AW Rating (Community)

AW Rating // Community

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 14, 2004, 2:27pm
Ya'll want to help AW get more people?



Feb 15, 2004, 6:54am
Voted :)
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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 11:28am
Yayyyyyyy ry!
C'mon CommunitY.....get to the polls!....pleeeeease!

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Feb 15, 2004, 1:08pm
*yawn* This makes the umpteenth rating poll... It's getting pretty

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 1:16pm
Then go back to sleep:)

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Feb 15, 2004, 2:32pm
I voted yesterday. To be honest, every little bit helps. It will get a
lot more boring once everyone's friends start leaving AW due to boredom
or price increases (whoops, did that already start to happen?).

I would love to see AWI's advertising/marketing plan (or lack thereof).
It seems to me that they don't even try to advertise, even using free
methods. If they do, please correct me if I'm wrong. Here are just some
free advertising methods:

- Post to guestbooks with a link back to AW
- Add the AW link to the Links section in related Yahoo! Groups
- Make some official AW banner ads or 88x31 buttons and put them on the
AWI site so others can, in turn, put them on their own sites
- Use (free version, not Pro)
- Have an AWI staffer or someone else post to VR related forums and
include a signature file or link to the AW site after each post
- Make a "link swap" page on the AWI site and exchange links with other
VR related sites
- Considering updating the AWI Web site for better search engine

I have plenty more ideas up my sleeves. Now, I know these simple things
won't be bringing in 100k visitors each month, but it certainly wouldn't
hurt. Test what works, and then use what does for future advertising.

Oh, and this might be interesting to take a look at:


[View Quote] > *yawn* This makes the umpteenth rating poll... It's getting pretty
> boring...

alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 3:33pm
Ya just spurred an
What if the community...for the sake of community....formed a group that
would investigate ways to acheive free promo for AW, then made that
information public?
Danged...that would not only show AWI how much we love the program (if we
are willing to sacrifice our time to do promo for AW) but would possibly
assist in lowering prices if we actually made it a prosperous thing!
Some of you will say, "Why do their work for free?"
Well, it's not THIER WORK it's our community.
And just an fyi....that would be one organization that would definately be a
Cy candidate:)
Just my 2 cents worth:)

c p

Feb 15, 2004, 3:42pm
I wouldn't mind doing it, I was talking to e n zo, about a video game tv
station called G4, they have a show called, and they have a NBG(no
budget gamer) section of the show, AW fits the standards for it, and they
get allot of people who watch G4, another thing is posting on forums at game
sites, IGn, Game spot, G4tv, and maybe someone make an ebay page for AW, if
you see where im going like have activeworlds for sale, and just make it so
when they buy it it gets them to the awi download page.
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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 4:29pm
Well heck...go for it!
I would like to be a participant if you get something going:)
You might check with Mountain Myst about getting a world for it also.
A world to put links for folks to vote....links for folks to make comments
in forums...a place for meetings...a place for events to educate folks about
the organization etc.
Good luck and please keep me up to date:)



Feb 15, 2004, 4:48pm
too bad Dale Earnheart Jr isn't a member or some one in AW knows him or
something, or for that matter any NSCAR people, just put a little sticker
with on it. Best would be a painting on the hood of the picture when
you log on a hood of one of the cars
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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 5:32pm
lol...I bet your watching the race right now:)
What did you think of that preshow? Pretty cool eh?:)
Go Earnhardt!!!!!!


Feb 15, 2004, 6:57pm
Even better they should send cits FREE bumper stickers
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Feb 15, 2004, 8:05pm
Personally I think if you want to work towards this you should work to keep
the cits you have here. There are a lot of things wrong in AW and people are
leaving daily, and not just because of the price or the updates. Two of my
friends left today for example. Last week there were two more and the week
before that there was 5. You do the math.

