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daphne // User Search
daphne // User SearchClose the newsgroupsNov 5, 2002, 10:10pm
It'll die down, Wiz....... It always does... :o)
So,,, No one thinks we should have a "Design A Holiday Season Bingo World Contest"??? *S* [View Quote] Close the newsgroupsNov 5, 2002, 10:42pm
1, it would take ppl willing to participate as contestants...
2, it would take a panel of judges.. 3, it would take a web page outlining what the requirements are when creating a Bingo world... (the bot, though good, can only "talk" to objects that are within it's range.. 4, it would take participants as contestants!! Oh.. I said that already!! LOL Prize??? Well, I could see about a prize I suppose but I kinda thought that the pride of winning such a contest and having your build put in an AW public world would be a really GREAT prize!!! Second prize (or call it a co-first prize) could also having the build duplicated in the other CitBingo world... If King Tex wanted to get the AWBingo worlds on this then we could really go to town with some cool builds in the Bingo worlds over the Holiday Season and the best builds going into AWBingo worlds too would just add to the co- first prizes ---> the prize called well-earned pride!!! A few more details would need to be worked out but this is pretty doable and to me, sounds like fun!!! :o) [View Quote] Daphne's Bingo TopicNov 5, 2002, 11:25pm
From Daphne:
So,,, No one thinks we should have a "Design A Holiday Season Bingo World Contest"??? *S* From Antigon (AlphaBit Phalpha): lol Daphne:) Whats the prize? (s) Also...Tex and I will be in Boston nov 19th thru Dec 3rd...then Los Angelos Dec 20th thru Jan 6th. What all would need to be done to organize this? From Daphne: 1, it would take ppl willing to participate as contestants... 2, it would take a panel of judges.. 3, it would take a web page outlining what the requirements are when creating a Bingo world... (the bot, though good, can only "talk" to objects that are within it's range.. 4, it would take participants as contestants!! Oh.. I said that already!! LOL Prize??? Well, I could see about a prize I suppose but I kinda thought that the pride of winning such a contest and having your build put in an AW public world would be a really GREAT prize!!! Second prize (or call it a co-first prize) could also having the build duplicated in the other CitBingo world... If King Tex wanted to get the AWBingo worlds on this then we could really go to town with some cool builds in the Bingo worlds over the Holiday Season and the best builds going into AWBingo worlds too would just add to the co- first prizes ---> the prize called well-earned pride!!! A few more details would need to be worked out but this is pretty doable and to me, sounds like fun!!! :o) [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 6, 2002, 3:25pm
I was going to respond to your post here but I think, instead, that I will
e-mail you... (*G* Got your filters on???) [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 6, 2002, 4:04pm
Loaded question, there Rick.. You should be the one deciding that.. Not
the ppl in the community.. :o) [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 6, 2002, 4:40pm
Ok then.. Close the thread titled "Close the newsgroups" :o)
Shall we search for individual posts that do nothing but flame and request they too be deleted? I can point you to a few but you've probably already got the worst ones... Personally I think this whole subject was already on it's way out anyhow... :o) I felt most were to the point to where they were going to watch and see which way AW Inc. (and the Cy Committee) will go on this "hot" issue... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 7, 2002, 10:57am
Since it seems the Cy Awards Committee refuses to "police" itself then, YES,
it's a good idea for the company to assert a bit of "policing" for them... AlphaBit Phalpha says the Cy Awards never have been "biased" but what it seems they are doing is applying the word "biased" to what is actually a sense of "common decency" held by most uses of this program... People.... If your common decency tells you that promoting the type of worlds in question is very wrong for an organization belonging to this Community (that encompasses all ages, genders, cultures, ect.) then please do not accept the label of you being biased... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 7, 2002, 11:13am
Since it seems the Cy Awards Committee refuses to "police" itself then it's a good idea for the company to assert a bit of "policing" for them... The Cy Committee should have thought about possible repercussions before changing the rule that kept the organization inline with company guidelines and with what most users want their community to be; which includes what the community's award program promotes also, regardless if they put Adult Only type stuff on stage or not!!! This Community DOES belong to the "COMMUNITY" and not just to the Cy Awards Committee, after all... The Cy Committee are the ones that stepped beyond their "scope" in trying to force the community to accept things they do not want to accept... The people here are not all sheep, after all... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 7, 2002, 11:50am
Goober King... What the Cy Committee did have control of is the rules they
