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Persuasion of Children

Jun 9, 2003, 9:57pm
where did that come from? o.0


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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 3:20am
yeah, I'm having a difficult time understanding what she is accusing of
happening, before we actually get into whether it is actually happening or
not o.0


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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 9:13pm
is that what The Lady is talking about?


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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 9:14pm
persuasion of children to do what? you are simply saying the persuasion of
children... children need to be persuaded, otherwise they cannot grow or
develop, so what are you talking about?


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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 9:18pm
well, now it's more clear... you wish to cast any blame on a child's rearing
upon everyone. But, it's not everyone's responsibility. I sure as heck
wouldn't want Saddam Husein *spelling* to mentor my child. Or Hitler for
that matter....


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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 24, 2003, 1:27am
hey... I work at KFC :P hehe, but I don't like the boned chicken, I rather
enjoy the chicken strips :P they are sooo good! And getting the twister,
that's good stuff :D


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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 25, 2003, 2:03am
*rubs feet* I just off work, where I was standing and walking around for six
hours, except for a ten minute break o.0


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AW Picture

Jun 23, 2003, 1:18am
*waits for Binary Bud*


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Alpha World request

Jun 28, 2003, 12:48pm
yeah, in awteen, we've only had a few of these cases, to my knowledge. And,
strangely enough, most of them were at or near GZ, where people have land
there. But, they were *easily* taken care of


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Fake Immigration Officer Message???

Jul 15, 2003, 10:12pm
tripple crunch zinger... mmm... Rick and Will, you guys are making me hungry
now! *runs to KFC to get the tripple crunch*


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OneSummer a Hacker?

Jul 22, 2003, 3:39pm
Don't lable it on a world... from what we can tell, it's happening equally


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How To clean the AWToolKit Trojan

Jul 23, 2003, 12:25pm
how long is the eject in awteen for? it is a 5-minute, or longer?


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AW Voting

Aug 5, 2003, 9:14pm
hey Lady :-) you would do to send in a citizen project to AWI, they choose
one each month, and give you the resources you need for it. You could then
start a project called AWDemocracy, where it would be a world based around a
democratic government which would run the world, and the citizens could vote
and everything about what they want, and it could be a large test for how
well Democracy would work in AW. I think you would do well with it :-)


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AW Voting

Aug 6, 2003, 1:28am
dang... for andras to get angry, that takes a lot... but when you get him
angry... you had better run for all you're worth, because there ain't nothin
gonna stop him from doing exactly what he says he is gonna do! *cheers* Go
andras! :D


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AW Voting

Aug 7, 2003, 9:14pm
lol, it clearly states on the page that a single entry is chosen per month,
and that all requests will be filled for future consideration... that's
pretty clear. So, if she requested a world for this, she'd better have
everything mapped out to the pixle.


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AW Meeting

Aug 10, 2003, 12:12am
or maybe she just blocked all of us a long time ago :D


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AW Meeting

Aug 13, 2003, 6:58pm
Yeah, I think the phrase was meant to help reduce confrontation, but too
much of it can create even more confrontation o.0


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AW Meeting

Aug 13, 2003, 6:59pm
Don't hurt me, I'll be good! I swear!


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NG Attornies

Aug 10, 2003, 6:51pm
I like the verb fess, it's funny :-)


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NG Attornies

Aug 10, 2003, 8:27pm
*poses as a citizen*


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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 22, 2003, 1:18am
I, as well as many many others are already investing in the future of AW :-)
we don't need a democracy to invest in the future of AW, there are little
things that we can do every day that keep AW going :-) for instance, like
not starting giant flame wars in the newsgroups :-) or go and try to get
ejected by a PK or GK :-) also, by not cruelly criticizing how AW runs,
constructive criticism is one thing, but many people just flame :-) that
doesn't do much, now does it?


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Error Reporting

Sep 3, 2003, 10:28pm
*talks in a technical voice* Well, when you click the button named "send" it
doesn't actually go to support at activeworlds.com it instead goes through many
other legal, technical, and public relations advisors for the Microsoft
corporation. At such a time when it is read, instead of forwarded on to
someone else who should care more, it is then deleted. In which case, no one
ever knew that your session of AW, the 3D virtual browser, died a horrible
and utterly catastrophic system death. So, in the meantime, what you should
perhaps do, is electronically message Active Worlds Incorporated the
situation of such a crash, and perhaps ask them if something is wrong with
the system that your purchased online, or at some random computer appliance
and technology store. And, they may not reply, but it is a generally known
fact that if such an event occurs, your computer is old and obsolete, and
you should simply go and pay 13,000 USD for a computer which is top of the
line, but will be obsolete next week, and go through the same routine next
week as you have this week. *ends technical voice*

LOL if that made any sense to anyone, I will be utterly amazed :D it was
mostly just... well... telling you to e-mail AWI instead of clicking send :D


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Sep 10, 2003, 1:08am
*throws a penny in the pot*


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Several small things

Oct 14, 2003, 10:02pm
enzo definately isn't joking, and I can feel his pain...


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Something's not right!

Oct 31, 2003, 1:35am
float is determined by how your fps is doing, and AW puts it into some
equasion and thereby determines the exact nature of your float :-) to see
exactly how far you are seeing, then press F12, it will give you an exact
reading :-)

However, sometimes, if your world settings are set wrong, it can cause you
experience the d/l ing you are talking about, particularly the Object
Refresh. If it is 0, then everytime you view the object again, it will
redownload :-)

Does that help any?


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Something's not right!

Nov 2, 2003, 6:32pm
LOL I don't let my cache get that big, I've found that if the cache gets too
big, or if I am running out of space on my drive, AW goes *kaboom* quite
often. So, Lady Nighthawk, maybe look into that too, see how much space you
have left on your hard drive, as you run out of space, AW can do a lot of
weird stuff


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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 11:27am
yeah, not to mention, any of us are free at any time to leave AW, if we do
not like it, then we are not bound here like slaves... I appreciate all that
AWI does for us, so saying they suck is not only a direct insult to them,
but to the community here as well...


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For those who cared A!!CT and MrBruce bid you fairwell!

Nov 15, 2003, 6:27pm
how many times have I read posts like this about A!!CT?


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Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 6:37pm
I don't really want to know about this, as I am assuming at least half of
AW's population doesn't either :-) so maybe this would have worked better as
a private e-mail?


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Message to TENGEL

Nov 17, 2003, 10:24pm
even so, it could be that he has been away from his computer this entire
time, and hasn't checked his messages or read the newsgroups, if he hasn't
read his e-mail, odds are that he hasn't read the ng's either. In which
case, by the time he does read them, there will probably be so many messages
that he'll blanket mark them all read and not read them, including ng
messages... so really, it's best to not post this sort of thing on here in
either case. And, generally, if you are having someone host your world,
especially if it needs to be up all the time, and is fairly important to
you, not just a little private world, but one that a lot of people depend
on, I would generally ask for a way to get ahold of him in RL, in case, say,
his computer dies, or his ISP is cut off for a prolonged period of time and
he cannt get to a computer. You could have made regular terrain, object, and
world setting propdumps regularly while the worlds were still up, and that
would have prevented all this :-) Grant it, if he has read your messages, it
would be polite to respond to them, but who knows? I don't know what his
situation is, and I suppose neither do many other people, but one thing we
should probably do, is not blast his unknown situation all over the worlds,
because we don't know it :-)

So, in essence, a situation like this is preventable at best, and at worst,
shouldn't be posted for everyone to look at, since it has absolutely nothing
to do with the general AW public, and only has to do with your own private


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