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daphne // User Search
daphne // User SearchCondemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 2:46pm
I apologize... I didn't know it was that important to you that I make you
the center of my universe... :o) Eep quote: "drive through" :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 5:07pm
*G* Why shouldn't Joeman make any judgements before he had any "facts", as
you like to call them??? After all, you did that exact same thing when you first let me know you were mad at me... :o) You see, Joeman, what's going on here now is a bit of "one-upmanship"... I'll play the game till I tire of it or until ENZO deletes the thread... I'll probably tire of it first though... I have much better things to occupy my time online.. :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 7:11pm
Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 7:39pm
LOL... ORB wants to join the TheLady club!!!
Later, sweetie... I have a propdump to do on a slow connection... :o) [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 7:41pm
Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 26, 2003, 2:08pm
Sorry if I don't feel "chastised" at all, Momma Bit.. :o) (WB btw...
*G*) Now and then ppl just feel like a little "theraputic blood-letting" and that's made evident by those who attack first... Well, I'm willing to give as good as I get and that's what I did when XelaG and ORB both decided they'd jump on me... :o) Anyone that can't take flames shouldn't flame someone that will flame back... *G* Anyway, Bit, you are about 24 to 48 hours after the fact.. Most of the flames stopped when I tired of the "game" on Saturday... LOL Nothing like the "fuel" walking out on the fire!!! :o) Sorry to hear you aren't going to be prepared to put on a Cy thingy this year... Does that mean Cy Month is off too and I don't have to plan an event for it now??? It's all that travelling around the country and fishing, eh??? No time left to sit down and make major plans and put them into action??? I know the feeling there, hon!!! :o) "Because the CommunitY was once a group of wonderful people, who spent thier time listening to folks problems, and walking them through the bad times.", ect. ect. ect... Bit,,, I don't know where you hang out but many ppl still do the things you say were "once" done by the wonderful ppl in AW... The AW CommunitY is STILL pretty darn wonderful... Flamewars, bickering, snipeing, whether you realize it or not, are often just a "pressure valve"... A way of letting off steam occasionally and then getting back to the business at hand... Anyone that beleieves all they read in the ngs are just not using their own brains... Please don't try to make out that the flames in these particular threads are the reason you won't be getting the Cys organized this year... The story is never quite that simple, hon... :o) Go ahead and announce it formally instead of burying it in another thread... People do deserve to know, formally... *S* Anyway... Enough of the ngs for now... There's other things that need doing.. :o) *HUGS* Daphne PS... I ran across a very telling quote the other day and I want to share it:::: We live in a time in which the ability to create deceptive simulations, especially for television, has become essential to the exercise of power. And the inability to see through these deceptions has become a form of powerlessness. Those who let themselves be taken in by the multiple deceptions of politics, news, advertising and public relations, are doomed, like the more gullible members of the radio audience that listened to "War of the Worlds" in 1938, to play a role in other people's dramas, while mistakenly believing that they are reacting to something genuine. from Dorothy Thompson - New York Tribune [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 29, 2003, 10:15am
Of course you didn't read the whole thread because you feared you might find
a valid explaination in it... Instead you chose to read my initial post wrong in the first place and go from there... You only prove that reading is not your strong point but that jumping to conclusions is... If you want to talk about people that slander then talk to that guy that looks back at you from your mirror and ask him why he does it... Now go back and read the posts if they are still there to d/l and then go play with your bots... I am weary of you thinking that you have all the correct information; which is far from true... [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 29, 2003, 10:17am
Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 29, 2003, 12:33pm
*G* Are you saying that Alex's post wasn't???
