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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 26, 2003, 4:31pm
Quite a few times. York Steakhouse



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AW Picture

Jun 23, 2003, 12:37pm
That image wasa spacer and has been replaced. I have no idea where you got


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Jun 26, 2003, 1:47pm
When several commands stopped working the support for the NG told us to
rebuild the index and the piles. I understand this is frustrating for some
of you and apologize.

The easiest way to avoid this is to not allow the NG monitor to realize a
delete_thread command doesn't work. The easiest way to make sure of that is
to not post or crosspost or respond to threads or subjects that are
obviously not in keeping with the charter.

I do not sift through threads to make sure of pearls of wisdom are not
deleted, if a thread seems offensive it goes. When I find a command no
longer works I work through it with tech support.


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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 26, 2003, 1:40pm
I rebuilt the piles and the index. It was neccesary as certain commands were
no longer working (specifically the delete command).


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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 26, 2003, 4:29pm
I did not back it up before rebuilding.

To my knowledge those posts did not exist on our NG for some time they would
have expired. You might possibly have had them stored in your cache, in
which case they probably are still there. Since I do not know enough about
your reader or backup methods locally I am sorry but I cannot even begin to
help find those posts.



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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 5:07pm
Not really

I didn't lose any posts. I deleted post in certain threads. Why would I
backup posts I was deleting? My point is we do not store old posts, if you
cache and backemup yerself then you have a history we do not keep. I guess
I will have to beg you for em when I need em.



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Jul 8, 2003, 1:51pm
Nice comments. Lately there has been quite an increasing interest in the
use of AW technology for the training field. Corporate, educational and
especially medical uses are being examined by quite a few people in the


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Hey ENZO - Whats next?

Jul 10, 2003, 1:38pm

hmmmm what would the pitch be?


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On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 1:36pm


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its a nice day in AW

Jul 14, 2003, 12:50pm
Yeah, they might hear you and remember shhhhhhhhhh


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HELP with Trojan

Jul 22, 2003, 7:16pm
What email address are you sending your questions to? The address is
support at activeworlds.com


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 7:14pm
Lack of response?

What exactly would you have us say?

Here is the current AWUni message which has remained basically unchanged for
content for 3 weeks:

"Welcome to the AW Universe! Reminder: Sharing Priv Passwords, changing your
citizenship email address to someone else's or clicking on .EXE URL links
may compromise the security of your citizenship."

These kids are not hacking or cracking anything unless you count the wetware
of the naive an OS. They are getting unwitting individuals to download
their trojan. The people who launch exe's without scanning them are going
against the first rule of computer security. What can we add that would
increase peoples wisdom aside from repeating the Uni message again and


Also, I do not have any record of email sent by cabaround at cox.net to
support at activeworlds.com . Please resend if you feel we have missed it.

Thank you


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 7:15pm
And they deleted his world content. Smart of Jacob to maintain backups :)


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The AWToolKit Trojan

Jul 22, 2003, 7:02pm
I am?


wait'll ya see the message I give you >: )

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To The Commuities From OneSummer

Jul 22, 2003, 7:00pm
Thank you for your patience. It must have been quite a shock. Please let
us know if you have any more problems?


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AW Voting

Aug 5, 2003, 3:58pm
You mean you hve others that listen to you Bowen?


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AW Meeting

Aug 13, 2003, 12:56pm
"What? Media company?
I find this lack of understanding - disturbing" kewww huh kewww huh
uses force grip

Darth E

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Free Citizens and 2 worlds

Aug 13, 2003, 12:46pm
I am pretty sure the licenses/citizenships are non-transferable. You might
allow someone privs to use them until they expire though.


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Attached files

Aug 14, 2003, 1:05pm
All .exe, .vbs, .bat, .com files are no longer postable on the AW


"Activeworlds... It's just safer"

Error Reporting

Sep 8, 2003, 3:42pm
If you get an error and copy the text to AWI in an email to
support at activeworlds.com we get it.


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Several small things

Oct 14, 2003, 7:14pm
Please refrain from posting things like the threads of late.
They will be deleted.

Please learn the features of your newsreader before making accusations
against other users or the operators of this newsgroup They will be deleted.

Just because you see a message in your local cache does not mean it has not
been deleted off the main server
They will be deleted.

Please do not make up silly reasons as to why this newsgroup is not running
and spread them through the community
They will be deleted.

