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daphne // User Search
daphne // User SearchNewbie Guide to the Newsgroups (4th Edition)Dec 1, 2002, 1:59am
LOL, Goob.... I guess your reputation is shot now... Just think of all
the times we've chatted!!! *EG* [View Quote] Expanding world Needs volunteersDec 1, 2002, 2:20am
Excerpt from the Newbies Guide to the Newsgroups; 4th Edition:::::
MrBruce - <snip> This one still needs to learn the basic rule of success here in AW: Don't listen to anyone but yourself. Do what "YOU" think is best for your worlds, Mr. Bruce... It's really the only way to go... :o) [View Quote] If there is a Goober King...Jan 30, 2003, 3:18am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLAGG MAN!!!Jan 30, 2003, 3:14am
Today is the day!!!
You said you wanted no fuss but you can't expect to get NOTHING from your fans in AW!!! SO ------------------------->>>>>> Wishing a very happy birthday to Tom and the very best wishes for the future!!! *hugs* Daphne Gate Tourist NamesFeb 4, 2003, 3:01pm
Many GateKeepers are totally ridiculous!!! I've seen it over and over and
over!!! It's a "power thing" though.. They can decide who to eject solely based on their own likes and dislikes and their Team Leaders pat them on the back and tell them what a good job they are doing!!! There are VERY few good GateKeepers... The GateKeepers were a good idea as they were first conceived but when the person that got left in charge quit caring to the point where AW Inc. through another person at "fixing" the problems, all they did was make the problems worse... Anyway, that's water under the bridge... I think AW Inc. doesn't mind the GKs chasing away potential uses... If they did they would have put some ppl in charge that actually knew what they were supposed to be there for.... PS... Hey, Facter... Did you find the original GK charter or do you want me to send you my copy of it??? :o) [View Quote] Gate Tourist NamesFeb 5, 2003, 6:17pm
FLAGG WAVING --- bye bye, that is.. :o(Feb 4, 2003, 3:15pm
There will be a get-together on Thursday, February 6th, at 5 pm VRT (2 pm
EST), so citizens can wish Flagg whatever it is you may wish to wish him on his last day as an AW Inc employee.. :o) WildAW's GZ will be the place... Bring your hip boots or your darts or whatever you feel might be necessary... LOL Flagg will be there!!! (he said so...) YOU be there too!!!! :o) The Human ConditionMay 4, 2003, 4:43am
*exasperated sigh*
You don't ever HAVE to be a citizen of AW under ANY condition.... You are never forced to turn your computer on and log into this program... No one forced you to pay for a citizen account either... If you really think there are so very many problems with AW as you imply with your many complaints then please do feel free not to trouble your soul with AW any more.. I'm sure AW never meant to cause you, personally, such angst as you have been demonstrating!!! [View Quote] For The LadyMay 4, 2003, 4:52am
Chiana... You are talking to 'TheLady'. She's the person that staged a
hunger strike, of all things, in COFmeta world a few years back.... LOL She's not gonna see reason because reason is not really her goal; nor does she seem able to separate the real from the VR... [View Quote] E N Z O a requestMay 11, 2003, 3:48am
:o) I don't know about ALL other people, but I've always put a graphic
link to on any web page I've done... Of course the web pages I do now days are AW related ones but who knows, maybe others from outside of AW do stumble across them and out of curiosity, click on the AW link.... :o) I know the web page with the Halloween Tales got seen by more people than just AW people... I don't know if activeworlds got any visits out of it though.. :o) (Should I gather up all the .jpgs or .gifs I've used as AW links and post them???) :o) [View Quote] *-Tourists-*May 11, 2003, 3:56am
Back in business!!!May 19, 2003, 12:15pm
Looks like Bill got the ngs back up and running!!! Good job, Bill...
