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daphne // User Search

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AW Rating

Feb 15, 2004, 1:08pm
*yawn* This makes the umpteenth rating poll... It's getting pretty

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AW Rating

Feb 16, 2004, 12:17pm
You know, if you bothered to explain how another poll was supposed to help
AW's community then you might have gotten a better reaction from me... "Go
vote" and a URL gave no information why anyone should take the time to add
to another poll... Communication counts...

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AW Rating

Feb 16, 2004, 5:32pm
This reminds me of my efforts about 7 years ago and the stance I took to get
AWI to look at the crap being dished out by the ETLs in the GKs... AWI
finally paid attention after a few months -- and then they put the high and
powerful (she thought), Lucretia Borgia, in control... Nothing good came
of it... She kept the same do-nothing ETLs and put in place some totally
unnecessary rules... She also got rid of anyone she heard of that ever
spoke against the ETLs...

So, no matter what you say or do, it's always the ppl in power that will run
things and color your efforts black... Doesn't matter if they are
"qualified" to run an organization or not... Lucretia Borgia certainly
wasn't qualified to run the GKs... The GKs never became what they were
intended to become when they were first put together... They are still not
any better...

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The Game

Feb 19, 2004, 1:01pm
I am the Game Master... Are you the Key Keeper??? (or what were thoes
two names from Ghostbusters? It's been a while since I've seen it..) *G*

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Feb 23, 2004, 1:10pm
Good luck with your contest, Christelle31... I hope you and everyone has
fun doing it.. :o)

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The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticket

Feb 29, 2004, 1:43pm
Unless you were there, witnessed and documented the whole thing, then please
stop trying to sound like you know exactly how things were done... People
will believe what they choose to believe... We all have our own "light" to

Meanwhile ------- shut up!!! :o)

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The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticket

Mar 2, 2004, 8:15pm
:o) I thought I told you guys to shut up!!! LOL

BTW carl, this shut up and the last one were not personally directed AT you
but if the shoe fits, wear it.. :o)

See you in church!! *G*

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Looking for some reliable help.. :o)

Mar 2, 2004, 8:23pm
We are in need of a reliable citizen or two to run monthly games in AWChekrs
and in AWChess worlds... You must know how the game is played that you
feel you could be responsible for... :o)

Games will be on Saturdays; time not yet written in stone; but the prizes
will come from AWI... (After we get started, perhaps we can get set up to
accept a donation or 3 from modellers that feel generous.. I can't
promise that any advertising signs would be put up in either world but it's
great how word-of-mouth helps build clientele.. :o) )

If you can't commit to being there one Saturday a month and hosting the
game(s) for about 2 hours then you are not the person we are looking for..

Please telegram me inworld or send me an e-mail at
Daphne at my.activeworlds.com if you think you can handle the job....

Thank you, AW citizens..


I'm gonna pop..

Mar 4, 2004, 12:44pm
Sounds like time for another "shut up"... *G*

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I'm gonna pop..

Mar 5, 2004, 1:43am
Beware, catagorizer!!! Those who catagorize also get catagorized!!! LOL

*clicks through winternet (dot) com/~mikelr till I find one that fits
Andras* :o)

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Mar 5, 2004, 1:39am
Welcome back, sexy eyes!!!

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Happy Pats day

Mar 17, 2004, 7:04pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day from a gal whose paternal grandmother's grand
parents came from County Roscommon several generations ago... :o)

Erin go brach!!!

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A day is good, a day is better

Mar 18, 2004, 9:04pm
How about a nice, healthy curse you??? ***G***

I once blessed a priest... Felt like I was definately going to Hades for
that one!! :o)

BTW... Keep the religion out of the ngs... It doesn't belong here...

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Queen Juliana

Mar 21, 2004, 5:55pm
My sympathy to the people of the Netherlands who lost their former queen to
the grim reaper Saturday morning... She was 94 years young and saw to the
reconstruction of the Netherlands after WWII... Former Queen Juliana was
known as "the people's queen" and said to be a very good ruler during her

Mijn diepste sympathie

Starbuild Index Rebuilt~!

Mar 26, 2004, 1:50pm
Creating an index is a good idea for any prolific builders to do.... :o)

[View Quote] <snip>
I encourage fellow prolific builders to construct
> an index so their builds can be enjoyed and shared with everyone, thank
> for your time and please enjoy~! -AW 15443s 15523e 1a-
> -Seiya
> Starbuilder


Apr 3, 2004, 10:24am
Poor Rick gets blamed for everything!!!

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Were is JP?

May 6, 2004, 3:10pm
I haven't seen JP "wandering around AW" but I have seen him logged in... I
often ask him who let him out of his cage... Sometimes I even get an
answer... LOL

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