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Feb 15, 2004, 8:12pm
I agree my cit is up in 21 days and not planning on renewing mostly because
burnt out on building but I can still come here as a tourist and that is
what I see allot of former cits doing. I may renew if they open newaw before
my cit expires but very unlikely that will happen.
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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 8:17pm
Well then ...let's all just give up without even trying:)
I have a tendancy to look at the possibilities or reactions to an action on
occassion and was just thinking out loud.
Well...think I'll go find a hole to crawl in and shrivel up and blow
I will be here to the end trying to come up with ideas that will enhance AW
on the net.
You know why?
Cause I believe in AW and most of the people here in the community.
Shoot...getting up on a soapbox
I'm done ranting....for now:)


Feb 15, 2004, 9:25pm
WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! Bittie's the target again. Takes slingshot and shoots
a moldy tomato at her. Dang it!! She's up there too high! LOL ;-"D

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 15, 2004, 11:11pm
Le contrare Le Lioness'e!

I am too far under water for the rock to sting to any great lengths!
hehehehehe........btw....guess what happens the 28th of this month?:)

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tart sugar

Feb 16, 2004, 2:08am
Bit, I love you to death, but we tried and we tried and we tried to change
what is wrong with the GKs. I'm tired of trying. I have no fight left in me.
I'm leaving AW.
AWI doesn't care, and Kellie said as much in an email, so why should we
I was told I single-handedly destroyed the Birthday Builders group after I
stated my opinion about that subject.
So ...... I'm done.

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 16, 2004, 2:51am
Hey Raven:)

Loves ya too Gal!...hugggs:)
Let me be a shoulder for a moment....but then please let me follow as a
First of all.....the GK's are the GK's...The PK's are the PK's...and on
and on.
We as citizen's have the choice of relaxing and enjoying Activeworlds
doing what we love to do, or getting involved in the "politics" and becoming
frustrated, because the system never allows for organizations to please
everyone all the time.
I have personally irritated some folks because I couldn't please them in
regards to the Cys. And yes, I came VERY close to resigning...wait...I did!
I stepped back and asked I REALLY want to give up what I
truly love? Was I REALLY going to let "situations" cause me stress and a
hunger for what fullfills me?
When I felt I had ran into a wall....I rested....rethought things, then
returned and focused on what was truly important to me. The community:)
I couldn't serve the community fighting causes and wearing the cloak of
Don I chose to go back to where I was when things were blissful
and fullfilling for me:)
AWI really does care Raven.
In what I have personally witnessed and heard from others first
hand...they care up the yang yang.
Imagine going to game rooms like msn and yahoo etc.....
Imagine one of the owners of those programs coming into chat and
conversing with the users....nope...aint gonna happen...not now...not in the
past...not never.
Those other sites are definately in it for the money and nothing more.
Take a trip up to Boston some time and experience sitting down with JP
or E N Z O or Calpentera or Stacee. Watch them watch you intentively when
you discuss innovative ideas etc.
As far as destroying the bday builders cant nor can
anyone else destroy something that is good:)
Who ever is telling you that you have needs to have their virtual head
You will find that no matter what you do, someone will find something
wrong with it.
Let's turn that entire ordeal (regarding the bday build posts) into a
positive now shall we?:)
Ok.....things were mentioned and people came to the defense for or
against the issue.
During those posts, people were thanked for doing them.
When in the past were the people who make the bday builds thanked
You opened up a can of worms, but those worms were really catterpillars
that blossomed into butterflies:)
Don't be "done".
Be happy!
What the heck....go out there and help with a bday build's open to all to help ya knows:)
A personal note to all......if you feel something negative about
something in AW...join it...try it...think about it after you have walked in
those shoes...then share your experiences:)
And a final note to will never survive in chat rooms if you
wear your emotions on your sleeve....and always remember that this is text can not see the physical of the person to really know how they
are feeling when they say something to you....ahhhh can't crawl
into someone's brains in IRL even to know what they are thinking.
Good luck all and God bless:)
*thinking I should have written this in the morning, so it would have
been said with fewer*



Feb 16, 2004, 5:33am
hmmm I wonder why that could be SS ;) LOL *wink*


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Feb 16, 2004, 5:41am
Bah! Don't let that bring you down ;) You and SweetSuzie are the winners
in a lot of our eyes especially mine.