*S* May Newsletter?May 20, 2003, 9:47pm
What Lulubelle said is very true... The staff is small and all are very
busy... Even some non-staff people put in a lot of effort to help out... The employees are product oriented and that is how they need to be to keep ActiveWorlds afloat... Newsletters and such are icing on the AW cake... :o) In addition: You know, Strike, the newsletter staff asks for input from the community in every newsletter... Have you contributed an article or two in the last few months or advertised an event you organized or are helping put on during the month??? Don't throw any stones if you haven't done anything towards helping the situation out... Mountain Myst and the others work pretty darn hard at seeing to all of our needs... There are many needs too so it's no wonder some of them don't get met every time we expect them to... :o) Here's some ideas::: Write an article on a Historical Pick of the month... No one has done it since I fell ill... Send Mountain Myst some picks for the "Worlds To Watch" feature of the newsletter... Write an article about events that are happening in ActiveWorlds... Some events happen on a weekly or monthly basis and should be easy to attend and write a nice article about... You always like to talk about AW things it seems so how about putting together a list of AW tips for --- maybe newbies??? If you put your mind to it you can be a help rather than a burr... :o) *hugs* [View Quote] AWEC Spring Into Summer PartyJun 8, 2003, 5:32pm
AWEC Spring Into Summer PartyJun 9, 2003, 6:46pm
I'm sorry... That's not what I heard it meant originally... :o)
Whatever... It now stands for Active Worlds Community Center now, as far as I know... *G* [View Quote] AWEC Spring Into Summer PartyJun 10, 2003, 2:57pm
Free Citizens and 2 worldsAug 13, 2003, 9:00pm
Hello Lioness...
You are under a misconception... I am in no way in charge in Alpha world... I haven't had eject privs there in several years... At the time of the incident, Weebo, too, was under the same misconception... If I had gotten perverted telegrams or whispers from Lotto, I would have sent them to the ppl that handle such things for Alpha, just like anyone else would... Thanks for listening, Daphne [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 20, 2003, 11:18am
If you are doing or saying things that the diverse cultures of the world
consider to be immoral and doing them where people can view or know of them, then why shouldn't you be "judged", "condemned" or mentally "tortured" by those same people that you are offending??? That's how the world works, ya know... "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen." [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 20, 2003, 3:27pm
We form our own opinions no matter what a government says... That is our
right... If I want to think you are an idiot and tell you that's my opinion of you, then I will... And have done so... Should I leave all opinions/beliefs up to the government to dictate??? I'd say that is what a lot of Germans did back in the 1940's and we all know what happened because of that... Even in your country doctors are pulling the plug on the sick and elderly no matter what anyone that's involved says just because your government says they can... That would not stop me from calling the government unfeeling creeps... Would it stop you from saying what your opinion is if it went against your government??? If so then you are just a lamb and deserve to be led to the slaughter when it's your turn to fall under unfeeling person's opinions and they have the power to act on them... :o( And, before you bring it up, I don't totally approve of the death penality in the U.S. even though my government says it's legal... [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 21, 2003, 1:05pm
Would you care to tell me just how I would even be able to "apply my own moral judgements" on anyone in AW in a Real way as opposed to a Virtual way??? Maybe by picking just anyone to help host CitBingo whether I feel they could do a good job, get along with others and keep the world G-Rated like AWI has posted it??? Maybe you want me to do the same in AWTrivia and let a potty-mouthed kid be a host so they can offend any players they choose to??? That's not a "Real way" I might apply my "moral standards" but it IS a way in which I help keep the 2 worlds I run for AWI within their stated rating... I suppose you'll see something wrong with that too... I suppose you'll say that people that I turn down might be so hurt they cry and crying is Real... :o) I have every right to form my own moral standards and if someone offends them then I have the right to say they have... I can't choose for others but I can most certainly choose for myself... If others want to adopt any of my choices, then that is their right because it was there choice to do so... I cannot make others believe as I believe and doing so is not my goal... You line about opinions having to remain your own is a lot of hooey, if you ask me... Do you think people form opinions just by picking them off the "opinion tree" or something??? They learn them by experience; by listening to others and choosing for themeselves which ones they want to keep or not... Then there are others who play God, like you did a few years ago while we were both named as co-organizers of the AVATARS Convention... You kept talking down to me in the e-mail group