follow and, since they are this community's award program, then what rules they put in place need to be in keeping with this community's wishes and that has always been, for the majority, the wish to keep this software family oriented... The family oriented standing is why many came here in the first place and why many have stayed... It's one of the main reasons why I had always promoted ActiveWorlds to practically everyone I talked to!!! We lost users in January and since because of the large price increase... Most of us that are still here understood the necessity of that even though it didn't exactly make us happy... We stayed because we still have great hopes for this software and because it was still mostly in keeping with what we could still support... We knew some Adult-rated worlds existed in this universe but, for the most part, they kept to themselves and didn't 'always' shove their existance in our faces... What has changed is that now the Community's premiere awards event HAS "shoved" their existance in our faces and held them up for the whole online community to view as some of the best that ActiveWorlds has to offer... Many of us do NOT want our Community known for it's Adult-themed worlds whether they are very well done or not!!! THIS is why the controversy!!! It's not because we are actually afraid that the community's Cy Awards event will have nekkid avatars parading on the stage... It's because allowing this to continue will eventually change the whole face of ActiveWorlds!!! The picks done through the Cy Awards do more than reward for best this or best that... They also influence... That's something you seem to be ignoring in your protests... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 7, 2002, 12:59pm
From my post dated October 30, 2002
""Why doesn't someone do as you mentioned at one time and do an awards show that are only for R and X rated worlds??? (I still contend, as I said in an e-mail to AW Inc. several months ago, that if AW Inc. in any way sponsors such an awards show, their "Family Oriented" claim will be further corrupted...)"" AlphaBit Phalpha recommended this course of action herself but didn't follow through with it for some reason... If this course had indeed been followed there would have been a lot less uproar in the Community... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 7, 2002, 2:11pm
Should I have repeated my feelings about the community awards event
promoting Adult ONLY content/conduct and inhumane practices, whether consentual or not, so you could fully understand why I feel the way I do??? Like you said in your signature... Turning a blind eye doesn't make the problem go away... [View Quote] NewsgroupsNov 8, 2002, 3:51am
Put a "non" Adult ONLY entry in a world that containes no Adult ONLY content
so it could be viewed by all persons??? Of course that would work if a "person" and NOT the Adult ONLY "world" the entry originally existed in were nominated and if what they were nominated for falls under the AW Inc. content guidelines... That would never even have been seen as a "problem", I don't believe... You'd have to "advertise" the person and not the world they had originally created the enty in though... BTW..... I'm curious, Bit... Why have you just recently included "chat" in this issue??? The issue is not about chat... It's about content and conduct that most civilized societies (including our AW society) consider to be inappropriate for public display... It's about purposfully flaunting AW Inc's stated guidelines... We all know that "not nice" chat happens occasionally wherever there are people gathered together... In this community that can be "punished" by temporarily removing the offender or by Community censure but it can NOT be controlled to the point where it does not happen.... The same cannot be said about the ability to control things in the Cy Awards processes... (BTW Bit and SW Chris... The word is facetious..*S*) [View Quote] MrBruce drops A1CT worldNov 7, 2002, 12:48pm
Don't go because of some criticism, Mr. Bruce... If everyone left because
they got criticized, the whole universe here would be empty!!! Most of all, don't let the buzzards get you down... As you see by many posts here, you have a lot more support than you probably relize... *hug* Daphne [View Quote] MrBruce drops A1CT worldNov 7, 2002, 10:18pm
I am ashamed of the post you made Brock... Even a 5 year old would not have
been so cruel... :o( [View Quote] My Final Involvement with the CysNov 8, 2002, 5:26pm
Would someone like to explain how a virtual Community that exists only in a
software program that makes it possible to create virtual 3d worlds can be held legally responsible for a virtual Community Awards event that was started by a citizen of said Community and has since been run by other citizens of that same Community??? ENZO, who owns most of the company that owns this software, is evidently satisfied that there are no legal "entanglements" for the company in the existance of a Cy Awards event, so why would anyone think that the "long arm of the law" could possibly control, influence or extract punishment for what this Community does with said event??? I admit that I was very worried that the company could get in trouble for allowing the existance Adult ONLY worlds and content in what is advertised as Family Oriented but if ENZO is not worried, then why should I??? I don't think the Cy Committee has anything to worry about other than regaining the Community's trust... That leaves us what ENZO is saying::: The Cy Awards belong to the Community!!! It's up to us to make them something we can be proud of... So we have to decide what "face" we want to present to any that view this Community, whether we view it as a citizen or a visiting tourist views it or even if it's being viewed as a subject that draws the attention of news media or by college students wanting to do a study on VR communities and behavior... The Cy Awards very much help to put the "face" on our Community that others view and