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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 2:12pm
LOL have you ever read our press releases ;)


3. Create a brand image that makes Active Worlds stand out from Second Life
and the Sims Online. Abandon the "3D chat and design tool" image. Use
buzzwords. :) Make sure people know you're the first one out there and
still the best.
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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 18, 2002, 6:44pm
I disagree.

The new features are being added as they will greatly enhance the world/game
builder's ability to create.

Almost all the features will be controlable by the SDK or with a more
advanced world server such as NewAw runs.

Once we get 3.4 out the door we will begin a new release. AW users will not
have to run mto catch a bus bus that already left... they can fly circles
around it :) in fact, if they do catch it... they WILL be able to ride it.


(still believes)

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 19, 2002, 4:18pm
featurecreeper :P

I am sure there will be all kinds of cool av stuff in 3.5 or 4.0 or whatever
comes next. Yor particular idea is probably already possible with the NewAW


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 19, 2002, 4:25pm
.... Almost all the features will be controlable by the SDK or with a "more
advanced world server such as NewAw runs."

The latter part of that sentence while perhaps a bit vague should at least
give an inkling as to the direction AW is taking. Perhaps if the world
server is extended all that you ask for will become available. As far as
your example... it already is possible in NewAW.


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Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 13, 2002, 2:11pm
Let me know when its back up :) If you want maybe we can set up some links
on our site.


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Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 17, 2002, 12:43pm
I never had any problem with you just makin em up, it's easier ;)


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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 4:20pm
Having read most of the thread about Linden I must express my surprise.
Best Invention of 2002? It seems to me that the only thing Linden has
invented is some good PR. Is there anyone in here that has seen anything 3D
they have done? I can make a whole bunch of screenshots too if thats all it
takes. They have been around for a couple of years now and I have applied
for Beta several times and never even get a response. When they first came
up, they were supposed to be a 3D internet tool, now it looks like a
SimsOnline with 3D knockoff. (Which BTW , I did try as a beta, not worth
the 1.2 gig download IMO)

If anyone has seen anything besides screenshots and vaportrails let me know.

Also, if the Internet is realllllllllly gonna go 3D this time then we are
still here and so are you... maybe it will be fun. There are sure a lot of
new coders thanks to the AW SDK and there are a lot more good modelers too.


Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 4:26pm
Just had a funny thought...

I wonder which one of these "new coders" is going to be the first Second
Life hacker Linden will have to deal with

: P


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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 13, 2002, 2:00pm
Actually we would do better to hype a 4.0 which has so many more features
maybe even the NEW IMPROVED AS SEEN ON TV AND THE AW 5.1 XBOX version
release. :)

The Gamespy article and the Time article were obviously taken from the same
PR piece that was handed them. The reporters have not seen anything and are
certainly not "beta" testers. So far no one has seen anything. On our
roadshow analysts asked about the new Linden Labs stuff... that was 2 years

PR about vaporware only generates interest from investors who don't check
their facts. Unless you follow up with a GREAT release you end up with a
lot of unhappy people. AW has done a lot of PR in the past and it was
always about "real" products and projects. We are trying to contact the
reporters but frankly, reporters who didn't check their source don't like
having it pointed out. It would be better to have members of the community
contact the editors of the pieces. That might get some notice. Give em
links to your pages and teleports to your builds. After all, both the Sims
Online and the SL articles basically say none of you exist and you haven't
been chatting, Iming and living and creating cyberspace for the past 8

My Second Cent,


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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 13, 2002, 5:38pm
It was a joke. To show that in PR anyone can say anything if it gets peoples
interest and the people are to lazy to check if its true.

BTW... I do have a great little bridge in NYC between Manhattan and
Brooklyn, it only needs a little paint on a few rust spots, I think it's
worth about $10 mil, I was gonna sell it on Ebay... If you want to buy it I
can give you a better deal... we could use that money to start the XBOX
client ASAP

let me know if you want wiring info



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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 17, 2002, 12:40pm
Actually there are patents, if you remember


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Single Mesh Skinned Avatars - Enzo I need your wizdom

Dec 13, 2002, 2:07pm
Probly the best one here at AW to ask is Shamus shamus at activeworlds.com or
second Mike, mike at activeworlds.com They have had some long discussions
about our av format and the skin code Hamfon wrote, which currently works
but has some issues. Once we get 3.4 out the door we have every intention
of working out skins and custom avs.


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Dec 17, 2002, 12:35pm
And EPCOT, don't forget EPCOT :)


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A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.

Dec 18, 2002, 6:31pm

If you mean you don't like it... have you set your "invert Y-axis in
freelook" ? It is opposite of the 3.3 setting (I still have not figured out
which is the correct one)


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Good Bye

Dec 27, 2002, 1:52pm
Just curious why you never upgraded to 3.3?


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Feb 10, 2003, 5:27pm
AW 3.4 is coming along quite nicely thanks to Shamus, Will, Bill and the
betatesters. Find me software that has zero bugs and I will show you a book

As for NewAW it is also coming along very nicely thanks to the same group.
It will be released but not until 3.4 is finished as it relies on 3.4 and
the 3.4 server. What can I tell you?


