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daphne // User Search
daphne // User SearchHappy ThanksGiving From A!!CT WorldNov 27, 2003, 1:51pm
I hope you have a good Thanksgiving day too, Mr Bruce --- with all the
trimmings!!! :o) [View Quote] PLEASE HELP A!!CT HAS BEEN WIPED!!!!Dec 1, 2003, 12:11pm
Get a better "hot spots" section in the newsletterDec 17, 2003, 10:45am
Hello Ferruccio....
You write the article, take a screen capture, put them in a nice .zip file and send it to newsletter at ... That is the best way to see what you want added to the AW Newsletter... *hug* Daphne [View Quote] Multi World Present HuntDec 19, 2003, 7:40pm
The bonus points feature was not meant to be used to give so very many
points to anyone finding the object they are attached to.. The points were meant more to be a small reward for finding an object that was well-hidding according to each participating world's specifications... Please make note of this A1CT Command.. Thank you... > Check out: !!! > > -- > Andras > "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson) Deleting NG PostsDec 27, 2003, 5:10pm
"....we tried to tell her to stop doing the GKs job when a GK was on duty."
This program started in 1995, around June or July I believe... The GKs as an organization didn't start till near the end of 1997... Would you like to guess who did "the GKs job" before there were GKs??? The answer is that anyone that had the answer to a question being asked would share it with the person asking... That person would usually pass on the info if it was asked by someone else too.. In that way, people learned this program... In other words, there is NO REASON that GKs should think they have the franchise on answering questions no matter where or when the question is asked... Instead, they should try not being so arrogant about being a GK and look at a non-GK helping as just that --- one person helping another... Believe it or not, others helping out still goes on a lot, just not at the Gate... At the Gate, the arrogant GKs in the group have threatened and bullied people that are inclined to help into not doing so... That is sad... I was even threatened with ejection if I didn't stop helping a person that asked me for help at the Gate so I do know that some GKs are totally full of themselves!!! The Gate does NOT belong to the GKs... It belongs to AWI and through them, their users... [View Quote] <snip> Deleting NG PostsDec 28, 2003, 2:32pm
> tell me what, exactly, are they there for? To babysit? To mindlessly post > macros? (which totally annoys ppl, btw) Or to *try* and enforce the joke of > G-rated chat room guidelines????"" (from Tart Sugar) Hello Tart Sugar... I feel GKs are there to help Active Worlds gain more citizens and they do that by offering newbies the basic "tools" they need to be able to use the program... Not knowing what to do in such a strange environment (as VR is to many people) can be quite scary and frustrating... And a scared, frustrated newbie is a GONE one... You have the BOLD text and that will make anything you say more noticable... It should not bother you when others answer... If they are giving the right answer then more power to them... You can take it easy and just listen incase the answers given are wrong.. Then jump in with your BOLD with the right answer if you know it... You seem to want to do an excellent job as a GK but I think your "GK cloak" seems to not be doing it's job well enough if your macros being repeated is bothering you... I've always been told that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.. :o) Go over the Guidelines and other tips you should have gotten during training so that less things bother you while on the job... [View Quote] AW TUNNEL EXPLOITDec 31, 2003, 5:14pm
I could probably tell you but then I'd have to kill you!!! LOL
Happy New Year, ActiveWorlds... :o) [View Quote] Happy New Year to all!Jan 14, 2004, 6:31pm
...........and you too Andras... I hope you will stop and smell the roses
soon... You work entirely too hard at times!!!!! *HUGS* [View Quote] M A T T situationJan 14, 2004, 6:30pm
CONGRATULATIONS AWI and friends for the good work in finally nailing this
kid even if it is through his father... I know a lot of hours went into trying to put a stop to the type of abuses done by MATT... I hope he gets a bit more than just his patties slapped when his Dad is made fully aware of just what MATT's activities have brought down on him.. [View Quote] Matters of good GrammerJan 18, 2004, 1:35pm
Matters of good GrammerJan 20, 2004, 11:43am
Spoken like a person that is becoming fairly well-known to talk out of his
butt hole... How about you find that rock you just crawled out from under and go back under it??? Listen, Drac... I think on the surface that you are a pretty nice man but every chance you get you put America and Americans down.... Does everyone in your country feel like you do about America??? How about you get your government to stop accepting any money or other favors from our ignorant, over-bearing country and then maybe you can rest easier and we can stop our hard earned resources from going to a country that evidently hates us??? [View Quote] Matters of good GrammerJan 20, 2004, 11:44am
Matters of good GrammerJan 20, 2004, 11:45am
Matters of good GrammerJan 21, 2004, 9:05pm
I don't agree with everything the US government is doing or has done in the
