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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 1:15pm
Where exactly are you getting this information anyways?


[View Quote] > What rating would you suggest, Mr. Ferruccio?
> Legion
> Secretary,
> A.W. Department of Commerce
[View Quote]

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Interesting discovery....

Sep 20, 2004, 3:09pm
you can essentially do the same thing with the rotate command, given that
the axis is positioned correctly :-)


[View Quote] > I was visiting some of the old worlds, and I came to Test80 world, which
> used to be a place where they tested the AW 3.1. There, I was just
> clicking
> around until I finally encountered a shocking discovery (think talboid!)
> in
> one of the object's action field:
> create orbit 20 0 0 distance=5
> Interesting concept. :) But I guess they no longer used it perhaps
> because
> it failed to pass a test? No idea but that old useless action command
> from
> 3.1 beta or alpha sure sounds appealing to me. :) Now I will have to get
> another lunch because I'm hungry again due to mentioning of "appealing"!
> =P

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Interesting discovery....

Sep 28, 2004, 11:41am
you could do that easily inside the rwx if you wanted to...


[View Quote] [View Quote]

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AlphaWorld GZ Gamebot

Sep 22, 2004, 11:13pm
I agree o.0 Rick is the CEO, not president (I'm pretty sure o.0) :P


[View Quote] [View Quote]

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new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 24, 2004, 2:54pm
Don't go into AW without a cache o.0 just got approximately 500 object
errors... all reason 1503, which I could not find in either the sdk reason
database, or on any of the help pages...


On 23 Sep 2004 00:48:50 -0400, alexthemartian <alexthemartian at gmail.com>
[View Quote] > someone please explian why only 6 trees work.. and the rest:
> (this is from the object yard mentioned in the AWNews article.. and i
> open
> them in my browser i get 404)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16flr2.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16doora.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16flr5.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16flr4.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16flr1.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16door.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16flr3.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16mdoor.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16crv4.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16crv1.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16crv3.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/pp16crv2.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbtree010.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbtree006.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbtree004.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbtree002.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbpictglobeh.zip (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbpictglobe.zip (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbpictglobe2.zip (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbpictglobe3.zip (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv15.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv2w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv2.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv05w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov5.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov5w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv1w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv15w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv1.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/stv05.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/tbpictglobe1.zip (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov10w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov10.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning unable to download
> objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov14w.zip
> (file not found)
> Warning unable to download objects.activeworlds.com/aw/models/awmov14.zip
> (file not found)

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 24, 2004, 12:08am
Lol, Rick doesn't owe us any explanations... we are paying him money, if
we don't like what he does, or what happens, we stop paying him money,
simple as that :-) What I've said, is that if you don't like what's
happening, do something about it. Casting blame on the CEO of the company
is a very easy thing to do, but let's face it, few people actually work to
make AW a better place (awesome job to those who are!), what I suggest, is
that you go out and start a citizen project or two :-) not something that
is newgroup oriented, or where you have to address Rick, because when you
do that, I'm noticing a certain lack of... shall we say... tact.. but why
not get involved in one of the community organizations? they need all the
help they can get :-) do something to make this place better, hehe. And
once you start doing that, you'll see that you can count the good things
that have happened in here much more than you can count the bad things :-)


[View Quote] > 1.) Alphaworld object path closed to public.
> 2.) Alphaworld's new objects removed.
> 3.) Alphaworld Games Bots removed.
> 4.) Alphaworld went down for brief time.
> 5.) Customs Aide vanished for a few hours.
> 6.) Price hikes back in 2002 (Worlds and Citizens)
> 7.) AWSales world vandalized.
> 8.) Various worlds either abandoned or dead.
> 9.) Lack of business contracts lately.
> 10.) Ejection by Customs Aide of the folks mentioning certain urls of the
> AW's competitors.
> 11.) Allegations of Gatekeeper abuse scandal (Actually I wasn't able to
> strongly confirm it but it appeared more and more abuses were alleged.
> Again, I wasn't able to confirm it).
> 12.) M A T T situation
> 13.) Decline of various community organizations such as Alphaworld
> Historical Society (An impression made on myself after my request for
> OneSummer to keep me informed of AWHS goings-on have resulted in no
> updates,
> from her anyway) and others. Universal Town Network closed up. Active
> Worlds
> Community Register (AWComReg) and Active Worlds Info Square (AWInfo)
> closed
> up.
> 14.) Certain major towns and villages such as Pink Village no longer
> operates after their long-time existance.
> 15.) Beta newsgroup closed to public reading, thereby cutting off access
> to
> beta information. http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw40/ cutting off
> access
> to beta information. All attempts to stonewall attempts to gain
> information
> about next version was made.
> 16.) Numbers of worlds/users is indeterminate in terms of its decline or
> growth (recovery). Various conflicting accounts suggests growth
> (recovery)
> or decline.
> 17.) Numbers of well-known worlds such as Discover by Hal 9000 and
> Varnia by
> Lord Chadd and others are no longer existed.
> 18.) Partnership between Activeworlds Inc. (then as part of Activeworlds
> Corporation) and Juno failed to generate significant revenues (among the
> strong factors in failing to generate interests among Juno users are
> lack of
> powerful features that came too late and et cetera). Caligari
> Corporation no
> longer has a valid partnership with Activeworlds Inc., as the
> Activeworlds
> Inc. is still offering Truespace 4 on its website, whereas Caligari
> Corporation is currently offering Truespace 6. Criterion Software Limited
> (CSL) did not mention any partnership with Activeworlds Inc. on its
> partners
> page.
> That's all I can think of. Mr. President, you may take opportunities to
> provide any rebuttal for it, or even better, to offer an explanation for
> latest events. Besides, press releases on the website of Activeworlds
> Inc.
> has been outdated and no September newsletter has been released. We would
> like an explanation. I do not want to get in trouble with Activeworlds
> Inc.
> as Eep did but rather to ask for explanation and to show a growing
> concerns
> for our beloved Active Worlds universe. Let's have all reasons.

