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Feb 13, 2003, 4:07pm

BTW Bowen if I was insulting to you as some commented, I apologize it was
not my intention

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Feb 13, 2003, 4:37pm


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Feb 13, 2003, 7:14pm
Hi Linn sorry you are having so many problems. Without the details of your
PC ad operating environment I can't do anything to troubleshoot this. I am
forwarding this to support to let them know these problems exist. You should
probably send a copy yourself along with your specs.


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Talk About Active worlds

Feb 14, 2003, 10:21pm
Glad you like it :)


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Alpha World Mystery Info

Feb 25, 2003, 7:08pm
Thank you Scully :P


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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 25, 2003, 6:34pm
Nice site. You beat us too it!

Last week I talked with Bill about getting together a vote page for Alpha
features much like the page we have at
http://www.activeworlds.com/featurevote/ We will be putting something
like this up as soon as we get a chance. It will be a simple "yes" "no"
"undecided" selection which will be open to registered cits. Only your most
recent vote will be counted in the totals.

Some of the features which have been suggested are impossible to implement.
An example of one is TERRAIN. The database would simply be much to large to
backup regularly. Also, I have never used "demeter" (except to measure
things in AW ;) and so am not sure how much traffic it could take without

We are open to suggestions and are interested in putting new things in if
that is what everyone wants. As I said before the changes made in the past
were often met with, "it's our world who do you think you are changing
things???". Also, at the last Las Vegas reunion it was discussed and the
VAST majority of those present said "leave it alone and make a new world
with those features". I am fairly sure no matter what gets added... there
will be a small (but vocal) group who is unhappy with it.


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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 26, 2003, 1:00pm

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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 8:07pm
The reason pictures may not work is not an AW issue at all. If you read any
of the "free" sites license agreements you will find that they have
restrictions on how you use the images you store there. Anyone linking to
some of these "free" images may be committing bandwidth theft. AW 3.4 has a
security feature (for world owners) which allows object host to define which
worlds/universe/sites can use their objects. Potentially this can expand to
having separate paths in a given world.

It is not intended to break things, but ... if someone is violating an
agreement they made with another service it might


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Maybe E N Z O Post here?

Feb 26, 2003, 1:00pm
Thank you Jacob, glad to hear it!


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Maybe E N Z O Post here?

Feb 28, 2003, 7:50pm


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The-World Bingo world

Mar 3, 2003, 3:42pm
It looks like they use the information to mail out prizes. I am not sure
what their business plan is or how they generate the prizes. They are not
using citizen infomation collected by AWI. I would say that if someone
wants to play a game, the player has to decide for themself what information
they are willing to give out.

The universe message was given by someone on staff who used their
discretion. This is not unheard of :)

Oh and please do not use my email address when you register ;)


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The-World Bingo world

Mar 4, 2003, 5:33pm
Thank you. If it was an AWI world I would let you know.


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Alpha Prime aka AW, objects and textures

Mar 4, 2003, 5:32pm
An easy way to do this without moving aything anywhere use this name in
the object property box "../avatars/special1.rwx"

If you have the avatar rwx name use that instead of special1.rwx

(whew... just added a bunch new stuff ;)


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Alpha Prime aka AW, objects and textures

Mar 5, 2003, 3:39pm
Not hard but takes a little time.


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Alpha Prime aka AW, objects and textures

Mar 6, 2003, 2:46pm
Actually... Time is Life


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E N Z O 's World

Mar 27, 2003, 3:46pm
because ;)


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AW & Revenue

Apr 2, 2003, 12:23pm

but the French vetoed it (whew) ;)

Is this some kind of April fools joke?


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AW & Revenue

Apr 2, 2003, 12:25pm
Read my lips " we do not have weapons of mass destruction, what you saw was


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AW & Revenue

Apr 2, 2003, 12:26pm
if they strike us down we shall only become stronger!


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AW & Revenue

Apr 2, 2003, 12:31pm
Well.... if this question was serious, which I doubt.

AWI is doing fine. There is absolutely no truth in whatever rumor The Lady
heard. AWI is no longer responsible for publishing its finances as a public
company. This does not mean we do not have revenue.

Also, please do not confuse any reports you see about Activeworlds Corp
(OTCB AWLD) This symbol no longer represents AWI.



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AW & Revenue

Apr 15, 2003, 2:08pm

You know the statement about what happens when you assume?

a. AW Inc. did not get delisted for poor earnings and I do not speak for AW
Corp. AW Inc. has always been a seperate entity from AWC. A majority of
the Board of Directors of AWC wished to pursue other business models which
were not approved by a majority of shareholders or management, this created
a split which was not positive toward either the shareholders or the
operating business. There is also a much higher cost to maintaining a public
entity than a similar sized private company. The solution to the split in
opinion was to take AWI private while allowing AWC to pursue other options.

b. AWI is not in financial decline. We have cut costs in several non
profitable areas as have many tech companies. We have had a positive cash
flow and a profit each quarter since the split. We spend significant
amounts on R&D and support.

c. The pricing of AW is not out of line - and is often substantially lower
than other 3D online ventures (some of which are operating under heavy
losses). AWI prices according to the cost it takes to run.

d. We are not "playing catch up" with the technologies you mention. We
continue to advance the same software we have been working on and improving
since 1995. Any examination of any 3D community/internet software will show
both flaws and superiorities when compared. Although I have seen some other
cool stuff, I stand by AW.

e. Double edged sword? Not keeping up with the competition? Slacking?

f. This is a much straighter answer than a sum up from someone who makes
many unsupported suppositions

I think that this is fair answer and gives you much more information about
the business operation of AWI than you are likely to get from any private
business owner you might run across.


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AW & Revenue

Apr 15, 2003, 2:10pm
Wight ON!


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Re: Patched Browser

Apr 3, 2003, 4:12pm
Uhhh... enhance how?

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citizenship prices

Apr 15, 2003, 3:35pm
so how about that Super Mario? Still playing it?


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citizenship prices

Apr 15, 2003, 3:39pm
It is largely because AW allows dynamic building. The games you are
comparing it to are all prerendered in the bsp. You want to add something
you have to rerez the whole thing


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AW Next Year

Apr 15, 2003, 3:32pm
I was told that COF would never make it (1995)


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AW Next Year

Apr 15, 2003, 3:33pm
No matter what he says... john is not in charge



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AW Next Year

Apr 16, 2003, 4:43pm
whadisay whadisay??

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE??????????????????????


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AW Next Year

Apr 17, 2003, 4:27pm

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AW Next Year

Apr 18, 2003, 7:13pm



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