judge us by... If you want to see what a society values just look at who they bestow awards on and what what those awards are for... Judging by the repercussions from certain awards this round, I'd say the Cy Awards failed to reflect the values of the majority of the Community... There are more members of this Community than the ones who put in a vote, you know... As to the issue of whether or not Adult ONLY nominees should be allowed to participate in the Cy Awards; JohnnyB's post under the heading of 'A Simple Solution to the Cy Issue' follows my feelings pretty closely... Let me paste here what I feel are the main points (with punctuation added/deleted for better readability)::: ""I feel that if you decide to live an 'adult/gorean ' lifestyle here, that's your choice but when you make that choice, you must realize that it's not in line with the rest of the community and will never be so. Therefore, if you wish to be included in the community, you have no choice but to give and take."" ""It's just not realistic to consider disallowing underage access to the CY awards, committees, etc. As all have said, this is about community and although the people in the adult/gor communities are still very much a part of the 'ActiveWorlds' community, their decision to participate in an adult, online lifestyle here precludes them from being included in certain things."" ""Some may feel this unfair but life is unfair sometimes. Some may call this discriminatory, racist, bigoted, whatever you like, but the essence of this is the fact that if you DO participate in an 'adult' lifestyle here, is your CHOICE. No one has forced you to partake of this. You decided and you must accept the consequences and/or benefits OF your decision; plain and simple."" ""You simply can't call this bigoted or racist. You have no choice if you're black, white, too short, too poor, too whatever. If you're singled out for such things, it is very wrong and just plain unacceptable. (But,) You made the choice to do the things you do here and to say that you shouldnt be discriminated against or singled out is just not realistic. YOU made the choice. YOU must live with the repercussions."". ------------------------ There is more that can be pointed out but I'll leave that unsaid until/unless it becomes necessary to further elaborate... Thank you for reading this post... *hugs* [View Quote] My Final Involvement with the CysNov 8, 2002, 7:36pm
This is NOT a democracy!!! It is a program owned by a company whose
stated guidelines should be followed by the users of the program... THEY have said so!!! That the company rarely chooses to exercise their ability to enforce compliance with stated guidelines does NOT mean that a Community representative group like the Cy Awards shouldn't have to abide by the guidelines!!! Will the PeaceKeepers be next to stop complying with the guidelines stated by the company who owns this program??? Will the GateKeepers follow suit??? They and their actions are all representative not only of the company they exist under but also of the Community they are a part of... The same is true of the Cy Awards... This issue does NOT need an open debate where one side or the other competes to make a showing of how many like-minded ppl they can get together in one place at one time!!! What needs to be done is to put the Cy Awards back inline with the stated guidelines and make sure they stay there... The company makes the Community possible and they have laid out some guidelines they expect of the people that use their program to follow... There is no question in my mind that any group that is set up to represent the Community is also committed to, at the very least, follow the guidelines set by the company that has made their existance possible... BTW, ..... How long do you think the ppl that are "happy with how things are going" (and therefore silent on many issues, not to mention unaware of important issues) will remain happy if this universe is turned into an Adult ONLY type universe??? Will they one day come to Alpha's GZ and see two avatars passing; one naked, gagged and in chains being led another holding the end of the chain and a whip??? Will we, the ppl that ARE aware of the issues at hand, allow that to have a chance in being ActiveWorlds' future look??? The company has already stated that the Community belongs to us so this is evidently up to us to decide... [View Quote] My Final Involvement with the CysNov 8, 2002, 8:41pm
Don't feel much involved, eh, kellee??? Well that's fine but how about not
putting labels on ppl that feel quite involved... :o) You might feel different if you actually understood the real issue that is being aired; something your post here doesn't seem to indicate... You are right about there not being much hope in involving the "whole" community in a particular issue so I guess that is why some of us feel that the issue needs to be brought down to the very basics of what is asked of users of this program and definately by keeping groups that reflect or represent this Community inline with the basics... Thanks.. *hugs* [View Quote] My Final Involvement with the CysNov 8, 2002, 10:21pm
I think I more closely resemble a wallabe than a wally --- though at times
the difference is moot... :o) Two points::: 1. Evidently nothing has been forbidden to exist in this VR universe hence the existance of BDSM and other Adult ONLY worlds and content. 2. I thought this discussion had already gone past the stage of defining "parental responsibilities" and had moved on to defining "community responsibilities" and what that means here in AW... *hugs* ya, ostrich chaser!!! LOL [View Quote] My Final Involvement with the CysNov 9, 2002, 2:08am
