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Firewall/Proxy testers wanted

Jul 12, 2001, 7:11pm
We are currently seeking people to help test and develop the proxy/firewall
version of our browser.

In order to qualify for testing, you must be behind or use an internet
proxy/firewall of some kind, and be adept at internet technology. We want
people that are willing to provide us with the necessary information that
will help us debug any potential problems.

It also requires knowledge of the exact type of firewall/proxy that you are
behind, as this is crucial in our testing.

Any interested applicants please send details to me at
fletch at activeworlds.com with the subject title of Firewall Testing.

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
fletch at activeworlds.com

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at activeworlds.com

Active Worlds Utility 1.00

Feb 12, 2001, 2:31pm
Have you done any searches in Alphaworld? How long does it take =)

Bet it isnt all that quick....thats a 4 gig database ya got there...

i'll be checking it out though.


AW Support

[View Quote]

AW Objects - database?

Apr 5, 2001, 6:33pm
[View Quote] Impossible? Well, perhaps if I was asked I could of answered your question,
but I havnt heard from you so yes, it would be impossible going that route.

Guys, i dont know where this "impossible to find out from AWInc itself"
thing comes from in many people , maybe in the past, sure, but things are a
bit different now - if you need the answer to a question, just email
support at activeworlds.com and I always do my best to help out on anything
Activeworlds related =P

> I am looking for a database type file listing the objects available in
> AW. Pretty much like the object name/size/texture list - as they have in
> the help section of the AW Browser. Preferably with even more
> information if such a thing exists (description tagging, solid off/on
> etc).

Not at the moment, but there will be one on the new website when it get put
online in a couple of months.

AW Support.

Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 20, 2001, 1:17pm
Sorry, this was meant to be posted under the administration account , nor
the run facter run one =)


[View Quote]

Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 23, 2001, 12:18pm
[View Quote] There will not be any confirmation from Roland, I am in full authorisation
to provide responses to this question.

That said, I will not say that the feature will *never* be utilised - you
never know what features we will incorporate into the browser, but, I can
tell you, that this one is *not* ever going to be anywhere high on the
priority list, and it might not even ever be considered because it is not a
feature that is in line with our software philosophy. Being able to change
the backdrop of someone elses world is not something that we would likely
support - and, AW is a world for everyone. If people changed the backdrop of
a huge, sprawling public world all the time, it would be absolute chaos and
it would dis-please the tens of thousands of users who have built their
property over the past five years to suit the environment that Alphaworld
and the other public building worlds offer. Remember, that the world has
been built by those tens of thousands of people, and their properties have
been modelled around the way that Alphaworld looks, and it would be
extremely unfair to let citizens change that environments for their own
purposes. We occasionally change the backdrop, just to spice things up, and
you should see how much havoc that causes! By giving control of that to the
end user, it would be absolute bedlam, and if you dont think so, then you
have not been in AW long enough to know that even little changes in public
building worlds make huge waves =)

I am sorry you are dissatisfied with the world pricing, we aim to provide
the best service we can, and believe that we offer a product worth the
amount that is charged for it, our pricing structures are always being
reviewed as we progress, so perhaps one day there will be a better solution
suited to your needs. If you have any further requests for features, please
post your ideas in the wishlist newsgroup, as that is what it is there for,
and no further correspondance on this issue will be addressed here in the
bots newsgroup.

Fletcher Andersen aka Facter
AW Support.

Firewall/Proxy testers wanted

Jul 12, 2001, 7:11pm
We are currently seeking people to help test and develop the proxy/firewall
version of our browser.

In order to qualify for testing, you must be behind or use an internet
proxy/firewall of some kind, and be adept at internet technology. We want
people that are willing to provide us with the necessary information that
will help us debug any potential problems.

It also requires knowledge of the exact type of firewall/proxy that you are
behind, as this is crucial in our testing.

Any interested applicants please send details to me at
fletch at activeworlds.com with the subject title of Firewall Testing.

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
fletch at activeworlds.com

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at activeworlds.com

AW Webbrowser

Aug 2, 2001, 6:46pm
[View Quote] An NG FAQ would be pretty cool too....