"don't believe everything you read"

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You may have noticed...

Feb 10, 2003, 7:39pm
You might have noticed if you refreshed your cache, that several threads
from the last couple weeks have been deleted. Please consider what you are
posting, if it is a response to a thread which is now non-existant then it
will probably join those threads.

There has never been any kind of notice from AWI that crossposting or
advertising world events or even new universes is spam or prohibited! There
have been many notices given that clearly state that flame wars, bickering,
name calling, racial or religious slurs and the like are not permitted.
Some or all of these have been in each thread which was deleted. Although
some might slip through from time to time they will not be tolerated when
brought to our attention. I am asking you to please stop it is a waste of
both of our time.


You may have noticed...

Feb 10, 2003, 8:47pm
I did read it... you don't think there is any problem with it do you?


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 12, 2003, 8:13pm

I understand you are being sarcastic, but please refrain from the ethnic
kidding. I do not want to delete threads because of sarcasm.


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 12, 2003, 9:31pm
Probably not to some...

Either way it falls under stuff that gets threads deleted...

BTW tourist are modeled on the "black and whites" from "SnowCrash" Anyone
using a public terminal was forced into a B&W av that was really low rez
(and all tourists.. no matter what the country carry cameras)


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 12, 2003, 9:39pm
They did in 1997.


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 13, 2003, 3:42pm
Hi king bluemax,

Version 3.4 will allow world owners to turn "tourist building" on and off as
a world option. We hope this helps :)


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 13, 2003, 7:15pm
It is a small change to do it this way. We are really supposed to be in a
code freeze right now - and Andras told me 3 months ago not to add anything


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 20, 2003, 3:01pm



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Feb 12, 2003, 8:01pm
And I would like to say that free discussion of ideas is always acceptable.


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Feb 12, 2003, 8:05pm
We are working on a new version which allows a greater range of creativity
and interactivity. It seems to me that this is a good thing...

It is unclear to me what exactly your point is.

What would you have us do to AW to improve on it?


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Feb 12, 2003, 9:27pm
Is that all?

There are a couple of issues (some small, some large) opened by this
suggestion. These would need to be answered by the community and the
programmers before it can even be considered :

1. Do you represent a majority or merely a vocal minority? (most important)

2. Does the majority want AW to be updated or do they feel that Alpha should
maintain its current "classic" look?

I can remember when Cy was the only av, then more avs were developed,
then av sequences were added - a lot of people HATED this, then we switched
the avs in AW from the second generation to the third... the COMMUNITY was
up in arms! (we put all the old ones back based on community complaint and
haven't touched em since)

3. Do you only want Alpha updated as far as "software features enabled" or

i.e.. panorama/skybox choices are "artistic" as will be 3.4 options
which enable cloud layers and water areas with waves and different gravities
below and above

4. What features do you suggest get implemented?

5. Do you understand the problems that these features create when added to a
HUGE world with millions of objects?

6. Do the majority of users agree that possible problems these features
might cause are worth the features.

"software" information storage for 3 axis rotation - remember there are
1.4 million objects!

"political" how do you stop your neighbor from tilting pole.rwx over
your house (is that vandalism?) ? How do you stop MY house that can wander
( create move 10 0 0 time=1000 loop) through YOUR livingroom?

"artistic" what about all the objects that only have one side - the
objects were built with no idea 3 axis rotation was ever going to be

"just silly looking" Where does my house go when the tide comes up?
Where does my house go when the terrain goes up?

From our point of view, Alpha was never intended to be updated with all the
features that have been added. The main reason features have been added is
because WORLD OWNERS and UNIVERSE OWNERS can utilize them in much smaller
worlds or in worlds that have been planned so as to allow for their use.

Alpha is very freeform in it's beauty and has a grand history - why try to
make it something it isn't?

my .02


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Feb 12, 2003, 9:38pm
If we turn off the panorama a effectively change the entire look and feel of
Alpha, it affects EVERYONE

If we turn on fog and limit vis to 1 meter, it affects EVERYONE

If we replace the panorama with clouds that move... it affects EVERYONE

If I don't use create move but you do and your house sneaks up on me ... it
affects EVERYONE

If the database grows to a size that is impossible to back up (it is already
to large to run mapper) ... it affects EVERYONE

Try to put a tad more thought into this discussion if you want it to be


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Feb 13, 2003, 3:33pm
Hi linn,

1. Crashing on Tport... what version? Is this a beta bug?

2. Can you specify what avs can't use seqs?

3. Currently I can block telegrams from specific people... is this not
working or am I not understanding

4. Good idea, maybe a 3.5 feature?

5. Probably a function of the OS

6. Not sure I understand

7. Hmmm, are you talking about a browser that has a slow connection? Or is
this in Alpha? Does the object ever appear?

8. Not sure I understand this one either... get stuck in start?

If you are running a beta version some of these might be bugs that need to
be reported and addressed, if you are not in the beta please email
support at activeworlds.com with details (system, OS, connection, version of
AW, specific places the event happens, is it reproducable, etc.)



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Feb 13, 2003, 3:38pm
3.4 will allow "tourist building" to be turned off. We are considering what
this will mean for Alpha.


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