and seein what it is =P
> (If it cnat in a script, would be a good idea for next xealgot)
> --
> <sig>
> UEAK RaptorFox
> Public Relations and VS Manager
> United States World Federation (USWF)
> raptorfox at uswf-aw.com
> "Chriss182: We aint nothin but USWF ganstas..."
> </sig>


Feb 17, 2001, 11:26am
JKMT used to sell a great deerbot. Now they are gone.(to where no one
seems to know). Does anyone know where I can find this bot?

Thanks a million,



Feb 19, 2001, 12:13am
Thanks a million Builderz. I have been looking for this.


[View Quote] > Yea, I used to host about seven or eight of the things for JKMT when
> they were still around. I, too, have no idea what happened to JKMT. Sado
> was the original programmer of a program called the BotTool, and the
> DeerBot was a script or add-on to the BotTool. I believe it was
> programmed in C or C++ and the scripts were made in JavaScript. Sado's
> website is located at http://bottool.8m.com/.
> -Builderz
> http://www.stuffx.com/aw/
[View Quote]

Once again..

Feb 21, 2001, 12:59pm
Ok... here's one.. How about a deerbot that will allow multiple deer with
grazing, herding, follows terrain, people shy etc.


[View Quote] > Ok.. I posted before.. I need ideas for bots.. you all complain there aint
> enough bots.. so give me ideas!
> --
> - = [ T e c h n o ] = -
> http://wt.s5.com
> - = [ S t u f f - X ] = -
> http://www.stuffx.com/aw

Learn to program bots!

Apr 30, 2001, 12:15pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] The cards contained JCL (Job Control Language). If you knew that, you could recorrelate and run them with no problems... I remember
having to do that with a full box of cards. (1000 of them) only took me about 8 hours LOL.. Of course if one of them was out of order
or bent or punched wrong.. you were pretty well SOL.
The job would have to be restarted. Believe me, those were NOT the good ole days either...LOL


Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 18, 2001, 11:52am
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a bot that would not only change the
backdrop automatically, but would also change the ambient sounds
accordingly. For example, during the day you have the forest sounds
etc... At night you may have crickets, owls, wolves howling etc. Could
be something like Microsofts Themes. One command to change everything.

Just an idea.


Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 20, 2001, 10:45am
My god....I guess I should have made it much clearer what I am saying..... I
am refering to world owners... NOT AW...seeeesh... give me a break. I was
an intelligence level higher than moron to understand the obvious. IE: In
AW you can't change the backdrop... sooooo.. I guess that would leave AW
out...geee... I wonder what is left.. private worlds?... Marcus, grow
up.... It is obvious that you don't own a world, and don't want to... so go


[View Quote] > Wouldn't it be cool if there was a bot that would not only change the
> backdrop automatically, but would also change the ambient sounds
> accordingly. For example, during the day you have the forest sounds
> etc... At night you may have crickets, owls, wolves howling etc. Could
> be something like Microsofts Themes. One command to change everything.
> Just an idea.
> Holistic1

Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 23, 2001, 12:08pm
Since this is the Bots newsgroup, and I posted a suggestion that perhaps one
could create a bot to do this (in private worlds...), it belongs here... The
fact that marcus is to dense to understand that you get what you pay for... IE:
You buy a world, you buy the rights to change anything you want. You buy a
citizenship, you buy the ability to have citizen rights.

[View Quote] > I think both M a r c u s and Holastic have made interesting suggestions.
> PErhaps more suited to the wishlist forum. But neverless lets not flame them
> for making suggestions. Even if it is apparent that they don't understand
> parts of how the software works...
> -Gamer

Gamer, I understand how the software works... As a world owner especially. But
one has to wonder if marcus is even aware that this thread has nothing to do
with the cost of world ownership. Oh well....


Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 23, 2001, 3:00pm
[View Quote] > We are talking about 2 different things. If you have a world, I would not
> attempt any change of background there. My position addresses worlds like
> AW and AW teen which are considered public. The ability to change
> backgrounds there, NOT in citizen owned worlds, could allow and should allow
> citizens to download a background they want their visitors to see.