Please do not join in just because someone else is being rude, just post an
ENZO please read and the thread will be moderated

Do not harass other users or you might lose your citizenship


Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 22, 2003, 5:25pm
Aren't you entitled to an attorney and if you do not have one one will be
appointed for you?


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The Language Thing

Oct 27, 2003, 3:46pm
I am sure that the idea at least has some reference to the People VS
Technozeus situation...


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Effects I'd like to get ahold of...

Nov 4, 2003, 4:35pm
Large face clock:

Minute hand create rotate 0 0 -0.01666666668 sync

Second Hand create rotate 0 0 -1 sync

Hour hand create rotate 0 0 -0.00138888888 sync

The gong is done by a bot that knows VRT :)

Victorian digital clock:

uses the same rotations

The rain/snow models and sounds are from megapath and also included in
various 3DHP's Both are relatively slow on older machines as they involve
high polygons and large textures to animate. Future versions of AW will
allow for a world owner to set a particle effect for areas of the world they
want snow/rain/leaves/trash/flies/fire or whatever they want flying around


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Nov 4, 2003, 4:27pm

"Welcome to the Active Worlds Universe! :) BTW check out DirtCity, the
new 3DHP"

I would have read the invitation as one for 3DHP owners to try out the new
3DHP "DirtCity" (of course I wrote the invite so I knew what I meant ;) I
have asked Grimm to load the 3DHP template into the world "dirtCity" so that
everyone else can check it out.


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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 3:53pm
Obviously you CAN'T hold your breath... although it might help you make new
friends :P

A rebuttal?

First of all while I appreciate the "rant" and am glad to see the interest
SW comit has in AW I am unclear on a couple points. Please enlighten me on
a couple of these and I will do what I can.

a. The appeal of Alphaworld is that people can build towns?

b. What is the 15 minute scheme rotation?

c. Why when a vote was taken was there only about 30 votes?

d. Why do you insist there is some correlation between AW and NewAW? NewAW
is an entirely different project (in some ways a prototype) and one from
which most developement of 3.4 and 3.5 came from. Many of the ideas started
in NewAW were things which have been on the wishlist for YEARS and have now
been incorporated in the client!

e. Are you sure there was a plan to revamp AWGZ?

f. You don't remember that people were upset when the new avatars got
added? This was not when "only Cy" existed but was years later.

g. What are the features still to be unlocked? It was my understanding that
tourists are allowed and 3Axis rotation is also. What would you like?

h. You feel that a rate hike was done and a promise was made that AlphaWorld
was then going to be improved?

Let us know what you think AW should have and then we can rebutt or agree.


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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 5:02pm
a. rereading.... "security"? I don't get it. DO you think AW is in danger
of being shutdown, wiped, changed?

b. not sure either. sounds like a one day experiment with a TOD bot

c. the UNIVERSE message was pointed at the vote page for a couple weeks

d. I have never given that impression or felt that way

e. I have heard it mentioned but have never "planned" on it - and as far as
I have seen noone has a concrete plan on how to change it

f. New avs you want? Sounds good to me, remember back in the old days
though, before broadband, every av, every seq was a huge dl... and AW was
the universe GZ Newbies could sit there for 10 minutes and see only
triangles we had to replace not append

g. NEW FEATURES? like...?

h. huh? see d.

..... all the "dark worlds"?


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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 5:10pm
a. building

b. ok so it was an experiment that failed

c. the UNIVERSE message pointed at the vote page for weeks

d. I don't recall the community events held in AW ever, at least not ones
AWI set up

e. interesting

f. any av as long as it's gray ;)

g. if the community wants to hold events how can we help?

h. the software has improved in my opinion... and not just for WO's


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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 5:18pm
a. ok, but not JUST towns right?

b. me either unless it was testing a new feature

c. the UNI message pointed at a vote page for weeks

d. what features???

e. might be fun

f. New avs you want? Sounds good to me, remember back in the old days
though, before broadband, every av, every seq was a huge dl... and AW was
the universe GZ Newbies could sit there for 10 minutes and see only
triangles we had to replace not append

g. 3Axis rotation has been in for AW_LONG_TIME! Tourist has been enabled
for MONTHS Which special commands?

Terrain will never be an option, AW is huge and many builds will just
disappear with terrain enabled as objects are often below 0.0A same with

h. I always thought that AW was a platform that allowed users to do
whatever they thought best and most enjoyable to them. It was never our
intention to create community, that's up to the people that make the
community up

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