Ages ago someone started building one..dont ever know what happened to it...


[View Quote]

First post

Jun 20, 2001, 7:13pm


xsign.rwx gone?

Jul 6, 2001, 1:22pm

I was *just* informed that the object was taken out of the object path on
the other afternoon, due to it having an encroachment issue - I didnt know
about this at all, and will try to put it back in before the weekend, if I
can fix the object today.


AW Support.

[View Quote]

[3.1 non-beta] bug report

Jul 9, 2001, 2:25pm
[View Quote] Thats correct - this actually has nothing at all to do with our software,
the portion that is used for that is a microsoft dll, the richedit one,
which is actually buggy - sometimes it helps if it gets updated, but it
doesnt always rectify the problem.

So, not much we can actually do about it except see if you can replace it
with a more recent version.


> Andras
[View Quote]

[3.1 non-beta] bug report

Jul 9, 2001, 6:10pm
[View Quote] *thinks really hard*

Their bank account?


[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2001, 5:04pm
[View Quote]
I'll push it through and try to get it done as soon as possible.


AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 1, 2001, 3:27pm
This issue was addressed, I think those who think about it a little will
understand the nature of the situation.


[View Quote]

AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 3, 2001, 11:52am
[View Quote] I thought he was refering to the fact he got his account from Castillion -
if that was the case, then they were all cancelled for credit fraud. I have
no oidea aobut anything else, I suggest he contact tom at activeworlds.com to
sort out his situation, and I am sure Tom will only be more than happy to
help if there has been a mistake made somewhere.


[View Quote]

AW Webbrowser

Aug 2, 2001, 6:46pm
[View Quote] An NG FAQ would be pretty cool too....

Ages ago someone started building one..dont ever know what happened to it...


[View Quote]


Aug 13, 2001, 4:58pm
Unfortunatly, "Lanezeri" is the first to be suspended from these newsgroups
until the 20th of August, under the recent one week suspension rule. It is
in hopes that this one week of suspension from posting will allow him time
to think about his recent actions and derogatory comments towards others
here in the newsgroups, and we look forward to having him back on the 20th
as a productive member of this newsgroup community.

Under the new rules, we have decided upon incremental suspensions. Let me
just break down how suspensions will work, as we think this is the fairest
way to go about tempering some of the more inflamitary nature of individuals
in here.

There is a warning, if the content guidelines are infringed upon in a over
the top manner, if the behaviour continues, the individual will receive a
one week suspension. After that suspension, they are free to post in here
again. On their second warning, if they continue after that, they will be
suspended for two weeks. On a third warning, if they continue after that,
they will be suspended for a month.

A fourth suspension will be permanent.

As you will see, they have six chances to avoid permanent suspension, and it
is in large hopes that this system is fairly looked upon by all of you. I do
read these NG's, but sometimes things slip by us, if there are specific
problems that have not been addressed, please mail me about them and we'll
look into them.

I want to try and help these NG's get back to a good forum in which to
converse about the software, where the debates can be ruled by intelligence
as well as mutual respect, if you cannot respect one another for an
individuals opinions, then there is no point in being here. I'm currently
also looking into a web forum version of these newsgroups, so we can makybe
get a larger cross section of people in here as well, we will see.

Lets see if we can turn this NG into a productive environment, and we will
all look forward to seeing Lanezeri again after his brief time out.

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at activeworlds.com

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 7, 2001, 11:50am
Eep - if you dont stop flaming so much and causing a continuous disruption
in these newsgroups, you will be filtered out - so, consider this a warning
as to your conduct here in this newsgroup.

On a side note, I dont know where you get the "this month" thing from, I
will continue to post in here - I have posted in here since before you even
*got* to AW, so I dont understand where your logic is in lumping everyone
that works here in one big group - I havnt changed, but then, nor have you.

Flaming, personal attacks against posters, be they members of AWCI or of the
public, derogatory remarks or posts with the intent of causing disruption
will be either moderated, or result in the poster being banned from this
group. I'm sorry, I am going to be really leniant here, but this is a
warning. I think I will post the newsgroup conduct guidelines again just for
everyone to read again.

