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Message to TENGEL

Nov 17, 2003, 10:25pm
3 weeks doesn't equal 30 days or one month o.0, or maybe I'm just that bad
at math


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Rate Active Worlds (the universe we are in now and the software we use) on a scale 1-100. (100 is best)

Nov 18, 2003, 12:04am
*sigh* so many accusations! Why don't we all just simmer down, and then sit
back and have a nice jug of mind rot from the Kao'an Tavern! It will help us
all relax :-) *chuckles and wonders who got the joke*


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Rate Active Worlds (the universe we are in now and the software we use) on a scale 1-100. (100 is best)

Nov 18, 2003, 2:29am
I give it a 95% overall, I enjoy it, though it is a bit high priced, I've
never had too much of a problem getting the money over to them, I love the
service, the graphics, the works :-) Good job, AWI!


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Nov 22, 2003, 11:00pm
how does msn messenger have anything to do with AW? o.0 *looks suspiciously
at ssl* you haven't been giving your e-mail address out to just anyone, have


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Nov 25, 2003, 12:04am
search for a .exe file named Gator.exe, GameChannel.exe, or Save.exe, they
are all a very annoying program which sounds like what you described :P oh,
and if you have morpheus or Kazaa up, they will send popups too :P


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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 22, 2003, 10:59pm
not all of AW is dying, there are a few words out there still flourishing,
and not only that *gasps* Growing!


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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 25, 2003, 12:02am
lol, I hate to break it to you guys :-) but I would pay even more than I do
now if I had to in order to continue here, I love this place, and love all
the work that I've put into it, and I cannot measure that work in the money
involved. To me, it is simply an investment :-) and like I said, not every
world is dying, there are many who are growing and flourishing!


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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 25, 2003, 11:16am
LOL space and user limits do not define whether a world grows or dies,
succeeds or fails... it's the people who run it, it's the life of the
community within it... none of that can be stimulated by AWI :-) As for AWI
owned worlds, there are quite a few of those declining as well :-)


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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 27, 2003, 10:56pm
lol, ain't dat the truth... if she thinks that's terrorism, then wow...
wow... wow...


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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 27, 2003, 9:57pm
overall, I've noticed that Stefan has more wit than that other person... and
more experience...


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A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 28, 2003, 2:04pm
wow, for a community icon, you sure do have a foul mouth...


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A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 29, 2003, 2:35am
Language gets my attention and does the complete opposite of what you are
intending it to... if you don't like AW that much, cancel your accounts :-)
you are the one shelling out money, and no one is making you. It's the right
of the consumer to choose not to purchase something :-)


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A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 29, 2003, 2:39am
I'm glad you are 44, Mr Bruce, and congratulations on making it thusfar into
life without multiple nervous breakdowns :-) here is a quote which may help

"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that
one's work is terribly important." ---Bertrand Russell

Dont' have a nervous breakdown :-) AW is here for us to enjoy and have
fun... now I know it's not perfect, but don't get so uptight about it that
you just go balistic. Like I said before, if you aren't having fun here in
AW, then don't do it :-) don't "waste" another penny here if it's not
sustaining you. Sure you've spent a lot here so far, and you have succeeded
in making a fairly large community. So in that, I would say that your
investment was well worth it, but if it's no longer worth it, then don't
invest any more :-) simple as that!


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Nov 30, 2003, 11:28am
it is possible to fake an IP addy rather easily, that's how most of the
known hackers in the world haven't been put in jail yet :-) however, in this
case, it is rather odd, I do admit...


[View Quote] > more
> me
> over
> get
> this
> mayor.
> do
> whole
> AW
> people
> I
> :D
> leave


Dec 1, 2003, 1:29am
I suggest firstly calling up AWI and talking with them abnut it, they can
help more than anyone else can, and secondly, finding a recent world backup


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Dec 1, 2003, 11:08am
there never is a reason... in either case, I would also suggest that you
remove eminent domain and eject rights from everyone but the caretakers,
that will also help lower the risk level... whomever has eminent domain can
wipe the world easily, and whomever has eject can keep the CT's out if they
wanted to...


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Dec 1, 2003, 1:28am
precisely, it's said that a good writer can sway the crowd no matter what
their feelings on a matter are, now a lot of people who aren't good writers
can sway the crowd, but the fact of the matter is that it is all in how you
present yourself :-)


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*Goes to sleep*

Dec 1, 2003, 1:56am
Meanwhile, while the worlds are comming to an end, J peacefully goes to
sleep as the NyQuill goes to work on his worn out system tired from singing
all day... All the while thinking about all the wonderful things that can
happen in a single day unrelated to anything online, and how easy it is to
forget them...

"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that
one's work is terribly important." ---Bertrand Russell

need a list please

Dec 4, 2003, 1:34am
really, most of the stuff ENZO deleted was because of the excessive
swearing... to which most people are being pretty offended by... so I don't
think it was necessarily the topic itself, just once again, the way it was
being presented :-)


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Thank you E N Z O :)

Dec 4, 2003, 1:33am
omg, ENZO, I love you man! *gives ENZO a big hug*


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New Version Update

Dec 5, 2003, 11:21am
they aren't able to :P otherwise they'd be kicked out of the alpha program,
LOL so we'll just have to wait for a bit :D


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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 14, 2004, 11:51am
Demeter responds to the placing of a certain object in order to edit the
terrain height accordingly, LNH, awteen runs demeter, if I'm not mistaken.
It's a very powerful tool, but in AW, I think it would get to be a little
bit hairy, not just because of the size, but how much of the world already
has objects covering it... I also know that when awteen is buy, demeter
can get a bit laggy, and AWTeen isn't nearly the size of AW in land size,
and often times not nearly in citizen amount either...