past but I still won't always sit still and watch others bash ALL of the US based on what the politicos do... Hardly all of us agree with any one of them 100% of the time.. We yell at them and cuss them out and give our opinions too... Our opinions work best when ppl vote intelligently but it seems that doesn't happen as often as it should... If it did then how could George W. have gotten elected??? I would have thought having had his father a president would have told the American ppl something!!! :o( Just like other countries down through the ages, the "common" people either believe what they are told or are just too busy putting bread on the table to take on the whole of the political system that has evolved... Believe me, it is now pretty far away from what our ancestors were trying to create... BUT enough of the good we stand for does remain and is still worth fighting for... That's why when you put the USA down you get it right back at you... [View Quote] Matters of good GrammerJan 23, 2004, 1:01pm
[View Quote]
If, in the early 1940's, America had done what you advocate in the previous
sentence, you would probably have grown up speaking German and revering Hitler... If England and any more of Europe had fallen to the Nazis do you think Germany would have let Finland keep it's freedom for much longer that it already had??? I think it's safe to say that, as a people, we are a bit ashamed that it took our government so long to do the right thing... We should have been in there helping to stomp out the Nazi machine a few years earlier than we were!!! For years, Saddam Huessein has been killing with inpunity the people of the country he seized control of... Before we move to help, how many should die before their numbers begin to haunt us --- like the numbers of those killed by Nazis now haunts us??? major doo doo hitting the fanJan 27, 2004, 11:01am
I learned a long time ago that the leadership of the GKs is nothing but a
clique.. Worship the ETLs or you are out of there.. Didn't matter if the ETLs didn't do the job or that they completely play favorites... All that mattered is that the rank and file GKs (and visitors to the Gate) worship them simply because they were put in charge... You are not allowed to pick up anything the ETLs don't want you to; such as fallen banners... They can go build for months on end and do nothing for the GK organization, but they will jump on your butt at the first sign of you having any initiative... Like me, SweetSuzie learned the hard way... "Let sleeping dogs lie" or get the hell out of the organization before they make you crazy!!! You'll never find me as a GK again UNLESS I'm the one in charge of all of them... Things would definately change then.. *EG* [View Quote] Wizard Myrddin Retraction and thank you:)Jan 31, 2004, 9:55pm
:o) Would you like one lump or two for this tempest in a tea pot?? *poke*
Crumpets, anyone??? [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 12:15pm
My thoughts (almost) exactly, TartSugar...
The birthday builds hardly mean anything any more.. Used to be a good friend would get a few other good friends to build a site and surprize you with it and that meant something to the receiver... You actually had chatted with each of the persons more than a few times and had a friendly relationship to them... Nowdays it's a group of mostly strangers having a building contest, without much personal meaning behind it... They hear of a birthday and BOOM!!! They run to a place to build a competition grounds... You competition builders can go ahead and do your thing about birthdays but I hope you don't mind that not everyone is one of the sheep to follow your meaningless lead in that department... ON DIFFERENT NOTE:: The group builds are in another catagory in my mind... They are a fairly good thing for the Community... I can see them getting out of hand eventually though if the movers and shakers of them don't consider the whole... If the ppl dreaming up these builds work to keep the non-elite buiders involved so that a broad spectrum of styles makes up these Community builds, then maybe they won't go the way the birthday builds have gone... [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 9:08pm
LNH and others... I said birthday builds aren't what they used to be... I
said nothing about memorials or get-well sites... Let's try not to roll everything into this discussion, shall we??? :o) Whether you are giving a heart-felt gift or competing depends on your reason for building a BIRTHDAY build... If you don't know the person and they don't know you then it means less to the receiver than a heart-felt one done by a friend... That's mainly my point... I've built at a few birthday sites and even started a few but they were only for ppl I knew and liked... If I want to meet more ppl I know where to go and it's not to a birthday site being built... If I want inspiration, I visit worlds I haven't seen before... Many of the ppl that do rush to build at every birthday site announced DO compete whether they say they are competing or not... Are all ppl's thoughts totally selfless while building and seeing what those around them are building??? Somehow I doubt if all that many ppl's thoughts are totally selfless... If you can't see some competition going on then you probably aren't seeing quite clearly... And was there a reason for YOU to take my post