that had been set up and, even though I asked you to please stop doing it, you couldn't seem to quit... Since I had started the job there and promised Bruce that I would do it, I finished my end of it --- and THEN blasted you in an e-mail... If you could put me down then I guess I could return the favor; and did... Now you organize the AVATARS Convention and IN MY OPINION it's becoming less and less of what it was once was... Heck, Alex... Your attitude that year not only alienated me but it also alienated 2 others of the 3 ppl that helped for years to pull it all together and made it the grand event it used to e --- but is no more!!! Give yourself a pat on the back for that, dear... As for some bot you said I asked you to make for Halloween, I don't even remember anything about it, but if I did as you said then it was because I had probably asked you for the bot script to be an exclusive one... That you wanted to let Oct31 world have it too would have been a problem in that case... You want to talk about hassling someone then why don't we talk about the hassling you gave me over a kid that took up a lot of land in AWTeen??? I knew the kid, you didn't... I knew that he had big plans... He didn't really realize just how much land he had covered!!! You didn't know him from Adam... All you knew was that he had made a mess... Well that's true... He had made a mess and I accepted the job of cleaning it up... Why??? Because I knew the kid had value... You got so ticked off at me defending him that you even wrote to AWI, asking that they shut down his account!!! (Who was playing God then, Alex???) Yes, you helped clean up the mess --- one fairly small part of it it turns out... I worked for days on end cleaning it up and with the kid's blessing, once he realized the enormity of what he had done... Maybe what you don't know is that a year down the road, that same kid was a good part of the AWTeen council and helped that world in quite a few ways... You were wrong yet you felt it was YOUR right to try to get him kicked out and your right to stand there telling me what I should do and when... :o( LOL... "hatred, retaliation and violence" indeed!!! LOL Alex, IRL I would never go to someone's house and hassle them or hassle them when I saw them on the street... In AW, if someone ticks me off then they and others will hear about it... You didn't seem to care that you put me down for one reason or another, so if you have been bad-mouthed by me then that is your payment for it... I sure ain't coming to the Netherlands and knocking on your door or sending you harassing e-mail... That's not my style... My style is to voice my feelings and you have definately earned some negative feelings for me to voice... Maybe you should have thought of "my style" before you felt god-like enough to put me down among other things... :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 21, 2003, 1:46pm
I apologize... The first 2 paragraphs said just the opposite of how I apply
my own judgement; moral or otherwise; to the choosing of persons to host in CitBingo or AWTrivia worlds... But they do say just what might happen if Alex had his way and no one was allowed to actually go by their own judgements/opinions when dealing with others or choosing what they feel is the right thing to do... I DO exercise judgement when choosing hosts and often ask others what they think of a person I'm considering as a potential host... My aim is to keep those worlds G-Rated as is AWI's wishes... These are Virtual ways, not Real ways, of "enforcing" my own judgement... So virtually shoot me!!! *G* I feel I have done a pretty good job in picking hosts and keeping conduct in those worlds within limits... Oh, but that's just MY opinion and, I guess, according to Alex, I'm supposed to keep that to myself... LOL [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 11:17am
Your memory sure leaves something to be desired... The teen leaders listened to me, thank heavens, and for good reason... I had proved myself to them in helping them get organized and growing again after the devastation of their whole Object Path having been deleted and their counsel falling apart... You, on the other hand, were only asked in because we thought you had a bot that could take care of the mess... Well, you did, but you weren't willing to do more than a few hour's worth of running it to help out... Still you thought that gave you the right to immerse yourself in the situation and try to dictate what should be done about it... Wasn't your place, Alex... Sorry about that... I wasn't hysterical in talking to you, I used an example in trying to explain to you why I didn't think the ONE kid who did the huge groundcover should be banned or kicked out of AW and you do nothing but dwell on that example... You memory of the timeing is off too... In fact your memory is off in most of what you've mentioned --- either that or you just like lying... Many of the "gorbean" pursuasion lied about what I did or didn't do concerning them in AW and the rest of the "gorbeans" swallowed the lies, hook, line and sinker... My favorite "line" to the ones that approached me on the subject was "be carful what you believe for you, too, can be lead around as if you, too, wore a collar"... Had to be a line they could relate to, after all... :o) Sounds like you swallowed the lies too... Flagg knew me well enough to know the truth... He allowed