Now, there are still apparently some issues with the network switch, hell,
we are working with MPL on it - if I was to say I myself was happy with the
situation, then I'd be a liar - none of us are, but we are doing what we
can - what more can we do but try to rectify the situation ? It seems it is
an intermittant problem, so we do whatever we can do fix it, like we always

You know guys, I was off ill with the flu yesterday, I didnt have to work or
anything, but you know where I was all the day, huddled in my blanket at
home? In the worlds.

Most of us care more than you would think.


[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 7, 2001, 9:02pm
I hate censorship as much as anyone - I dont moderate these groups and I
have no wish to. Yes, he does give some good points, but unfortunatly he is
rude, impolite arrogant and unthoughtful in his manner here - there is
absolutly no need for it at all. I have absolutly NO wish *whatsoever* to
remove or filter him from the group, and the whole thing is in his hands
*entirely*, please make no mistake there. I, unlike many, understand his
value to this community and his insights into many of the problems here -
and have agreed with him more times than not.

BUT - I wont put up with personal attacks, they are un-necessary and very
rude. And, if someone cant be polite and refraim from saying things like
"you fu&*ed it up, you inept bs artist", then that is derogatory, and
impolite - its about time there was so kind of civility around here, I dont
think thats too much to ask from *anyone*.

Eep, i'm sure your most capable of being polite in your attitude, instead of
insulting, and as I said, if you treat others with the same respect you
yourself demand, and there will be no problem whatsoever.

He can start being polite in his manner towards others, or there can be a
choice. I will stop posting in here, and he can continue - I just will not
put up with rude individuals in my personal time no matter what their
opinion is, and no matter how jaded they are - I have better things to do. I
think Eep needs to realise that I do not set policy around here, and that
the reason I post in here is to *help* you guys in the first place - geez,
why is that so hard for him to grasp ? Is it such a strange notion that
someone here actually wants to merely help out the community? Maybe to some,
but I have been here long enough to know that a presence in here is needed
sometimes. My skin is thick, but I am here on my own violition to help out,
not be abused.

I do *not* set policy people - I post in here to *inform* and *help* -
nothing more.

Disagree with me sure, debate with me - i'd love that, but dont swear at me
or accuse me of just spouting bullshit in such a rude manner - I speak the
facts as I know them, why I would fabricate things about circumstances here
is *totally* beyond me.

So what do you say Eep ? Not too hard to be polite is it ? Wouldnt you
prefer someone from AWCI posting in here to them *not* posting in here -
like it has been for the past year?

Up to you mate =)


oh - one more note, I would really prefer it if you did not swear at me or
accuse me of spouting bullshit Eep, thanks.

[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 7, 2001, 9:23pm
WILL spout off to them WHENEVER I god damn feel like it. Respect is earned,
and so far I don't feel AWCI has earned MY respect enough for me to give
THEM respect.

Indeed - we all of us here, get our say in things, and, I must say that when
I feel strongly on an issue, I am very vocal about it, but, it is not my
place to set rules or policy, it is jsut like any other job - and, I respect
my bosses.

I do geyt my say though, and I will say, that most of the things that I do
say, are actually listened to - and as an intelligent member of this
company, they are respected.

Try it sometime;
> you might be surprised how much more receptive AWCI (especially the new
> people) would be towards your ideas and arguments.

Exactly, I dont ask anyone to respect the company, but I do ask to be
respected for my efforts here - you dont have to like me, but at least give
me that.
doesn't seem like that...Roland

What game ?? Posting here and helping people is a game ??

> to "stand up" to what Rick & JP tell them. What does a tech support
> person know about marketing? What does a marketing person know about
> accounting? etc, etc.

Absolutly *nothing* - put a network card in front of me and im great, put me
in front of a web page, perfect - ask me to sell it? Man, I cant even handle
my *phone* bill (..lets not go there).

NOT deserve to be in charge of AW. They have CONTINUALLY proven over and
over and, yes, over again that they do NOT know how to deal with their
customers and the public/media relations, etc.