so personally that you had to fire back with a personal remark?? :o) Not all that build at birthday builds are "mindless competetors" (your words, not mine)... Some do go build because they like the person or what they stand for and want to help them celebrate their day... But there are those that do just what I said -- rush to each site and build, build, build - not even knowing the person they are expending the effort for!!! ""Do you realize there are 10s of people each month that these *gift builders* waste their time competing on? Does that even make any sense daphne???"" That is what you posted... I say that it only makes sense to me IF (and that's a mighty big if) you know and like the person you are expending the effort for... If you don't know them or don't like them then your gift is hollow - it means nothing but that you were wasting your time showing off, or shall we say, competing??? You meeting other ppl and you getting inspiration are very SELF reasons for doing a site for anyone; not at all selfless... By The Way::: You should never get reprimanded for using techniques that others have used or using objects in a way that others came up with... This place is about sharing... How do you think so many ppl did learn how to build if others that had already learned didn't take the time to teach them or show them by example??? We were all new to AW at one time or another, you know... :o) By The Way::: To me an ARTIST is someone that does "artistic" projects; not someone that rushes from birthday site to birthday site to see how often they can get their names at sites or do the most elaborate build... I didn't look artist up in the dictionary though.. LOL By The Way::: The "gift" builders aren't the only outstanding ppl in our community... Take a good look around and you just might see them at places other than just birthday builds... By The Way::: Does't anyone want to come down on me for what I said about Community Builds??? Very unlike this crowd not to find something wrong with my thoughts on that too.. LOL [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 9:42pm
Speaking of the Cy Awards...
I just want to say that, in my opinion, giving a Cy for the best birthday build is one of the most frivolous reasons for a Cy that was dreamed up... BUT now that type of award is included, I'd like to suggest that it be expand to reflect Community Builds, Get-Well Builds and Memorial/Condolence builds... [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 10:16pm
""Whether you are giving a heart-felt gift or competing depends on your
reason for building a BIRTHDAY build... "" THAT is the gist of my post!!! Yes, some of the things I said are harsher than they needed to be but then that's just me at times... :o) Please ignore where in one post I said::: "" If you don't know them or don't like them then your gift is hollow - it means nothing but that you were wasting your time showing off, or shall we say, competing???"" That was much harsher than what I actually feel about "the birthday site groupies" and them building at each and every birthday site... Although I work a lot at doing for others in AW, I'm not one of the Heart Of Gold people like our Lara... :o) I'm too opinionated and voiceferous to be a "Golden Heart"... :o) There are selfless ppl here but they aren't all that common from what I've seen.. Lara is definately one of the selfless and I like her a lot... (Guess I should quit doing AW projects and come give you guys all my time chatting and building... LOL) [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 10:22pm
Group BuildingFeb 7, 2004, 10:06am
Group BuildingFeb 7, 2004, 12:59pm
:o) I propose that Mark Randall be consigned to a room full of middle-aged
women and see if he can keep up... LOL [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 7, 2004, 4:31pm
:o) Well, I hardly meant to insult you, Lara, but you already know that..
*G* I know that doing and teaching is a win-win situation... If I didn't get something out of it for mysef I would not have done all the things for AW and it's users that I have accomplished over the years... I used to grab a tourist now and then to show them the basics of building... I had even created a "subdivision"of sorts to take them to an area they could learn in... I used to go to Juno Dome or the Gate and every tourist I grabbed for a little "hands on building" ended up a citizen... :o) I took pleasure in both the teaching and in the fact that I helped further AW's population... If it wasn't for The Real Pops and Andras, I might not have learned a good deal of what I do know about building and how the browser sees what you put down as objects... So, in my turn, I was taught also... I passed much of that on to others even before AWSchool came into being, just like so many before me had shared their knowledge... How about we replace the word "selfless" with "generous"??? Would you admit to that??? After all, your building supply yard is the most famous one in AW and, as far as I know, you work diligently to keep it up to date.. :o) *hugs* Daphne [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 7, 2004, 9:26pm
Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AWFeb 7, 2004, 9:23pm
someone is using my nameFeb 15, 2004, 1:10pm
I confess... It's me... :o) And if you choose to believe that, then
I'll tell you another lie.. LOL [View Quote] |