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de de

Feb 16, 2004, 9:53am
i will be leaving AW as well

"elyk" <kfoerst at> schreef in bericht
news:40307413$1 at
> Bah! Don't let that bring you down ;) You and SweetSuzie are the
> in a lot of our eyes especially mine.
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Feb 16, 2004, 10:56am
hmmmmmmm....... fastnacht day??? ;-"D

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wizard myrddin

Feb 16, 2004, 12:14pm

Interesting points you raise there, the retention of the existing membership
base is just as important them attracting new membership.

A suggestion could be to ask anyone that is leaving AW membership to
complete a survey to discover the true reasons for this. If you don't know
why people are leaving how can you resolve a situation that has caused this?

Its all well and good listening to the few, but aw is made up from all
divisions of society today and all its membership. As many of AW's
competitors regularly use the newsgroups to see what is happening and the
arguments as to what might be problems within their own products.

But good research is worth many years of guessing and thinking about what
might be wrong. plus good analysis of this data, without it the data is

Share and Enjoy

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Feb 16, 2004, 12:17pm
You know, if you bothered to explain how another poll was supposed to help
AW's community then you might have gotten a better reaction from me... "Go
vote" and a URL gave no information why anyone should take the time to add
to another poll... Communication counts...

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tart sugar

Feb 16, 2004, 12:50pm

I got 3 emails and several grams begging me to stay.
fyi - I had blocked all grams except from 4 close friends. I have unblocked
grams now.

ok ok ok I will stay. What the heck. If only, as one grammer pointed out -
To haunt the ETLs. Let them know I AM HERE.
Their time is up in AW. We will MAKE Rick and JP care.
I thought the GKs were a huge possitive in AW, so I joined it. It turned
into a HUGE negative. We will change that, too.

I totally deleted my Pic Yard on Saturday night. That will give me something
to do. Put it back together.

Tart Sugar
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 16, 2004, 1:13pm

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 16, 2004, 1:26pm
Nooooooooooo....nononononononon.....don't be doin that ok please? (assuming
"taunt" means harrassing).
Raven, please don't retaliate. It gets you nowhere but in a bad situation.
Who ever is suggesting that is as wacky in the brain as the person that
blamed you for ruining bday builds...Lordy!
Don't do what other's suggest, do what your heart tells you to.
Put the past behind you.
If your'e bored, I have a project for you if you like poetry and have some
free time;)
May is what I call "Cy Month".
People will be putting on Cy related events during that month.
You can see open dates at the calendar at
Why not host a poetry reading?
I did it for a "bit" people really enjoyed it.
Anyways, just please don't get into something that is going to give you and
others a huge headache ok?


Feb 16, 2004, 2:29pm
I am of the opinion that the GK's need a good shakeup also....they are wasting AW's time with there pointless power struggles and personal politicking. There is a great need for GateKeepers....good ones....and there is absolutely no need for GK BOSSES(ETL's) to be running the whole group of wonderful volunteers into the ground......enough is enough. Let the volunteers do their work.....AWI needs to care about the group a little more and stop listening to the Power-warped "Leaders".....Time to smell the roses.

Leo :)

ps; Whomever is the liaison to AWI for the GK's that person is not doing their job, because AWI is still supporting the "group" as a whole, so they must not be getting the correct information back to them. There seems to be a huge conflict of interest going on here.

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tart sugar

Feb 16, 2004, 3:24pm
You absolutely right, Leo. PME never told MM that Dark Mistress and I wanted
a team transfer. He lied to Kellie. She can not do her job if she doesn't
have all the facts.
The ETLs are not elected to their positions - they are appointed. That needs
to change.

And I have always said, "Just let me do my job." but the TL I had made that

We will make AWI take a good, hard look at their GK organization and care
what is happening there. It was never our intent to destroy The Gate and
drive away business.

As hard as we are working to make things right again, that is also as hard
as we will work to make The Gate, once again, an enjoyable place to be.

I do not want to turn this thread into a Flame War, so I'll shut up.
For now. heh heh heh <big cheesy grin>

Tart Sugar
btw, my name is Karen
or Raven
or Tartie
Just don't call me late to dinner.

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