Am I dealing wrong with the customers by doing something nobody has done for
well over a year? By acknowledging that support in these newsgroups is
needed, and of my own initiative posting in them ? Is this wrong mate ? Is
helping out wrong ? If so, I do apologise. And who are you to say who should
be in charge? You have *no* idea what goes on in this office - it is pure
speculation, nor do you know the people themselves. Things are alot
different here than you make them out to be, as I found out when I came to
work here - and you know my stance on certain things before I came to work
here, I do not pretend that I was not anti-COF int he past (actually, I sat
ont he fence more than anything else) - and you *know* that I am a smart,
rational person so my change of opinion must be based on something, correct

I could be working anywhere else in the world I want - but I choose to work
here. I gave up a loving relationship, my family *and* my country to do so -

Because I love helping people, and because I love AW. And that is all that
motivates me to post in here, not for anything "sneaky". I hope that by
being a little personal here, and making you understand how hard things
have been for me in moving my entire life to give a little back to the
community, that you will see that I am an honest, genuine person with no
external motivation for being here.

>They have played sneaky corporate games that have been >outlined on my AW
history page >>(http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/history.html) ever since they went
public. >They will NEVER live this down while I am still around until the
>admit their mistakes and change their ways--PERIOD. This is my >mission in
AW, as it stands currently, and until things change I will >NEVER let up.

Nothing to do with me, was before I worked here, even if there was anything
"sneaky" going on - so, where are your attacks on me relevant here ? I'm not
asking you to let up, I *am* asking for some personal *respect* for my
efforts here.

My mission is to help.

> Trust me, I know exactly where you're coming from. I wasn't suggesting
> you give up your cause. Hell, I support it 100%. It's the

And neither am I suggesting. Do you *really* want to know one of the real
reasons I started posting in here Eep?

Because you, along with others like you, had alot of good points.

You dont realise that you have won a part of your battle, do you?


how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 12:00pm
[View Quote] I never said I didnt have any power, I said I didnt want to - but, as you
obviously dont know how to apologise, or be a tolerable person in these
newsgroups, it is my unfortunate duty to inform you that you will no longer
have access to them. Access to these newsgroup is a priviledge provided by
AWCI, not a right.

You have not made yourself out to be respectful, you show no remorse for
your derogatory remarks, and indeed just continued to do so even after I
threw you so many bones it wasnt funny.

This is not an action I wish to take, but unfortunatly, unless a publically
posted apology to the rest of the group is forthcoming, then you are not
welcome to post within these newsgroups for the time being.

I have no hypocracy, the people that know me, and have known me in AW for
the past five years, know the kind of light hearted, caring and kind
individual I am - it is just a huge pity that in your sad, lonely heart
there is no way you can ever bring yourself to admit that your attitude is
wrong and ill mannered when all that is required is a little common courtesy
and respect.

You wonder why you were not put on the beta list?

I hate doing this, and I hate censorship, but unfortunatly, measures must
sometimes be taken no matter how much you pesonally dislike doing them - and
in this case, if this is the only way to show you that your manner, actions
and comments to others in this newsgroup are mean, rude, arrogant and
derogatory, then I apologise to everyone else but say that it is now

You all have my deep regrets that such an action has become necessary. If a
publicly posted apology by Eep, showing his remorse over his comments and
actions, directed to the entire group here, is posted sometime today, then
this action will not be necessary whatsoever.

Everyone else, please make note of this last offer to him - even after his
latest postings - I dont want you guys thinking that this is something that
I like having to do.

It is entirely up to you Eep.

Fletcher Andersen
AW Support

[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 12:59pm
> and horns! Plant a bug on Rick's office computer that types "I AM SATAN!"
> every time he pushes the 6 key.