I do beg to differ with you if you do... :o) Anyway, like I said back on the 22nd; this has gone on long enough... Here it is the 29th already and that statement is even more true now than it was then... :o) I have better things to do... How about you??? *S* [View Quote] Cy'sAug 29, 2003, 10:38am
Yes. Do read Bit's post then read my response to that post immediately
following it... Their dates are the 25th of this month... [View Quote] awcampSep 3, 2003, 5:06pm
Hello AWCampers... :o)
Apologies to you all for the delay... The person in charge of arranging for the AWCamp prizes go into effect has had 2 real life emergencies in a row that had to be dealt with first... Real life does come first, you know - for all of us... :o) The prizes will be worked on later today or tomorrow so try to be patient just a bit longer... Sincerely yours, Daphne [View Quote] :)Sep 9, 2003, 9:13pm
Funny, but I got an answer as to who it was when I asked HIM... :o)
It was done in fun... We are not dealing with a hacker of any kind here.. :o) [View Quote] This is for you, communitySep 9, 2003, 6:40pm
Bowen won the privilege of adding several objects to the MegaPath as a prize
in last week's AWTrivia Tournament... He's allowing other cits share his prize by making suggestions and/or sending him objects and he will pick the ones he likes the best to go on the MegaPath... Do note that the MegaPath is accessible by all so anything that does go on it cannot be passworded or remain exclusive... Enjoy helping Bowen pick more goodies for us to use!!! *hugs* Daphne [View Quote] Merlin av?Sep 10, 2003, 8:58pm
Rjinswand has or had a nice Merlin avatar several years ago.. I don't
know if he still has it or even if he's willing to part with it... Also, he's a bit hard to get hold of... I rarely see him in AW... Not for the last few months, anyway.. :o) [View Quote] New AWNewbie Website!Sep 16, 2003, 4:11am
Marriage in the AW family!!!Sep 21, 2003, 6:19pm
digigardener and Auntie Galens tied the knot 2 weeks ago at Lake Tahoe, Nevada!!! digigardener is an AW old-timer that many of us have known for years... digigardener, whose real name is Bruce Damer, a leader in the Contact Consortium, was invited to enter Alpha World beta program in August of 1995.... He and a group from the Contact Consortium built an area called Sherwood Forest Towne... It can be found at 105.40N 188.80E 0.00a 180 in Alpha world... Bruce and the Contact Consortium, along with the help of several universities, also created the first educational world in the AW universe... It is called TheU, started in 1996, still on the world list and can be visited... Bruce, a big part of the Contact Consortium and DigitalSpace, is also a mover and shaker of the annual AVATARS Convention which has been held in ActiveWorlds since 1998... In October, Bruce Damer wrote and had published a book on VR communities, called Avatars... Galen is known for her participation as a speaker at several of the Avatars Conventions as well as some work in the Eduverse that ActiveWorlds also supports... Anyway, this is probably more than you wanted to know about digigardener but those that know Bruce and Galen will be as happy for them as I am... :o) *hugs* Daphne copyright violationOct 12, 2003, 7:36pm
Geeze are you ever wrong!!!
Andras has more moral in his little finger than you have in your whole being!!! In fact, he has more than practically anyone has in their whole being!!! [View Quote] copyright violationOct 12, 2003, 7:50pm
Hi, stupid Myztik
If you can bad-mouth Paul then I guess I can bad-mouth you.. :o) I bet you don't even know the man, do you??? Stupid Myztik... [View Quote] copyright violationOct 12, 2003, 7:54pm
Yeah.. nude avatars which, are supposedly against AWI's guidlines, are some
of the avatars you'd find on Heartfall... And let's not forget the torture devices that are probably on the Heartfall server too, for the Gorean's (and other's) use...Everyone get out their bank books and go buy some T&A!!! :o) There you go, Insanity!!! I just helped you sell more web space or avs and objects!!! [View Quote] copyright violationOct 12, 2003, 8:00pm
Go blow your horn to someone that is more likely to believe you than I ever
will be, Insanity.. :o) I do stick up for ppl that have actually shown me that they care about AWI... To me, you show that you don't really care for the spirit of AW since you host worlds like the ones slave owners like to create.. Paul and Andras both help others daily... You are not the only one around that knows how to do good for others... I guess it's the choice of some of the ppl you decide to do good for that I disagree with... [View Quote] copyright violationOct 13, 2003, 12:23pm
Bingo in AmericaNov 19, 2003, 12:22pm
The rattlesnake symbol was first drawn by Benjamin Franklin... After that
it went through a few changes but I would not say it "belonged" to the Navy as the Navy was not formed when the "Don't Tread On Me" motto and rattlesnake device was first used... In addition:::: "The First Navy Jack is similar to the Gadsden flag, but the rattlesnake is uncoiled and it appears on a field of thirteen red-and-white stripes instead of a yellow background. This flag got a big boost in popularity last year when the Secretary of the Navy ordered all U.S. Navy ships to display it for the duration of the War on Terrorism." [View Quote] Bingo in AmericaNov 19, 2003, 12:31pm
Light Form is correct in saying that the rattlesnake was a patriotic symbol
during the time of the American Revolution... In fact, Benjamin Franklin drew the first rattlesnake that was published as a plea for unity in defending the colonies during the French and Indian War. After that there were many variations of the rattlesnake device. The flag design that most ppl know as the one that commands Don't Tread On Me; aka The Gadsden Flag; is not the same one the Navy uses... The popular flag is a coiled snake on a yellow ground where as the Navy Jack is a stretched out snake on a red and white ground, The Navy flag was an adaptation of an already well-known symbol of independance and unity. "The rattlesnake had long been a symbol of resistance to British repressive acts in Colonial America. Its display on the new jack of the fledging Continental Navy fit naturally with the fervor of the times." [View Quote] Another unannounced update?Nov 21, 2003, 11:46am
Here's one for you:::: Question: Why do gentlemen prefer blonds? Answer: Because they're tired of squeezing black heads!!! *G* Have a cool day,,, Daphne [View Quote] Stupid Kid EmailNov 27, 2003, 1:45pm
I don't know who you are, dm mercury, but do you really need to be so
consistently vulgar??? [View Quote] Stupid Kid EmailNov 27, 2003, 1:48pm
Baro, I highly doubt that you got 50 e-mails from Bill that works at AWI...
If you did get an unusual amount of e-mails, saying what you say they say, then it's no doubt from someone that "cloned" Bill's e-mail address... Bill Hoover that works at AWI works hard all day on this program that we use... He deserves praise, not denigration... [View Quote] |