and what about the points made in the rest of my post?? The part you so
nicely snipped of and seem to have ignored??? Good old Goob.. The Devil's Advocate!! A role you have told me more than once that you assume... You do the part well, I must say.. *G* [View Quote] maki and Bits resolution:)Nov 8, 2002, 11:52pm
LOL.. Bit, are you calling on AW Inc. to supply a world so that avatar
"fashions" can be shown in it??? Were you thinking along the lines of including X-rated avatars and maybe avatars in the latest fashionable KKKor Nazi garb if anyone has mind to make and donate them??? (If we are going to include X-Rated, why not go the next step and include extremist too???) Oh,, yes.. A fashion show would certainly inspire a ton of creativity!!! Just what worlds in the Community would be elegible to have their pick of these donated fashionable avatars??? Or might AW Inc. have to donate two worlds so that an "Adults ONLY/extremist" avatar fashion show can be held and one for a "general public" show with the donated avatars being donated according to the rating of a world??? While we are at it, can AW Inc. please donate two worlds for another AW T-shirt contest??? I think there should be one for designs that would be acceptable by the whole community and one for Adult ONLY/extremist designs... (A wet T-shirt or sheet-draped KKK look to advertise ActiveWorlds in the Real World would go over big, don't you think???) Oh... and let's see, Bit... :o) I think we will need worlds for CitBingo X-rated games where the prizes can be torture devices, naked avatars and x-rated graphics, ect... X-Rated trivia would be fun for "X-minded" people too!!! Better get another Trivia world and bot ready!!! By all means, let's go out of our way to entertain minorities, especially those who CHOSE to be in a minority... BUT... Heaven help us if we tried to do a Hispanics ONLY awards show or a Blacks ONLY award show, ect., ect., ect.!!! Ok.... Sarcasm over... Hopefully I made my point... :o) [View Quote] maki and Bits resolution:)Nov 9, 2002, 2:15am
Sorry Goob.. I forgot that it is your job to play Devil's Advocate.. *G* *hands horns and trident back to The Goob* *G* *hug* [View Quote] maki and Bits resolution:)Nov 9, 2002, 4:12am
Hey, GK... I have one more Ritilin pill left for tonight... :o)
Keep it straight, please... Loath, abhorr, detest, hate and all those other "I think it's disgusting" words is how I feel about the Gorean stated PHILOSOPHY... The philosophy, Goob... The one that says female humans are less valuable than the animals that are raised for food and pelts... The one that advocates slavery; male or female; then has gall enough to say the slaves were born to be slaves and that all females long to be enslaved... That strong males are meant to be the great masters of all females, and so on... THIS is what I read in the "Gor" books a long time ago (and then put them aside as the cheap, fantasy, dime-store novels they are)... To me, this one point, advocating and even glorifying slavery, voids anything the books might have had to say about honor or loyalty or trust... I'm not saying this philosophy is what all the worlds in AW that call themselves Gorean believe but some of them do and the other ones, whether knowingly or unknowingly, associate themselves with this philosophy... Their knowledge of what they are claiming to believe or their lack of knowledge as to what they are claiming to believe by calling themselves Gorean, is a two-way sword... Either way Goreans 'as Goreans' don't automatically get any unearned respect from me that others initially would... Sure, they are fantasy books but when people feel it's ok to try to live that way in Real Life (and some of them do), or when people think it's ok to advocate that kind of soul-killing belief by "playing the game" that philosophy dictates, then it is just plain wrong!!! BTW... "yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs" ??? And here I thought I had been responding in a calm, reasonable manner; giving explainations for how I feel... :o) (Well reasonable anyway, except for that one sarcastic, yet still humorous, post that Bit gave me a *thwack* for... LOL) You know, Goob... Just because you say so, doesn't mean it's true... :o) ( yeah, I know.. and vice versa too!) (Hope those horns remain comfortable and that trident doesn't get too heavy... *G*) [View Quote] Dinner and a ShowNov 11, 2002, 5:54pm
Looking for HYMERHOFF's old house.Nov 9, 2002, 3:12pm
AWDebate - Upcoming Events.Nov 9, 2002, 2:19pm
Bad idea... There would no debates as much as there would be either
all-out verbal battles or just displays of who can get the most like-minded people to show up in one place at one time... [View Quote] AWDebate - Upcoming Events.Nov 9, 2002, 2:55pm
The Desiderata -A lesson for allNov 11, 2002, 4:30am
*G* Kellee.. I was kinda thinking the same thing, but it is a nice
"creedo", or whatever you want to call it so I wasn't going to denigrate it being repeated.... I just read it again and let it do it's "thing" for the moment then got back to the business at hand.. :o) [View Quote] <no subject>Nov 13, 2002, 3:40pm
Holiday Season Design Contest For information see Want to see a Holiday Design of yours in one of the 2 CitBingo worlds for all to share the enjoyment of??? If you would like to participate, contact me inworld or at Daphne at after you have gone to the URL above and read the rules... The Holidays are upon us!!! :o) Tourist access iCandy & iCandy4UNov 17, 2002, 2:56pm
Very COOL, Kerstin!!! I hope you let BinaryBud know so he can add iCandy
and iCandy4U to his list of worlds that allow tourist access if he hasn't already... *hugs* [View Quote] |