> --
> Wing
> This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
> She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
> phone,
> She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
> got posters on the wall
> Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
> boyfriend, he dont know,
> Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
> AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
> bathgate at prodigy.net
> eyemwing at teleport.com
> ICQ #101207433

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 5:01pm
[View Quote]
He sunk his own boat already, im afraid - if he does a public apology, then
he will not be banned from here - it is very, very simple really - and not
such a hard thing to ask of a decent person. Guess we will find out if he is
one, or if he choses to just reply to this with another flame, and round of

He is the chooser, of whether he remains in here or not, make absolutly no
mistake about that. He is not going to be banned, he jsut needs do a simple
thing to satisy respect and courtesy, and as I am a very understanding
person, I am doing so - trust me, if this had of been anyone else, he would
of been out of here many, many posts ago.


> rolu
[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 5:30pm
Everyone listen very clearly.

I am *not* going to spend me personal time, in here, when I am under no
obligation to do so, and watch myself, and other people in this newsgroup be
personally attacked - As I have said, as long as he apologises to the group,
and refraims from being so derogatory in the future, then there is a choice
you can all make, and it can be very democratic.

There are two different ways this can be done.

He is to apologise -


If he does not apologise, then the matter will be put to a vote of the users
of the newsgroups - in a very democratic way. You guys can all take a vote,
on whether he is to remain here, or not - if the vote says he is to stay,
then I will no longer be posting to this newsgroup, and you guys get to keep
him - but, you will also lose any correspondance from me here, and this
group will go back to the way they were before I started posting in here -
apathetic and mainly used for everyone to have a good old bitch about the
company I work for, when they have little or no facts on which to base their

So, there are several outcomes here, and this is how it is going to be -
democratic, wise and I am telling you right now, I am being very nice in
even giving these options, because the amount of people around here at the
office, and also citizens who have just said "throw him out" has been vast.

So it can be an apology and a respectful stance from Eep, or a vote. It cant
get any fairer than that.

An apology would be the easiest, most rational course I would think, but I
want to be democratic about this also - I'm not going to decide this issue
for everyone, as Lara nicely pointed out.

Thankyou, btw.


[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 5:37pm
[View Quote] Fair enough, but the course of action remains as it was, I believe it is the
only fair was of addressing this issue.


> --
> -Xero

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 5:52pm
[View Quote] It takes a strong will to stand up and admit when one is wrong, it is always
alot easier to deny, and pretend that there is no fault.

This isnt the case - there is fault here, and he should be strong enough to
admit it, yes, either way, if he does not apologise, you guys lose out.
Which is the whole point in him apologising, because in that way, we avoid
the entire mess that will be created if he does not.

I'm sorry, but I myself can not honorably jsut sit there and go "Oh, okay,
thats all very well and cool he can jsut sit in here and insult, defame and
be rude to people all he wants, i'm jsut going to pretend it doesnt exist" ,
thats not the kind of person I am.

There is a very simple way around this situation, that he has created for
himself. I just hope that your common sense prevails here, Eep.


how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 6:10pm
[View Quote]


how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 8, 2001, 8:40pm
> In actual fact, censorship would be moderating the newsgroup and then
> forwarding the post with any objectionable words taken out, or not
> forwarding the post at all.. banning is not censorship, it is withdrawal
> privalege.

Agreed - there will be no censorship, but there will be removal of
priviledge - I will not conduct *any* removal of posts from any citizens in
this newsgroup (well, as long as they arnt hard core porn and such...you
know the deal) , if you havnt noticed, alothough I have the power to, I have
not even removed this thread where all of ther personally insulting remarks
against myself are found - and, they willb e here for as long as the
newsgroups exist.

You mistake revokation of priviledges, for censorship, which I am not
involved in in any way.

Anyways, the whole issue is in all of your hands now anyways, its up to you
guys to decide.


What would make good website features?

Feb 7, 2001, 3:47pm
Okay, heres an open question for all of you - I have a very extensive list
of features that are being implemented on the new website, what I want to
know, is what kind of stuff do you guys think would be really handy to have
on there ?

I'm open to all good suggestions

aka Fletcher Andersen
AW Support & Webmaster

What would make good website features?

Feb 7, 2001, 4:01pm
[View Quote] Already on the list =)



What would make good website features?

Feb 7, 2001, 8:40pm
[View Quote] Excellent - thats already on the list as well, I'm glad you guys are
tihnking of these things too, it means i'm on the right track with what i'm
doing =)


[View Quote]

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