You really don't get it do you marcus. AW and AWteen are public BUILDING
worlds. That means that they are private world (owned by Acom) open to public
building. If you want visitors to see a particular invironment, then enclose it
and put up any pic backdrop you want. But just like you have stated that you
would not expect private world owners to allow you to change their world, don't
expect the owners of AW and AWteen to allow you to.

> So far the only ones who seem to disagree with me are those who have already
> paid for a world. Those that I have chatted with who don't own a world would
> be more than willing to pay a reasonable fee for just the feature to
> download backgrounds for their area and have them set up for their visitors
> to download also, functioning like sounds do now. They just don't need a
> world.

So far, I haven't seen anyone agree with you owner or not...

> I wonder if this is because you guys actually see my suggestion as a good
> idea and wish you could have had that option before purchasing a world.

Not worth commenting on...

Now go home before we sic Eep on ya.


[View Quote] <snip>


Jul 27, 2001, 1:18pm
If you are using the same browser to go to other universes, then most likely,
your IP address for AW is not correct. It is located in the world.ini file I


[View Quote] > Yea, but it says loggin in.... then says cant login, and it works perfictaly
> in othere universes, when I am logged in, and it works on other computers
[View Quote]

Bot Ideas

Nov 16, 2001, 4:16pm
Well, at one time there was a great deerbot, it would herd, run when
avatars approached and followed the ground. It was put out by JMT.
However, neither JMT or the bot is available anymore...Soooooo. it would
sure be nice to have one.


[View Quote] > I was going through my ideas for bots and thought I'd run them by the
> community for more ideas or better ones..
> Finished Bots:
> Bank Bot (Individual)
> Bank Bot (Network)
> Tag Bot (Individual)
> Backwards Bot (Older Bot)
> Bot Ideas:
> Paintball Bot (With Brant's permission)
> Scrable Bot (Older but never finished)
> Slot Bot (Never made, just idea)
> Thanks for checking this post you, I can't wait to hear your ideas.
> --
> Thanks,
> Ricky Lipe
> Degtur Solutions at http://www.degtur.com
> Stuff-X at http://www.stuff-x.com

Another simple wish

Nov 16, 1999, 2:52pm
I wish that the Activeworld news groups be open to all who are
interested in AW... whether they are a citizen or not.


Another simple wish

Nov 18, 1999, 5:56am
Let me see. I can post to the news groups...hmmmm... I wonder if that would
mean that just maybe I MIGHT already be a citizen. But then, I could be
wrong... Ofcourse just because I own the world Holistic doesn't mean anything
either. Oh well.
If you need help figuring out whether I am a citizen, please let me know.


[View Quote] > If you interested in AW why not become a citizen?? This is the part I don't
> understand..
> Rat
[View Quote]

Another simple wish

Nov 19, 1999, 7:23am
Then I would suggest that you read what you write before posting. And follow
the correct thread.


[View Quote] > DUH!!
> I meant the people "who are interested in AW".. If they are so interested
> why not become a citizen??
> Rat
[View Quote]

Another simple wish

Nov 19, 1999, 7:22pm
Ok. I was a tourist for some time before before becoming a citizen. I visited
several worlds, met people and had alot of questions which were answered in the
news groups. I believe that the exchange of information (learning) is the
single most important quest anyone can have and putting financial restraints,
even though it is only $20.00 a year, is NOT in the best interests of any
company. I am sure that you wouldn't buy a car without test driving it, why
would one buy into ActiveWorlds or any other enviroment of this sort without the
opportunity to find out more and ask questions of the news groups and the


[View Quote] > Umm OK.. I meant "DUH" obviously you are a citizen.. I was referring to
> those preople that are "interested in AW" that you are referring to.. If
> they are so interested why don't they register?
> BTW how am I posting to the wrong thread?
> Rat
[View Quote]

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