the meeting with the "gorbeans" because, as customer service representative, he had to try to calm ppl down... Do you think for one minute that if what the "gorbeans" had told him was true, that I'd still be running an AW owned world 2 years after the fact??? "Hope you realise what you are doing." The ppl that have already seen what you are, sit their shaking their heads saying "Yup, that's XelaG for you. Some things never change." I guess that's one thing we have in common though... I don't change much either and I believe that's what ppl count on... They know pretty much what I will do in a given situation and in many instances, they do count on me doing it... People count on you to make your bot even better and better because that's what you are good at... So why not stick to doing what you do best and stop trying to paint me black just because I responded to TheLady's first post in this thread??? If you had read my response like it was meant and not pushed it beyond my meaning then none of the following crap would have come out... How could you have missed the double quotes I put around "judged", "condemned" and "mentally" tortured??? The answer is that you just couldn't resist trying to find a way to put me down again even though I've left you alone for a couple of years now... tsk, tsk, tsk... I'm going to ignore your name-calling this time but if you deign to slander me with words like "pervert" again, you will hear about it ----- done in "my style", of course!!! LOL ..........and that's all I have to say to you, Mr. Alex "I think I am God" de Castro... (guess the last name says it) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 12:38pm
You could ask Alex the same thing, couldn't you??? :o) After all, he is
the one that attacked me first... For your information, I don't give a fig for what you think of me... You might like to think highly of yourself but you are definately not one of the ppl I think highly about... BTW.. have you managed to take over AWTeen yet or are you still busy spreading misinformation around at the Gate or blowing your own horn in the ngs every opportunity??? :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 1:08pm
LOL... I would say you are right but then I'd hear from all the GKs that
are doing what you said.. :o) As far as you having taken over AWTeen ------ somehow I highly doubt that.. :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 1:47pm
Hello Kah...
You are not wrong, or at least as far as I know you aren't... If you share an account with someone, unless that someone else is implicitely trusted by the PK Core, you will not be considered for a PK position... At least that's the way it used to be.. I can't say with any certainty any more... FOR THELADY'S INFORMATION::: I can tell you that I have had this name almost since I began AW 6 years ago and I don't share it with anyone... Only 2 ppl have my priv pw and they are trusted implicitly by me and would never think to abuse the trust... If you are talking to "Daphne" in AW then it is ME and no one else as I have never shared my cit account password... I do have an account or 2 that I use to "disappear" in when I have some work that needs to be done and the telegrams won't stop coming but I use them only rarely... I do have another account that I keep to allow me to share building projects with others under... I have paid for quite a few more accounts than those 3 but have given them entirely to other ppl that needed accounts... [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 2:00pm
LOL Yeah.. I'm a one-person gang!!! WOW.. What an impact I must have!!!
*G* BTW.. have you gotten over my not having built a Veteran's Day "whatever" in the place you set up to honor your buddy, BRO's service in the armed forces??? Does it bother you that I spent time thinking about my own father and grandfathers that also fought for their country rather than spending the time helping you honor someone you wanted to honor and that I didn't really know??? If it does, then get over it, you bag of even hotter air!!! :o) Those that know me well have a much better opinion of me and much better knowledge of me that you will ever have.... Try to remember that.. :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 2:25pm
Excuse me, but are you saying I should have been a total hypocrit and
claimed she was one of my best friends??? That may be your style but it's not mine... There is nothing wrong with that sign and although you didn't know it (how could you), I kept in touch with Weebo during that time to keep track of how she was doing, and I was always hoping for the best for her... People knew that she and I had butted heads but they also knew that when a build needed to be made to thank Alpha Phalpha and AlphaPhalpha Bit for the many things they did in AW "before" cancer finally took Alpha Phalpha, she was the one I asked to do it and she readily agreed... Heck, even AlphaPhalpha Bit and I bump heads over some issues but we still talk together and know we can count on each other to do for AW... I even tried to explain some things to you when you were upset over something someone told you I had said but you'd have no part of it... Then that Veteran's Day thing came up and I explained to you again why I didn't build there... Since then you've had nothing good to say about me... Well, sobeit... Ask me if I care anymore what you think!!! :o) [View Quote] |