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 24, 2004, 2:47pm
So then open a world and give everyone free advertising there :-)


[View Quote] > So far there has been no free advertising since the AWInfo, AWCOMReg, and
> UTN vanished, although SW City did get free advertising on GZ and
> Immigration Officer during a birthday bash without even paying for it,
> whereas Phin County and Horizon City still have to pay for it if they
> want
> to advertise themselves. Hmm....

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 24, 2004, 3:11pm
lol, no, definately didn't write it to you :-)


[View Quote] > I don't know if you wrote this to me.....If so this is a prove that you
> don't
> know what i do for the AW Community. Im an old citizen in AW and i
> loveeeee to
> build and help ppl when i can. But when they close a world without even
> tell
> you why.....and you have a lot to do with it.....its like this nose up
> attitude......and this will not help the program grow. I hope you can
> understand what i am trying to say.(sorry about the broken english).
[View Quote]

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 25, 2004, 1:34am
Uh, no I'm not... Vera is an awesome member of this community, and I've
seen that, so why on earth would I have the audacity to write that to her?


[View Quote] > In other words, jstone2004 meant to aim at you but missed by hitting me.
> ;)
> He's actually writing to you, Vera. =P

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 25, 2004, 1:41am
yeah, I think he runs AWRaido


[View Quote] > he still around?
[View Quote]

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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 25, 2004, 10:46am
*does a double take* nope, I spelled member right, hehe, wrote that at
about 2:30 in the morning this morning, was up 'til 4 studying for my
economics test today :-) So if I had mistyped, lol, it wouldn't suprise me


[View Quote] > What on earth?
> I just read that as "Vera is an awesome number"
> John
[View Quote]

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Alpha World OP is gone

Sep 27, 2004, 11:33am
Weird part about it, is that some of the stuff I can pull up via the web,
like http://objects.activeworlds.com/aw/textures/rock2.jpg, so I don't
think it's completely down... but something is definately screwy, has
anyone called them yet?


On 26 Sep 2004 09:11:50 -0400, strike rapier
[View Quote] > Thats correct according to my quick scan.
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/aw/
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/mars/
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/awgate3/
> http://objects.activeworlds.com/newbuild/
> All down, zero zero reply.
> - MR
[View Quote]

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Sep 26, 2004, 9:36pm
LOL that is the most absurd thing I have heard anyone say for some time...
if you believe they deleted the OP on purpose, then wow... what sort of
logic are they teaching you at school?


[View Quote] > Yes, they obviously deleted the AlphaWorld OP on purpose. They decided
> to do it at their last staff meeting. I think it was a very sound
> business decision, actually, no matter what you think. So there.
[View Quote]

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While I'm on the soapbox...

Oct 26, 2004, 11:03am
aint that right! those were the days!


On 23 Oct 2004 07:48:28 -0400, strike rapier
[View Quote] > Mel = Mousty
> Ahhh for the old days of AWTeen where we all used eachothers real names
> :O
> - MR
[View Quote]

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Video streaming on linux

Oct 26, 2004, 11:07am
www.aletia.com I believe has quicktime video steaming in it's
capeabilities... might wanna check into it :-)


[View Quote] > well, anyone know a good webhosting search engine?
> -SWE
[View Quote]

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litle info

Nov 1, 2004, 3:01pm
You could try just not putting them all in there in the first place? *grin*


[View Quote] > Demo of a software that reduces polygons in objects.
[View Quote]

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JunoDome is back?

Nov 12, 2004, 1:10pm
Technically, the world (as per nearly all commercial worlds of that
nature) was on AW's server... so AW can technically do whatever they
please with it :-)


On 5 Nov 2004 11:30:23 -0400, lady nighthawk <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com>
[View Quote] > Was just wondering if it's *legal* to run a world that was once owned
> (presumably) by another company? If Juno owned the world then unless they
> have permission from Juno they shouldn't be running it ... I can only
> assume
> they do have permission or perhaps have restarted their partnership? Who
> knows, maybe AW owns all worlds and has full rights to all worlds? Just
> wondering...
> Thanks for the clarification.

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