[View Quote] > Not with Demeter bot.
> Weizer
> "lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message de
> news:4145e4ad at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> much

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 14, 2004, 10:57pm
lol, it always is during the summer :-) but then it fades once the school
year gets in full swing...


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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 15, 2004, 1:22pm
You do know that many of the objects used in the normal AW path were
created by citizens, right? I am beginning to learn how to mess around
with rwx's, and when I was looking through the path, there were quite a
few names in the rwx denoting who made them, and there were definately not
AWI citizens :-)

"They don't use it directly in worlds such as worlds designed for
corporations or others."

And I am willing to bet the reason they don't use things their citizens
create for their own sales, is because that would be making money off of
someone else's work who is not getting paid... a very sticky legal
situation :-)

As for them not using it in AW, Alpha World in recent history has been
known to be a basic building world, without a lot of the options allowed
for other worlds. If you want to use demeter, then why not build in
awteen? :-)I believe they have all the objects and avatars used in AW, and
it would be easy to bot your build over if you found the space...


[View Quote] > Um, I doubt AWI ever used any products written or created by regular AW
> citizens other than its own employee. I don't recall them using ImaBots
> either, for example. Most of the bots I have seen being used by AWI were
> from HamFon, a former employee of AWI (AWC then). Yes, I know, AWI did
> approve the Demeter for AWTeen but that's all they did. They don't use it
> directly in worlds such as worlds designed for corporations or others.
> Neither do they use it in Alphaworld, whose does not have a caretaker but
> rather AWI, a difference from AWTeen.

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 20, 2004, 3:12pm
Lol, awteen may be small... but if you refuse to build there for those
reasons, then why complain about not having terrain? The feature is
offered other places, so then the decision is yours as to where to build
:-)AWI is not bound to serve your comfortability to the last dot :-)


[View Quote] > But AWTeen is SMALL--! And plus they don't have same environment as
> Alphaworld does, the very green land with nice background (old but nice)
> and
> etc. Many folks prefer simple Alphaworld atmosphere along with
> expansiveness
> of the world. In comparsion to other worlds, the range of difference
> between
> Alphaworld and second largest world in the Active Worlds in terms of
> distance or size is bound to be huge, so huge that you can't believe it.

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 20, 2004, 3:19pm
Not to mention that the only news source that AWI has any power over is
the newsletter... and I doubt that will be going to voice any time soon,
all the rest are run by citizens, and therefore, they can do what they
feel is best :-) so seeking any official assurance won't do a whole lot of

Another tip, like SWE said, don't complain about it until you are at least
sure that it's there and it's out :-) they have not so much as released
any official statements about future releases of the browser that I know
of, so most likely, you are hearing this through the grape vine, not a
very reliable source, speaking of news sources :-) so instead of getting
hysterical about it, just relax :-) if you really feel strongly about it,
write an e-mail and send it to support at activeworlds.com, and I am sure
they'd rather settle it privately with you than publically on the
newsgroups :-)


[View Quote] > lol ya, like strike said, legion, don't take this in the wrong way, but
> you
> don't really have any offical power over the news stations or whatever.
> this
> ISN'T a democracy, they made it, they will do whatever the hell they
> want,
> and no one can do anything bout it. what you could do, instead of trying
> to
> demand it, is nicely ask for it, but it's too early for that, no voice
> chat
> yet.
> -SWE
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Active Terraform Open!

Sep 13, 2004, 1:50pm
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that Active Terraform, in the world jsplace,
is now open. Active Terraform is a company which provides world-related
services. At the present, we have custom terrain options, where we will
design a beautiful terrain set for you, as well as OP optimization and
backup services! If you'd like to find out more about us, just go to
http://terraform.jlife.net, or e-mail terraform at jlife.net. Thanks!

- J

Active Terraform Open!

Sep 13, 2004, 6:58pm
Flatten as in reset the terrain to it's origional state, or flatten as in
create flat terrain at higher or lower the normal height? Flattening to
reset the terrain to it's origional height is something that xelagot can
do, and it would be absurd for me to charge you for it :-)


[View Quote] > Do you flatten terrain?
> John
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Active Terraform Open!

Sep 14, 2004, 11:48am
You can visit our web site http://terraform.jlife.net for pricing options
and solutions :-) but the smallest solutions we offer are approximately
the size of a p-60, because terrain is not limited to the world size :-)


[View Quote] > How much would it cost for you to turn this vast 10x10 flat terrain I
> have
> into a giant terrain spike?
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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 3:08pm
Similar to the states that we have in the US in the respect that there are
some things that those governments can decide, and others that are decided
by the entire UK government :-)


[View Quote] > Actually, Britian is the name of the island. You're thinking of the
> United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
> Every country in Britain would be England, Scotland and Wales. Each of
> the countries DO have their own government that can make some decisions,
> but there is also the government of the United Kingdom.
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